123,212 research outputs found

    Privacy-enhancing Aggregation of Internet of Things Data via Sensors Grouping

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    Big data collection practices using Internet of Things (IoT) pervasive technologies are often privacy-intrusive and result in surveillance, profiling, and discriminatory actions over citizens that in turn undermine the participation of citizens to the development of sustainable smart cities. Nevertheless, real-time data analytics and aggregate information from IoT devices open up tremendous opportunities for managing smart city infrastructures. The privacy-enhancing aggregation of distributed sensor data, such as residential energy consumption or traffic information, is the research focus of this paper. Citizens have the option to choose their privacy level by reducing the quality of the shared data at a cost of a lower accuracy in data analytics services. A baseline scenario is considered in which IoT sensor data are shared directly with an untrustworthy central aggregator. A grouping mechanism is introduced that improves privacy by sharing data aggregated first at a group level compared as opposed to sharing data directly to the central aggregator. Group-level aggregation obfuscates sensor data of individuals, in a similar fashion as differential privacy and homomorphic encryption schemes, thus inference of privacy-sensitive information from single sensors becomes computationally harder compared to the baseline scenario. The proposed system is evaluated using real-world data from two smart city pilot projects. Privacy under grouping increases, while preserving the accuracy of the baseline scenario. Intra-group influences of privacy by one group member on the other ones are measured and fairness on privacy is found to be maximized between group members with similar privacy choices. Several grouping strategies are compared. Grouping by proximity of privacy choices provides the highest privacy gains. The implications of the strategy on the design of incentives mechanisms are discussed

    Evolution of Complexity in Out-of-Equilibrium Systems by Time-Resolved or Space-Resolved Synchrotron Radiation Techniques

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    Out-of-equilibrium phenomena are attracting high interest in physics, materials science, chemistry and life sciences. In this state, the study of structural fluctuations at different length scales in time and space are necessary to achieve significant advances in the understanding of structure-functionality relationship. The visualization of patterns arising from spatiotemporal fluctuations is nowadays possible thanks to new advances in X-ray instrumentation development that combine high resolution both in space and in time. We present novel experimental approaches using high brilliance synchrotron radiation sources, fast detectors and focusing optics, joint with advanced data analysis based on automated statistical, mathematical and imaging processing tools. This approach has been used to investigate structural fluctuations in out-of-equilibrium systems in the novel field of inhomogeneous quantum complex matter at the crossing point of technology, physics and biology. In particular, we discuss how nanoscale complexity controls the emergence of high temperature superconductivity (HTS), myelin functionality and formation of hybrid organic-inorganic nanostructures. The emergent complex geometries, opening novel venues to quantum technology and to development of quantum physics of living systems, are discussedComment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    Emerging privacy challenges and approaches in CAV systems

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    The growth of Internet-connected devices, Internet-enabled services and Internet of Things systems continues at a rapid pace, and their application to transport systems is heralded as game-changing. Numerous developing CAV (Connected and Autonomous Vehicle) functions, such as traffic planning, optimisation, management, safety-critical and cooperative autonomous driving applications, rely on data from various sources. The efficacy of these functions is highly dependent on the dimensionality, amount and accuracy of the data being shared. It holds, in general, that the greater the amount of data available, the greater the efficacy of the function. However, much of this data is privacy-sensitive, including personal, commercial and research data. Location data and its correlation with identity and temporal data can help infer other personal information, such as home/work locations, age, job, behavioural features, habits, social relationships. This work categorises the emerging privacy challenges and solutions for CAV systems and identifies the knowledge gap for future research, which will minimise and mitigate privacy concerns without hampering the efficacy of the functions
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