6 research outputs found

    Faktor-faktor penentu kepuasan perumahan yang memberi kesan terhadap gelagat pembayaran caj perkhidmatan bagi perumahan bertingkat / Rohaya Ghani, Mastura Jaffar and Mohd Yahaya Mohd Daud

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    Perumahan bertingkat merupakan perumahan yang diminati oleh segolongan masyarakat. Ia digemari kerana dilengkapi dengan pelbagai kemudahan contohnya parkir, taman permainan, kawalan keselamatan, kolam renang, pintu keluar masuk yang dikawal oleh pengawal keselamatan. Badan pengurusan merupakan badan yang bertanggungjawab untuk mengurus dan menjaga keseluruhan bangunan dan justeru itu pemilik petak perlu membayar caj perkhidmatan agar dapat menanggung kos pengurusan. Kepuasan perumahan mempengaruhi gelagat pembayaran caj perkhidmatan. Apabila penghuni tidak berpuas hati maka penghuni enggan dan begitu sebaliknya. Justeru itu, objektif kertas kerja ini ialah untuk mengenal pasti faktor-faktor penentu kepuasan perumahan yang memberi kesan terhadap gelagat pembayaran caj perkhidmatan. Hasil tinjauan melalui sorotan literatur mendapati terdapat tujuh faktor yang dimaksudkan iaitu kebersihan, penyenggaraan, staf pengurusan, pejabat pengurusan, perhubungan sosial dan interaksi, keselamatan dan keamanan dan utiliti. Penemuan ini dapat digunakan untuk kajian selanjutnya bagi menentukan faktorfaktor penentu gelagat pembayaran caj perkhidmatan demi kesejahteraan dan kualiti hidup penghuni perumahan bertingkat

    Evaluation of Information System Service Quality in a South African Governmental Department

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    The research project was undertaken to investigate the effective usage of Information Systems (IS) and Information Technology (IT) in theDepartment of Economic Development, Environment, Conservation and Tourism (DEDECT), taking into consideration other factors impacting onservice delivery in the Department and their challenges. The survey was confined in the DEDECT Provincial office and at middle managementrespondents with access to IS equipment and tools. A sample of 25 respondents was selected. The collected data was presented in frequencytables and graphs. The main findings of the study reveal that there is a strong correlation between service delivery and the IS infrastructure in thedepartment and encompassing other factors which may include perceptions of clients, support systems to IS and the capabilities of the IS operators. It is therefore imperative that the various arms of government start working smartly and effectively by using IS and IT to increase productivity. At the end of this article, several general strategies are put forward as possible solutions to achieve this goal

    Faktor utama yang mempengaruhi kualiti perkhidmatan dan pembayaran caj penyenggaraan bangunan

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    Quality of services is one of the most important factors to determine the satisfaction of building occupant and encourage them to pay maintenance charge. To measure the quality of service, this study examined the components of building management to determine the main factor that influences the quality of services and building maintenance charges. The objectives of this study are: (i) To identify the components of building management that influence the quality of services and maintenance charges for high-rise housing scheme; (ii) To study the impact of the components on the quality of services and maintenance charges for high-rise housing scheme; and (iii) To identify the main component of building management that influence the quality of services and maintenance charges for high-rise housing scheme using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. A total of six medium and high-cost condominiums in Kuala Lumpur have been selected as case study. 100 questionnaires were distributed while face-to-face interviews were conducted with 50 residents of condominiums using convenience sampling technique. For the first objective, the literature review revealed that there are five building management components to measure the quality of services, namely security, cleanliness, services, organization and landscape. For the second objective, descriptive analysis using Microsoft Excel found that the occupants from Desa Damansara, Sri Wangsaria and Widuri Impian Condominium were satisfied in terms of services from management staff, time taken to resolve complaints and the level of security provided by the management corporation. The satisfaction of the occupants has led to a strong financial performance of the condominiums due to the consistency of the occupants in paying maintenance charges regularly. Compared to Bam Villa, Shamelin Bestari and Stonor Park Condominiums, the occupants were dissatisfied with the unfriendly services from the management staff, the long-time taken to resolve complaints as well as the safety of the condominium. These issues have caused those condominiums to face arrears of maintenance charges and unsatisfactory financial performance. For the third objective, the result of the analysis using AHP technique found that building occupants in all condominiums have emphasised safety aspects as the main factor in influencing the quality of services and maintenance charges followed by service, cleanliness, management organization and landscape. The findings suggested that components of building management play significant role in determining the quality of services and satisfaction of building occupants to encourage them in paying maintenance charges without fail

    Customer satisfaction and competitiveness in the Chinese E-retailing: structural equation modeling (SEM) approach to identify the role of quality factors

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    This paper attempts to study the impact of customer satisfaction and the Chinese electronic retailers (E-retailers) competitiveness using quality factors. Two conceptual models based on asset-process-performance (APP) competitive theoretical framework have been proposed. The proposed models include E-retailers strategic factors such as logistics, quality and customer satisfaction equivalent to asset, process and performance entities of the APP framework. Using an empirical survey from a young population, this study, with the support of structural equation modeling (SEM) identifies reliability in service quality and purchasing experience in e-service quality as dominant customer satisfaction factors. This study uses both exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis and suggests that to be competitive Chinese E-retailers have to focus more on the delivery of products (logistics) compared to other intangible service quality factors. On theoretical front, this study is a novel attempt to validate the APP framework for E-retailers’ competitiveness. On the practical front, the outcome of the study would be highly beneficial to the Chinese E-retailers to fine tune their strategy to satisfy the growing demand. Furthermore, this study can supplement government policy makers to regulate the growing volatile market

    Um contributo para a gestão da carteira de clientes na administração de condomínios

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    Em Portugal, nos últimos anos, a atividade de administração de condomínios tem vindo a ter um crescimento e proliferação notórios. No entanto, tem sido efetuada pouca investigação sobre as empresas que atuam neste âmbito, principalmente na perspetiva da gestão e da relação com os condomínios que administram. A informação disponível não possui nem o detalhe nem o conteúdo necessário para o processo de apoio à decisão nas empresas deste sector. Esta investigação recai numa empresa de Gestão e Administração de Condomínios do concelho de Vila Real de Santo António, com o objetivo de contribuir com informação mais pormenorizada por forma a auxiliar a gestão da empresa no processo de tomada de decisão, no que respeita às ações e medidas a adotar na sua carteira de clientes. Assim, foram considerados, para o período 2014-2018, um conjunto de descritores associados aos edifícios cuja administração está sobre a responsabilidade da empresa, e analisadas as suas influências na dinâmica da empresa com função de administração. Por outras palavras, pretende-se clarificar o tipo de influência que existem entre o comportamento dos condomínios administrados e empresa de administração de condomínios. Neste sentido, para o período em análise, foram avaliadas duas estruturas de dados: uma contendo os descritores dos clientes, os condomínios, e outra com descritores da empresa, a função de administrador, com a finalidade de se capturar uma co-estrutura comum que permita a análise da relação entre as duas estruturas. A aplicação do método COSTATIS (Thioulouse, 2011), um método exploratório multivariado de análise de dados de Três-Vias, destacou a influência entre as duas estruturas e permitiu elencar recomendações direcionadas de medidas para implementação em clientes específicos dentro de cada segmento.In Portugal, in the last few years, condominium management activity has been experiencing notable growth and proliferation. Nonetheless, little research has been done about the companies that operate in this area, especially from the perspective of management and the relationship with the condominiums they manage. The information available has neither the detail nor the content necessary for the decision support process in companies in this sector. This investigation addresses a condominium management and administration company in the municipality of Vila Real de Santo António, in order to contribute with more detailed information to assist the company's management in the decision-making process about actions and measures to be adopted in its client portfolio. Thus, for the period 2014-2018, a set of descriptors associated with the buildings whose management is under the company's responsibility were considered, and their influences on the dynamics of the company with management function were analyzed. In other words, it is intended to clarify what type of influence exists between the administered building condominiums behaviour and the company that administrates them. In this sense, for the period under analysis, two data structures were evaluated: one containing condominium descriptors, and the other with company descriptors, in order to capture a common co-structure that allows the analysis of the relationship between the two structures. The application of the COSTATIS method (Thioulouse, 2011), a multivariate exploratory method of analysis of Three-Way data, highlighted the influence between the two structures and allowed to list suggested measures targeted for implementation in specific customers within each segment

    A holistic evaluation framework for inbound tour operator service quality in Cameroon

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    Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and ZuluIn this era of globalisation, competition, and a global pandemic (COVID-19), the assessment of service quality is vital for the success of inbound tour operators in Cameroon. The problem of poor service quality in Cameroon, despite the country’s rich touristic potential, necessitated an empirical study aimed at fashioning a service quality evaluation framework for ITOs. A sequential explanatory mixed-method design was employed in the study. Using the purposive sampling technique through the administration of online questionnaires to staff and customers of ITOs, quantitative data was collected from managers [n=12], employees [n=5] and customers [n=126]. The data collected was used to prepare in-depth semi-structured interviews with seven (7) tourism experts/professionals. A quantitative data analysis was carried out using descriptive statistics obtained through the customer and manager questionnaires. Inferential statistics regarding customers were applied to test hypotheses using the Pearson product–moment correlation while inferential statistics regarding managers were applied to test hypotheses using the Kendall rank correlation. Conversely, a qualitative data analysis was carried out using descriptive statistics and an inferential analysis was performed through the application of grounded theory. The final outcome was the identification of determinant factors of service quality in respect to TOs and the development of a service quality path model, which revealed that both customer-centric and service-centric outcomes must be combined to achieve comprehensive service quality evaluation objectives that will lead to the attainment of the satisfaction zone. The main contributions of this study were academic and practical in nature. From an academic perspective, this study provided more insight into the existing relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable. Hence, theoretical development occurred by integrating the dimensions of the TO service quality evaluation model and the SERVQUAL model with service quality evaluation. From a practical perspective, this study led to the formulation of an integrated operational system that TOs and service marketers can adopt to enhance service quality.In hierdie era van globalisering, mededinging en ’n globale pandemie (COVID-19), is die assessering van diensgehalte deurslaggewend tot die sukses van inkomende toeroperateurs in Kameroen. ’n Empiriese studie wat daarop gemik is om ’n diensgehalte-evalueringsraamwerk vir inkomende toeroperateurs te modelleer is genoodsaak deur die probleem van diens van ’n swak gehalte in Kameroen in weerwil van die land se ryk toeristiese potensiaal.’n Sekwensiële, verklarende gemengdemetode-ontwerp is vir die onderhawige studie aangewend. Kwantitatiewe data is versamel deur die doelbewuste steekproefnemingstegniek te gebruik. Die tegniek is deur middel van aanlynvraelyste aan personeel en kliënte van inkomende toeroperateurs, naamlik, bestuurders [n=12], werknemers [n=5] en kliënte [n=126] geadministreer. Die data wat ingesamel is, is gebruik om deurtastende, semigestruktureerde onderhoude met sewe (7) kundige/professionele persone uit toerisme geledere voor te berei. Kwantitatiewe dataontleding is uitgevoer deur die gebruik van deskriptiewe statistiek wat uit die kliënt- en bestuurdervraelyste verkry is. Inferensiële statistiek oor kliënte is aangewend om hipoteses te toets deur die Pearson produk-momentkorrelasie te gebruik, onderwyl inferensiële statistiek oor bestuurders aangewend is om hipoteses deur middel van die Kendall-rangkorrelasie te toets. Omgekeerd, is ’n kwalitatiewe dataontleding deur die gebruik van deskriptiewe statistiek uitgevoer, en ’n inferensiële ontleding is uitgevoer deur die aanwending van die kennisteorie. Die vernaamste resultaat was die identifisering van diensgehalte-determinantfaktore ten opsigte van toeroperateurs en die ontwikkeling van ’n model vir ’n diensgehaltebaan wat onthul het dat beide kliëntgesentreerde en diensgesentreerde-uitkomste gekombineer moet word om omvattende diensgehalte-evalueringsdoelwitte te verkry wat in die verwerwing van die voldoeningsone sal afloop. Die hoofbydraes van hierdie studie was akademies en prakties van aard. Vanuit ’n akademiese perspektief het die studie meer insig na die bestaande verhouding tussen die onafhanklike veranderlikes en die afhanklike veranderlike gebied. Gevolglik het teoretiese ontwikkeling plaasgevind deur die dimensies van die toeroperateur-diensgehalte-evalueringsmodel en die SERVQUAL-model met diensgehalte-evaluering te integreer. Vanuit ’n praktiese perspektief, het hierdie studie aanleiding gegee tot die formulering van ’n geïntegreerde bedryfstelsel wat toeroperateurs en diensbemarkers kan aanneem ten einde diensgehalte te versterk.Kulesi sikhathi se-globalisation, ukuqhudelana kanye nobhubhane lwesifo samazwe omhlaba (i-COVID-19), uhlolo lweqophelo lamasevisi lubalulekile kwimpumelelo yama-operator ezokuvakasha e-Cameroon. Inkinga yeqophelo elingelihle lamasevisi e-Cameroon, ngisho noma kukhona umthamo ojulile wezabavakashi ubangele ukuthi kwenziwe ucwaningo olunobufakazi oluqonde ekwakheni uhlaka lwesevisi yeqophelo kubavakashi abangena ezweni. Kusetshenziswe amamethodi axubene encazelo yokulandelelana kucwaningo. Ngokusebenzisa ithekniki ye-purposive sampling ngokwenza imibuzo ebhaliwe yama-questionnaire nge-online kubasebenzi kanye namakhastama, abavakashi abangena ezweni, kuqoqwe i-quantitative data kumamininjela [n=12], abasebenzi [n=5] kanye namakhastama [n=126]. Ulwazi oluqoqiwe lusetshenziswe ukulungiselela ama-interview ajulile ama-semi-structured nochwepheshe/amaprofeshinari ezokuvakasha abangu 7. Kwenziwe uhlaziyo lolwazi ngobuningi, ngokusebenzisa i-descriptive statistics ngokwenza ama-questionnaire amakhastama kanye namamininjela. Kusetshenziswe i-inferential statistics mayelana namakhastama ukuthesta i-hypotheses ngokusebenzisa i-Pearson product–moment correlation kanti kwasetshenziswa i-inferential statistics mayelana namamininjela ukuthesta i-hypotheses ngokusebenzisa i-Kendall rank correlation. Ngakho-ke kwenziwe uhlaziyo lolwazi lwe-qualitative ngokusebenzisa i-descriptive statistics kanye nohlaziyo lwe-inferential ngokusebenzisa i-grounded theory. Inhloso enkulu bekuwukubona ama-determinant factor eqophele lesevisi mayelana nama-tour operator kanye nokwenza indlela yemodeli yeqophelo lesevisi, ekhombise ukuthi imiphumela yokuqondisa kumakhastama nokuqondisa kumasevisi kumele kuhlanganiswe ukufinyelela izinjongo zohlolo lweqophelo yesevisi ukufinyelela izinjongo zokuhlola ukujula kweqophelo lesevisi okuzoba nomphumela wokufinyelela umkhakha wokweneliseka. Umthelela omkhulu walolu cwaningo ubongowesi-akhademiki kanye nokubambeka ngokwenhlobo. Ngaso hlangothini lweze-akhademiki, lolu cwaningo luhlinzeke ngombono ojulile ngobudlelwana phakathi kwama-variable azimele kanye nama-variable ancike kokunye. Ngakho-ke ukwenziwa kwethiyori kwenzeke ngokuhlanganisa amadayamenshini emodeli yohlolo lweqophelo yesevisi yama-tour operator kanye nemodeli ye-SERVQUAL ngohlolo lweqophelo yesevisi. Ngasohlangothini lokubambekayo, lolu cwaningo luholele ekwenziweni kwesistimu ye-integrated operation yama-tour operator kanye nabamakethi bamasevisi abangawasebenzisa ukuthuthukisa iqophelo lesevisi.Business ManagementD. Phil. (Management Studies