228 research outputs found

    Efficient Elliptic Curve Cryptography Software Implementation on Embedded Platforms

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    A Lightweight Implementation of NTRU Prime for the Post-Quantum Internet of Things

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    The dawning era of quantum computing has initiated various initiatives for the standardization of post-quantum cryptosystems with the goal of (eventually) replacing RSA and ECC. NTRU Prime is a variant of the classical NTRU cryptosystem that comes with a couple of tweaks to minimize the attack surface; most notably, it avoids rings with "worrisome" structure. This paper presents, to our knowledge, the first assembler-optimized implementation of Streamlined NTRU Prime for an 8-bit AVR microcontroller and shows that high-security lattice-based cryptography is feasible for small IoT devices. An encapsulation operation using parameters for 128-bit post-quantum security requires 8.2 million clock cycles when executed on an 8-bit ATmega1284 microcontroller. The decapsulation is approximately twice as costly and has an execution time of 15.6 million cycles. We achieved this performance through (i) new low-level software optimization techniques to accelerate Karatsuba-based polynomial multiplication on the 8-bit AVR platform and (ii) an efficient implementation of the coefficient modular reduction written in assembly language. The execution time of encapsulation and decapsulation is independent of secret data, which makes our software resistant against timing attacks. Finally, we assess the performance one could theoretically gain by using a so-called product-form polynomial as part of the secret key and discuss potential security implications

    Authenticated Key Agreement with Rekeying for Secured Body Sensor Networks

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    Many medical systems are currently equipped with a large number of tiny, non-invasive sensors, located on, or close to, the patient’s body for health monitoring purposes. These groupings of sensors constitute a body sensor network (BSN). Key management is a fundamental service for medical BSN security. It provides and manages the cryptographic keys to enable essential security features such as confidentiality, integrity and authentication. Achieving key agreement in BSNs is a difficult task. Many key agreement schemes lack sensor addition, revocation, and rekeying properties, which are very important. Our proposed protocol circumvents these shortcomings by providing node rekeying properties, as well as node addition and revocation. It proposes a key distribution protocol based on public key cryptography—the RSA (Rivest, Shamir and Adleman) algorithm, and the DHECC (Diffie-Hellman Elliptic Curve Cryptography) algorithm. The proposed protocol does not trust individual sensors, and partially trusts the base station (hospital). Instead of loading full pair-wise keys into each node, after installation our protocol establishes pair-wise keys between nodes according to a specific routing algorithm. In this case, each node doesn’t have to share a key with all of its neighbors, only those involved in the routing path; this plays a key role in increasing the resiliency against node capture attacks and the network storage efficiency. Finally we evaluate our algorithm from the BSN security viewpoint and evaluate its performance in comparison with other proposals

    18 Seconds to Key Exchange: Limitations of Supersingular Isogeny Diffie-Hellman on Embedded Devices

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    The quantum secure supersingular isogeny Diffie-Hellman (SIDH) key exchange is a promising candidate in NIST\u27s on-going post-quantum standardization process. The evaluation of various implementation characteristics is part of this standardization process, and includes the assessment of the applicability on constrained devices. When compared to other post-quantum algorithms, SIDH appears to be well-suited for the implementation on those constrained devices due to its small key sizes. On the other hand, SIDH is computationally complex, which presumably results in long computation times. Since there are no published results to test this assumption, we present speed-optimized implementations for two small microcontrollers and set a first benchmark that can be of relevance for the standardization process. We use state-of-the art field arithmetic algorithms and optimize them in assembly. However, an ephemeral key exchange still requires more than 18 seconds on a 32-bit Cortex-M4 and more than 11 minutes on a 16-bit MSP430. Those results show that even with an improvement by a factor of 4, SIDH is in-fact impractical for small embedded devices, regardless of further possible improvements in the implementation. On a positive note, we also analyzed the implementation security of SIDH and found that appropriate DPA countermeasures can be implemented with little overhead

    NaCl on 8-Bit AVR Microcontrollers

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    This paper presents first results of the Networking and Cryptography library (NaCl) on the 8-bit AVR family of microcontrollers. We show that NaCl, which has so far been optimized mainly for different desktop and server platforms, is feasible on resource-constrained devices while being very fast and memory efficient. Our implementation shows that encryption using Salsa20 requires 268 cycles/byte, authentication using Poly1305 needs 195 cycles/byte, a Curve25519 scalar multiplication needs 22,791,579 cycles, signing of data using Ed25519 needs 23,216,241 cycles, and verification can be done within 32,634,713 cycles. All implemented primitives provide at least 128-bit security, run in constant time, do not use secret-data-dependent branch conditions, and are open to the public domain (no usage restrictions)

    Implementação eficiente da Curve25519 para microcontroladores ARM

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    Orientador: Diego de Freitas AranhaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Com o advento da computação ubĂ­qua, o fenĂŽmeno da Internet das Coisas (de Internet of Things) farĂĄ que com inĂșmeros dispositivos conectem-se um com os outros, enquanto trocam dados muitas vezes sensĂ­veis pela sua natureza. Danos irreparĂĄveis podem ser causados caso o sigilo destes seja quebrado. Isso causa preocupaçÔes acerca da segurança da comunicação e dos prĂłprios dispositivos, que geralmente tĂȘm carĂȘncia de mecanismos de proteção contra interferĂȘncias fĂ­sicas e pouca ou nenhuma medida de segurança. Enquanto desenvolver criptografia segura e eficiente como um meio de prover segurança Ă  informação nĂŁo Ă© inĂ©dito, esse novo ambiente, com uma grande superfĂ­cie de ataque, tem imposto novos desafios para a engenharia criptogrĂĄfica. Uma abordagem segura para resolver este problema Ă© utilizar blocos bem conhecidos e profundamente analisados, tal como o protocolo Segurança da Camada de Transporte (de Transport Layer Security, TLS). Na Ășltima versĂŁo desse padrĂŁo, as opçÔes para Criptografia de Curvas ElĂ­pticas (de Elliptic Curve Cryptography - ECC) sĂŁo expandidas para alĂ©m de parĂąmetros estabelecidos por governos, tal como a proposta Curve25519 e protocolos criptogrĂĄficos relacionados. Esse trabalho pesquisa implementaçÔes seguras e eficientes de Curve25519 para construir um esquema de troca de chaves em um microcontrolador ARM Cortex-M4, alĂ©m do esquema de assinatura digital Ed25519 e a proposta de esquema de assinaturas digitais qDSA. Como resultado, operaçÔes de desempenho crĂ­tico, tal como o multiplicador de 256 bits, foram otimizadas; em particular, aceleração de 50% foi alcançada, impactando o desempenho de protocolos em alto nĂ­velAbstract: With the advent of ubiquitous computing, the Internet of Things will undertake numerous devices connected to each other, while exchanging data often sensitive by nature. Breaching the secrecy of this data may cause irreparable damage. This raises concerns about the security of their communication and the devices themselves, which usually lack tamper resistance mechanisms or physical protection and even low to no security mesures. While developing efficient and secure cryptography as a mean to provide information security services is not a new problem, this new environment, with a wide attack surface, imposes new challenges to cryptographic engineering. A safe approach to solve this problem is reusing well-known and thoroughly analyzed blocks, such as the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol. In the last version of this standard, Elliptic Curve Cryptography options were expanded beyond government-backed parameters, such as the Curve25519 proposal and related cryptographic protocols. This work investigates efficient and secure implementations of Curve25519 to build a key exchange protocol on an ARM Cortex-M4 microcontroller, along the related signature scheme Ed25519 and a digital signature scheme proposal called qDSA. As result, performance-critical operations, such as a 256-bit multiplier, are greatly optimized; in this particular case, a 50% speedup is achieved, impacting the performance of higher-level protocolsMestradoCiĂȘncia da ComputaçãoMestre em CiĂȘncia da ComputaçãoCAPESFuncam

    Energy-Scalable Montgomery-Curve ECDH Key Exchange for ARM Cortex-M3 Microcontrollers

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    The number of smart devices connected to the Internet is growing at an enormous pace and will reach 30 billion within the next five years. A large fraction of these devices have limited processing capabilities and energy supply, which makes the execution of computation-intensive cryptographic algorithms very costly. This problem is exacerbated by the fact that basic optimization techniques like loop unrolling can not (always) be applied since cryptographic software for the IoT often needs to meet strict constraints on code size to not exceed the program storage capacity of the target device. In this paper we introduce SECCCM3, a "lightweight" software library for scalable elliptic curve cryptography on ARM Cortex-M3 microcontrollers. The current version of SECCCM3 is able to carry out variable-base scalar multiplication on Montgomery-form curves over pseudo-Mersenne prime fields, such as Curve25519, and can be used to implement static ECDH key exchange. SECCCM3 is scalable in the sense that it supports curves of different order (as long as certain conditions are met), thereby enabling trade-offs between security and execution time (resp. energy dissipation). We made an effort to protect the field arithmetic against Timing Attacks (TAs) and Simple Power Analysis (SPA), taking into account the so-called early-termination effect of the Cortex-M3 integer multiplier, which makes the latency of "long" multiply instructions operand-dependent. Our experiments show that the integration of countermeasures against information leakage caused by this effect increases the execution time by 34%, while the code size grows by 13%. A TA and SPA-resistant scalar multiplication on Curve25519 has an execution time of 4.565 million clock cycles and consumes approximately 5.1 mJ of energy when executed on a STM32L152RE Cortex-M3 microcontroller. SECCCM3 has a binary code size of 4.0 kB, which includes domain parameters for curves over 159, 191, 223, and 255-bit prime fields

    A Lightweight Implementation of NTRUEncrypt for 8-bit AVR Microcontrollers

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    Introduced in 1996, NTRUEncrypt is not only one of the earliest but also one of the most scrutinized lattice-based cryptosystems and a serious contender in NIST’s ongoing Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) standardization project. An important criterion for the assessment of candidates is their computational cost in various hardware and software environments. This paper contributes to the evaluation of NTRUEncrypt on the ATmega class of AVR microcontrollers, which belongs to the most popular 8-bit platforms in the embedded domain. More concretely, we present AvrNtru, a carefully-optimized implementation of NTRUEncrypt that we developed from scratch with the goal of achieving high performance and resistance to timing attacks. AvrNtru complies with version 3.3 of the EESS#1 specification and supports recent product-form parameter sets like ees443ep1, ees587ep1, and ees743ep1. A full encryption operation (including mask generation and blinding- polynomial generation) using the ees443ep1 parameters takes 834,272 clock cycles on an ATmega1281 microcontroller; the decryption is slightly more costly and has an execution time of 1,061,683 cycles. When choosing the ees743ep1 parameters to achieve a 256-bit security level, 1,539,829 clock cycles are cost for encryption and 2,103,228 clock cycles for decryption. We achieved these results thanks to a novel hybrid technique for multiplication in truncated polynomial rings where one of the operands is a sparse ternary polynomial in product form. Our hybrid technique is inspired by Gura et al’s hybrid method for multiple-precision integer multiplication (CHES 2004) and takes advantage of the large register file of the AVR architecture to minimize the number of load instructions. A constant-time multiplication in the ring specified by the ees443ep1 parameters requires only 210,827 cycles, which sets a new speed record for the arithmetic component of a lattice-based cryptosystem on an 8-bit microcontroller

    Performance Evaluation of Optimal Ate Pairing on Low-Cost Single Microprocessor Platform

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    The framework of low-cost interconnected devices forms a new kind of cryptographic environment with diverse requirements. Due to the minimal resource capacity of the devices, light-weight cryptographic algorithms are favored. Many applications of IoT work autonomously and process sensible data, which emphasizes security needs, and might also cause a need for specific security measures. A bilinear pairing is a mapping based on groups formed by elliptic curves over extension fields. The pairings are the key-enabler for versatile cryptosystems, such as certificateless signatures and searchable encryption. However, they have a major computational overhead, which coincides with the requirements of the low-cost devices. Nonetheless, the bilinear pairings are the only known approach for many cryptographic protocols so their feasibility should certainly be studied, as they might turn out to be necessary for some future IoT solutions. Promising results already exist for high-frequency CPU:s and platforms with hardware extensions. In this work, we study the feasibility of computing the optimal ate pairing over the BN254 curve, on a 64 MHz Cortex-M33 based platform by utilizing an optimized open-source library. The project is carried out for the company Nordic Semiconductor. As a result, the pairing was effectively computed in under 26* 10^6 cycles, or in 410 ms. The resulting pairing enables a limited usage of pairing-based cryptography, with a capacity of at most few cryptographic operations, such as ID-based key verifications per second. Referring to other relevant works, a competent pairing application would require either a high-frequency - and thus high consuming - microprocessor, or a customized FPGA. Moreover, it is noted that the research in efficient pairing-based cryptography is constantly taking steps forward in every front-line: efficient algorithms, protocols, and hardware-solutions
