24 research outputs found

    Enabling Python to execute efficiently in heterogeneous distributed infrastructures with PyCOMPSs

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    Python has been adopted as programming language by a large number of scientific communities. Additionally to the easy programming interface, the large number of libraries and modules that have been made available by a large number of contributors, have taken this language to the top of the list of the most popular programming languages in scientific applications. However, one main drawback of Python is the lack of support for concurrency or parallelism. PyCOMPSs is a proved approach to support task-based parallelism in Python that enables applications to be executed in parallel in distributed computing platforms. This paper presents PyCOMPSs and how it has been tailored to execute tasks in heterogeneous and multi-threaded environments. We present an approach to combine the task-level parallelism provided by PyCOMPSs with the thread-level parallelism provided by MKL. Performance and behavioral results in distributed computing heterogeneous clusters show the benefits and capabilities of PyCOMPSs in both HPC and Big Data infrastructures.Thiswork has been supported by the Spanish Government (SEV2015-0493), by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (contract TIN2015-65316-P), by Generalitat de Catalunya (contracts 2014-SGR-1051 and 2014-SGR-1272). Javier Conejero postdoctoral contract is co-financed by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Juan de la Cierva Formación postdoctoral fellowship number FJCI- 2015-24651. Cristian Ramon-Cortes predoctoral contract is financed by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the contract BES-2016-076791. This work is supported by the Intel-BSC Exascale Lab. This work has been supported by the European Commission through the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program under contract 687584 (TANGO project).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    AutoParallel: A Python module for automatic parallelization and distributed execution of affine loop nests

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    The last improvements in programming languages, programming models, and frameworks have focused on abstracting the users from many programming issues. Among others, recent programming frameworks include simpler syntax, automatic memory management and garbage collection, which simplifies code re-usage through library packages, and easily configurable tools for deployment. For instance, Python has risen to the top of the list of the programming languages due to the simplicity of its syntax, while still achieving a good performance even being an interpreted language. Moreover, the community has helped to develop a large number of libraries and modules, tuning them to obtain great performance. However, there is still room for improvement when preventing users from dealing directly with distributed and parallel computing issues. This paper proposes and evaluates AutoParallel, a Python module to automatically find an appropriate task-based parallelization of affine loop nests to execute them in parallel in a distributed computing infrastructure. This parallelization can also include the building of data blocks to increase task granularity in order to achieve a good execution performance. Moreover, AutoParallel is based on sequential programming and only contains a small annotation in the form of a Python decorator so that anyone with little programming skills can scale up an application to hundreds of cores.Comment: Accepted to the 8th Workshop on Python for High-Performance and Scientific Computing (PyHPC 2018

    Programming model abstractions for optimizing I/O intensive applications

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    This thesis contributes from the perspective of task-based programming models to the efforts of optimizing I/O intensive applications. Throughout this thesis, we propose programming model abstractions and mechanisms that target a twofold objective: from the one hand, improve the I/O and total performance of applications on nowadays complex storage infrastructures. From the other hand, achieve such performance improvement without increasing the complexity of applications programming. The following paragraphs briefly summarize each of our contributions. First, towards exploiting compute-I/O patterns of I/O intensive applications and transparently improving I/O and total performance, we propose a number of abstractions that we refer to as I/O Awareness abstractions. An I/O aware task-based programming model is able to separate the handling of I/O and computations by supporting I/O Tasks. The execution of such tasks can overlap with compute tasks execution. Moreover, we provide programming model support to improve I/O performance by addressing the issue of I/O congestion. This is achieved by using Storage Bandwidth Constraints to control the level of task parallelism. We support two types of such constraints: (i) Static storage bandwidth constraints that are manually set by application developers. (ii) Auto-tunable constraints that are automatically set and tuned throughout the execution of application. Second, in order to exploit the heterogeneity of modern storage systems to improve performance in a transparent manner, we propose a set of capabilities that we refer to as Storage heterogeneity Awareness. A storage-heterogeneity aware task-based programming model builds on the concepts and abstractions that are introduced in the first contribution to improve the I/O performance of applications on heterogeneous storage systems. More specifically, such programming models support the following features: (i) abstracting the heterogeneity of the storage devices and exposing them as one hierarchical storage resource. (ii) supporting dedicated I/O scheduling. (iii) Finally, we introduce a mechanism that automatically and periodically flushes obsolete data from higher storage layers to lower storage layers. Third, targeting increasing parallelism levels of applications, we propose a Hybrid Programming Model that combines task-based programming models and MPI. In this programming model, tasks are used to achieve coarse-grained parallelism on large-scale distributed infrastructures, whereas MPI is used to gain fine-grained parallelism by parallelizing tasks execution. Such a hybrid programming model offers the possibility to enable parallel I/O and high-level I/O libraries in tasks. We enable such a hybrid programming model by supporting Native MPI Tasks. These tasks are native to the programming model for two reasons: they execute task code as opposed to calling external MPI binaries or scripts. Also, the data transfers and input/output handling is done in a completely transparent manner to application developers. Therefore, increasing parallelism levels while easing the design and programming of applications. Finally, to exploit the inherent parallelism opportunities in applications and overlap computation with I/O, we propose an Eager mechanism for releasing data dependencies. Unlike the traditional approach for releasing dependencies, eagerly releasing data dependencies allows successor tasks to be released for execution as soon as their data dependencies are ready, without having to wait for predecessor task(s) to completely finish execution. In order to support the eager-release of data dependencies, we describe the following core modifications to the design of task-based programming models: (i) defining and managing data dependency relationships as parameter-aware dependencies (ii) a mechanism for notifying the programming model that an output data has been generated before the execution of the producer task ends.Aquesta tesi contribueix des de la perspectiva dels models de programació basats en tasques als esforços d’optimitzar les aplicacions intensives de I/O. Al llarg d'aquesta tesi, proposem abstraccions i mecanismes del model de programació que persegueixen un doble objectiu: per una banda, millorar la I/O i el rendiment total de les aplicacions a les complexes infraestructures d'emmagatzematge de l'actualitat. D'altra banda, aconsegueixi aquesta millora del rendiment sense augmentar la complexitat de la programació d'aplicacions. Els paràgrafs següents resumeixen cadascuna de les nostres contribucions. En primer lloc, proposem una sèrie d'abstraccions a què ens referim com a abstraccions de consciència de I/O. Un model de programació basat en tasques amb reconeixement d'I/O pot separar el maneig d'I/O i els càlculs en admetre Tasques d'I/O. L'execució d'aquestes tasques es pot superposar amb l'execució de tasques de càlcul. A més, proporcionem suport de model de programació per millorar el rendiment d'I/O en abordar el problema de la congestió d'I/O. Això s'aconsegueix mitjançant l'ús de restriccions d'amplada de banda d'emmagatzematge per controlar el nivell de paral·lelisme de tasques. Admetem dos tipus d'aquestes restriccions: estàtic i autoajustable. En segon lloc, proposem un conjunt de capacitats a què ens referim com a Consciència d'heterogeneïtat d'emmagatzematge. Un model de programació basat en tasques conscient de l'heterogeneïtat de l'emmagatzematge es basa en els conceptes i les abstraccions que s'introdueixen en la primera contribució per millorar el rendiment d'I/O de les aplicacions en sistemes d'emmagatzematge heterogenis. Més específicament, aquests models de programació admeten les característiques següents: (i) abstreure l'heterogeneïtat dels dispositius d'emmagatzematge i exposar-los com a recurs d'emmagatzematge jeràrquic. (ii) admetre la programació d'I/O dedicada. (iii) Finalment, presentem un mecanisme que descarrega automàticament i periòdicament les dades obsoletes de les capes d'emmagatzematge superiors a les capes d'emmagatzematge inferiors. En tercer lloc, proposem un model de programació híbrid que combina models de programació basats en tasques i MPI. En aquest model de programació, les tasques s'utilitzen per aconseguir un paral·lelisme de gra gruixut en infraestructures distribuïdes a gran escala, mentre que MPI es fa servir per obtenir un paral·lelisme de gra fi en paral·lelitzar l'execució de tasques. Un model d'aquest tipus de programació híbrid ofereix la possibilitat d'habilitar I/O paral·leles i biblioteques d'I/O d'alt nivell en tasques. Habilitem un model de programació híbrid d'aquest tipus en admetre tasques MPI natives que executen codi de tasca en lloc de trucar a binaris o scripts MPI externs. A més, la transferència de dades i el maneig d’entrada / sortida es realitza d’una manera completament transparent per als desenvolupadors d’aplicacions. Per tant, augmenta els nivells de paral·lelisme alhora que se'n facilita el disseny i la programació d'aplicacions. Finalment proposem un mecanisme Eager per alliberar dependències de dades. A diferència de l'enfocament tradicional per alliberar dependències, alliberar amb entusiasme les dependències de dades permet que les tasques successores s'alliberin per a la seva execució tan aviat com les dependències de dades estiguin llestes, sense haver d'esperar que les tasques predecessores acabin completament l'execució. Per tal de donar suport a l'alliberament ansiós de les dependències de dades, descrivim les següents modificacions centrals al disseny de models de programació basats en tasques: (i) definir i administrar les relacions de dependència de dades com a dependències conscients de paràmetres (ii ) un mecanisme per notificar la model de programació que s'ha generat una dada de sortida abans que finalitzi l'execució de la tasca de productor.Postprint (published version

    AutoParallel: A Python module for automatic parallelization and distributed execution of affine loop nests

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    The last improvements in programming languages, programming models, and frameworks have focused on abstracting the users from many programming issues. Among others, recent programming frameworks include simpler syntax, automatic memory management and garbage collection, which simplifies code re-usage through library packages, and easily configurable tools for deployment. For instance, Python has risen to the top of the list of the programming languages due to the simplicity of its syntax, while still achieving a good performance even being an interpreted language. Moreover, the community has helped to develop a large number of libraries and modules, tuning them to obtain great performance. However, there is still room for improvement when preventing users from dealing directly with distributed and parallel computing issues. This paper proposes and evaluates AutoParallel, a Python module to automatically find an appropriate task-based parallelization of affine loop nests to execute them in parallel in a distributed computing infrastructure. This parallelization can also include the building of data blocks to increase task granularity in order to achieve a good execution performance. Moreover, AutoParallel is based on sequential programming and only contains a small annotation in the form of a Python decorator so that anyone with little programming skills can scale up an application to hundreds of cores

    Enabling dynamic and intelligent workflows for HPC, data analytics, and AI convergence

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    The evolution of High-Performance Computing (HPC) platforms enables the design and execution of progressively larger and more complex workflow applications in these systems. The complexity comes not only from the number of elements that compose the workflows but also from the type of computations they perform. While traditional HPC workflows target simulations and modelling of physical phenomena, current needs require in addition data analytics (DA) and artificial intelligence (AI) tasks. However, the development of these workflows is hampered by the lack of proper programming models and environments that support the integration of HPC, DA, and AI, as well as the lack of tools to easily deploy and execute the workflows in HPC systems. To progress in this direction, this paper presents use cases where complex workflows are required and investigates the main issues to be addressed for the HPC/DA/AI convergence. Based on this study, the paper identifies the challenges of a new workflow platform to manage complex workflows. Finally, it proposes a development approach for such a workflow platform addressing these challenges in two directions: first, by defining a software stack that provides the functionalities to manage these complex workflows; and second, by proposing the HPC Workflow as a Service (HPCWaaS) paradigm, which leverages the software stack to facilitate the reusability of complex workflows in federated HPC infrastructures. Proposals presented in this work are subject to study and development as part of the EuroHPC eFlows4HPC project.This work has received funding from the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 955558. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and Spain, Germany, France, Italy, Poland, Switzerland and Norway. In Spain, it has received complementary funding from MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, Spain and the European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR (contracts PCI2021-121957, PCI2021-121931, PCI2021-121944, and PCI2021-121927). In Germany, it has received complementary funding from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (contracts 16HPC016K, 6GPC016K, 16HPC017 and 16HPC018). In France, it has received financial support from Caisse des dépôts et consignations (CDC) under the action PIA ADEIP (project Calculateurs). In Italy, it has been preliminary approved for complimentary funding by Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico (MiSE) (ref. project prop. 2659). In Norway, it has received complementary funding from the Norwegian Research Council, Norway under project number 323825. In Switzerland, it has been preliminary approved for complimentary funding by the State Secretariat for Education, Research, and Innovation (SERI), Norway. In Poland, it is partially supported by the National Centre for Research and Development under decision DWM/EuroHPCJU/4/2021. The authors also acknowledge financial support by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033, Spain through the “Severo Ochoa Programme for Centres of Excellence in R&D” under Grant CEX2018-000797-S, the Spanish Government, Spain (contract PID2019-107255 GB) and by Generalitat de Catalunya, Spain (contract 2017-SGR-01414). Anna Queralt is a Serra Húnter Fellow.With funding from the Spanish government through the ‘Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence’ accreditation (CEX2018-000797-S)

    The BioExcel methodology for developing dynamic, scalable, reliable and portable computational biomolecular workflows

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    Developing complex biomolecular workflows is not always straightforward. It requires tedious developments to enable the interoperability between the different biomolecular simulation and analysis tools. Moreover, the need to execute the pipelines on distributed systems increases the complexity of these developments. To address these issues, we propose a methodology to simplify the implementation of these workflows on HPC infrastructures. It combines a library, the BioExcel Building Blocks (BioBBs), that allows scientists to implement biomolecular pipelines as Python scripts, and the PyCOMPSs programming framework which allows to easily convert Python scripts into task-based parallel workflows executed in distributed computing systems such as HPC clusters, clouds, containerized platforms, etc. Using this methodology, we have implemented a set of computational molecular workflows and we have performed several experiments to validate its portability, scalability, reliability and malleability.This work has been supported by Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 under contract PID2019-107255GB-C21, by the Generalitat de Catalunya under contracts 2017-SGR-01414 and 2017-SGR1110, by the European Commission through the BioExcel Center of Excellence (Horizon 2020 Framework program) under contracts 823830, and 675728. This work is also partially supported by the CECH project which has been co-funded with 50% by the European Regional Development Fund under the framework of the ERFD Operative Programme for Catalunya 2014-2020, with a grant of 1.527.637,88€.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Programming models to support data science workflows

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    Data Science workflows have become a must to progress in many scientific areas such as life, health, and earth sciences. In contrast to traditional HPC workflows, they are more heterogeneous; combining binary executions, MPI simulations, multi-threaded applications, custom analysis (possibly written in Java, Python, C/C++ or R), and real-time processing. Furthermore, in the past, field experts were capable of programming and running small simulations. However, nowadays, simulations requiring hundreds or thousands of cores are widely used and, to this point, efficiently programming them becomes a challenge even for computer sciences. Thus, programming languages and models make a considerable effort to ease the programmability while maintaining acceptable performance. This thesis contributes to the adaptation of High-Performance frameworks to support the needs and challenges of Data Science workflows by extending COMPSs, a mature, general-purpose, task-based, distributed programming model. First, we enhance our prototype to orchestrate different frameworks inside a single programming model so that non-expert users can build complex workflows where some steps require highly optimised state of the art frameworks. This extension includes the @binary, @OmpSs, @MPI, @COMPSs, and @MultiNode annotations for both Java and Python workflows. Second, we integrate container technologies to enable developers to easily port, distribute, and scale their applications to distributed computing platforms. This combination provides a straightforward methodology to parallelise applications from sequential codes along with efficient image management and application deployment that ease the packaging and distribution of applications. We distinguish between static, HPC, and dynamic container management and provide representative use cases for each scenario using Docker, Singularity, and Mesos. Third, we design, implement and integrate AutoParallel, a Python module to automatically find an appropriate task-based parallelisation of affine loop nests and execute them in parallel in a distributed computing infrastructure. It is based on sequential programming and requires one single annotation (the @parallel Python decorator) so that anyone with intermediate-level programming skills can scale up an application to hundreds of cores. Finally, we propose a way to extend task-based management systems to support continuous input and output data to enable the combination of task-based workflows and dataflows (Hybrid Workflows) using one single programming model. Hence, developers can build complex Data Science workflows with different approaches depending on the requirements without the effort of combining several frameworks at the same time. Also, to illustrate the capabilities of Hybrid Workflows, we have built a Distributed Stream Library that can be easily integrated with existing task-based frameworks to provide support for dataflows. The library provides a homogeneous, generic, and simple representation of object and file streams in both Java and Python; enabling complex workflows to handle any data type without dealing directly with the streaming back-end.Els fluxos de treball de Data Science s’han convertit en una necessitat per progressar en moltes àrees científiques com les ciències de la vida, la salut i la terra. A diferència dels fluxos de treball tradicionals per a la CAP, els fluxos de Data Science són més heterogenis; combinant l’execució de binaris, simulacions MPI, aplicacions multiprocés, anàlisi personalitzats (possiblement escrits en Java, Python, C / C ++ o R) i computacions en temps real. Mentre que en el passat els experts de cada camp eren capaços de programar i executar petites simulacions, avui dia, aquestes simulacions representen un repte fins i tot per als experts ja que requereixen centenars o milers de nuclis. Per aquesta raó, els llenguatges i models de programació actuals s’esforcen considerablement en incrementar la programabilitat mantenint un rendiment acceptable. Aquesta tesi contribueix a l’adaptació de models de programació per a la CAP per afrontar les necessitats i reptes dels fluxos de Data Science estenent COMPSs, un model de programació distribuïda madur, de propòsit general, i basat en tasques. En primer lloc, millorem el nostre prototip per orquestrar diferent programari per a que els usuaris no experts puguin crear fluxos complexos usant un únic model on alguns passos requereixin tecnologies altament optimitzades. Aquesta extensió inclou les anotacions de @binary, @OmpSs, @MPI, @COMPSs, i @MultiNode per a fluxos en Java i Python. En segon lloc, integrem tecnologies de contenidors per permetre als desenvolupadors portar, distribuir i escalar fàcilment les seves aplicacions en plataformes distribuïdes. A més d’una metodologia senzilla per a paral·lelitzar aplicacions a partir de codis seqüencials, aquesta combinació proporciona una gestió d’imatges i una implementació d’aplicacions eficients que faciliten l’empaquetat i la distribució d’aplicacions. Distingim entre la gestió de contenidors estàtica, CAP i dinàmica i proporcionem casos d’ús representatius per a cada escenari amb Docker, Singularity i Mesos. En tercer lloc, dissenyem, implementem i integrem AutoParallel, un mòdul de Python per determinar automàticament la paral·lelització basada en tasques de nius de bucles afins i executar-los en paral·lel en una infraestructura distribuïda. AutoParallel està basat en programació seqüencial, requereix una sola anotació (el decorador @parallel) i permet a un usuari intermig escalar una aplicació a centenars de nuclis. Finalment, proposem una forma d’estendre els sistemes basats en tasques per admetre dades d’entrada i sortida continus; permetent així la combinació de fluxos de treball i dades (Fluxos Híbrids) en un únic model. Conseqüentment, els desenvolupadors poden crear fluxos complexos seguint diferents patrons sense l’esforç de combinar diversos models al mateix temps. A més, per a il·lustrar les capacitats dels Fluxos Híbrids, hem creat una biblioteca (DistroStreamLib) que s’integra fàcilment amb els models basats en tasques per suportar fluxos de dades. La biblioteca proporciona una representació homogènia, genèrica i simple de seqüències contínues d’objectes i arxius en Java i Python; permetent gestionar qualsevol tipus de dades sense tractar directament amb el back-end de streaming.Los flujos de trabajo de Data Science se han convertido en una necesidad para progresar en muchas áreas científicas como las ciencias de la vida, la salud y la tierra. A diferencia de los flujos de trabajo tradicionales para la CAP, los flujos de Data Science son más heterogéneos; combinando la ejecución de binarios, simulaciones MPI, aplicaciones multiproceso, análisis personalizados (posiblemente escritos en Java, Python, C/C++ o R) y computaciones en tiempo real. Mientras que en el pasado los expertos de cada campo eran capaces de programar y ejecutar pequeñas simulaciones, hoy en día, estas simulaciones representan un desafío incluso para los expertos ya que requieren cientos o miles de núcleos. Por esta razón, los lenguajes y modelos de programación actuales se esfuerzan considerablemente en incrementar la programabilidad manteniendo un rendimiento aceptable. Esta tesis contribuye a la adaptación de modelos de programación para la CAP para afrontar las necesidades y desafíos de los flujos de Data Science extendiendo COMPSs, un modelo de programación distribuida maduro, de propósito general, y basado en tareas. En primer lugar, mejoramos nuestro prototipo para orquestar diferentes software para que los usuarios no expertos puedan crear flujos complejos usando un único modelo donde algunos pasos requieran tecnologías altamente optimizadas. Esta extensión incluye las anotaciones de @binary, @OmpSs, @MPI, @COMPSs, y @MultiNode para flujos en Java y Python. En segundo lugar, integramos tecnologías de contenedores para permitir a los desarrolladores portar, distribuir y escalar fácilmente sus aplicaciones en plataformas distribuidas. Además de una metodología sencilla para paralelizar aplicaciones a partir de códigos secuenciales, esta combinación proporciona una gestión de imágenes y una implementación de aplicaciones eficientes que facilitan el empaquetado y la distribución de aplicaciones. Distinguimos entre gestión de contenedores estática, CAP y dinámica y proporcionamos casos de uso representativos para cada escenario con Docker, Singularity y Mesos. En tercer lugar, diseñamos, implementamos e integramos AutoParallel, un módulo de Python para determinar automáticamente la paralelización basada en tareas de nidos de bucles afines y ejecutarlos en paralelo en una infraestructura distribuida. AutoParallel está basado en programación secuencial, requiere una sola anotación (el decorador @parallel) y permite a un usuario intermedio escalar una aplicación a cientos de núcleos. Finalmente, proponemos una forma de extender los sistemas basados en tareas para admitir datos de entrada y salida continuos; permitiendo así la combinación de flujos de trabajo y datos (Flujos Híbridos) en un único modelo. Consecuentemente, los desarrolladores pueden crear flujos complejos siguiendo diferentes patrones sin el esfuerzo de combinar varios modelos al mismo tiempo. Además, para ilustrar las capacidades de los Flujos Híbridos, hemos creado una biblioteca (DistroStreamLib) que se integra fácilmente a los modelos basados en tareas para soportar flujos de datos. La biblioteca proporciona una representación homogénea, genérica y simple de secuencias continuas de objetos y archivos en Java y Python; permitiendo manejar cualquier tipo de datos sin tratar directamente con el back-end de streaming

    Programming models to support data science workflows

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    Data Science workflows have become a must to progress in many scientific areas such as life, health, and earth sciences. In contrast to traditional HPC workflows, they are more heterogeneous; combining binary executions, MPI simulations, multi-threaded applications, custom analysis (possibly written in Java, Python, C/C++ or R), and real-time processing. Furthermore, in the past, field experts were capable of programming and running small simulations. However, nowadays, simulations requiring hundreds or thousands of cores are widely used and, to this point, efficiently programming them becomes a challenge even for computer sciences. Thus, programming languages and models make a considerable effort to ease the programmability while maintaining acceptable performance. This thesis contributes to the adaptation of High-Performance frameworks to support the needs and challenges of Data Science workflows by extending COMPSs, a mature, general-purpose, task-based, distributed programming model. First, we enhance our prototype to orchestrate different frameworks inside a single programming model so that non-expert users can build complex workflows where some steps require highly optimised state of the art frameworks. This extension includes the @binary, @OmpSs, @MPI, @COMPSs, and @MultiNode annotations for both Java and Python workflows. Second, we integrate container technologies to enable developers to easily port, distribute, and scale their applications to distributed computing platforms. This combination provides a straightforward methodology to parallelise applications from sequential codes along with efficient image management and application deployment that ease the packaging and distribution of applications. We distinguish between static, HPC, and dynamic container management and provide representative use cases for each scenario using Docker, Singularity, and Mesos. Third, we design, implement and integrate AutoParallel, a Python module to automatically find an appropriate task-based parallelisation of affine loop nests and execute them in parallel in a distributed computing infrastructure. It is based on sequential programming and requires one single annotation (the @parallel Python decorator) so that anyone with intermediate-level programming skills can scale up an application to hundreds of cores. Finally, we propose a way to extend task-based management systems to support continuous input and output data to enable the combination of task-based workflows and dataflows (Hybrid Workflows) using one single programming model. Hence, developers can build complex Data Science workflows with different approaches depending on the requirements without the effort of combining several frameworks at the same time. Also, to illustrate the capabilities of Hybrid Workflows, we have built a Distributed Stream Library that can be easily integrated with existing task-based frameworks to provide support for dataflows. The library provides a homogeneous, generic, and simple representation of object and file streams in both Java and Python; enabling complex workflows to handle any data type without dealing directly with the streaming back-end.Els fluxos de treball de Data Science s’han convertit en una necessitat per progressar en moltes àrees científiques com les ciències de la vida, la salut i la terra. A diferència dels fluxos de treball tradicionals per a la CAP, els fluxos de Data Science són més heterogenis; combinant l’execució de binaris, simulacions MPI, aplicacions multiprocés, anàlisi personalitzats (possiblement escrits en Java, Python, C / C ++ o R) i computacions en temps real. Mentre que en el passat els experts de cada camp eren capaços de programar i executar petites simulacions, avui dia, aquestes simulacions representen un repte fins i tot per als experts ja que requereixen centenars o milers de nuclis. Per aquesta raó, els llenguatges i models de programació actuals s’esforcen considerablement en incrementar la programabilitat mantenint un rendiment acceptable. Aquesta tesi contribueix a l’adaptació de models de programació per a la CAP per afrontar les necessitats i reptes dels fluxos de Data Science estenent COMPSs, un model de programació distribuïda madur, de propòsit general, i basat en tasques. En primer lloc, millorem el nostre prototip per orquestrar diferent programari per a que els usuaris no experts puguin crear fluxos complexos usant un únic model on alguns passos requereixin tecnologies altament optimitzades. Aquesta extensió inclou les anotacions de @binary, @OmpSs, @MPI, @COMPSs, i @MultiNode per a fluxos en Java i Python. En segon lloc, integrem tecnologies de contenidors per permetre als desenvolupadors portar, distribuir i escalar fàcilment les seves aplicacions en plataformes distribuïdes. A més d’una metodologia senzilla per a paral·lelitzar aplicacions a partir de codis seqüencials, aquesta combinació proporciona una gestió d’imatges i una implementació d’aplicacions eficients que faciliten l’empaquetat i la distribució d’aplicacions. Distingim entre la gestió de contenidors estàtica, CAP i dinàmica i proporcionem casos d’ús representatius per a cada escenari amb Docker, Singularity i Mesos. En tercer lloc, dissenyem, implementem i integrem AutoParallel, un mòdul de Python per determinar automàticament la paral·lelització basada en tasques de nius de bucles afins i executar-los en paral·lel en una infraestructura distribuïda. AutoParallel està basat en programació seqüencial, requereix una sola anotació (el decorador @parallel) i permet a un usuari intermig escalar una aplicació a centenars de nuclis. Finalment, proposem una forma d’estendre els sistemes basats en tasques per admetre dades d’entrada i sortida continus; permetent així la combinació de fluxos de treball i dades (Fluxos Híbrids) en un únic model. Conseqüentment, els desenvolupadors poden crear fluxos complexos seguint diferents patrons sense l’esforç de combinar diversos models al mateix temps. A més, per a il·lustrar les capacitats dels Fluxos Híbrids, hem creat una biblioteca (DistroStreamLib) que s’integra fàcilment amb els models basats en tasques per suportar fluxos de dades. La biblioteca proporciona una representació homogènia, genèrica i simple de seqüències contínues d’objectes i arxius en Java i Python; permetent gestionar qualsevol tipus de dades sense tractar directament amb el back-end de streaming.Los flujos de trabajo de Data Science se han convertido en una necesidad para progresar en muchas áreas científicas como las ciencias de la vida, la salud y la tierra. A diferencia de los flujos de trabajo tradicionales para la CAP, los flujos de Data Science son más heterogéneos; combinando la ejecución de binarios, simulaciones MPI, aplicaciones multiproceso, análisis personalizados (posiblemente escritos en Java, Python, C/C++ o R) y computaciones en tiempo real. Mientras que en el pasado los expertos de cada campo eran capaces de programar y ejecutar pequeñas simulaciones, hoy en día, estas simulaciones representan un desafío incluso para los expertos ya que requieren cientos o miles de núcleos. Por esta razón, los lenguajes y modelos de programación actuales se esfuerzan considerablemente en incrementar la programabilidad manteniendo un rendimiento aceptable. Esta tesis contribuye a la adaptación de modelos de programación para la CAP para afrontar las necesidades y desafíos de los flujos de Data Science extendiendo COMPSs, un modelo de programación distribuida maduro, de propósito general, y basado en tareas. En primer lugar, mejoramos nuestro prototipo para orquestar diferentes software para que los usuarios no expertos puedan crear flujos complejos usando un único modelo donde algunos pasos requieran tecnologías altamente optimizadas. Esta extensión incluye las anotaciones de @binary, @OmpSs, @MPI, @COMPSs, y @MultiNode para flujos en Java y Python. En segundo lugar, integramos tecnologías de contenedores para permitir a los desarrolladores portar, distribuir y escalar fácilmente sus aplicaciones en plataformas distribuidas. Además de una metodología sencilla para paralelizar aplicaciones a partir de códigos secuenciales, esta combinación proporciona una gestión de imágenes y una implementación de aplicaciones eficientes que facilitan el empaquetado y la distribución de aplicaciones. Distinguimos entre gestión de contenedores estática, CAP y dinámica y proporcionamos casos de uso representativos para cada escenario con Docker, Singularity y Mesos. En tercer lugar, diseñamos, implementamos e integramos AutoParallel, un módulo de Python para determinar automáticamente la paralelización basada en tareas de nidos de bucles afines y ejecutarlos en paralelo en una infraestructura distribuida. AutoParallel está basado en programación secuencial, requiere una sola anotación (el decorador @parallel) y permite a un usuario intermedio escalar una aplicación a cientos de núcleos. Finalmente, proponemos una forma de extender los sistemas basados en tareas para admitir datos de entrada y salida continuos; permitiendo así la combinación de flujos de trabajo y datos (Flujos Híbridos) en un único modelo. Consecuentemente, los desarrolladores pueden crear flujos complejos siguiendo diferentes patrones sin el esfuerzo de combinar varios modelos al mismo tiempo. Además, para ilustrar las capacidades de los Flujos Híbridos, hemos creado una biblioteca (DistroStreamLib) que se integra fácilmente a los modelos basados en tareas para soportar flujos de datos. La biblioteca proporciona una representación homogénea, genérica y simple de secuencias continuas de objetos y archivos en Java y Python; permitiendo manejar cualquier tipo de datos sin tratar directamente con el back-end de streaming.Postprint (published version

    AutoParallel: A Python module for automatic parallelization and distributed execution of affine loop nests

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    International audienceThe last improvements in programming languages, programming models, and frameworks have focused on abstracting the users from many programming issues. Among others, recent programming frameworks include simpler syntax , automatic memory management and garbage collection, which simplifies code re-usage through library packages, and easily configurable tools for deployment. For instance, Python has risen to the top of the list of the programming languages due to the simplicity of its syntax, while still achieving a good performance even being an interpreted language. Moreover, the community has helped to develop a large number of libraries and modules, tuning the most commonly used to obtain great performance. However, there is still room for improvement when preventing users from dealing directly with distributed and parallel computing issues. This paper proposes and evaluates AutoPar-allel, a Python module to automatically find an appropriate task-based parallelization of affine loop nests to execute them in parallel in a distributed computing infrastructure. This parallelization can also include the building of data blocks to increase task granularity in order to achieve a good execution performance. Moreover, AutoParallel is based on sequential programming and only contains a small annotation in the form of a Python decorator so that anyone with little programming skills can scale up an application to hundreds of cores

    AutoParallel: Automatic parallelisation and distributed execution of affine loop nests in Python

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    International audienceThe last improvements in programming languages and models have focused on simplicity and abstraction; leading Python to the top of the list of the programming languages. However, there is still room for improvement when preventing users from dealing directly with distributed and parallel computing issues. This paper proposes and evaluates AutoParallel, a Python module to automatically find an appropriate task-based parallelisation of affine loop nests and execute them in parallel in a distributed computing infrastructure. It is based on sequential programming and contains one single annotation (in the form of a Python decorator) so that anyone with intermediate-level programming skills can scale up an application to hundreds of cores. The evaluation demonstrates that AutoParallel goes one step further in easing the development of distributed applications. On the one hand, the programmability evaluation highlights the benefits of using a single Python decorator instead of manually annotating each task and its parameters or, even worse, having to develop the parallel code explicitly (e.g., using OpenMP, MPI). On the other hand, the performance evaluation demonstrates that AutoParallel is capable of automatically generating task-based workflows from sequential Python code while achieving the same performances than manually taskified versions of established state-of-the-art algorithms (i.e., Cholesky, LU, and QR decompositions). Finally, AutoParallel is also capable of automatically building data blocks to increase the tasks' granularity; freeing the user from creating the data chunks, and redesigning the algorithm. For advanced users, we believe that this feature can be useful as a baseline to design blocked algorithms