Evaluation of Information System Service Quality in a South African Governmental Department


The research project was undertaken to investigate the effective usage of Information Systems (IS) and Information Technology (IT) in theDepartment of Economic Development, Environment, Conservation and Tourism (DEDECT), taking into consideration other factors impacting onservice delivery in the Department and their challenges. The survey was confined in the DEDECT Provincial office and at middle managementrespondents with access to IS equipment and tools. A sample of 25 respondents was selected. The collected data was presented in frequencytables and graphs. The main findings of the study reveal that there is a strong correlation between service delivery and the IS infrastructure in thedepartment and encompassing other factors which may include perceptions of clients, support systems to IS and the capabilities of the IS operators. It is therefore imperative that the various arms of government start working smartly and effectively by using IS and IT to increase productivity. At the end of this article, several general strategies are put forward as possible solutions to achieve this goal

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