12 research outputs found

    Aquisição de sinais electromiográficos recorrendo a eléctrodos em substratos têxteis

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    A electromiografia (EMG) constitui um método fundamental para o estudo do comportamento biomecânico de um indivíduo. Este artigo apresenta um estudo realizado na óptica do desenvolvimento de eléctrodos têxteis não invasivos para a realização de electromiografia de superfície. O trabalho apresenta um método de fabrico de eléctrodos, as suas vantagens e limitações e uma comparação entre dois tipos de eléctrodos têxteis e convencionais, utilizados neste tipo de medição. Os resultados obtidos indiciam um comportamento para estes eléctrodos têxteis considerado semelhante ao dos convencionais, podendo deste modo constituir uma alternativa válida, sobretudo quando se tem em consideração as vantagens que estes proporcionam.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - PTDC/EEA-ELC/70803/2006Universidade do Minh


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    Capacitors have been made on textile substrates. Stainless steel yarns were used as electrodes. The dielectric material was a mixture of PEDOT and PSS. Stainless steel yarns were used as the electrodes. These capacitors are developed to be inserted in wearable textiles, a research field called smart textiles. After charging, a spontaneous discharge was observed lasting for several hours. By connecting a small resistance or even a short circuit for a certain time, it was observed that the voltage starts to rise afterwards when the load resistor or the short circuit was removed. This phenomenon is known as dielectric absorption. It was observed for the PEDOT:PSS cells that the voltage recovery is relatively high as compared to other materials

    Development of dry textile electrodes for electromiography: a comparison between knitted structures and conductive yarns

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    The paper presents a practical approach concerning the design, implementation and testing of dry textile electrodes for surface electromyography purposes. Several knitted structures were designed and knitted with conductive yarns, in order to compare the influence of the fabric structure in the electrode performance. The effect of the type of conductive yarn was also studied by comparing three different yarns. It was found that the textile electrodes perform well for sEMG acquisition, with a clear depiction of the muscle activity produced. There are significant differences between the structures tested and there is also some influence from the yarn used.This work is supported by Portuguese National Funding, through FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, in the framework of project EHRPhysio PTDC/DTP-DES/1661/2012 and project UID/CTM/00264/2013

    Graphene textile smart clothing for wearable cardiac monitoring

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    Wearable electronics is a rapidly growing field that recently started to introduce successful commercial products into the consumer electronics market. Employment of biopotential signals in wearable systems as either biofeedbacks or control commands are expected to revolutionize many technologies including point of care health monitoring systems, rehabilitation devices, human–computer/machine interfaces (HCI/HMIs), and brain–computer interfaces (BCIs). Since electrodes are regarded as a decisive part of such products, they have been studied for almost a decade now, resulting in the emergence of textile electrodes. This study reports on the synthesis and application of graphene nanotextiles for the development of wearable electrocardiography (ECG) sensors for personalized health monitoring applications. In this study, we show for the first time that the electrocardiogram was successfully obtained with graphene textiles placed on a single arm. The use of only one elastic armband, and an “all-textile-approach” facilitates seamless heart monitoring with maximum comfort to the wearer. The functionality of graphene textiles produced using dip coating and stencil printing techniques has been demonstrated by the non-invasive measurement of ECG signals, up to 98% excellent correlation with conventional pre-gelled, wet, silver/silver-chloride (Ag / AgCl) electrodes. Heart rate have been successfully determined with ECG signals obtained in different situations. The system-level integration and holistic design approach presented here will be effective for developing the latest technology in wearable heart monitoring devices

    Improvement of polypyrrole coating adhesion by radio frequency plasma

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    Tariq worked in the area of electronic textiles. He coated polyester fabric and PVDF films with polypyrrole. Plasma treatment was used to improve binding of coatings over the surface. He investigated in detail, the factors responsible for adhesion improvement using XPS, AFM, SEM, contact angle, abrasion tests and conductivity measurements. Different plasma gases, plasma power and plasma modes were investigated to get optimum bonding data. His investigations pointed towards improved surface oxygen functionalization and suitable surface morphology for improved bonding

    PEDOT:PSS charge storage devices integrated into textiles for smart textile application

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    Smart textile systems enable interaction of the user with his/her environment through sensing and actuation. They find application in sports garment, future fashion with visual light interaction, health and tele monitoring, sound responsive garments for managing autism, and in personal protective clothing etc. Smart textile systems consist of sensors, actuators, power supply unit, data processors and interconnects for transmission of signals and/or data. The energy supply unit can either be energy generated on the spot, or as a form of stored energy in batteries. Currently, the batteries used with smart textile systems, are non-flexible, bulky and weighty, and cannot be compared with the comfort of the textiles themselves. Therefore, this research addresses the fabrication of a suitable charge storage device well integrated into textile and that could provide power to the smart textile system. The developed devices are light weight, flexible and reliable

    Human dermal fibroblast activation under pulsed electrical stimulation via conductive fabrics : signalling pathways and potential benefit for wound healing

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    Lors de la cicatrisation, plusieurs types cellulaires dont les kératinocytes et les fibroblastes ainsi que plusieurs facteurs de croissance jouent d’importants rôles. La cicatrisation cutanée peut aussi être activée par des facteurs exogènes, dont la stimulation électrique (SE). La SE peut moduler les fonctions fibroblastiques durant la cicatrisation. Le fibroblaste contribue de façon active à la cicatrisation en sécrétant différentes protéines (collagène, fibronectine, élastine) pour favoriser le comblement tissulaire. Les fibroblastes adoptent aussi un phénotype contractile en exprimant l’α-actine contribuant à la fermeture de la plaie. Notre hypothèse est que certaines de ces fonctions fibroblastiques pourraient être modulées par une stimulation électrique. Pour vérifier cette hypothèse nous avons utilisé une membrane biocompatible et conductrice à base de polyethylene terephthalate (PET) recouvert de polypyrrole (PPy). Les fibroblastes dermiques humains ont été cultivés sur ces membranes conducteurs, puis exposés ou non à un courant pulsé (PES) selon deux régimes : soit 10s PES suivi de 1200s de repos, ou 300s PES suivi de 600s de repos, durant 24 h. Deux intensités électriques ont été étudiées, 50 et 100 mV/mm. Nos travaux démontrent que la SE favorise l’adhésion, la prolifération et la migration des fibroblastes dermiques. Ces activités cellulaires sont consolidées par une sécrétion importante de FGF2 et d’α-SMA. Il est important de noter que l’effet de la SE favorise le changement phénotypique des fibroblastes en myo-fibroblastes grâce à la voie des Smad et de TGFβ/ERK. Nous avons aussi démontré que l’effet de la SE est maintenue à long terme et est transférable de la cellule mère vers les cellules filles. En effet après sous-culture les cellules expriment toujours de façon importante l’α-SMA. En conclusion, nous avons démontré que la stimulation électrique pulsée module positivement les fonctions cicatricielles des fibroblastes humains. Ces travaux démontrent pour la première fois les voies de signalisation (Smad et TGFβ/ERK) sollicitées par la SE pour activer les fibroblastes lors de la cicatrisation. Ces travaux suggèrent l’utilisation de la SE pour favoriser la guérison/cicatrisation des plaies.During skin wound healing, cutaneous cells particularly fibroblasts and keratinocytes as well as several growth factors play important roles. Wound healing can be activated by exogenous factors, including electrical stimulation (ES). ES can also modulate fibroblast functions. Fibroblasts contribute to healing by secreting structural proteins (collagen, fibronectin, elastin) to repair the wound area. Fibroblasts also adopt a contractile phenotype expressing α-actin contributing to wound closure. The hypothesis of the thesis is that fibroblasts proliferate and transdifferentiate into myofibroblasts by sensing pulsed electrical signals and adjusting relevant signalling pathways. To test this hypothesis we used biocompatible polyethylene terephthalate (PET) fabrics coated with electrically conductive polypyrrole (PPy). Human dermal fibroblasts were cultured on these conductive fabrics and exposed to the optimized pulsed ES: either 10s PES in a period of 1200s, or 300s PES in 600s period, for a total of 24 hours. Two electric intensities were studied, 50 and 100 mV/ mm. Our work showed that the PES promoted the adhesion, proliferation and migration of dermal fibroblasts. These cellular activities were consolidated by an elevated level of fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2) and the high expression of α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA). Important findings were that PES promoted the phenotypic change of fibroblasts to myofibroblasts, and such change was coordinated through the Smad and TGFβ/ERK pathways. It also demonstrated that the effect of PES was able to maintain for a long period of time after the end of stimulation, and was transferable from the mother cells to the daughter cells. Following subculture, the electrically stimulated fibroblasts still expressed significant amount of α-SMA. In conclusion, this thesis demonstrates that PES through conductive fabrics can activate the wound healing functions in human dermal fibroblasts. This work revealed for the first time that Smad and TGFβ/ERK pathways are required by the PES-induced fibroblasts-to-myofibroblasts differentiation. This work also demonstrated that the PES activated cells can survive in vivo. These studies suggest the application of the PES in promoting tissue regeneration and wound healing

    An investigation of textile sensors and their application in wearable electronics

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    Using a garment as a wearable sensing device has become a reality. New methods and techniques in the field of wearable sensors are being developed and can now be incorporated into the wearer’s everyday attire. This research focuses on two types of textile based sensors – a wearable textile electrode used for ECG continuous monitoring, and a stitch sensor for monitoring body movement. These sensors were designed into a purposely engineered Smart Sports Bra (SSB) which can be regarded as a sensor itself. After a thorough investigation, two optimum textile electrodes were created; a plain electrode using cut and sew method (CSM) and a net type knitted electrode using knitting method (KM). The CSM electrode was made with conductive fabric (MedTexTM P-130) and the KM electrode was made with conductive thread (silver-plated nylon 234/34 four-ply), these materials having the lowest tested contact impedance; 450Ω and 500Ω, respectively. Both electrodes demonstrated a level of noise and baseline drift comparable with standard commercial wet-gel electrodes, which was corrected by optimising their size to 20x40 mm, holding pressure of 4 kPa (30 mmHg) and the electrode position at the 6th intercostal space on the right and left mid-clavicular, with one placed at the scapular line in the rear side (i.e. back horizontal formation) which gives clear and reliable ECG signal. These optimum electrodes were integrated directly into SSBs, in which a novel high shear, net structure, acting as a shock absorber to body movement that shows more stable electrode to skin contact by reducing the body motion artefact. During the investigation of the stitch stretch sensor the single jersey nylon fabric (4.44 tex two-ply) with 25% spandex (7.78 tex) had the highest elastic recovery (93%). Using this fabric, the work went on to show that the stitch type 304 (Zig-zag lock stitch) using the 117/17 two-ply thread demonstrated the best results i.e., maximum working range 50%, gauge factor 1.61, hysteresis 6.25% ΔR, linearity (R2 ) is 0.98, and good repeatability (drift in R2 is -0.00). The stitch stretch sensor was also incorporated into a sports bra SSB and positioned across the chest for respiration monitoring. This thesis contributes to a growing body of research in wearable E -textile solutions to support health and well-being, with fully functional sensors and easy-to-use design, for continues health monitoring

    The Assessment and Reduction of Motion Artifact in Dry Contact Biopotential Electrodes

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    The connecting interface between biopotential monitoring systems and the human body is the electrode. Conventional medical electrodes use gel to improve skin-electrode contact and glue to provide secure attachment of the electrode to the skin. However, this type of electrode is neither reusable nor user-friendly when implemented in wearable monitoring systems. For wearable monitoring systems, the best type of electrode to use, as seen from the point of view of user comfort and ease of use of the wearable system, is the un-gelled electrode. The un-gelled electrode foregoes conductive gel and attachment glue and instead uses body moisture and clothing pressure to provide contact and secure attachment. The drawback of un-gelled electrodes is that they are susceptible to the wearer’s movements, namely, to motion artifact.Solving the issue of motion artifact will improve signal quality and reliability for wearable systems and, due to integration and reusability, would reduce costs. These two factors, when combined, would enable the widespread use of wearable monitoring systems in both the medical context and the consumer-user context. One effect of this will be a reduction in load and costs on health care systems due to improved preventive monitoring and better monitoring of patients in the recovery and rehabilitation phase. A second effect, combined with the information exchanging channels between individuals, will be unforeseen developments in health science due to what can be called the crowdsourcing of some aspect of physical and mental health and fitness.This thesis aims to further state-of-the art wearable physiological monitoring by aiding motion artifact research and electrode design. To accomplish this aim, investigations into the programmable and repeatable generation of electrode movement in order to generate motion artifact, the effect of impedance current frequency on the relationship between skin-electrode interface impedance and electrode movement and motion artifact, the effect of using an electrode support structure and how its design affects the motion artifact, and the effects of garment parameters such as tightness are presented in this thesis.A system that generates known and programmable motion of the electrode under controlled circumstances was designed, tested, and after the verification of system functionality, used in subsequent investigations. The presented system generates accurate motion of the electrode and the electrode motion can be observed as both motion artifact and skin-electrode impedance changes.A real time impedance spectroscopy study of 24 impedance current frequencies between 25 Hz and 1 MHz was done on electrodes subject to accurately known motion generated by the designed system in order to find the impedance current frequencies most suited to motion artifact studies.During this research, a hypothesis was formed that states that an electrode with a structural design that restricts epidermis deformation by trapping the epidermis under the electrode area can reduce motion artifact. Different electrode support structures were designed in order to test this hypothesis. The electrodes with support structures were subjected to system-generated motion and the resulting data were analyzed for the verification of support structure functionality and the hypothesis.Electrodes that were supported by a tight garment-mimicking elastic straps were studied under subjectgenerated movement and at various clothing tightness levels. The same study was used to understand the effect of using padding between the garment and the electrode.The motion artifact generation system was seen to be successful in accurately generating electrode motion, thus motion artifact, which was programmable and repeatable. The electrode mounting force monitoring proved to be an important functionality as the mounting force was seen to affect the motion artifact.Skin-electrode impedance was found to correlate well with electrode motion in current frequencies between 17 kHz and 1 MHz. While the correlation between impedance and motion artifact was lower than the correlation between impedance and electrode motion, it was also highest in this frequency band.Electrode support structure design is seen to be an important factor to consider when designing the electrode, and the electrodes that came closest to fulfilling the design criteria of the hypothesis were the best functioning electrodes. The hypothesis is seen to be promising and electrodes that distributed skin deformation over a large area and/or restrict epidermis deformation were found to reduce motion artifact.In the presented studies, the pressures under those electrodes that were found to be the most effective in reducing motion artifact differed between experiments yet stayed in a range between 5 mmHg -36 mmHg (0.66 kPa – 4.80 kPa). A simple guideline is that the electrode should be attached firmly but not so firmly that it becomes uncomfortable. This guideline fitted well with the pressure levels found for each experiment.The presented Motion Artifact Generation and Assessment System can be used for research or commercial purposes, furthering the research on motion artifact and aiding in the successful design of motion artifact resilient electrodes. The issue of which are the best current frequencies to use to measure skin-electrode interface impedance in motion artifact research has been clarified. Possible means of reducing motion artifact at its origin by using structural electrode designs that restrict epidermis deformation is hypothesized and proven worthy of further research. The importance of garment design and guidelines for use are given and tightness recommendations presented. The thesis presents methodology for the furthering of the understanding of motion artifact and electrode design that will eventually make wearable monitoring systems widespread over a large range of applications and a large number of users