530 research outputs found

    Segment Routing: a Comprehensive Survey of Research Activities, Standardization Efforts and Implementation Results

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    Fixed and mobile telecom operators, enterprise network operators and cloud providers strive to face the challenging demands coming from the evolution of IP networks (e.g. huge bandwidth requirements, integration of billions of devices and millions of services in the cloud). Proposed in the early 2010s, Segment Routing (SR) architecture helps face these challenging demands, and it is currently being adopted and deployed. SR architecture is based on the concept of source routing and has interesting scalability properties, as it dramatically reduces the amount of state information to be configured in the core nodes to support complex services. SR architecture was first implemented with the MPLS dataplane and then, quite recently, with the IPv6 dataplane (SRv6). IPv6 SR architecture (SRv6) has been extended from the simple steering of packets across nodes to a general network programming approach, making it very suitable for use cases such as Service Function Chaining and Network Function Virtualization. In this paper we present a tutorial and a comprehensive survey on SR technology, analyzing standardization efforts, patents, research activities and implementation results. We start with an introduction on the motivations for Segment Routing and an overview of its evolution and standardization. Then, we provide a tutorial on Segment Routing technology, with a focus on the novel SRv6 solution. We discuss the standardization efforts and the patents providing details on the most important documents and mentioning other ongoing activities. We then thoroughly analyze research activities according to a taxonomy. We have identified 8 main categories during our analysis of the current state of play: Monitoring, Traffic Engineering, Failure Recovery, Centrally Controlled Architectures, Path Encoding, Network Programming, Performance Evaluation and Miscellaneous...Comment: SUBMITTED TO IEEE COMMUNICATIONS SURVEYS & TUTORIAL

    Ethernet - a survey on its fields of application

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    During the last decades, Ethernet progressively became the most widely used local area networking (LAN) technology. Apart from LAN installations, Ethernet became also attractive for many other fields of application, ranging from industry to avionics, telecommunication, and multimedia. The expanded application of this technology is mainly due to its significant assets like reduced cost, backward-compatibility, flexibility, and expandability. However, this new trend raises some problems concerning the services of the protocol and the requirements for each application. Therefore, specific adaptations prove essential to integrate this communication technology in each field of application. Our primary objective is to show how Ethernet has been enhanced to comply with the specific requirements of several application fields, particularly in transport, embedded and multimedia contexts. The paper first describes the common Ethernet LAN technology and highlights its main features. It reviews the most important specific Ethernet versions with respect to each application field’s requirements. Finally, we compare these different fields of application and we particularly focus on the fundamental concepts and the quality of service capabilities of each proposal

    Teleprotection signalling over an IP/MPLS network

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    Protection of electricity networks have developed to incorporate communications, referred to as protection signalling. Due to the evolution of the electricity supply system, there are many developments pending within the scope of protection signalling and protection engineering in general. This project investigates the use of current and emerging communications technologies (i.e. packetised networks) being applied and incorporated into current protection signalling schemes and technologies. The purpose of the project is to provide a more cost-effective solution to protection schemes running obsolescent hardware. While the medium-term goal of the industry is to move entirely to IEC 61850 communications, legacy teleprotection relays using non-IP communications will still exist for many years to come. For companies to be ready for an IEC 61850 rollout a fully deployed IP/MPLS network will be necessary and it can be seen that various companies worldwide are readying themselves in this way. However, in the short-term for these companies, this means maintaining their existing TDM network (which runs current teleprotection schemes) and IP/MPLS network. This is a costly business outcome that can be minimised with the migration of services from and decommissioning of TDM networks. Network channel testing was the primary testing focus of the project. The testing proved that teleprotection traffic with correct QoS markings assured the system met latency and stability requirements. Furthermore, MPLS resiliency features (secondary LSPs & Fast-reroute) were tested and proved automatic path failover was possible under fault conditions at sub-30ms speeds

    Hybrid IP/SDN networking: open implementation and experiment management tools

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    The introduction of SDN in large-scale IP provider networks is still an open issue and different solutions have been suggested so far. In this paper we propose a hybrid approach that allows the coexistence of traditional IP routing with SDN based forwarding within the same provider domain. The solution is called OSHI - Open Source Hybrid IP/SDN networking as we have fully implemented it combining and extending Open Source software. We discuss the OSHI system architecture and the design and implementation of advanced services like Pseudo Wires and Virtual Switches. In addition, we describe a set of Open Source management tools for the emulation of the proposed solution using either the Mininet emulator or distributed physical testbeds. We refer to this suite of tools as Mantoo (Management tools). Mantoo includes an extensible web-based graphical topology designer, which provides different layered network "views" (e.g. from physical links to service relationships among nodes). The suite can validate an input topology, automatically deploy it over a Mininet emulator or a distributed SDN testbed and allows access to emulated nodes by opening consoles in the web GUI. Mantoo provides also tools to evaluate the performance of the deployed nodes.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Transaction of Network and Service Management - December 2015 http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TNSM.2015.250762

    Implementation and Provisioning of Federated Networks in Hybrid Clouds (pre-print)

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    Federated cloud networking is needed to allow the seamless and efficient interconnection of resources distributed among different clouds. This work introduces a new cloud network federation framework for the automatic provision of Layer 2 (L2) and layer 3 (L3) virtual networks to interconnect geographically distributed cloud infrastructures in a hybrid cloud scenario. After a revision of existing encapsulation technologies to implement L2 and L3 overlay networks, the paper analyzes the main topologies that can be used to construct federated network overlays within hybrid clouds. In order to demonstrate the proposed solution and compare the different topologies, the article shows a proof-of-concept of a real federated network deployment in a hybrid cloud, which spans a local private cloud, managed with OpenNebula, and two public clouds, two different regions of mazon EC2. Results show that L2 and L3 overlay connectivity can be achieved with a minimal bandwidth overhead, lower than 10%

    Path computation in multi-layer networks: Complexity and algorithms

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    Carrier-grade networks comprise several layers where different protocols coexist. Nowadays, most of these networks have different control planes to manage routing on different layers, leading to a suboptimal use of the network resources and additional operational costs. However, some routers are able to encapsulate, decapsulate and convert protocols and act as a liaison between these layers. A unified control plane would be useful to optimize the use of the network resources and automate the routing configurations. Software-Defined Networking (SDN) based architectures, such as OpenFlow, offer a chance to design such a control plane. One of the most important problems to deal with in this design is the path computation process. Classical path computation algorithms cannot resolve the problem as they do not take into account encapsulations and conversions of protocols. In this paper, we propose algorithms to solve this problem and study several cases: Path computation without bandwidth constraint, under bandwidth constraint and under other Quality of Service constraints. We study the complexity and the scalability of our algorithms and evaluate their performances on real topologies. The results show that they outperform the previous ones proposed in the literature.Comment: IEEE INFOCOM 2016, Apr 2016, San Francisco, United States. To be published in IEEE INFOCOM 2016, \<http://infocom2016.ieee-infocom.org/\&g

    Performance evaluation of HIP-based network security solutions

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    Abstract. Host Identity Protocol (HIP) is a networking technology that systematically separates the identifier and locator roles of IP addresses and introduces a Host Identity (HI) name space based on a public key security infrastructure. This modification offers a series of benefits such as mobility, multi-homing, end-to-end security, signaling, control/data plane separation, firewall security, e.t.c. Although HIP has not yet been sufficiently applied in mainstream communication networks, industry experts foresee its potential as an integral part of next generation networks. HIP can be used in various HIP-aware applications as well as in traditional IP-address-based applications and networking technologies, taking middle boxes into account. One of such applications is in Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS), VPLS is a widely used method of providing Ethernet-based Virtual Private Network that supports the connection of geographically separated sites into a single bridged domain over an IP/MPLS network. The popularity of VPLS among commercial and defense organizations underscores the need for robust security features to protect both data and control information. After investigating the different approaches to HIP, a real world testbed is implemented. Two experiment scenarios were evaluated, one is performed on two open source Linux-based HIP implementations (HIPL and OpenHIP) and the other on two sets of enterprise equipment from two different companies (Tempered Networks and Byres Security). To account for a heterogeneous mix of network types, the Open source HIP implementations were evaluated on different network environments, namely Local Area Network (LAN), Wireless LAN (WLAN), and Wide Area Network (WAN). Each scenario is tested and evaluated for performance in terms of throughput, latency, and jitter. The measurement results confirmed the assumption that no single solution is optimal in all considered aspects and scenarios. For instance, in the open source implementations, the performance penalty of security on TCP throughput for WLAN scenario is less in HIPL than in OpenHIP, while for WAN scenario the reverse is the case. A similar outcome is observed for the UDP throughput. However, on latency, HIPL showed lower latency for all three network test scenarios. For the legacy equipment experiment, the penalty of security on TCP throughput is about 19% compared with the non-secure scenario while latency is increased by about 87%. This work therefore provides viable information for researchers and decision makers on the optimal solution to securing their VPNs based on the application scenarios and the potential performance penalties that come with each approach.HIP-pohjaisten tietoliikenneverkkojen turvallisuusratkaisujen suorituskyvyn arviointi. Tiivistelmä. Koneen identiteettiprotokolla (HIP, Host Identity Protocol) on tietoliikenneverkkoteknologia, joka käyttää erillistä kerrosta kuljetusprotokollan ja Internet-protokollan (IP) välissä TCP/IP-protokollapinossa. HIP erottaa systemaattisesti IP-osoitteen verkko- ja laite-osat, sekä käyttää koneen identiteetti (HI) -osaa perustuen julkisen avainnuksen turvallisuusrakenteeseen. Tämän hyötyjä ovat esimerkiksi mobiliteetti, moniliittyminen, päästä päähän (end-to-end) turvallisuus, kontrolli-informaation ja datan erottelu, kohtaaminen, osoitteenmuutos sekä palomuurin turvallisuus. Teollisuudessa HIP-protokolla nähdään osana seuraavan sukupolven tietoliikenneverkkoja, vaikka se ei vielä olekaan yleistynyt laajaan kaupalliseen käyttöön. HIP–protokollaa voidaan käyttää paitsi erilaisissa HIP-tietoisissa, myös perinteisissä IP-osoitteeseen perustuvissa sovelluksissa ja verkkoteknologioissa. Eräs tällainen sovellus on virtuaalinen LAN-erillisverkko (VPLS), joka on laajasti käytössä oleva menetelmä Ethernet-pohjaisen, erillisten yksikköjen ja yhden sillan välistä yhteyttä tukevan, virtuaalisen erillisverkon luomiseen IP/MPLS-verkon yli. VPLS:n yleisyys sekä kaupallisissa- että puolustusorganisaatioissa korostaa vastustuskykyisten turvallisuusominaisuuksien tarpeellisuutta tiedon ja kontrolliinformaation suojauksessa. Tässä työssä tutkitaan aluksi HIP-protokollan erilaisia lähestymistapoja. Teoreettisen tarkastelun jälkeen käytännön testejä suoritetaan itse rakennetulla testipenkillä. Tarkasteltavat skenaariot ovat verrata Linux-pohjaisia avoimen lähdekoodin HIP-implementaatioita (HIPL ja OpenHIP) sekä verrata kahden eri valmistajan laitteita (Tempered Networks ja Byres Security). HIP-implementaatiot arvioidaan eri verkkoympäristöissä, jota ovat LAN, WLAN sekä WAN. Kaikki testatut tapaukset arvioidaan tiedonsiirtonopeuden, sen vaihtelun (jitter) sekä latenssin perusteella. Mittaustulokset osoittavat, että sama ratkaisu ei ole optimaalinen kaikissa tarkastelluissa tapauksissa. Esimerkiksi WLAN-verkkoa käytettäessä turvallisuuden aiheuttama häviö tiedonsiirtonopeudessa on HIPL:n tapauksessa OpenHIP:iä pirnempi, kun taas WAN-verkon tapauksessa tilanne on toisinpäin. Samanlaista käyttäytymistä havaitaan myös UDP-tiedonsiirtonopeudessa. HIPL antaa kuitenkin pienimmän latenssin kaikissa testiskenaarioissa. Eri valmistajien laitteita vertailtaessa huomataan, että TCP-tiedonsiirtonopeus huononee 19 ja latenssi 87 prosenttia verrattuna tapaukseen, jossa turvallisuusratkaisua ei käytetä. Näin ollen tämän työn tuottama tärkeä tieto voi auttaa alan toimijoita optimaalisen verkkoturvallisuusratkaisun löytämisessä VPN-pohjaisiin sovelluksiin

    Layer 2 Ethernet Communication Tunneling Possibilities in Automation Systems

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    Future trends in energy generation are renewable energy sources and distributed energy generation. In control systems, these changes require higher automatization, more intelligent devices and secure and reliable communication. Another requirement is faster communication. Building a system that is able to fulfill real-time communication requirements over network layer is a hindrance to automation systems. There are multiple protocols that can manage the requirements, but many of them have limitations and requirements of their own. The limitations can be related to packet sizes, used devices or they may require a license. Tunneling protocols can bring a more general solution for the real-time problem. Tunneling Ethernet communication over network layer and letting the tunneling protocol to handle the network layer packaging instead of the communication protocol removes the need of a layer 3 protocol. Layer 2 tunneling provides a direct connection between separate local area networks. It enables a way for devices to communicate with each other over network layer using layer 2 communication protocols. Tunnel uses a pre-configured route to the destination gateway device making the routing of messages simpler and faster than with traditional IP routing. Layer 2 tunneling can be used in any communication system that utilizes layer 2 and layer 3 communication. This thesis focuses on use of tunneling in automation systems. The purpose of this thesis is to provide information and possible solutions for layer 2 Ethernet tunneling. The main focus is in suitable tunneling protocols and communication protocols, but also security and resilience solutions are studied. This thesis is composed of published studies, researches, articles and books that address the topic