10 research outputs found

    Investigation into the effects of transmission-channel fidelity loss in RGBD sensor data for SLAM

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    Simultaneous Location and Mapping (SLAM) is computationally expensive, and requires high-fidelity sensor data. This paper investigates the effects of transmission channel fidelity loss in Red-Green-Blue-Depth (RGBD) sensor data. A mobile robotic platform developed for Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD) is used, with a highly constrained data and video link to a base station which computes a SLAM solution. Experiments were conducted offline, using well known data-sets with ground truth data, and their results have been compared to determine the effect of fidelity loss under various multiplexing approaches with a constrained transmission channel

    Sensor fusion for flexible human-portable building-scale mapping

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    This paper describes a system enabling rapid multi-floor indoor map building using a body-worn sensor system fusing information from RGB-D cameras, LIDAR, inertial, and barometric sensors. Our work is motivated by rapid response missions by emergency personnel, in which the capability for one or more people to rapidly map a complex indoor environment is essential for public safety. Human-portable mapping raises a number of challenges not encountered in typical robotic mapping applications including complex 6-DOF motion and the traversal of challenging trajectories including stairs or elevators. Our system achieves robust performance in these situations by exploiting state-of-the-art techniques for robust pose graph optimization and loop closure detection. It achieves real-time performance in indoor environments of moderate scale. Experimental results are demonstrated for human-portable mapping of several floors of a university building, demonstrating the system's ability to handle motion up and down stairs and to organize initially disconnected sets of submaps in a complex environment.Lincoln LaboratoryUnited States. Air Force (Contract FA8721-05-C-0002)United States. Office of Naval Research (Grant N00014-10-1-0936)United States. Office of Naval Research (Grant N00014-11-1-0688)United States. Office of Naval Research (Grant N00014-12-10020

    Efficient Information-Theoretic Graph Pruning for Graph-Based SLAM with Laser Range Finders

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    Abstract — In graph-based SLAM, the pose graph encodes the poses of the robot during data acquisition as well as spatial constraints between them. The size of the pose graph has a substantial influence on the runtime and the memory requirements of a SLAM system, which hinders long-term mapping. In this paper, we address the problem of efficient information-theoretic compression of pose graphs. Our approach estimates the expected information gain of laser measurements with respect to the resulting occupancy grid map. It allows for restricting the size of the pose graph depending on the information that the robot acquires about the environment or based on a given memory limit, which results in an any-space SLAM system. When discarding laser scans, our approach marginalizes out the corresponding pose nodes from the graph. To avoid a densely connected pose graph, which would result from exact marginalization, we propose an approximation to marginalization that is based on local Chow-Liu trees and maintains a sparse graph. Real world experiments suggest that our approach effectively reduces the growth of the pose graph while minimizing the loss of information in the resulting grid map. I

    Efficient information-theoretic graph pruning for graph-based SLAM with laser range finders

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    In graph-based SLAM, the pose graph encodes the poses of the robot during data acquisition as well as spatial constraints between them. The size of the pose graph has a substantial influence on the runtime and the memory requirements of a SLAM system, which hinders long-term mapping. In this paper, we address the problem of efficient information-theoretic compression of pose graphs. Our approach estimates the expected information gain of laser measurements with respect to the resulting occupancy grid map. It allows for restricting the size of the pose graph depending on the information that the robot acquires about the environment or based on a given memory limit, which results in an any-space SLAM system. When discarding laser scans, our approach marginalizes out the corresponding pose nodes from the graph. To avoid a densely connected pose graph, which would result from exact marginalization, we propose an approximation to marginalization that is based on local Chow-Liu trees and maintains a sparse graph. Real world experiments suggest that our approach effectively reduces the growth of the pose graph while minimizing the loss of information in the resulting grid map. © 2011 IEEE

    Per-Pixel Calibration for RGB-Depth Natural 3D Reconstruction on GPU

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    Ever since the Kinect brought low-cost depth cameras into consumer market, great interest has been invigorated into Red-Green-Blue-Depth (RGBD) sensors. Without calibration, a RGBD camera’s horizontal and vertical field of view (FoV) could help generate 3D reconstruction in camera space naturally on graphics processing unit (GPU), which however is badly deformed by the lens distortions and imperfect depth resolution (depth distortion). The camera’s calibration based on a pinhole-camera model and a high-order distortion removal model requires a lot of calculations in the fragment shader. In order to get rid of both the lens distortion and the depth distortion while still be able to do simple calculations in the GPU fragment shader, a novel per-pixel calibration method with look-up table based 3D reconstruction in real-time is proposed, using a rail calibration system. This rail calibration system offers possibilities of collecting infinite calibrating points of dense distributions that can cover all pixels in a sensor, such that not only lens distortions, but depth distortion can also be handled by a per-pixel D to ZW mapping. Instead of utilizing the traditional pinhole camera model, two polynomial mapping models are employed. One is a two-dimensional high-order polynomial mapping from R/C to XW=YW respectively, which handles lens distortions; and the other one is a per-pixel linear mapping from D to ZW, which can handle depth distortion. With only six parameters and three linear equations in the fragment shader, the undistorted 3D world coordinates (XW, YW, ZW) for every single pixel could be generated in real-time. The per-pixel calibration method could be applied universally on any RGBD cameras. With the alignment of RGB values using a pinhole camera matrix, it could even work on a combination of a random Depth sensor and a random RGB sensor

    Past, Present, and Future of Simultaneous Localization And Mapping: Towards the Robust-Perception Age

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    Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM)consists in the concurrent construction of a model of the environment (the map), and the estimation of the state of the robot moving within it. The SLAM community has made astonishing progress over the last 30 years, enabling large-scale real-world applications, and witnessing a steady transition of this technology to industry. We survey the current state of SLAM. We start by presenting what is now the de-facto standard formulation for SLAM. We then review related work, covering a broad set of topics including robustness and scalability in long-term mapping, metric and semantic representations for mapping, theoretical performance guarantees, active SLAM and exploration, and other new frontiers. This paper simultaneously serves as a position paper and tutorial to those who are users of SLAM. By looking at the published research with a critical eye, we delineate open challenges and new research issues, that still deserve careful scientific investigation. The paper also contains the authors' take on two questions that often animate discussions during robotics conferences: Do robots need SLAM? and Is SLAM solved

    Optics And Computer Vision For Biomedical Applications

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    Bioengineering is at the cross sections of biology, clinical technology, electrical engineering, computer science and many other domains. The smooth translation of domain technologies to clinics is not just about accuracy and practicality of the technology. It also has to take into account the accessibility (cost and portability), the patients’ comfort and the ease to adapt into the workflow of medical professionals. The dissertation will explore three projects, (1) portable and low-cost near infrared florescence imaging system on mobile phone platform, (2) computer aided diagnosis software for diagnosing chronical kidney disease based on optical coherence tomography (OCT) images and (3) the tracking and localization of hand-held medical imaging probe. These projects aim to translate and adapt modern computation hardware, data analysis models and computer vision technologies to solve and refine clinical diagnosis applications. The dissertation will discuss how the translation, tradeoffs and refinement of those technologies can bring a positive impact on the accuracy, ease of conduct, accessibility and patients’ comfort to the clinical applications

    Mapping, planning and exploration with Pose SLAM

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    This thesis reports research on mapping, path planning, and autonomous exploration. These are classical problems in robotics, typically studied independently, and here we link such problems by framing them within a common SLAM approach, adopting Pose SLAM as the basic state estimation machinery. The main contribution of this thesis is an approach that allows a mobile robot to plan a path using the map it builds with Pose SLAM and to select the appropriate actions to autonomously construct this map. Pose SLAM is the variant of SLAM where only the robot trajectory is estimated and where landmarks are only used to produce relative constraints between robot poses. In Pose SLAM, observations come in the form of relative-motion measurements between robot poses. With regards to extending the original Pose SLAM formulation, this thesis studies the computation of such measurements when they are obtained with stereo cameras and develops the appropriate noise propagation models for such case. Furthermore, the initial formulation of Pose SLAM assumes poses in SE(2) and in this thesis we extend this formulation to SE(3), parameterizing rotations either with Euler angles and quaternions. We also introduce a loop closure test that exploits the information from the filter using an independent measure of information content between poses. In the application domain, we present a technique to process the 3D volumetric maps obtained with this SLAM methodology, but with laser range scanning as the sensor modality, to derive traversability maps. Aside from these extensions to Pose SLAM, the core contribution of the thesis is an approach for path planning that exploits the modeled uncertainties in Pose SLAM to search for the path in the pose graph with the lowest accumulated robot pose uncertainty, i.e., the path that allows the robot to navigate to a given goal with the least probability of becoming lost. An added advantage of the proposed path planning approach is that since Pose SLAM is agnostic with respect to the sensor modalities used, it can be used in different environments and with different robots, and since the original pose graph may come from a previous mapping session, the paths stored in the map already satisfy constraints not easy modeled in the robot controller, such as the existence of restricted regions, or the right of way along paths. The proposed path planning methodology has been extensively tested both in simulation and with a real outdoor robot. Our path planning approach is adequate for scenarios where a robot is initially guided during map construction, but autonomous during execution. For other scenarios in which more autonomy is required, the robot should be able to explore the environment without any supervision. The second core contribution of this thesis is an autonomous exploration method that complements the aforementioned path planning strategy. The method selects the appropriate actions to drive the robot so as to maximize coverage and at the same time minimize localization and map uncertainties. An occupancy grid is maintained for the sole purpose of guaranteeing coverage. A significant advantage of the method is that since the grid is only computed to hypothesize entropy reduction of candidate map posteriors, it can be computed at a very coarse resolution since it is not used to maintain neither the robot localization estimate, nor the structure of the environment. Our technique evaluates two types of actions: exploratory actions and place revisiting actions. Action decisions are made based on entropy reduction estimates. By maintaining a Pose SLAM estimate at run time, the technique allows to replan trajectories online should significant change in the Pose SLAM estimate be detected. The proposed exploration strategy was tested in a common publicly available dataset comparing favorably against frontier based exploratio

    Toward lifelong visual localization and mapping

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Joint Program in Applied Ocean Science and Engineering (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), 2013.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 171-181).Mobile robotic systems operating over long durations require algorithms that are robust and scale efficiently over time as sensor information is continually collected. For mobile robots one of the fundamental problems is navigation; which requires the robot to have a map of its environment, so it can plan its path and execute it. Having the robot use its perception sensors to do simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) is beneficial for a fully autonomous system. Extending the time horizon of operations poses problems to current SLAM algorithms, both in terms of robustness and temporal scalability. To address this problem we propose a reduced pose graph model that significantly reduces the complexity of the full pose graph model. Additionally we develop a SLAM system using two different sensor modalities: imaging sonars for underwater navigation and vision based SLAM for terrestrial applications. Underwater navigation is one application domain that benefits from SLAM, where access to a global positioning system (GPS) is not possible. In this thesis we present SLAM systems for two underwater applications. First, we describe our implementation of real-time imaging-sonar aided navigation applied to in-situ autonomous ship hull inspection using the hovering autonomous underwater vehicle (HAUV). In addition we present an architecture that enables the fusion of information from both a sonar and a camera system. The system is evaluated using data collected during experiments on SS Curtiss and USCGC Seneca. Second, we develop a feature-based navigation system supporting multi-session mapping, and provide an algorithm for re-localizing the vehicle between missions. In addition we present a method for managing the complexity of the estimation problem as new information is received. The system is demonstrated using data collected with a REMUS vehicle equipped with a BlueView forward-looking sonar. The model we use for mapping builds on the pose graph representation which has been shown to be an efficient and accurate approach to SLAM. One of the problems with the pose graph formulation is that the state space continuously grows as more information is acquired. To address this problem we propose the reduced pose graph (RPG) model which partitions the space to be mapped and uses the partitions to reduce the number of poses used for estimation. To evaluate our approach, we present results using an online binocular and RGB-Depth visual SLAM system that uses place recognition both for robustness and multi-session operation. Additionally, to enable large-scale indoor mapping, our system automatically detects elevator rides based on accelerometer data. We demonstrate long-term mapping using approximately nine hours of data collected in the MIT Stata Center over the course of six months. Ground truth, derived by aligning laser scans to existing floor plans, is used to evaluate the global accuracy of the system. Our results illustrate the capability of our visual SLAM system to map a large scale environment over an extended period of time.by Hordur Johannsson.Ph.D