220 research outputs found

    Selection and Use of MySQL in a Database Management Course

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    This paper presents a case study of the selection and use of a software package for an introductory Database Management course in a typical MIS program. Teachers of Database Management face the challenge of providing their students with meaningful experiences with actual database software. The software selected for use in a database course can generally be categorized as one of three types: commercial enterprise software, such as Oracle or IBM’s DB2; personal database software, such as Microsoft Access; or software available for no cost (including open source software), such as PostgreSQL or MySQL. The advantages and disadvantages of each of these types of software are discussed, as is the selection process utilized in this specific case. The teaching approach examined in detail is the use of MySQL on a Linux platform to allow students to create, modify, populate, and query databases. This approach is shown to have several advantages: the software is available at no cost to the students or the institution; it is configurable and manageable by the course instructor without the need to consult specialized database professionals; it provides an enterprise database experience using Structured Query Language (SQL); and using the Internet, it is available to students from remote computers

    Redesigning Transaction Processing Systems for Non-Volatile Memory

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    Department of Computer Science and EngineeringTransaction Processing Systems are widely used because they make the user be able to manage their data more efficiently. However, they suffer performance bottleneck due to the redundant I/O for guaranteeing data consistency. In addition to the redundant I/O, slow storage device makes the performance more degraded. Leveraging non-volatile memory is one of the promising solutions the performance bottleneck in Transaction Processing Systems. However, since the I/O granularity of legacy storage devices and non-volatile memory is not equal, traditional Transaction Processing System cannot fully exploit the performance of persistent memory. The goal of this dissertation is to fully exploit non-volatile memory for improving the performance of Transaction Processing Systems. Write amplification between Transaction Processing System is pointed out as a performance bottleneck. As first approach, we redesigned Transaction Processing Systems to minimize the redundant I/O between the Transaction Processing Systems. We present LS-MVBT that integrates recovery information into the main database file to remove temporary files for recovery. The LS-MVBT also employs five optimizations to reduce the write traffics in single fsync() calls. We also exploit the persistent memory to reduce the performance bottleneck from slow storage devices. However, since the traditional recovery method is for slow storage devices, we develop byte-addressable differential logging, user-level heap manager, and transaction-aware persistence to fully exploit the persistent memory. To minimize the redundant I/O for guarantee data consistency, we present the failure-atomic slotted paging with persistent buffer cache. Redesigning indexing structure is the second approach to exploit the non-volatile memory fully. Since the B+-tree is originally designed for block granularity, It generates excessive I/O traffics in persistent memory. To mitigate this traffic, we develop cache line friendly B+-tree which aligns its node size to cache line size. It can minimize the write traffic. Moreover, with hardware transactional memory, it can update its single node atomically without any additional redundant I/O for guaranteeing data consistency. It can also adapt Failure-Atomic Shift and Failure-Atomic In-place Rebalancing to eliminate unnecessary I/O. Furthermore, We improved the persistent memory manager that exploit traditional memory heap structure with free-list instead of segregated lists for small memory allocations to minimize the memory allocation overhead. Our performance evaluation shows that our improved version that consider I/O granularity of non-volatile memory can efficiently reduce the redundant I/O traffic and improve the performance by large of a margin.ope

    Using Rollback Avoidance to Mitigate Failures in Next-Generation Extreme-Scale Systems

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    High-performance computing (HPC) systems enable scientists to numerically model complex phenomena in many important physical systems. The next major milestone in the development of HPC systems is the construction of the first supercomputer capable executing more than an exaflop, 10^18 floating point operations per second. On systems of this scale, failures will occur much more frequently than on current systems. As a result, resilience is a key obstacle to building next-generation extreme-scale systems. Coordinated checkpointing is currently the most widely-used mechanism for handling failures on HPC systems. Although coordinated checkpointing remains effective on current systems, increasing the scale of today\u27s systems to build next-generation systems will increase the cost of fault tolerance as more and more time is taken away from the application to protect against or recover from failure. Rollback avoidance techniques seek to mitigate the cost of checkpoint/restart by allowing an application to continue its execution rather than rolling back to an earlier checkpoint when failures occur. These techniques include failure prediction and preventive migration, replicated computation, fault-tolerant algorithms, and software-based memory fault correction. In this thesis, I examine how rollback avoidance techniques can be used to address failures on extreme-scale systems. Using a combination of analytic modeling and simulation, I evaluate the potential impact of rollback avoidance on these systems. I then present a novel rollback avoidance technique that exploits similarities in application memory. Finally, I examine the feasibility of using this technique to protect against memory faults in kernel memory

    Data Migration from RDBMS to Hadoop

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    Oracle, IBM, Microsoft and Teradata own a large portion of the information on the planet. By that on the off chance that we run an inquiry in any piece of the world, it is likely that you are perusing the information from a Database possessed by them. The bigger the volume of information moves from Oracle to DB2 or other is testing assignment for the business. The conception of Hadoop and NoSQL innovation spoke to a seismic movement that shook the RDBMS market and offering a different option for organizations. The Database merchants moved rapidly to Big Data for position and opposite. Indeed, even everybody has own enormous information innovation like prophet NoSQL and mongo DB ,There is a colossal business sector for an elite information movement that can duplicate the information and put away in RDBMS Databases to Hadoop or NoSQL databases. Current data is available in the RDBMS databases like oracle, SQL Server, MySQL and Teradata. We are planning to migrate RDBMS data to big data which is support NoSQL database and contains verity of data from the existed system it’s take huge resources and time to migrate pita bytes of data. Time and resource may be constraints for the current migrating process

    Automated intrusion recovery for web applications

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2013.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (pages 93-97).In this dissertation, we develop recovery techniques for web applications and demonstrate that automated recovery from intrusions and user mistakes is practical as well as effective. Web applications play a critical role in users' lives today, making them an attractive target for attackers. New vulnerabilities are routinely found in web application software, and even if the software is bug-free, administrators may make security mistakes such as misconfiguring permissions; these bugs and mistakes virtually guarantee that every application will eventually be compromised. To clean up after a successful attack, administrators need to find its entry point, track down its effects, and undo the attack's corruptions while preserving legitimate changes. Today this is all done manually, which results in days of wasted effort with no guarantee that all traces of the attack have been found or that no legitimate changes were lost. To address this problem, we propose that automated intrusion recovery should be an integral part of web application platforms. This work develops several ideas-retroactive patching, automated UI replay, dependency tracking, patch-based auditing, and distributed repair-that together recover from past attacks that exploited a vulnerability, by retroactively fixing the vulnerability and repairing the system state to make it appear as if the vulnerability never existed. Repair tracks down and reverts effects of the attack on other users within the same application and on other applications, while preserving legitimate changes. Using techniques resulting from these ideas, an administrator can easily recover from past attacks that exploited a bug using nothing more than a patch fixing the bug, with no manual effort on her part to find the attack or track its effects. The same techniques can also recover from attacks that exploit past configuration mistakes-the administrator only has to point out the past request that resulted in the mistake. We built three prototype systems, WARP, POIROT, and AIRE, to explore these ideas. Using these systems, we demonstrate that we can recover from challenging attacks in real distributed web applications with little or no changes to application source code; that recovery time is a fraction of the original execution time for attacks with a few affected requests; and that support for recovery adds modest runtime overhead during the application's normal operation.by Ramesh Chandra.Ph.D

    Transactional filesystems

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Engenharia InformáticaThe task of implementing correct software is not trivial; mainly when facing the need for supporting concurrency. To overcome this difficulty, several researchers proposed the technique of providing the well known database transactional models as an abstraction for existing programming languages, allowing a software programmer to define groups of computations as transactions and benefit from the expectable semantics of the underlying transactional model. Prototypes for this programming model are nowadays made available by many research teams but are still far from perfection due to a considerable number of operational restrictions. Mostly, these restrictions derive from the limitations on the use of input-output functions inside a transaction. These functions are frequently irreversible which disables their compatibility with a transactional engine due to its impossibility to undo their effects in the event of aborting a transaction. However, there is a group of input-output operations that are potentially reversible and that can produce a valuable tool when provided within the transactional programming model explained above: the file system operations. A programming model that would involve in a transaction not only a set of memory operations but also a set of file operations, would allow the software programmer to define algorithms in a much flexible and simple way, reaching greater stability and consistency in each application. In this document we purpose to specify and allow the use of this type of operations inside a transactional programming model, as well as studying the advantages and disadvantages of this approach


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    The need to produce high quality vegetables or flowers throughout the whole year, led to the development of automated greenhouses. Automation systems contribute to achieve the optimal conditions indoor, enable to be monitored and controlled from distance. Measurements such as humidity and temperature are critical for plantation growth thus they need to be accurately monitored and controlled. The aim of the thesis is the design and implementation of a data collection system in a greenhouse using two most popular programmable boards, Raspberry Pi and Arduino Uno. The system collects data of the most essential parameters, as humidity and temperature, which contribute to the desired climate. To control temperature and humidity, a fully automated ventilation system maintains the greenhouse’s interior to optimal conditions. The humidity and temperature measurements are stored in a SQLite database, which is installed on the Raspberry PI. Over a dynamic webpage the data can be retrieved from almost every place in the world.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format