375 research outputs found

    A memory-centric approach to enable timing-predictability within embedded many-core accelerators

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    There is an increasing interest among real-time systems architects for multi- and many-core accelerated platforms. The main obstacle towards the adoption of such devices within industrial settings is related to the difficulties in tightly estimating the multiple interferences that may arise among the parallel components of the system. This in particular concerns concurrent accesses to shared memory and communication resources. Existing worst-case execution time analyses are extremely pessimistic, especially when adopted for systems composed of hundreds-tothousands of cores. This significantly limits the potential for the adoption of these platforms in real-time systems. In this paper, we study how the predictable execution model (PREM), a memory-aware approach to enable timing-predictability in realtime systems, can be successfully adopted on multi- and manycore heterogeneous platforms. Using a state-of-the-art multi-core platform as a testbed, we validate that it is possible to obtain an order-of-magnitude improvement in the WCET bounds of parallel applications, if data movements are adequately orchestrated in accordance with PREM. We identify which system parameters mostly affect the tremendous performance opportunities offered by this approach, both on average and in the worst case, moving the first step towards predictable many-core systems

    Optimisation of multicore processor and GPU for use in embedded systems

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    The advancement in technology continues to consume an increasing part of our lives and as we watch the slowing of Moore’s Law as Integrated Circuits approach physical limitations, we will continue to search for faster execution of programs. The advancement in robotics and machine vision will see them become part of our daily lives and the need for real time machine vision algorithms will increase. This dissertation will investigate optimisation options when executing machine vision algorithms on a multi-core processor and provide a guide for programmers to use when writing similar machine vision algorithms on Arm A7 or A15 processors containing a Mali T628 Graphics processing unit

    Journal of Real-Time Image Processing manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) Evaluation of real-time LBP computing in multiple architectures

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    Abstract Local Binary Pattern (LBP) is a texture operator that is used in several different computer vision applications requiring, in many cases, real-time operation in multiple computing platforms. The irruption of new video standards has increased the typical resolutions and frame rates, which need considerable computational performance. Since LBP is essentially a pixel operator that scales with image size, typical straightforward implementations are usually insufficient to meet these requirements. To identify the solutions that maximize the performance of the real-time LBP extraction, we compare a series different implementations in terms of computational performance and energy efficiency while analyzing the different optimizations that can be made to reach real-time performance on multiple platforms and their different available computing resources. Our contribution addresses the extensive survey of LBP implementations in different platforms that can be found in the literature. To provide for a more complete evaluation, we have implemented the LBP algorithms in several platforms such as Graphics Processing Units, mobile processors and a hybrid programming model image coprocessor. We have extended the evaluation of some of the solutions that can be found in previous work. In addition, we publish the source code of our implementations

    PRUNE: Dynamic and Decidable Dataflow for Signal Processing on Heterogeneous Platforms

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    The majority of contemporary mobile devices and personal computers are based on heterogeneous computing platforms that consist of a number of CPU cores and one or more Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). Despite the high volume of these devices, there are few existing programming frameworks that target full and simultaneous utilization of all CPU and GPU devices of the platform. This article presents a dataflow-flavored Model of Computation (MoC) that has been developed for deploying signal processing applications to heterogeneous platforms. The presented MoC is dynamic and allows describing applications with data dependent run-time behavior. On top of the MoC, formal design rules are presented that enable application descriptions to be simultaneously dynamic and decidable. Decidability guarantees compile-time application analyzability for deadlock freedom and bounded memory. The presented MoC and the design rules are realized in a novel Open Source programming environment "PRUNE" and demonstrated with representative application examples from the domains of image processing, computer vision and wireless communications. Experimental results show that the proposed approach outperforms the state-of-the-art in analyzability, flexibility and performance.Comment: This is the author's version of an article that has been published in this journal. Changes were made to this version by the publisher prior to publicatio

    Exploring heterogeneous scheduling for edge computing with CPU and FPGA MPSoCs

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    This paper presents a framework targeted to low-cost and low-power heterogeneous MultiProcessors that exploits FPGAs and multicore CPUs, with the overarching goal of providing developers with a productive programming model and runtime support to fully use all the processing resources available. FPGA productivity is achieved using a high-level programming model based on OpenCL, the standard for cross-platform parallel heterogeneous programming. In this work, we focus on the parallel for pattern, and as part of the runtime support for this pattern, we leverage a new scheduler that strives to maximize the number of iterations per joule by dynamically and adaptively partitioning the iteration space between the multicore and the accelerator when working simultaneously. A total of 7 benchmarks are ported and optimized for a low-cost DE1 board. The results show that the heterogeneous solution can improve performance up to 2.9x and increases energy efficiency up to 2.7x compared tothe traditional approach of keeping all the CPU cores idle while the accelerator computes the workload. Our results also demonstrate two interesting insights: First, an adaptive scheduler able to find at runtime the right chunk size for each type of application and device configuration is an essential component for these kinds of heterogeneous platforms, and second, device configurations that provide higher throughput do not always achieve better energy eciency when only the running power (excluding the idle power component) is considered

    From Parallel Programs to Customized Parallel Processors

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    The need for fast time to market of new embedded processor-based designs calls for a rapid design methodology of the included processors. The call for such a methodology is even more emphasized in the context of so called soft cores targeted to reconfigurable fabrics where per-design processor customization is commonplace. The C language has been commonly used as an input to hardware/software co-design flows. However, as C is a sequential language, its potential to generate parallel operations to utilize naturally parallel hardware constructs is far from optimal, leading to a customized processor design space with limited parallel resource scalability. In contrast, when utilizing a parallel programming language as an input, a wider processor design space can be explored to produce customized processors with varying degrees of utilized parallelism. This Thesis proposes a novel Multicore Application-Specific Instruction Set Processor (MCASIP) co-design methodology that exploits parallel programming languages as the application input format. In the methodology, the designer can explicitly capture the parallelism of the algorithm and exploit specialized instructions using a parallel programming language in contrast to being on the mercy of the compiler or the hardware to extract the parallelism from a sequential input. The Thesis proposes a multicore processor template based on the Transport Triggered Architecture, compiler techniques involved in static parallelization of computation kernels with barriers and a datapath integrated hardware accelerator for low overhead software synchronization implementation. These contributions enable scaling the customized processors both at the instruction and task levels to efficiently exploit the parallelism in the input program up to the implementation constraints such as the memory bandwidth or the chip area. The different contributions are validated with case studies, comparisons and design examples

    An OpenCL software compilation framework targeting an SoC-FPGA VLIW chip multiprocessor

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    Modern systems-on-chip augment their baseline CPU with coprocessors and accelerators to increase overall computational capability and power efficiency, and thus have evolved into heterogeneous multi-core systems. Several languages have been developed to enable this paradigm shift, including CUDA and OpenCL. This paper discusses a unified compilation environment to enable heterogeneous system design through the use of OpenCL and a highly configurable VLIW Chip Multiprocessor architecture known as the LE1. An LLVM compilation framework was researched and a prototype developed to enable the execution of OpenCL applications on a number of hardware configurations of the LE1 CMP. The presented OpenCL framework fully automates the compilation flow and supports work-item coalescing which better maps onto the ILP processor cores of the LE1 architecture. This paper discusses in detail both the software stack and target hardware architecture and evaluates the scalability of the proposed framework by running 12 industry-standard OpenCL benchmarks drawn from the AMD SDK and the Rodinia suites. The benchmarks are executed on 40 LE1 configurations with 10 implemented on an SoC-FPGA and the remaining on a cycle-accurate simulator. Across 12 OpenCL benchmarks results demonstrate near-linear wall-clock performance improvement of 1.8x (using 2 dual-issue cores), up to 5.2x (using 8 dual-issue cores) and on one case, super-linear improvement of 8.4x (FixOffset kernel, 8 dual-issue cores). The number of OpenCL benchmarks evaluated makes this study one of the most complete in the literature
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