306 research outputs found


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    Pavement markings serve as important traffic control devices, delineating traffic lanes and conveying regulations, guidance or warnings to roadway users. To ensure that pavement markings are clearly visible, especially at night, transportation agencies periodically assess the retroreflectivity of various categories of markings through manual approaches at discrete location. Because the radiometric information such as intensity in the lidar data cannot inherently be considered as a retroreflectivity measurement without additional processing, this study rigorously assesses the ability to determine pavement marking retroreflectivity from the Leica ScanStation P40 through radiometric calibration. For the evaluation, data were collected at a study site in Philomath, Oregon using the Leica P40, Leica Pegasus: Two mobile lidar system, and a handheld retroreflectometer as a reference. The results show that, with appropriate calibration, the lidar data can adequately assess the retroreflectivity of pavement markings. Additionally, while corrections have been proposed for range and angle of incidence, these corrections are not straightforward to apply for retroreflective materials, as will be discussed herein. While mobile lidar technology is ideal for a system-wide asset management framework, terrestrial laser scanning can be utilized for detailed investigations at sites such as intersections with highly variable wear where both can enable significant cost savings and applied for a variety of purposes simultaneously including asset management and project development

    Measuring surface moisture on a sandy beach based on corrected intensity data of a mobile terrestrial LiDAR

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    Surface moisture plays a key role in limiting the aeolian transport on sandy beaches. However, the existing measurement techniques cannot adequately characterize the spatial and temporal distribution of the beach surface moisture. In this study, a mobile terrestrial LiDAR (MTL) is demonstrated as a promising method to detect the beach surface moisture using a phase-based Z&F/Leica HDS6100 laser scanner mounted on an all-terrain vehicle. Firstly, two sets of indoor calibration experiments were conducted so as to comprehensively investigate the effect of distance, incidence angle and sand moisture contents on the backscattered intensity by means of sand samples with an average grain diameter of 0.12 mm. A moisture estimation model was developed which eliminated the effects of the incidence angle and distance (it only relates to the target surface reflectance). The experimental results reveal both the distance and incidence angle influencing the backscattered intensity of the sand samples. The standard error of the moisture model amounts to 2.0% moisture, which is considerably lower than the results of the photographic method. Moreover, a field measurement was conducted using the MTL system on a sandy beach in Belgium. The accuracy and robustness of the beach surface moisture derived from the MTL data was evaluated. The results show that the MTL is a highly suitable technique to accurately and robustly measure the surface moisture variations on a sandy beach with an ultra-high spatial resolution (centimeter-level) in a short time span (12 x 200 m per minute)

    Fotogrametría de rango cercano aplicada a la Ingeniería Agroforestal

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    Tesis por compendio de publicaciones[EN]Since the late twentieth century, Geotechnologies are being applied in different research lines in Agroforestry Engineering aimed at advancing in the modeling of biophysical parameters in order to improve the productivity. In this study, low-cost and close range photogrammetry has been used in different agroforestry scenarios to solve identified gaps in the results and improve procedures and technology hitherto practiced in this field. Photogrammetry offers the advantage of being a non-destructive and non-invasive technique, never changing physical properties of the studied element, providing rigor and completeness to the captured information. In this PhD dissertation, the following contributions are presented divided into three research papers: • A methodological proposal to acquire georeferenced multispectral data of high spatial resolution using a low-cost manned aerial platform, to monitor and sustainably manage extensive áreas of crops. The vicarious calibration is exposed as radiometric calibration method of the multispectral sensor embarked on a paraglider. Low-cost surfaces are performed as control coverages. • The development of a method able to determine crop productivity under field conditions, from the combination of close range photogrammetry and computer vision, providing a constant operational improvement and a proactive management in the crop monitoring. An innovate methodology in the sector is proposed, ensuring flexibility and simplicity in the data collection by non-invasive technologies, automation in processing and quality results with low associated cost. • A low cost, efficient and accurate methodology to obtain Digital Height Models of vegatal cover intended for forestry inventories by integrating public data from LiDAR into photogrammetric point clouds coming from low cost flights. This methodology includes the potentiality of LiDAR to register ground points in areas with high density of vegetation and the better spatial, radiometric and temporal resolution from photogrammetry for the top of vegetal covers.[ES]Desde finales del siglo XX se están aplicando Geotecnologías en diferentes líneas de investigación en Ingeniería Agroforestal orientadas a avanzar en la modelización de parámetros biofísicos con el propósito de mejorar la productividad. En este estudio se ha empleado fotogrametría de bajo coste y rango cercano en distintos escenarios agroforestales para solventar carencias detectadas en los resultados obtenidos y mejorar los procedimientos y la tecnología hasta ahora usados en este campo. La fotogrametría ofrece como ventaja el ser una técnica no invasiva y no destructiva, por lo que no altera en ningún momento las propiedades físicas del elemento estudiado, dotando de rigor y exhaustividad a la información capturada. En esta Tesis Doctoral se presentan las siguientes contribuciones, divididas en tres artículos de investigación: • Una propuesta metodológica de adquisición de datos multiespectrales georreferenciados de alta resolución espacial mediante una plataforma aérea tripulada de bajo coste, para monitorizar y gestionar sosteniblemente amplias extensiones de cultivos. Se expone la calibración vicaria como método de calibración radiométrico del sensor multiespectral embarcado en un paramotor empleando como coberturas de control superficies de bajo coste. • El desarrollo de un método capaz de determinar la productividad del cultivo en condiciones de campo, a partir de la combinación de fotogrametría de rango cercano y visión computacional, facilitando una mejora operativa constante así como una gestión proactiva en la monitorización del cultivo. Se propone una metodología totalmente novedosa en el sector, garantizando flexibilidad y sencillez en la toma de datos mediante tecnologías no invasivas, automatismo en el procesado, calidad en los resultados y un bajo coste asociado. • Una metodología de bajo coste, eficiente y precisa para la obtención de Modelos Digitales de Altura de Cubierta Vegetal destinados al inventario forestal mediante la integración de datos públicos procedentes del LiDAR en las nubes de puntos fotogramétricas obtenidas con un vuelo de bajo coste. Esta metodología engloba la potencialidad del LiDAR para registrar el terreno en zonas con alta densidad de vegetación y una mejor resolución espacial, radiométrica y temporal procedente de la fotogrametría para la parte superior de las cubiertas vegetales

    Calibration of full-waveform airborne laser scanning data for 3D object segmentation

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    Phd ThesisAirborne Laser Scanning (ALS) is a fully commercial technology, which has seen rapid uptake from the photogrammetry and remote sensing community to classify surface features and enhance automatic object recognition and extraction processes. 3D object segmentation is considered as one of the major research topics in the field of laser scanning for feature recognition and object extraction applications. The demand for automatic segmentation has significantly increased with the emergence of full-waveform (FWF) ALS, which potentially offers an unlimited number of return echoes. FWF has shown potential to improve available segmentation and classification techniques through exploiting the additional physical observables which are provided alongside the standard geometric information. However, use of the FWF additional information is not recommended without prior radiometric calibration, taking into consideration all the parameters affecting the backscattered energy. The main focus of this research is to calibrate the additional information from FWF to develop the potential of point clouds for segmentation algorithms. Echo amplitude normalisation as a function of local incidence angle was identified as a particularly critical aspect, and a novel echo amplitude normalisation approach, termed the Robust Surface Normal (RSN) method, has been developed. Following the radar equation, a comprehensive radiometric calibration routine is introduced to account for all variables affecting the backscattered laser signal. Thereafter, a segmentation algorithm is developed, which utilises the raw 3D point clouds to estimate the normal for individual echoes based on the RSN method. The segmentation criterion is selected as the normal vector augmented by the calibrated backscatter signals. The developed segmentation routine aims to fully integrate FWF data to improve feature recognition and 3D object segmentation applications. The routine was tested over various feature types from two datasets with different properties to assess its potential. The results are compared to those delivered through utilizing only geometric information, without the additional FWF radiometric information, to assess performance over existing methods. The results approved the potential of the FWF additional observables to improve segmentation algorithms. The new approach was validated against manual segmentation results, revealing a successful automatic implementation and achieving an accuracy of 82%

    Moniajalliset aaltomuotolaserpiirteet metsäpuissa – fenologian, puulajien ja skannausgeometrian vaikutus

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    Ilmalaserkeilauksella ”airborne LiDAR” (Light Detection and Ranging) tuotetaan korkearesoluutioista 3D-tietoa erittäin kustannustehokkaasti. Tämänhetkiset metsien inventointimenetelmät yhdistävät sekä LiDARin että passiivisen ilmakuvauksen. Mahdollisuus pelkän LiDARin käyttöön on erittäin houkutteleva, koska se johtaisi ainakin osittain kustannusten alenemiseen. Tässä tutkimuksessa keskitytään ns. täyden aaltomuodon havaintoihin, mitkä sisältävät enemmän tietoa lähetetystä ja vastaanotetusta signaalista kuin ’tavanomaiset’ pistepilvet. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan metsän latvuston rakenteellisten ominaisuuksien ja LiDAR-signaalien välisiä riippuvuuksia ja pyritään lisäämään ymmärrystämme LiDARin ja kasvillisuuden välisistä vuorovaikutuksista ja tekijöistä, jotka rajoittavat nykyistä kykyä käyttää LiDAR-dataa mm. puulajitulkintaan, ja sitä, kuinka erilaisin prosessointi ja laskentamenetelmin voimme parantaa LiDARin tulkintaa metsässä. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on ymmärtää, kuinka erilaisia aaltomuotopiirteitä voidaan tulkita ja kuinka piirteet käyttäytyvät muuttuvan fenologian mukaan. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu kolmesta peräkkäisestä LiDAR- ja ilmakuva kampanjasta, jotka on tehty alueella 38 kuukauden aikana sekä tämän ajanjakson aikana mitatuista maastoreferenssipuista. Käytössä on monen ajankohdan dataa, mikä koostuu kolmesta toistetusta laserkeilauksesta, jotka kaikki käyttivät samaa sensoria, lentoratoja ja keilausasetuksia. Koska LiDAR-havainnot ovat vertailukelpoisia ja samoista puista, voidaan ns. "puutekijää" tutkia ja vaihtelua aaltomuodon ominaisuuksien välillä toistuvissa keilauksissa seurata. Fenologiset muutokset ovat havaittavissa, koska aineistot sisältävät talven (lehdetön aika), alkukesän (alhainen lehtialaindeksi (LAI) havupuilla) ja loppukesän (täyslehti, korkea LAI). Myös skannauszeniittikulman (SZA) vaikutus aaltomuodon ominaisuuksiin ja piirteisiin otettiin huomioon, koska sama puu voitiin nähdä usealta lentolinjalta. Tulokset osoittavat, että huolellisella koeasettelulla on mahdollista havaita lajien sisäisiä ja lajien välisiä fenologisia eroja ja muutoksia moniajallisista aaltomuotopiirteistä. SZA:lla ei ollut merkittävää vaikutusta tuloksiin. Puulajiluokitus onnistui hyvin vaihtelevissa fenologisissa olosuhteissa ja erirakenteellisissa metsiköissä. Fenologiset muutokset olivat hyvin ilmeisiä kausivihannoilla puilla, mutta melko pieniä ainavihannilla havupuilla. Kokonaistarkkuudet puulajiluokituksessa olivat talvella 92 %, alkukesällä 88 % ja loppukesällä 84 % kasvatusmetsässä ja talvella 84 %, alkukesällä 81 % ja loppukesällä 83 % vanhassa puustossa. "puutekijän" osoitettiin olevan merkittävä. Lajien sisäinen varianssi johtuu pääasiassa puutekijästä eli lajinsisäinen ominaisuusvarianssi edustaa luonnollista vaihtelua saman lajin puiden välillä.Airborne LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) produces high-resolution and cost-efficient 3D data. Currently, forest inventories combine the use of both LiDAR and passive imaging by cameras, and the possibility of using LiDAR only is very tempting as it would lead to cost reduction. Focus of this study is on the full-waveform observations that extent the information content compared to conventional point clouds and are somewhat rarer to have access to. This study explores basic dependencies between structural canopy features and LiDAR signals over time and aims at augmenting our understanding of LiDAR-vegetation interactions and factors limiting our current ability to use pulsed LiDAR data for species detection, and how possibilities to overcome those limitations. Motivation is to understand how different waveform features can be interpreted and how the features behave over time with changing vegetation phenology. The study material consists of three consecutive LiDAR campaigns and aerial imaging surveys done in the area during a 38-month period and field reference trees that have been measured during this period. I use multi-temporal data that comprise three repeated acquisitions, which all applied same sensor, trajectories, as well as sensor and acquisition settings. As I had repeated LiDAR observations of the same trees where the acquisition settings are comparable, I could study the so-called ‘tree effect’ and overall co-variation between waveform features in the repeated acquisitions. Phenological changes are available as the data comprises winter (leaf-off), early summer (low LAI in conifers) and late summer data (full leaf, high LAI). The influence of scan zenith angle (SZA) on waveform features and attributes is also considered, as the same tree can be seen from multiple strips. The results showed that by using careful experimentation it is possible to detect intra- and interspecies phenological changes from multitemporal full-waveform data, while SZA did not have markable effect on the WF features. I was also able to perform well with the tree species classification task in varying phenological conditions. The phenological changes were very apparent on deciduous trees, but rather small on evergreen conifers. In a 45-year-old stand, the overall accuracies in tree species classification were 92, 87 and 88 % for winter, early summer, and late summer, respectively. These figures were 84, 81, and 83 % for in an old growth forest. The ‘tree effect’ was shown to be significant, i.e., many of the WF features of trees were correlated over time. The intra-species feature variance that is due to the tree effect represents natural variation between trees of the same species

    Image Simulation in Remote Sensing

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    Remote sensing is being actively researched in the fields of environment, military and urban planning through technologies such as monitoring of natural climate phenomena on the earth, land cover classification, and object detection. Recently, satellites equipped with observation cameras of various resolutions were launched, and remote sensing images are acquired by various observation methods including cluster satellites. However, the atmospheric and environmental conditions present in the observed scene degrade the quality of images or interrupt the capture of the Earth's surface information. One method to overcome this is by generating synthetic images through image simulation. Synthetic images can be generated by using statistical or knowledge-based models or by using spectral and optic-based models to create a simulated image in place of the unobtained image at a required time. Various proposed methodologies will provide economical utility in the generation of image learning materials and time series data through image simulation. The 6 published articles cover various topics and applications central to Remote sensing image simulation. Although submission to this Special Issue is now closed, the need for further in-depth research and development related to image simulation of High-spatial and spectral resolution, sensor fusion and colorization remains.I would like to take this opportunity to express my most profound appreciation to the MDPI Book staff, the editorial team of Applied Sciences journal, especially Ms. Nimo Lang, the assistant editor of this Special Issue, talented authors, and professional reviewers

    Mobile Laser Scanning – System development, performance and applications

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    Osajulkaisut: Publication 1: Antero Kukko, Sanna Kaasalainen, and Paula Litkey. 2008. Effect of incidence angle on laser scanner intensity and surface data. Applied Optics, volume 47, number 7, pages 986-992. doi:10.1364/AO.47.000986 Publication 2: Antero Kukko and Juha Hyyppä. 2009. Small-footprint laser scanning simulator for system validation, error assessment, and algorithm development. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, volume 75, number 9, pages 1177-1189. Publication 3: Antero Kukko, Constantin-Octavian Andrei, Veli-Matti Salminen, Harri Kaartinen, Yuwei Chen, Petri Rönnholm, Hannu Hyyppä, Juha Hyyppä, Ruizhi Chen, Henrik Haggrén, Iisakki Kosonen, and Karel Čapek. 2007. Road environment mapping system of the Finnish Geodetic Institute - FGI ROAMER -. In: Petri Rönnholm, Hannu Hyyppä, and Juha Hyyppä (editors). Proceedings of the ISPRS Workshop on Laser Scanning 2007 and SilviLaser 2007. Espoo, Finland. 12-14 September 2007. International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, volume 36, part 3 / W52, pages 241-247. ISSN 1682-1777. Publication 4: Antero Kukko, Harri Kaartinen, Juha Hyyppä, and Yuwei Chen. 2012. Multiplatform mobile laser scanning: Usability and performance. Sensors, volume 12, number 9, pages 11712-11733. doi:10.3390/s120911712 Publication 5: Harri Kaartinen, Juha Hyyppä, Antero Kukko, Anttoni Jaakkola, and Hannu Hyyppä. 2012. Benchmarking the performance of mobile laser scanning systems using a permanent test field. Sensors, volume 12, number 9, pages 12814-12835. doi:10.3390/s120912814 Publication 6: P. Alho, A. Kukko, H. Hyyppä, H. Kaartinen, J. Hyyppä, and A. Jaakkola. 2009. Application of boat-based laser scanning for river survey. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, volume 34, number 13, pages 1831-1838. doi:10.1002/esp.1879 Publication 7: Matti Vaaja, Juha Hyyppä, Antero Kukko, Harri Kaartinen, Hannu Hyyppä, and Petteri Alho. 2011. Mapping topography changes and elevation accuracies using a mobile laser scanner. Remote Sensing, volume 3, number 3, pages 587-600. doi:10.3390/rs3030587Laser scanning is a surveying technique used for mapping topography, vegetation, urban areas and infrastructure, ice, and other targets of interest. Its application on a terrestrial mobile platform is a promising method for effectively collecting three-dimensional data for complex environments and for producing model information for location-based services necessitating rapidly collected and up-to-date data. Development of mobile laser scanning (MLS) systems for such purposes is presented in this study. Different aspects of this technology were analyzed in laboratory experiments, simulations and field tests, in order to understand their effects on the ranging, intensity and point cloud data, especially in terms of point distribution and accuracy. In order to validate the performance of the developed ROAMER and AKHKA MLS systems, various three-dimensional mapping tasks were performed during an international benchmarking test, as well as in the field in numerous projects. The results showed that the proposed systems can reliably provide accurate data. It has also been shown that the various modalities of the systems allow data acquisition in numerous application scenarios and environments not previously possible. MLS improves the data output compared to terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and outperforms airborne laser scanning (ALS) in ranging precision and point density. As a result, MLS is well suited to fill the gap between these two previously dominant 3D data acquisition techniques.Laserkeilaus on mittaustekniikka, jota käytetään maaston topografian kasvillisuuden, rakennettujen alueiden, infrastruktuurin, jään ja muiden kohteiden kartoitukseen. Tekniikan soveltaminen liikkuvalle alustalle on lupaava menetelmä monimuotoisten ympäristöjen tehokkaaseen kolmiulotteiseen mittaamiseen ja mallinnustiedon tuottamiseen paikkatietopalveluihin, jotka edellyttävät tiedon nopeaa hankintaa ja ajantasaisuutta. Tässä tutkimuksessa kehitettiin liikkuvia laserkeilausjärjestelmiä (MLS). Eri tekijöiden vaikutuksia etäisyys- ja intensiteettihavaintoihin, pistejakaumaan ja tarkkuuteen selvitettiin laboratoriokokein, simuloimalla ja koetöin. Tutkimuksessa kehitettyjen ROAMER ja AKHKA MLS-järjestelmien suorituskykyä kolmiulotteisen mittaustiedon tuottamiseen erilaisissa kartoitustehtävissä tutkittiin kansainvälisessä vertailututkimuksessa kaupunkitestikentän avulla, mutta lisäksi käytännön sovelluksissa useassa eri projektissa. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että kehitetyt MLS järjestelmät tuottavat tarkkaa tietoa luotettavasti. Järjestelmien monikäyttöisyys mahdollistaa aineistonhankinnan eri sovellustapauksissa ja ympäristöissä tavalla, joka ei ole aikaisemmin ollut mahdollista. Liikkuva laserkeilaus parantaa merkittävästi mittauksen tehokkuutta maalaserkeilaukseen verrattuna, ja ylittää lentolaserkeilauksen suorituskyvyn etäisyysmittauksen tarkkuudessa ja pistetiheydessä. Liikkuva laserkeilaus tarjoaakin näitä kahta aikaisemmin vallitsevaa 3D-mittausteknologiaa hyvin täydentävän kartoitusmenetelmän

    Aspects of Accuracy, Scanning Angle Optimization, and Intensity Calibration Related to Nationwide Laser Scanning

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    Osajulkaisut: Publication 1: Ahokas, E., Kaartinen, H., Hyyppä, J. 2004. A quality assessment of repeated airborne laser scanner observations. The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey, Vol. XXXV, part B3, pp. 237-242. ISSN 1682-1750. Publication 2: Ahokas, E., Hyyppä, J., Kaartinen, H., Kukko, A., Kaasalainen, S., Krooks, A. 2010. The effect of biomass and scanning angle on laser beam transmittance. International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vienna, Austria, Vol. XXXVIII(7A), pp. 1-6. ISSN 1682-1777. http://www.isprs.org/proceedings/XXXVIII/part7/a/pdf/1_XXXVIII-part7A.pdf Publication 3: Ahokas, E., Hyyppä, J., Yu, X., Holopainen, M. 2011. Transmittance of Airborne Laser Scanning Pulses for Boreal Forest Elevation Modeling. Remote Sensing. 3, 1365-1379. ISSN 2072-4292. http://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/3/7/1365/ Publication 4: Kaasalainen, S., Ahokas, E., Hyyppä, J., Suomalainen, J. 2005. Study of surface brightness from backscattered laser intensity: Calibration of laser data. IEEE Geoscience and remote sensing letters, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 255-259, ISSN 1545-598X. Publication 5: Ahokas, E., Kaasalainen, S., Hyyppä, J., Suomalainen, J. 2006. Calibration of the Optech ALTM 3100 laser scanner intensity data using brightness targets. ISPRS Commission I Symposium, Paris Marne-la-Vallee, 4-6 July 2006, ISPRS Volume XXXVI Part 1/A. pp. 14-20. CD-ROM publication. Also in Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection, No. 182, (2006-2), pp. 10-16. Publication 6: Honkavaara, E., Peltoniemi J., Ahokas, E., Kuittinen R., Hyyppä, J., Jaakkola, J., Kaartinen, H., Markelin, L., Nurminen, K., Suomalainen, J. 2008. A Permanent Test Field for Digital Photogrammetric Systems. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing. Vol. 74, No. 1, pp. 95-106.Airborne laser scanning is a technique that produces three-dimensional coordinates of the Earth’s surface as well as generating intensity values. Nationwide airborne laser scanning was launched in Finland in 2008 and some 180 000 km2 had been scanned by the end of 2012. While the main goal in this endeavour is to produce an accurate digital elevation/terrain model (2 x 2 m2 grid size) of the whole of the country, other applications, e.g. forestry, will benefit from the data as well. This study deals with the accuracy of airborne laser scanning, the optimization of the scanning angle, and the calibration of intensity. Accuracy assessments of airborne laser scanning have shown that the geometric accuracy of the method can fulfill the accuracy requirements for producing a nationwide digital elevation model with a grid of 2 x 2 m2. When studying the effect of scanning angle and biomass on elevation modeling capability, it was found that it would be possible to increase the scanning angle applied in Finland’s nationwide laser scanning. Even though the accuracy of the elevation model in the conditions prevailing in Finland allows increasing of the scanning angle, other applications would most probably not benefit from this. For example, these same data are sometimes used in nationwide forest inventory in Finland. A method for relative and absolute calibration of airborne laser scanning intensity was developed. The portable reference targets have proved their usefulness for calibration purposes. An intensity correction method should be used in pre-processing the airborne laser data. As a result of this, the usability of the intensity values may increase in practical applications, such as in classification. The studies constituting this dissertation have already impacted on the practical aspects of the nationwide airborne laser scanning dealing with accuracy assessment, the work done in the field of intensity calibration, and scanning angle analysis may have a further impact on nationwide laser scanning in the coming years. The optimization of airborne laser scanning flight parameters for multi-use nationwide laser scanning is a topic deserving further research.Ilmasta tehtävä laserkeilaus tuottaa 3D-koordinaatteja maan pinnalta sekä intensiteettiarvoja. Suomen valtakunnallinen laserkeilaus aloitettiin vuonna 2008 ja noin 180000 km2 oli keilattu vuoden 2012 loppuun mennessä. Vaikka päätarkoituksena on tuottaa tarkka digitaalinen korkeus/maastomalli (2 x 2 m2 ruutukoko) koko maasta, muutkin sovellukset, kuten metsätalous, hyötyvät tästä aineistosta. Tämä tutkimus käsittelee ilmasta tehtävän laserkeilauksen tarkkuutta, keilauskulman optimointia sekä intensiteetin kalibrointia. Laserkeilauksen tarkkuusarviointi on osoittanut, että menetelmän geometrinen tarkkuus täyttää valtakunnallisen digitaalisen korkeusmallin tuottamisen tarkkuusvaatimukset. Kun tutkittiin keilauskulman ja biomassan vaikutusta korkeusmallin tuottamiseen, huomattiin että olisi mahdollista kasvattaa valtakunnallisen laserkeilauksen havaintokulmaa. Vaikka korkeusmallin tarkkuus mahdollistaisi Suomen oloissa keilauskulman kasvattamisen, muut sovellukset eivät luultavasti hyötyisi tästä. Esimerkiksi tätä samaa aineistoa käytetään Suomen valtakunnallisessa metsien inventoinnissa. Laserkeilauksen intensiteetin suhteellista ja absoluuttista kalibrointia varten kehitettiin menetelmä. Siirrettävät referenssikohteet osoittivat käyttökelpoisuutensa intensiteetin kalibroinnissa. Intensiteetin kalibrointimenetelmää tulisi käyttää laserkeilausaineiston esikäsittelyssä. Tämän tuloksena intensiteettiarvojen käyttökelpoisuus kasvaisi käytännön sovelluksissa, kuten luokittelussa. Tämän väitöskirjan muodostaneet tutkimukset ovat jo käytännössä vaikuttaneet valtakunnallisen laserkeilauksen tarkkuusarvioinnissa. Intensiteetin kalibrointityö ja keilauskulman analysointi vaikuttanevat valtakunnalliseen laserkeilaukseen tulevina vuosina. Lisätutkimusta tarvitaan ilmasta tehtävän laserkeilauksen lentoparametrien optimoimiseksi monikäyttöistä valtakunnallista laserkeilausta varten

    Integrating Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems

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    Remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) comprise the two major components of geographic information science (GISci), an overarching field of endeavor that also encompasses global positioning systems (GPS) technology, geodesy and traditional cartography (Goodchild 1992, Estes and Star 1993, Hepner et al. 2005). Although remote sensing and GIS developed quasi-independently, the synergism between them has become increasingly apparent (Aronoff 2005). Today, GIS software almost always includes tools for display and analysis of images, and image processing software commonly contains options for analyzing ‘ancillary’ geospatial data (Faust 1998). The significant progress made in ‘integration’ of remote sensing and GIS has been well-summarized in several reviews (Ehlers 1990, Mace 1991, Hinton 1996, Wilkinson 1996). Nevertheless, advances are so rapid that periodic reassessment of the state-of-the-art is clearly warranted