93,123 research outputs found

    How groups can foster consensus: The case of local cultures

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    A local culture denotes a commonly shared behaviour within a cluster of firms. Similar to social norms or conventions, it is an emergent feature resulting from the firms' interaction in an economic network. To model these dynamics, we consider a distributed agent population, representing e.g. firms or individuals. Further, we build on a continuous opinion dynamics model with bounded confidence (ϵ\epsilon), which assumes that two agents only interact if differences in their behaviour are less than ϵ\epsilon. Interaction results in more similarity of behaviour, i.e. convergence towards a common mean. This framework is extended by two major concepts: (i) The agent's in-group consisting of acquainted interaction partners is explicitly taken into account. This leads to an effective agent behaviour reflecting that agents try to continue to interact with past partners and thus to keep sufficiently close to them. (ii) The in-group network structure changes over time, as agents can form new links to other agents with sufficiently close effective behaviour or delete links to agents no longer close in behaviour. Thus, our model provides a feedback mechanism between the agents' behaviour and their in-group structure. Studying its consequences by means of agent-based computer simulations, we find that for narrow-minded agents (low ϵ\epsilon) the additional feedback helps to find consensus more often, whereas for open-minded agents (high ϵ\epsilon) this does not hold. This counterintuitive result is explained by simulations of the network evolution

    The Emergence of Norms via Contextual Agreements in Open Societies

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    This paper explores the emergence of norms in agents' societies when agents play multiple -even incompatible- roles in their social contexts simultaneously, and have limited interaction ranges. Specifically, this article proposes two reinforcement learning methods for agents to compute agreements on strategies for using common resources to perform joint tasks. The computation of norms by considering agents' playing multiple roles in their social contexts has not been studied before. To make the problem even more realistic for open societies, we do not assume that agents share knowledge on their common resources. So, they have to compute semantic agreements towards performing their joint actions. %The paper reports on an empirical study of whether and how efficiently societies of agents converge to norms, exploring the proposed social learning processes w.r.t. different society sizes, and the ways agents are connected. The results reported are very encouraging, regarding the speed of the learning process as well as the convergence rate, even in quite complex settings

    Different reactions to adverse neighborhoods in games of cooperation

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    In social dilemmas, cooperation among randomly interacting individuals is often difficult to achieve. The situation changes if interactions take place in a network where the network structure jointly evolves with the behavioral strategies of the interacting individuals. In particular, cooperation can be stabilized if individuals tend to cut interaction links when facing adverse neighborhoods. Here we consider two different types of reaction to adverse neighborhoods, and all possible mixtures between these reactions. When faced with a gloomy outlook, players can either choose to cut and rewire some of their links to other individuals, or they can migrate to another location and establish new links in the new local neighborhood. We find that in general local rewiring is more favorable for the evolution of cooperation than emigration from adverse neighborhoods. Rewiring helps to maintain the diversity in the degree distribution of players and favors the spontaneous emergence of cooperative clusters. Both properties are known to favor the evolution of cooperation on networks. Interestingly, a mixture of migration and rewiring is even more favorable for the evolution of cooperation than rewiring on its own. While most models only consider a single type of reaction to adverse neighborhoods, the coexistence of several such reactions may actually be an optimal setting for the evolution of cooperation.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures; accepted for publication in PLoS ON

    A Unified Framework for Multi-Agent Agreement

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    Multi-Agent Agreement problems (MAP) - the ability of a population of agents to search out and converge on a common state - are central issues in many multi-agent settings, from distributed sensor networks, to meeting scheduling, to development of norms, conventions, and language. While much work has been done on particular agreement problems, no unifying framework exists for comparing MAPs that vary in, e.g., strategy space complexity, inter-agent accessibility, and solution type, and understanding their relative complexities. We present such a unification, the Distributed Optimal Agreement Framework, and show how it captures a wide variety of agreement problems. To demonstrate DOA and its power, we apply it to two well-known MAPs: convention evolution and language convergence. We demonstrate the insights DOA provides toward improving known approaches to these problems. Using a careful comparative analysis of a range of MAPs and solution approaches via the DOA framework, we identify a single critical differentiating factor: how accurately an agent can discern other agent.s states. To demonstrate how variance in this factor influences solution tractability and complexity we show its effect on the convergence time and quality of Particle Swarm Optimization approach to a generalized MAP

    Bourdieuian approaches to the geography of entrepreneurial cultures

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    Modeling Adoption and Usage of Competing Products

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    The emergence and wide-spread use of online social networks has led to a dramatic increase on the availability of social activity data. Importantly, this data can be exploited to investigate, at a microscopic level, some of the problems that have captured the attention of economists, marketers and sociologists for decades, such as, e.g., product adoption, usage and competition. In this paper, we propose a continuous-time probabilistic model, based on temporal point processes, for the adoption and frequency of use of competing products, where the frequency of use of one product can be modulated by those of others. This model allows us to efficiently simulate the adoption and recurrent usages of competing products, and generate traces in which we can easily recognize the effect of social influence, recency and competition. We then develop an inference method to efficiently fit the model parameters by solving a convex program. The problem decouples into a collection of smaller subproblems, thus scaling easily to networks with hundred of thousands of nodes. We validate our model over synthetic and real diffusion data gathered from Twitter, and show that the proposed model does not only provides a good fit to the data and more accurate predictions than alternatives but also provides interpretable model parameters, which allow us to gain insights into some of the factors driving product adoption and frequency of use

    Structure emerges faster during cultural transmission in children than in adults

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    How does children’s limited processing capacity affect cultural transmission of complex information? We show that over the course of iterated reproduction of two-dimensional random dot patterns transmission accuracy increased to a similar extent in 5- to 8-year-old children and adults whereas algorithmic complexity decreased faster in children. Thus, children require more structure to render complex inputs learnable. In line with the Less-Is-More hypothesis, we interpret this as evidence that children’s processing limitations affecting working memory capacity and executive control constrain the ability to represent and generate complexity, which, in turn, facilitates emergence of structure. This underscores the importance of investigating the role of children in the transmission of complex cultural traits