1,793 research outputs found

    Subdivision Shell Elements with Anisotropic Growth

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    A thin shell finite element approach based on Loop's subdivision surfaces is proposed, capable of dealing with large deformations and anisotropic growth. To this end, the Kirchhoff-Love theory of thin shells is derived and extended to allow for arbitrary in-plane growth. The simplicity and computational efficiency of the subdivision thin shell elements is outstanding, which is demonstrated on a few standard loading benchmarks. With this powerful tool at hand, we demonstrate the broad range of possible applications by numerical solution of several growth scenarios, ranging from the uniform growth of a sphere, to boundary instabilities induced by large anisotropic growth. Finally, it is shown that the problem of a slowly and uniformly growing sheet confined in a fixed hollow sphere is equivalent to the inverse process where a sheet of fixed size is slowly crumpled in a shrinking hollow sphere in the frictionless, quasi-static, elastic limit.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures, 1 tabl

    Inferring Geodesic Cerebrovascular Graphs: Image Processing, Topological Alignment and Biomarkers Extraction

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    A vectorial representation of the vascular network that embodies quantitative features - location, direction, scale, and bifurcations - has many potential neuro-vascular applications. Patient-specific models support computer-assisted surgical procedures in neurovascular interventions, while analyses on multiple subjects are essential for group-level studies on which clinical prediction and therapeutic inference ultimately depend. This first motivated the development of a variety of methods to segment the cerebrovascular system. Nonetheless, a number of limitations, ranging from data-driven inhomogeneities, the anatomical intra- and inter-subject variability, the lack of exhaustive ground-truth, the need for operator-dependent processing pipelines, and the highly non-linear vascular domain, still make the automatic inference of the cerebrovascular topology an open problem. In this thesis, brain vessels’ topology is inferred by focusing on their connectedness. With a novel framework, the brain vasculature is recovered from 3D angiographies by solving a connectivity-optimised anisotropic level-set over a voxel-wise tensor field representing the orientation of the underlying vasculature. Assuming vessels joining by minimal paths, a connectivity paradigm is formulated to automatically determine the vascular topology as an over-connected geodesic graph. Ultimately, deep-brain vascular structures are extracted with geodesic minimum spanning trees. The inferred topologies are then aligned with similar ones for labelling and propagating information over a non-linear vectorial domain, where the branching pattern of a set of vessels transcends a subject-specific quantized grid. Using a multi-source embedding of a vascular graph, the pairwise registration of topologies is performed with the state-of-the-art graph matching techniques employed in computer vision. Functional biomarkers are determined over the neurovascular graphs with two complementary approaches. Efficient approximations of blood flow and pressure drop account for autoregulation and compensation mechanisms in the whole network in presence of perturbations, using lumped-parameters analog-equivalents from clinical angiographies. Also, a localised NURBS-based parametrisation of bifurcations is introduced to model fluid-solid interactions by means of hemodynamic simulations using an isogeometric analysis framework, where both geometry and solution profile at the interface share the same homogeneous domain. Experimental results on synthetic and clinical angiographies validated the proposed formulations. Perspectives and future works are discussed for the group-wise alignment of cerebrovascular topologies over a population, towards defining cerebrovascular atlases, and for further topological optimisation strategies and risk prediction models for therapeutic inference. Most of the algorithms presented in this work are available as part of the open-source package VTrails

    Blackfolds, Plane Waves and Minimal Surfaces

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    Minimal surfaces in Euclidean space provide examples of possible non-compact horizon geometries and topologies in asymptotically flat space-time. On the other hand, the existence of limiting surfaces in the space-time provides a simple mechanism for making these configurations compact. Limiting surfaces appear naturally in a given space-time by making minimal surfaces rotate but they are also inherent to plane wave or de Sitter space-times in which case minimal surfaces can be static and compact. We use the blackfold approach in order to scan for possible black hole horizon geometries and topologies in asymptotically flat, plane wave and de Sitter space-times. In the process we uncover several new configurations, such as black helicoids and catenoids, some of which have an asymptotically flat counterpart. In particular, we find that the ultraspinning regime of singly-spinning Myers-Perry black holes, described in terms of the simplest minimal surface (the plane), can be obtained as a limit of a black helicoid, suggesting that these two families of black holes are connected. We also show that minimal surfaces embedded in spheres rather than Euclidean space can be used to construct static compact horizons in asymptotically de Sitter space-times.Comment: v2: 67pp, 7figures, typos fixed, matches published versio

    New Horizons for Black Holes and Branes

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    We initiate a systematic scan of the landscape of black holes in any spacetime dimension using the recently proposed blackfold effective worldvolume theory. We focus primarily on asymptotically flat stationary vacuum solutions, where we uncover large classes of new black holes. These include helical black strings and black rings, black odd-spheres, for which the horizon is a product of a large and a small sphere, and non-uniform black cylinders. More exotic possibilities are also outlined. The blackfold description recovers correctly the ultraspinning Myers-Perry black holes as ellipsoidal even-ball configurations where the velocity field approaches the speed of light at the boundary of the ball. Helical black ring solutions provide the first instance of asymptotically flat black holes in more than four dimensions with a single spatial U(1) isometry. They also imply infinite rational non-uniqueness in ultraspinning regimes, where they maximize the entropy among all stationary single-horizon solutions. Moreover, static blackfolds are possible with the geometry of minimal surfaces. The absence of compact embedded minimal surfaces in Euclidean space is consistent with the uniqueness theorem of static black holes.Comment: 54 pages, 7 figures; v2 added references, added comments in the subsection discussing the physical properties of helical black rings; v3 added references, fixed minor typo

    Topology optimization for additive manufacture

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    Additive manufacturing (AM) offers a way to manufacture highly complex designs with potentially enhanced performance as it is free from many of the constraints associated with traditional manufacturing. However, current design and optimisation tools, which were developed much earlier than AM, do not allow efficient exploration of AM's design space. Among these tools are a set of numerical methods/algorithms often used in the field of structural optimisation called topology optimisation (TO). These powerful techniques emerged in the 1980s and have since been used to achieve structural solutions with superior performance to those of other types of structural optimisation. However, such solutions are often constrained during optimisation to minimise structural complexities, thereby, ensuring that solutions can be manufactured via traditional manufacturing methods. With the advent of AM, it is necessary to restructure these techniques to maximise AM's capabilities. Such restructuring should involve identification and relaxation of the optimisation constraints within the TO algorithms that restrict design for AM. These constraints include the initial design, optimisation parameters and mesh characteristics of the optimisation problem being solved. A typical TO with certain mesh characteristics would involve the movement of an assumed initial design to another with improved structural performance. It was anticipated that the complexity and performance of a solution would be affected by the optimisation constraints. This work restructured a TO algorithm called the bidirectional evolutionary structural optimisation (BESO) for AM. MATLAB and MSC Nastran were coupled to study and investigate BESO for both two and three dimensional problems. It was observed that certain parametric values promote the realization of complex structures and this could be further enhanced by including an adaptive meshing strategy (AMS) in the TO. Such a strategy reduced the degrees of freedom initially required for this solution quality without the AMS


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    Topology optimization techniques have been applied to structural design problems in order to determine the best material distribution in a given domain. The topology optimization problem is ill-posed because optimal designs tend to have infinite number of holes. In order to regularize this problem, a geometrical constraint, for instance the perimeter of the design (i.e., the measure of the boundary of the solid region, length in 2D problems or the surface area in 3D problems) is usually imposed. In this thesis, a novel methodology to solve the topology optimization problem with a constraint on the number of holes is proposed. Case studies are performed and numerical tests evaluated as a way to establish the efficacy and reliability of the proposed method. In the proposed topology optimization process, the material/void distribution evolves towards the optimum in an iterative process in which discretization is performed by finite elements and the material densities in each element are considered as the design variables. In this process, the material/void distribution is updated by a two-step procedure. In the first step, a temporary density function, ϕ*(x), is updated through the steepest descent direction. In the subsequent step, the temporary density function ϕ*(x) is used to model the next material/void distribution, χ*(x), by means of the level set concept. With this procedure, holes are easily created and quantified, material is conveniently added/removed. If the design space is reduced to the elements in the boundary, the topology optimization process turns into a shape optimization procedure in which the boundaries are allowed to move towards the optimal configuration. Thus, the methodology proposed in this work controls the number of holes in the optimal design by combining both topology and shape optimization. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method, 2-D minimum compliance problems with volume constraints are solved and numerical tests performed. In addition, the method is capable of handling very general objective functions, and the sensitivities with respect to the design variables can be conveniently computed
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