31 research outputs found

    Constraint-based Autonomic Reconfiguration

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    The Cowl - v.8 - n.17 - Feb 19, 1943

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    The Cowl - student newspaper of Providence College. Volume 8, Number 17 - Feb 19, 1943. 4 pages

    Rollins College Catalog Winter Term 1975

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    Recherche scientifique et enquête policière, une analogie didactique

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    En vue d’attirer les élèves vers des carrières scientifiques, les auteurs proposent de leur faire lire des romans policiers dans le cadre des cours de français et de littérature. L’article comprend deux parties. Dans la première, les parentés entre la démarche scientifique et l’enquête policière sont mises en évidence. Dans la deuxième partie, on propose d’initier les adolescents aux critiques littéraires qui se sont donné pour mission de vérifier si les coupables identifiés par les détectives de romans policiers célèbres sont les vrais coupables. Cet exercice permet de développer un esprit critique et un sain scepticisme face aux théories auxquelles ils seront initiés tout au long de leur curriculum scolaire.To attract students to scientific careers, the authors suggest detective novels be read in Language Arts classes. The article has two parts. First, the similarities between the scientific process and the police investigation are illustrated. Second, a proposal is made to introduce adolescents to literary criticism in the goal of verifying if the guilty parties identified by the detectives in famous detective novel are indeed guilty. This exercise develops critical thinking and a healthy scepticism toward the theories they will be presented with throughout their academic career

    Beyond the dictionary in English

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    Para um estudante da língua inglesa poder 1er ¡ornais, revistas, romances,, etc., com compreensão total, ele precisa ter um bom conhecimento da cultura.Qualquer autor pressupõe grande familiaridade com a cultura no leitor, a não ser que ele esteja escrevendo especificamente para estrangeiros. É possível distinguir quatorze categorias de conhecimento cultural, nas quais poderiam ser baseadas materiais didáticos

    Organic Heterogeneous Material

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    Description of the breeding for genetic diversit

    The language of literary tourism and the promotion of "literary' places: The special case of Sherlock Holmes

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    The literary tourism has developed quickly over time. This kind of tourism has an ancient origin and it only recently has joined the cultural tourism. There are reviews about the background of literary tourism and the different kinds of genres met with their relative language. London is an important example of a city of many authors and places for a lot of works and, in particular, it can be mentioned for the adventures of Sherlock Holmes. His famous address 221B Baker Street has been necessarily created and it brings a lot of tourists curious to visit the apartment built on literary references every year. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was an author, a journalist and a doctor, and he has written many works using different genres. About 60 of them tell the cases of Sherlock Holmes and his roommate John Watson. These are written as journals and it is introduced the science of deduction, that represents the ideals of Victorian time such as resourceful, smart and insightful. It is possible to find many museums and sites around the world dedicated to the detective, but only four of them are remarkable because they recreate the apartment, where the two friends live. These last can be found in Lucens, Meirigen, Minnesota and London. The literary places are an important part of the tourism and especially the people fond of the sleuth require to visit them

    Asi to bude trochu nepřesné, ale – Překvapení nejsou nikdy vyloučena

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    Stačil by mi docela malý kalendářík, který jsem ovšem nenašel. (Tehdy jsem kalendáříčky nosíval nejenom kvůli záznamům Co, Kdy a Kde, ale taky jsem si do nich zachycoval fórky, vtípky a anekdoty, mnohdy takzvaně radioaktivní, takže bylo radno je zaznamenávat mírně šifrované, abych se v nich vyznal jenom já sám. Mělo to ten následek, že jsem je za jistou dobu nebyl schopen uvést do použitelného stavu, když mi meritum věci vypadlo z paměti, a ztratil jsem tudíž jediný šifrovací klíč. Řešení bylo jednoduché, ale než jsem zvládl arabskou abecedu a ustanovil způsob označování českých vokálů, trvalo to dost dlouho. Citelně kratší byla doba, za kterou se ten který zápisník odebral do zápisníkového nebe.) Takže tato stať nemohla bohužel být zhotovena v poklidu a s příslušným přehlede

    Strider: a black-box, state-based approach to change and configuration management and support

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    AbstractWe describe a new approach, called Strider, to Change and Configuration Management and Support (CCMS). Strider is a black-box approach: without relying on specifications, it uses state differencing to identify potential causes of differing program behaviors, uses state tracing to identify actual, run-time state dependencies, and uses statistical behavior modeling for noise filtering. Strider is a state-based approach: instead of linking vague, high level descriptions and symptoms to relevant actions, it models management and support problems in terms of individual, named pieces of low level configuration state and provides precise mappings to user-friendly information through a computer genomics database. We use troubleshooting of configuration failures to demonstrate that the Strider approach reduces problem complexity by several orders of magnitude, making root-cause analysis possible

    Rollins College Winter Term 1975

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    Rollins College catalogue with list of faculty and students and courses by department