304 research outputs found

    Towards a secure and efficient search over encrypted cloud data

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    Includes bibliographical references.2016 Summer.Cloud computing enables new types of services where the computational and network resources are available online through the Internet. One of the most popular services of cloud computing is data outsourcing. For reasons of cost and convenience, public as well as private organizations can now outsource their large amounts of data to the cloud and enjoy the benefits of remote storage and management. At the same time, confidentiality of remotely stored data on untrusted cloud server is a big concern. In order to reduce these concerns, sensitive data, such as, personal health records, emails, income tax and financial reports, are usually outsourced in encrypted form using well-known cryptographic techniques. Although encrypted data storage protects remote data from unauthorized access, it complicates some basic, yet essential data utilization services such as plaintext keyword search. A simple solution of downloading the data, decrypting and searching locally is clearly inefficient since storing data in the cloud is meaningless unless it can be easily searched and utilized. Thus, cloud services should enable efficient search on encrypted data to provide the benefits of a first-class cloud computing environment. This dissertation is concerned with developing novel searchable encryption techniques that allow the cloud server to perform multi-keyword ranked search as well as substring search incorporating position information. We present results that we have accomplished in this area, including a comprehensive evaluation of existing solutions and searchable encryption schemes for ranked search and substring position search

    A Practical Framework for Storing and Searching Encrypted Data on Cloud Storage

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    Security has become a significant concern with the increased popularity of cloud storage services. It comes with the vulnerability of being accessed by third parties. Security is one of the major hurdles in the cloud server for the user when the user data that reside in local storage is outsourced to the cloud. It has given rise to security concerns involved in data confidentiality even after the deletion of data from cloud storage. Though, it raises a serious problem when the encrypted data needs to be shared with more people than the data owner initially designated. However, searching on encrypted data is a fundamental issue in cloud storage. The method of searching over encrypted data represents a significant challenge in the cloud. Searchable encryption allows a cloud server to conduct a search over encrypted data on behalf of the data users without learning the underlying plaintexts. While many academic SE schemes show provable security, they usually expose some query information, making them less practical, weak in usability, and challenging to deploy. Also, sharing encrypted data with other authorized users must provide each document's secret key. However, this way has many limitations due to the difficulty of key management and distribution. We have designed the system using the existing cryptographic approaches, ensuring the search on encrypted data over the cloud. The primary focus of our proposed model is to ensure user privacy and security through a less computationally intensive, user-friendly system with a trusted third party entity. To demonstrate our proposed model, we have implemented a web application called CryptoSearch as an overlay system on top of a well-known cloud storage domain. It exhibits secure search on encrypted data with no compromise to the user-friendliness and the scheme's functional performance in real-world applications.Comment: 146 Pages, Master's Thesis, 6 Chapters, 96 Figures, 11 Table

    Secure and Reliable Data Outsourcing in Cloud Computing

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    The many advantages of cloud computing are increasingly attracting individuals and organizations to outsource their data from local to remote cloud servers. In addition to cloud infrastructure and platform providers, such as Amazon, Google, and Microsoft, more and more cloud application providers are emerging which are dedicated to offering more accessible and user friendly data storage services to cloud customers. It is a clear trend that cloud data outsourcing is becoming a pervasive service. Along with the widespread enthusiasm on cloud computing, however, concerns on data security with cloud data storage are arising in terms of reliability and privacy which raise as the primary obstacles to the adoption of the cloud. To address these challenging issues, this dissertation explores the problem of secure and reliable data outsourcing in cloud computing. We focus on deploying the most fundamental data services, e.g., data management and data utilization, while considering reliability and privacy assurance. The first part of this dissertation discusses secure and reliable cloud data management to guarantee the data correctness and availability, given the difficulty that data are no longer locally possessed by data owners. We design a secure cloud storage service which addresses the reliability issue with near-optimal overall performance. By allowing a third party to perform the public integrity verification, data owners are significantly released from the onerous work of periodically checking data integrity. To completely free the data owner from the burden of being online after data outsourcing, we propose an exact repair solution so that no metadata needs to be generated on the fly for the repaired data. The second part presents our privacy-preserving data utilization solutions supporting two categories of semantics - keyword search and graph query. For protecting data privacy, sensitive data has to be encrypted before outsourcing, which obsoletes traditional data utilization based on plaintext keyword search. We define and solve the challenging problem of privacy-preserving multi- keyword ranked search over encrypted data in cloud computing. We establish a set of strict privacy requirements for such a secure cloud data utilization system to become a reality. We first propose a basic idea for keyword search based on secure inner product computation, and then give two improved schemes to achieve various stringent privacy requirements in two different threat models. We also investigate some further enhancements of our ranked search mechanism, including supporting more search semantics, i.e., TF × IDF, and dynamic data operations. As a general data structure to describe the relation between entities, the graph has been increasingly used to model complicated structures and schemaless data, such as the personal social network, the relational database, XML documents and chemical compounds. In the case that these data contains sensitive information and need to be encrypted before outsourcing to the cloud, it is a very challenging task to effectively utilize such graph-structured data after encryption. We define and solve the problem of privacy-preserving query over encrypted graph-structured data in cloud computing. By utilizing the principle of filtering-and-verification, we pre-build a feature-based index to provide feature-related information about each encrypted data graph, and then choose the efficient inner product as the pruning tool to carry out the filtering procedure

    PaaSword: A Data Privacy and Context-aware Security Framework for Developing Secure Cloud Applications - Technical and Scientific Contributions

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    Most industries worldwide have entered a period of reaping the benefits and opportunities cloud offers. At the same time, many efforts are made to address engineering challenges for the secure development of cloud systems and software.With the majority of software engineering projects today relying on the cloud, the task to structure end-to-end secure-by-design cloud systems becomes challenging but at the same time mandatory. The PaaSword project has been commissioned to address security and data privacy in a holistic way by proposing a context-aware security-by-design framework to support software developers in constructing secure applications for the cloud. This chapter presents an overview of the PaaSword project results, including the scientific achievements as well as the description of the technical solution. The benefits offered by the framework are validated through two pilot implementations and conclusions are drawn based on the future research challenges which are discussed in a research agenda

    Achieving Privacy-Preserving DSSE for Intelligent IoT Healthcare System

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    As the product of combining Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, and traditional healthcare, Intelligent IoT Healthcare (IIoTH) brings us a lot of convenience, meanwhile security and privacy issues have attracted great attention. Dynamic searchable symmetric encryption (DSSE) technique can make the user search the dynamic healthcare information from IIoTH system under the condition that the privacy is protected. In this article, a novel privacy-preserving DSSE scheme for IIoTH system is proposed. It is the first DSSE scheme designed for personal health record (PHR) files database with forward security. We construct the secure index based on hash chain and realize trapdoor updates for resisting file injection attacks. In addition, we realize fine-grained search over encrypted PHR files database of attribute-value type. When the user executes search operations, he/she gets only a matched attribute value instead of the whole file. As a result, the communication cost is reduced and the disclosure of patient's privacy is minimized. The proposed scheme also achieves attribute access control, which allows users have different access authorities to attribute values. The specific security analysis and experiments show the security and the efficiency of the proposed scheme

    Cryptographic Techniques for Securing Data in the Cloud

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    El paradigma de la computació al núvol proporciona accés remot a potents infraestructures a cost reduït. Tot i que l’adopció del núvol ofereix nombrosos beneficis, la migració de dades sol requerir un alt nivell de confiança en el proveïdor de serveis i introdueix problemes de privacitat. En aquesta tesi es dissenyen tècniques per a permetre a usuaris del núvol protegir un conjunt de dades externalitzades. Les solucions proposades emanen del projecte H2020 de la Comissió Europea “CLARUS: User-Centered Privacy and Security in the Cloud”. Els problemes explorats són la cerca sobre dades xifrades, la delegació de càlculs d’interpolació, els esquemes de compartició de secrets i la partició de dades. Primerament, s’estudia el problema de la cerca sobre dades xifrades mitjançant els esquemes de xifrat cercable simètric (SSE), i es desenvolupen tècniques que permeten consultes per rangs dos-dimensionals a SSE. També es tracta el mateix problema utilitzant esquemes de xifrat cercable de clau pública (PEKS), i es presenten esquemes PEKS que permeten consultes conjuntives i de subconjunt. En aquesta tesi també s’aborda la delegació privada de computacions Kriging. Kriging és un algoritme d’interpolació espaial dissenyat per a aplicacions geo-estadístiques. Es descriu un mètode per a delegar interpolacions Kriging de forma privada utilitzant xifrat homomòrfic. Els esquemes de compartició de secrets són una primitiva fonamental en criptografia, utilitzada a diverses solucions orientades al núvol. Una de les mesures d’eficiència relacionades més importants és la taxa d’informació òptima. Atès que calcular aquesta taxa és generalment difícil, s’obtenen propietats que faciliten la seva descripció. Finalment, es tracta el camp de la partició de dades per a la protecció de la privacitat. Aquesta tècnica protegeix la privacitat de les dades emmagatzemant diversos fragments a diferents ubicacions. Aquí s’analitza aquest problema des d’un punt de vista combinatori, fitant el nombre de fragments i proposant diversos algoritmes.El paradigma de la computación en la nube proporciona acceso remoto a potentes infraestructuras a coste reducido. Aunque la adopción de la nube ofrece numerosos beneficios, la migración de datos suele requerir un alto nivel de confianza en el proveedor de servicios e introduce problemas de privacidad. En esta tesis se diseñan técnicas para permitir a usuarios de la nube proteger un conjunto de datos externalizados. Las soluciones propuestas emanan del proyecto H2020 de la Comisión Europea “CLARUS: User-Centered Privacy and Security in the Cloud”. Los problemas explorados son la búsqueda sobre datos cifrados, la delegación de cálculos de interpolación, los esquemas de compartición de secretos y la partición de datos. Primeramente, se estudia el problema de la búsqueda sobre datos cifrados mediante los esquemas de cifrado simétrico buscable (SSE), y se desarrollan técnicas para permitir consultas por rangos dos-dimensionales en SSE. También se trata el mismo problema utilizando esquemas de cifrado buscable de llave pública (PEKS), y se presentan esquemas que permiten consultas conyuntivas y de subconjunto. Adicionalmente, se aborda la delegación privada de computaciones Kriging. Kriging es un algoritmo de interpolación espacial diseñado para aplicaciones geo-estadísticas. Se describe un método para delegar interpolaciones Kriging privadamente utilizando técnicas de cifrado homomórfico. Los esquemas de compartición de secretos son una primitiva fundamental en criptografía, utilizada en varias soluciones orientadas a la nube. Una de las medidas de eficiencia más importantes es la tasa de información óptima. Dado que calcular esta tasa es generalmente difícil, se obtienen propiedades que facilitan su descripción. Por último, se trata el campo de la partición de datos para la protección de la privacidad. Esta técnica protege la privacidad de los datos almacenando varios fragmentos en distintas ubicaciones. Analizamos este problema desde un punto de vista combinatorio, acotando el número de fragmentos y proponiendo varios algoritmos.The cloud computing paradigm provides users with remote access to scalable and powerful infrastructures at a very low cost. While the adoption of cloud computing yields a wide array of benefits, the act of migrating to the cloud usually requires a high level of trust in the cloud service provider and introduces several security and privacy concerns. This thesis aims at designing user-centered techniques to secure an outsourced data set in cloud computing. The proposed solutions stem from the European Commission H2020 project “CLARUS: User-Centered Privacy and Security in the Cloud”. The explored problems are searching over encrypted data, outsourcing Kriging interpolation computations, secret sharing and data splitting. Firstly, the problem of searching over encrypted data is studied using symmetric searchable encryption (SSE) schemes, and techniques are developed to enable efficient two-dimensional range queries in SSE. This problem is also studied through public key encryption with keyword search (PEKS) schemes, efficient PEKS schemes achieving conjunctive and subset queries are proposed. This thesis also aims at securely outsourcing Kriging computations. Kriging is a spatial interpolation algorithm designed for geo-statistical applications. A method to privately outsource Kriging interpolation is presented, based in homomorphic encryption. Secret sharing is a fundamental primitive in cryptography, used in many cloud-oriented techniques. One of the most important efficiency measures in secret sharing is the optimal information ratio. Since computing the optimal information ratio of an access structure is generally hard, properties are obtained to facilitate its description. Finally, this thesis tackles the privacy-preserving data splitting technique, which aims at protecting data privacy by storing different fragments of data at different locations. Here, the data splitting problem is analyzed from a combinatorial point of view, bounding the number of fragments and proposing various algorithms to split the data

    Survey on securing data storage in the cloud

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    Cloud Computing has become a well-known primitive nowadays; many researchers and companies are embracing this fascinating technology with feverish haste. In the meantime, security and privacy challenges are brought forward while the number of cloud storage user increases expeditiously. In this work, we conduct an in-depth survey on recent research activities of cloud storage security in association with cloud computing. After an overview of the cloud storage system and its security problem, we focus on the key security requirement triad, i.e., data integrity, data confidentiality, and availability. For each of the three security objectives, we discuss the new unique challenges faced by the cloud storage services, summarize key issues discussed in the current literature, examine, and compare the existing and emerging approaches proposed to meet those new challenges, and point out possible extensions and futuristic research opportunities. The goal of our paper is to provide a state-of-the-art knowledge to new researchers who would like to join this exciting new field