985 research outputs found

    Efficient Numerical Methods for Pricing American Options under Lévy Models

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    Two new numerical methods for the valuation of American and Bermudan options are proposed, which admit a large class of asset price models for the underlying. In particular, the methods can be applied with Lévy models that admit jumps in the asset price. These models provide a more realistic description of market prices and lead to better calibration results than the well-known Black-Scholes model. The proposed methods are not based on the indirect approach via partial differential equations, but directly compute option prices as risk-neutral expectation values. The expectation values are approximated by numerical quadrature methods. While this approach is initially limited to European options, the proposed combination with interpolation methods also allows for pricing of Bermudan and American options. Two different interpolation methods are used. These are cubic splines on the one hand and a mesh-free interpolation by radial basis functions on the other hand. The resulting valuation methods allow for an adaptive space discretization and error control. Their numerical properties are analyzed and, finally, the methods are validated and tested against various single-asset and multi-asset options under different market models

    Efficient Multigrid Preconditioners for Atmospheric Flow Simulations at High Aspect Ratio

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    Many problems in fluid modelling require the efficient solution of highly anisotropic elliptic partial differential equations (PDEs) in "flat" domains. For example, in numerical weather- and climate-prediction an elliptic PDE for the pressure correction has to be solved at every time step in a thin spherical shell representing the global atmosphere. This elliptic solve can be one of the computationally most demanding components in semi-implicit semi-Lagrangian time stepping methods which are very popular as they allow for larger model time steps and better overall performance. With increasing model resolution, algorithmically efficient and scalable algorithms are essential to run the code under tight operational time constraints. We discuss the theory and practical application of bespoke geometric multigrid preconditioners for equations of this type. The algorithms deal with the strong anisotropy in the vertical direction by using the tensor-product approach originally analysed by B\"{o}rm and Hiptmair [Numer. Algorithms, 26/3 (2001), pp. 219-234]. We extend the analysis to three dimensions under slightly weakened assumptions, and numerically demonstrate its efficiency for the solution of the elliptic PDE for the global pressure correction in atmospheric forecast models. For this we compare the performance of different multigrid preconditioners on a tensor-product grid with a semi-structured and quasi-uniform horizontal mesh and a one dimensional vertical grid. The code is implemented in the Distributed and Unified Numerics Environment (DUNE), which provides an easy-to-use and scalable environment for algorithms operating on tensor-product grids. Parallel scalability of our solvers on up to 20,480 cores is demonstrated on the HECToR supercomputer.Comment: 22 pages, 6 Figures, 2 Table

    VI Workshop on Computational Data Analysis and Numerical Methods: Book of Abstracts

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    The VI Workshop on Computational Data Analysis and Numerical Methods (WCDANM) is going to be held on June 27-29, 2019, in the Department of Mathematics of the University of Beira Interior (UBI), Covilhã, Portugal and it is a unique opportunity to disseminate scientific research related to the areas of Mathematics in general, with particular relevance to the areas of Computational Data Analysis and Numerical Methods in theoretical and/or practical field, using new techniques, giving especial emphasis to applications in Medicine, Biology, Biotechnology, Engineering, Industry, Environmental Sciences, Finance, Insurance, Management and Administration. The meeting will provide a forum for discussion and debate of ideas with interest to the scientific community in general. With this meeting new scientific collaborations among colleagues, namely new collaborations in Masters and PhD projects are expected. The event is open to the entire scientific community (with or without communication/poster)

    Numerical Methods for Real Options in Telecommunications

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    This thesis applies modern financial option valuation methods to the problem of telecommunication network capacity investment decision timing. In particular, given a cluster of base stations (wireless network with a certain traffic capacity per base station), the objective of this thesis is to determine when it is optimal to increase capacity to each of the base stations of the cluster. Based on several time series taken from the wireless and bandwidth industry, it is argued that capacity usage is the major uncertain component in telecommunications. It is found that price has low volatility when compared to capacity usage. A real options approach is then applied to derive a two dimensional partial integro-differential equation (PIDE) to value investments in telecommunication infrastructure when capacity usage is uncertain and has temporary sudden large variations. This real options PIDE presents several numerical challenges. First, the integral term must be solved accurately and quickly enough such that the general PIDE solution is reasonably accurate. To deal with the integral term, an implicit method is suggested. Proofs of timestepping stability and convergence of a fixed point iteration scheme are presented. The correlation integral is computed using a fast Fourier transform (FFT) method. Techniques are developed to avoid wrap-around effects. This method is tested on option pricing problems where the underlying asset follows a jump diffusion process. Second, the absence of diffusion in one direction of the two dimensional PIDE creates numerical challenges regarding accuracy and timestep selection. A semi-Lagrangian method is presented to alleviate these issues. At each timestep, a set of one dimensional PIDEs is solved and the solution of each PIDE is updated using semi-Lagrangian timestepping. Crank-Nicolson and second order backward differencing timestepping schemes are studied. Monotonicity and stability results are derived. This method is tested on continuously observed Asian options. Finally, a five factor algorithm that captures many of the constraints of the wireless network capacity investment decision timing problem is developed. The upgrade decision for different upgrade decision intervals (e. g. monthly, quarterly, etc. ) is studied, and the effect of a safety level (i. e. the maximum allowed capacity used in practice on a daily basis—which differs from the theoretical maximum) is investigated

    International Conference on Continuous Optimization (ICCOPT) 2019 Conference Book

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    The Sixth International Conference on Continuous Optimization took place on the campus of the Technical University of Berlin, August 3-8, 2019. The ICCOPT is a flagship conference of the Mathematical Optimization Society (MOS), organized every three years. ICCOPT 2019 was hosted by the Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS) Berlin. It included a Summer School and a Conference with a series of plenary and semi-plenary talks, organized and contributed sessions, and poster sessions. This book comprises the full conference program. It contains, in particular, the scientific program in survey style as well as with all details, and information on the social program, the venue, special meetings, and more