51 research outputs found

    Design and Performance Analysis of Functional Split in Virtualized Access Networks

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    abstract: Emerging modular cable network architectures distribute some cable headend functions to remote nodes that are located close to the broadcast cable links reaching the cable modems (CMs) in the subscriber homes and businesses. In the Remote- PHY (R-PHY) architecture, a Remote PHY Device (RPD) conducts the physical layer processing for the analog cable transmissions, while the headend runs the DOCSIS medium access control (MAC) for the upstream transmissions of the distributed CMs over the shared cable link. In contrast, in the Remote MACPHY (R-MACPHY) ar- chitecture, a Remote MACPHY Device (RMD) conducts both the physical and MAC layer processing. The dissertation objective is to conduct a comprehensive perfor- mance comparison of the R-PHY and R-MACPHY architectures. Also, development of analytical delay models for the polling-based MAC with Gated bandwidth alloca- tion of Poisson traffic in the R-PHY and R-MACPHY architectures and conducting extensive simulations to assess the accuracy of the analytical model and to evaluate the delay-throughput performance of the R-PHY and R-MACPHY architectures for a wide range of deployment and operating scenarios. Performance evaluations ex- tend to the use of Ethernet Passive Optical Network (EPON) as transport network between remote nodes and headend. The results show that for long CIN distances above 100 miles, the R-MACPHY architecture achieves significantly shorter mean up- stream packet delays than the R-PHY architecture, especially for bursty traffic. The extensive comparative R-PHY and R-MACPHY comparative evaluation can serve as a basis for the planning of modular broadcast cable based access networks.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201

    Topics in access, storage, and sensor networks

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    In the first part of this dissertation, Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification (DOCSIS) and IEEE 802.3ah Ethernet Passive Optical Network (ETON), two access networking standards, are studied. We study the impact of two parameters of the DOCSIS protocol and derive the probability of message collision in the 802.3ah device discovery scheme. We survey existing bandwidth allocation schemes for EPONs, derive the average grant size in one such scheme, and study the performance of the shortest-job-first heuristic. In the second part of this dissertation, we study networks of mobile sensors. We make progress towards an architecture for disconnected collections of mobile sensors. We propose a new design abstraction called tours which facilitates the combination of mobility and communication into a single design primitive and enables the system of sensors to reorganize into desirable topologies alter failures. We also initiate a study of computation in mobile sensor networks. We study the relationship between two distributed computational models of mobile sensor networks: population protocols and self-similar functions. We define the notion of a self-similar predicate and show when it is computable by a population protocol. Transition graphs of population protocols lead its to the consideration of graph powers. We consider the direct product of graphs and its new variant which we call the lexicographic direct product (or the clique product). We show that invariants concerning transposable walks in direct graph powers and transposable independent sets in graph families generated by the lexicographic direct product are uncomputable. The last part of this dissertation makes contributions to the area of storage systems. We propose a sequential access detect ion and prefetching scheme and a dynamic cache sizing scheme for large storage systems. We evaluate the cache sizing scheme theoretically and through simulations. We compute the expected hit ratio of our and competing schemes and bound the expected size of our dynamic cache sufficient to obtain an optimal hit ratio. We also develop a stand-alone simulator for studying our proposed scheme and integrate it with an empirically validated disk simulator

    Redes de nova geração e o serviço universal de telecomunicações em Portugal

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia EletrónicaThis thesis addresses the issue of Universal Service for telecommunications in the context of the access networks of next generation. This work aims to contribute to the redefinition of the concept of universal telecommunications service focusing primarily on extending it to broadband services as economic and social development factor and taking into account the degree of dependence that currently, modern societies have for the different communication and information services. Complementarily it also intended to meet some of the challenges set out in the European 2020 agenda. Universal Service is defined here as access to a telecommunications network (with obligations in terms of type and quality of service for the operator), by of all citizens at any country's geographical location, with uniform and accessible price. The approach adopted is the State as a mentor for social equity, respectful of the liberalized market dynamics but also knowledgeable of the requirements of modern telecommunications services and its relationship with the different technologies available. The possibility of subsidizing is assumed. The Universal Service´s provision is subject to open to all operators, which are assumed to possess other profitability businesses, than the Universal Service, using technologies similar to those prescribed for the respective Universal Service provision contest. Although the work has components of economic and financial analysis, the approach is the engineering point of view, looking for help to identify technical and organizational solutions which offer prospects for the dissemination and adoption of next generation network solutions. As a point of departure the work gives an overview on the state of the art access networks , trying to identify which of the differences between this reality and possible scenarios for next-generation network with potential access to the generality of the people . The case of the Portuguese reality will be given special attention, taking into account their specific characteristics in terms of geography, demography, economics and market dynamics. The main results of this work are: • Identification of possible scenarios for the evolution of existing networks, in particular in areas with deficit coverage. • Identification of possible operating models and business to the materialization of the above scenarios developed and its economic analysis in an attempt to determine the critical factors associated with sustainability and / or need for subsidies. • Contribution to the regulatory framework of new generation networks from the point of view of the constraints of technology and the specifics of the Universal Service.Esta tese aborda a questão do serviço universal de telecomunicações no contexto das redes de acesso de nova geração. Este trabalho pretende contribuir para a redefinição do conceito de Serviço Universal de Telecomunicações concentrando-se principalmente em estendê-lo a serviços de banda larga como factor de desenvolvimento económico e social e tendo em conta o grau de dependência que, actualmente, as sociedades modernas têm em relação aos diferentes serviços de comunicação e informação. De forma complementar pretende-se também ir ao encontro de alguns dos desafios enunciados na Agenda Europeia 2020. Serviço Universal é aqui definido como o acesso a uma rede de telecomunicações (com obrigações em termos de tipo e qualidade de serviço para o operador), por parte de todos os cidadãos, em qualquer localização geográfica do país, a preços uniformes e acessíveis. A perspectiva adoptada é a Estatal como mentor da equidade social, respeitador das dinâmicas de mercado liberalizado mas também conhecedor dos requisitos dos modernos serviços de telecomunicações e da sua relação com as diferentes tecnologias disponíveis. A possibilidade de subsidiação é assumida. A prestação de Serviço Universal é sujeita a concurso aberto a todos os operadores, que se assume possuírem outros negócios, que não apenas o Serviço Universal, com rentabilidade e usando tecnologias semelhantes às preconizadas para a respectiva prestação de Serviço Universal. Embora o trabalho desenvolvido tenha componentes de análise económico-financeira, a abordagem utilizada é a de engenharia, procurando contribuir para a identificação de soluções técnicas e organizacionais que possam oferecer perspectivas sustentáveis para a disseminação e adopção das soluções redes de nova geração. Como ponto de partida o trabalho apresenta uma visão geral sobre o estado da arte das redes de acesso, procurando identificar quais os diferenciais existentes entre essa realidade e a de possíveis cenários de rede de próxima geração com potencial de acesso para a generalidade dos cidadãos. O caso da realidade Portuguesa será objecto de uma atenção especial, tendo em consideração as suas especificidades em termos de geografia, demografia, economia e dinâmicas do mercado. Os principais resultados deste trabalho são os seguintes: • Identificação de possíveis cenários para a evolução das redes actuais, nomeadamente em áreas com deficit de cobertura de rede. • Identificação de possíveis modelos de operação e negócio para a materialização dos cenários acima desenvolvidos e respectiva análise económica, como tentativa de determinar os factores críticos associados à sua sustentabilidade e /ou necessidade de subsidiação. • Contributo para o quadro regulatório das Redes de Nova Geração sob o ponto de vista dos constrangimentos das tecnologias e das especificidades do Serviço Universal

    Making broadband access networks transparent to researchers, developers, and users

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    Broadband networks are used by hundreds of millions of users to connect to the Internet today. However, most ISPs are hesitant to reveal details about their network deployments,and as a result the characteristics of broadband networks are often not known to users,developers, and researchers. In this thesis, we make progress towards mitigating this lack of transparency in broadband access networks in two ways. First, using novel measurement tools we performed the first large-scale study of thecharacteristics of broadband networks. We found that broadband networks have very different characteristics than academic networks. We also developed Glasnost, a system that enables users to test their Internet access links for traffic differentiation. Glasnost has been used by more than 350,000 users worldwide and allowed us to study ISPs' traffic management practices. We found that ISPs increasingly throttle or even block traffic from popular applications such as BitTorrent. Second, we developed two new approaches to enable realistic evaluation of networked systems in broadband networks. We developed Monarch, a tool that enables researchers to study and compare the performance of new and existing transport protocols at large scale in broadband environments. Furthermore, we designed SatelliteLab, a novel testbed that can easily add arbitrary end nodes, including broadband nodes and even smartphones, to existing testbeds like PlanetLab.Breitbandanschlüsse werden heute von hunderten Millionen Nutzern als Internetzugang verwendet. Jedoch geben die meisten ISPs nur ungern über Details ihrer Netze Auskunft und infolgedessen sind Nutzern, Anwendungsentwicklern und Forschern oft deren Eigenheiten nicht bekannt. Ziel dieser Dissertation ist es daher Breitbandnetze transparenter zu machen. Mit Hilfe neuartiger Messwerkzeuge konnte ich die erste groß angelegte Studie über die Besonderheiten von Breitbandnetzen durchführen. Dabei stellte sich heraus, dass Breitbandnetze und Forschungsnetze sehr unterschiedlich sind. Mit Glasnost habe ich ein System entwickelt, das mehr als 350.000 Nutzern weltweit ermöglichte ihren Internetanschluss auf den Einsatz von Verkehrsmanagement zu testen. Ich konnte dabei zeigen, dass ISPs zunehmend BitTorrent Verkehr drosseln oder gar blockieren. Meine Studien zeigten dar überhinaus, dass existierende Verfahren zum Testen von Internetsystemen nicht die typischen Eigenschaften von Breitbandnetzen berücksichtigen. Ich ging dieses Problem auf zwei Arten an: Zum einen entwickelte ich Monarch, ein Werkzeug mit dem das Verhalten von Transport-Protokollen über eine große Anzahl von Breitbandanschlüssen untersucht und verglichen werden kann. Zum anderen habe ich SatelliteLab entworfen, eine neuartige Testumgebung, die, anders als zuvor, beliebige Internetknoten, einschließlich Breitbandknoten und sogar Handys, in bestehende Testumgebungen wie PlanetLab einbinden kann

    Volition versus feasibility: state aid when aid is looked upon favourably: the broadband example

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    The European Commission published on September 30, 2009, Guidelines for the application of State aid rules in relation to rapid deployment of broadband networks. These Guidelines are applicable to two markets that are connected, although somewhat different. In “traditional” or “first generation” broadband networks, public intervention mainly relates to rural communities or areas which are economically underdeveloped. Therefore, a corrective nature of the aid is maintained. However, the Guidelines are also applied to accelerate the deployment of next-generation access (NGA) networks, which implies a driving conception of State aid, as this is an emerging market and there are relatively few Europeans who have access to these networks. The analysis of these Guidelines thus seems relevant due to its novelty and, particularly, to the results that it can bring