164 research outputs found

    K-Space at TRECVid 2007

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    In this paper we describe K-Space participation in TRECVid 2007. K-Space participated in two tasks, high-level feature extraction and interactive search. We present our approaches for each of these activities and provide a brief analysis of our results. Our high-level feature submission utilized multi-modal low-level features which included visual, audio and temporal elements. Specific concept detectors (such as Face detectors) developed by K-Space partners were also used. We experimented with different machine learning approaches including logistic regression and support vector machines (SVM). Finally we also experimented with both early and late fusion for feature combination. This year we also participated in interactive search, submitting 6 runs. We developed two interfaces which both utilized the same retrieval functionality. Our objective was to measure the effect of context, which was supported to different degrees in each interface, on user performance. The first of the two systems was a ‘shot’ based interface, where the results from a query were presented as a ranked list of shots. The second interface was ‘broadcast’ based, where results were presented as a ranked list of broadcasts. Both systems made use of the outputs of our high-level feature submission as well as low-level visual features

    Segmentation d'images par combinaison adaptative couleur-texture et classification de pixels. (Applications à la caractérisation de l'environnement de réception de signaux GNSS)

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    En segmentation d images, les informations de couleur et de texture sont très utilisées. Le premier apport de cette thèse se situe au niveau de l utilisation conjointe de ces deux sources d informations. Nous proposons alors une méthode de combinaison couleur/texture, adaptative et non paramétrique, qui consiste à combiner un (ou plus) gradient couleur et un (ou plus) gradient texture pour ensuite générer un gradient structurel utilisé comme image de potentiel dans l algorithme de croissance de régions par LPE. L originalité de notre méthode réside dans l étude de la dispersion d un nuage de point 3D dans l espace, en utilisant une étude comparative des valeurs propres obtenues par une analyse des composantes principales de la matrice de covariance de ce nuage de points. L approche de combinaison couleur/texture proposée est d abord testée sur deux bases d images, à savoir la base générique d images couleur de BERKELEY et la base d images de texture VISTEX. Cette thèse s inscrivant dans le cadre des projets ViLoc (RFC) et CAPLOC (PREDIT), le deuxième apport de celle-ci se situe au niveau de la caractérisation de l environnement de réception des signaux GNSS pour améliorer le calcul de la position d un mobile en milieu urbain. Dans ce cadre, nous proposons d exclure certains satellites (NLOS dont les signaux sont reçus par réflexion voir totalement bloqués par les obstacles environnants) dans le calcul de la position d un mobile. Deux approches de caractérisation, basées sur le traitement d images, sont alors proposées. La première approche consiste à appliquer la méthode de combinaison couleur/texture proposée sur deux bases d images réelles acquises en mobilité, à l aide d une caméra fisheye installée sur le toit du véhicule de laboratoire, suivie d une classification binaire permettant d obtenir les deux classes d intérêt ciel (signaux LOS) et non ciel (signaux NLOS). Afin de satisfaire la contrainte temps réel exigée par le projet CAPLOC, nous avons proposé une deuxième approche basée sur une simplification de l image couplée à une classification pixellaire adaptée. Le principe d exclusion des satellites NLOS permet d améliorer la précision de la position estimée, mais uniquement lorsque les satellites LOS (dont les signaux sont reçus de manière direct) sont géométriquement bien distribués dans l espace. Dans le but de prendre en compte cette connaissance relative à la distribution des satellites, et par conséquent, améliorer la précision de localisation, nous avons proposé une nouvelle stratégie pour l estimation de position, basée sur l exclusion des satellites NLOS (identifiés par le traitement d images), conditionnée par l information DOP, contenue dans les trames GPS.Color and texture are two main information used in image segmentation. The first contribution of this thesis focuses on the joint use of color and texture information by developing a robust and non parametric method combining color and texture gradients. The proposed color/texture combination allows defining a structural gradient that is used as potential image in watershed algorithm. The originality of the proposed method consists in studying a 3D points cloud generated by color and texture descriptors, followed by an eigenvalue analysis. The color/texture combination method is firstly tested and compared with well known methods in the literature, using two databases (generic BERKELEY database of color images and the VISTEX database of texture images). The applied part of the thesis is within ViLoc project (funded by RFC regional council) and CAPLOC project (funded by PREDIT). In this framework, the second contribution of the thesis concerns the characterization of the environment of GNSS signals reception. In this part, we aim to improve estimated position of a mobile in urban environment by excluding NLOS satellites (for which the signal is masked or received after reflections on obstacles surrounding the antenna environment). For that, we propose two approaches to characterize the environment of GNSS signals reception using image processing. The first one consists in applying the proposed color/texture combination on images acquired in mobility with a fisheye camera located on the roof of a vehicle and oriented toward the sky. The segmentation step is followed by a binary classification to extract two classes sky (LOS signals) and not sky (NLOS signals). The second approach is proposed in order to satisfy the real-time constraint required by the application. This approach is based on image simplification and adaptive pixel classification. The NLOS satellites exclusion principle is interesting, in terms of improving precision of position, when the LOS satellites (for which the signals are received directly) are well geometrically distributed in space. To take into account the knowledge of satellite distribution and then increase the precision of position, we propose a new strategy of position estimation, based on the exclusion of NLOS satellites (identified by the image processing step), conditioned by DOP information, which is provided by GPS data.BELFORT-UTBM-SEVENANS (900942101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Detection of land cover changes in El Rawashda forest, Sudan: A systematic comparison: Detection of land cover changes in El Rawashda forest, Sudan: A systematic comparison

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    The primary objective of this research was to evaluate the potential for monitoring forest change using Landsat ETM and Aster data. This was accomplished by performing eight change detection algorithms: pixel post-classification comparison (PCC), image differencing Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI), Transformed Difference Vegetation Index (TDVI), principal component analysis (PCA), multivariate alteration detection (MAD), change vector analysis (CVA) and tasseled cap analysis (TCA). Methods, Post-Classification Comparison and vegetation indices are straightforward techniques and easy to apply. In this study the simplified classification with only 4 forest classes namely close forest, open forest, bare land and grass land was used The overall classification accuracy obtained were 88.4%, 91.9% and 92.1% for the years 2000, 2003 and 2006 respectively. The Tasseled Cap green layer (GTC) composite of the three images was proposed to detect the change in vegetation of the study area. We found that the RBG-TCG worked better than RGBNDVI. For instance, the RBG-TCG detected some areas of changes that RGB-NDVI failed to detect them, moreover RBG-TCG displayed different changed areas with more strong colours. Change vector analysis (CVA) based on Tasseled Cap transformation (TCT) was also applied for detecting and characterizing land cover change. The results support the CVA approach to change detection. The calculated date to date change vectors contained useful information, both in their magnitude and their direction. A powerful tool for time series analysis is the principal components analysis (PCA). This method was tested for change detection in the study area by two ways: Multitemporal PCA and Selective PCA. Both methods found to offer the potential for monitoring forest change detection. A recently proposed approach, the multivariate alteration detection (MAD), in combination with a posterior maximum autocorrelation factor transformation (MAF) was used to demonstrate visualization of vegetation changes in the study area. The MAD transformation provides a way of combining different data types that found to be useful in change detection. Accuracy assessment is an important final step addressed in the study to evaluate the different change detection techniques. A quantitative accuracy assessment at level of change/no change pixels was performed to determine the threshold value with the highest accuracy. Among the various accuracy assessment methods presented the highest accuracy was obtained using the post-classification comparison based on supervised classification of each two time periods (2000 -2003 and 2003-2006), which were 90.6% and 87% consequently

    Consensus ou fusion de segmentation pour quelques applications de détection ou de classification en imagerie

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    Récemment, des vraies mesures de distances, au sens d’un certain critère (et possédant de bonnes propriétés asymptotiques) ont été introduites entre des résultats de partitionnement (clustering) de donnés, quelquefois indexées spatialement comme le sont les images segmentées. À partir de ces métriques, le principe de segmentation moyenne (ou consensus) a été proposée en traitement d’images, comme étant la solution d’un problème d’optimisation et une façon simple et efficace d’améliorer le résultat final de segmentation ou de classification obtenues en moyennant (ou fusionnant) différentes segmentations de la même scène estimée grossièrement à partir de plusieurs algorithmes de segmentation simples (ou identiques mais utilisant différents paramètres internes). Ce principe qui peut se concevoir comme un débruitage de données d’abstraction élevée, s’est avéré récemment une alternative efficace et très parallélisable, comparativement aux méthodes utilisant des modèles de segmentation toujours plus complexes et plus coûteux en temps de calcul. Le principe de distance entre segmentations et de moyennage ou fusion de segmentations peut être exploité, directement ou facilement adapté, par tous les algorithmes ou les méthodes utilisées en imagerie numérique où les données peuvent en fait se substituer à des images segmentées. Cette thèse a pour but de démontrer cette assertion et de présenter différentes applications originales dans des domaines comme la visualisation et l’indexation dans les grandes bases d’images au sens du contenu segmenté de chaque image, et non plus au sens habituel de la couleur et de la texture, le traitement d’images pour améliorer sensiblement et facilement la performance des méthodes de détection du mouvement dans une séquence d’images ou finalement en analyse et classification d’images médicales avec une application permettant la détection automatique et la quantification de la maladie d’Alzheimer à partir d’images par résonance magnétique du cerveau.Recently, some true metrics in a criterion sense (with good asymptotic properties) were introduced between data partitions (or clusterings) even for data spatially ordered such as image segmentations. From these metrics, the notion of average clustering (or consensus segmentation) was then proposed in image processing as the solution of an optimization problem and a simple and effective way to improve the final result of segmentation or classification obtained by averaging (or fusing) different segmentations of the same scene which are roughly estimated from several simple segmentation models (or obtained with the same model but with different internal parameters). This principle, which can be conceived as a denoising of high abstraction data, has recently proved to be an effective and very parallelizable alternative, compared to methods using ever more complex and time-consuming segmentation models. The principle of distance between segmentations, and averaging of segmentations, in a criterion sense, can be exploited, directly or easily adapted, by all the algorithms or methods used in digital imaging where data can in fact be substituted to segmented images. This thesis proposal aims at demonstrating this assertion and to present different original applications in various fields in digital imagery such as the visualization and the indexation in the image databases, in the sense of the segmented contents of each image, and no longer in the common color and texture sense, or in image processing in order to sensibly and easily improve the detection of movement in the image sequence or finally in analysis and classification in medical imaging with an application allowing the automatic detection and quantification of Alzheimer’s disease

    Detection of land cover changes in El Rawashda forest, Sudan: A systematic comparison: Detection of land cover changes in El Rawashda forest, Sudan: A systematic comparison

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    The primary objective of this research was to evaluate the potential for monitoring forest change using Landsat ETM and Aster data. This was accomplished by performing eight change detection algorithms: pixel post-classification comparison (PCC), image differencing Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI), Transformed Difference Vegetation Index (TDVI), principal component analysis (PCA), multivariate alteration detection (MAD), change vector analysis (CVA) and tasseled cap analysis (TCA). Methods, Post-Classification Comparison and vegetation indices are straightforward techniques and easy to apply. In this study the simplified classification with only 4 forest classes namely close forest, open forest, bare land and grass land was used The overall classification accuracy obtained were 88.4%, 91.9% and 92.1% for the years 2000, 2003 and 2006 respectively. The Tasseled Cap green layer (GTC) composite of the three images was proposed to detect the change in vegetation of the study area. We found that the RBG-TCG worked better than RGBNDVI. For instance, the RBG-TCG detected some areas of changes that RGB-NDVI failed to detect them, moreover RBG-TCG displayed different changed areas with more strong colours. Change vector analysis (CVA) based on Tasseled Cap transformation (TCT) was also applied for detecting and characterizing land cover change. The results support the CVA approach to change detection. The calculated date to date change vectors contained useful information, both in their magnitude and their direction. A powerful tool for time series analysis is the principal components analysis (PCA). This method was tested for change detection in the study area by two ways: Multitemporal PCA and Selective PCA. Both methods found to offer the potential for monitoring forest change detection. A recently proposed approach, the multivariate alteration detection (MAD), in combination with a posterior maximum autocorrelation factor transformation (MAF) was used to demonstrate visualization of vegetation changes in the study area. The MAD transformation provides a way of combining different data types that found to be useful in change detection. Accuracy assessment is an important final step addressed in the study to evaluate the different change detection techniques. A quantitative accuracy assessment at level of change/no change pixels was performed to determine the threshold value with the highest accuracy. Among the various accuracy assessment methods presented the highest accuracy was obtained using the post-classification comparison based on supervised classification of each two time periods (2000 -2003 and 2003-2006), which were 90.6% and 87% consequently

    GEOBIA 2016 : Solutions and Synergies., 14-16 September 2016, University of Twente Faculty of Geo-Information and Earth Observation (ITC): open access e-book

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    Using Surfaces and Surface Relations in an Early Cognitive Vision System

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00138-015-0705-yWe present a deep hierarchical visual system with two parallel hierarchies for edge and surface information. In the two hierarchies, complementary visual information is represented on different levels of granularity together with the associated uncertainties and confidences. At all levels, geometric and appearance information is coded explicitly in 2D and 3D allowing to access this information separately and to link between the different levels. We demonstrate the advantages of such hierarchies in three applications covering grasping, viewpoint independent object representation, and pose estimation.European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme FP7/IC

    Simulation and measurement of colored surfaces

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