2,077 research outputs found

    Time Series Cluster Kernel for Learning Similarities between Multivariate Time Series with Missing Data

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    Similarity-based approaches represent a promising direction for time series analysis. However, many such methods rely on parameter tuning, and some have shortcomings if the time series are multivariate (MTS), due to dependencies between attributes, or the time series contain missing data. In this paper, we address these challenges within the powerful context of kernel methods by proposing the robust \emph{time series cluster kernel} (TCK). The approach taken leverages the missing data handling properties of Gaussian mixture models (GMM) augmented with informative prior distributions. An ensemble learning approach is exploited to ensure robustness to parameters by combining the clustering results of many GMM to form the final kernel. We evaluate the TCK on synthetic and real data and compare to other state-of-the-art techniques. The experimental results demonstrate that the TCK is robust to parameter choices, provides competitive results for MTS without missing data and outstanding results for missing data.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figure

    The Environmental Kuznets Curve Under a New framework: Role of Social Capital in Water Pollution

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    We advance a case for an inclusion of social capital in the environmental Kuznets curve analysis using highly disaggregated data on water pollution in Louisiana. A social capital index and other variables are used in parametric and spatial panel regression models to explain water pollution dynamics.Environmental Economics and Policy,

    CBR and MBR techniques: review for an application in the emergencies domain

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    The purpose of this document is to provide an in-depth analysis of current reasoning engine practice and the integration strategies of Case Based Reasoning and Model Based Reasoning that will be used in the design and development of the RIMSAT system. RIMSAT (Remote Intelligent Management Support and Training) is a European Commission funded project designed to: a.. Provide an innovative, 'intelligent', knowledge based solution aimed at improving the quality of critical decisions b.. Enhance the competencies and responsiveness of individuals and organisations involved in highly complex, safety critical incidents - irrespective of their location. In other words, RIMSAT aims to design and implement a decision support system that using Case Base Reasoning as well as Model Base Reasoning technology is applied in the management of emergency situations. This document is part of a deliverable for RIMSAT project, and although it has been done in close contact with the requirements of the project, it provides an overview wide enough for providing a state of the art in integration strategies between CBR and MBR technologies.Postprint (published version

    Does Social Capital Have a Role in Environmental Kuznets Curve? Spatial Panel Regression Approach

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    We advance a case for an inclusion of social capital in the environmental Kuznets curve analysis using highly disaggregated data on water pollution in Louisiana. A social capital index and other variables are used in parametric and spatial panel regression models to explain water pollution dynamics.social capital, principal component analysis, environmental Kuznets curve, spatial regression, Environmental Economics and Policy,

    Feature-based Time Series Analytics

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    Time series analytics is a fundamental prerequisite for decision-making as well as automation and occurs in several applications such as energy load control, weather research, and consumer behavior analysis. It encompasses time series engineering, i.e., the representation of time series exhibiting important characteristics, and data mining, i.e., the application of the representation to a specific task. Due to the exhaustive data gathering, which results from the ``Industry 4.0'' vision and its shift towards automation and digitalization, time series analytics is undergoing a revolution. Big datasets with very long time series are gathered, which is challenging for engineering techniques. Traditionally, one focus has been on raw-data-based or shape-based engineering. They assess the time series' similarity in shape, which is only suitable for short time series. Another focus has been on model-based engineering. It assesses the time series' similarity in structure, which is suitable for long time series but requires larger models or a time-consuming modeling. Feature-based engineering tackles these challenges by efficiently representing time series and comparing their similarity in structure. However, current feature-based techniques are unsatisfactory as they are designed for specific data-mining tasks. In this work, we introduce a novel feature-based engineering technique. It efficiently provides a short representation of time series, focusing on their structural similarity. Based on a design rationale, we derive important time series characteristics such as the long-term and cyclically repeated characteristics as well as distribution and correlation characteristics. Moreover, we define a feature-based distance measure for their comparison. Both the representation technique and the distance measure provide desirable properties regarding storage and runtime. Subsequently, we introduce techniques based on our feature-based engineering and apply them to important data-mining tasks such as time series generation, time series matching, time series classification, and time series clustering. First, our feature-based generation technique outperforms state-of-the-art techniques regarding the accuracy of evolved datasets. Second, with our features, a matching method retrieves a match for a time series query much faster than with current representations. Third, our features provide discriminative characteristics to classify datasets as accurately as state-of-the-art techniques, but orders of magnitude faster. Finally, our features recommend an appropriate clustering of time series which is crucial for subsequent data-mining tasks. All these techniques are assessed on datasets from the energy, weather, and economic domains, and thus, demonstrate the applicability to real-world use cases. The findings demonstrate the versatility of our feature-based engineering and suggest several courses of action in order to design and improve analytical systems for the paradigm shift of Industry 4.0

    Laplacian Mixture Modeling for Network Analysis and Unsupervised Learning on Graphs

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    Laplacian mixture models identify overlapping regions of influence in unlabeled graph and network data in a scalable and computationally efficient way, yielding useful low-dimensional representations. By combining Laplacian eigenspace and finite mixture modeling methods, they provide probabilistic or fuzzy dimensionality reductions or domain decompositions for a variety of input data types, including mixture distributions, feature vectors, and graphs or networks. Provable optimal recovery using the algorithm is analytically shown for a nontrivial class of cluster graphs. Heuristic approximations for scalable high-performance implementations are described and empirically tested. Connections to PageRank and community detection in network analysis demonstrate the wide applicability of this approach. The origins of fuzzy spectral methods, beginning with generalized heat or diffusion equations in physics, are reviewed and summarized. Comparisons to other dimensionality reduction and clustering methods for challenging unsupervised machine learning problems are also discussed.Comment: 13 figures, 35 reference

    Representation and Analysis of Multi-Modal, Nonuniform Time Series Data: An Application to Survival Prognosis of Oncology Patients in an Outpatient Setting

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    The representation of nonuniform, multi-modal, time-limited time series data is complex and explored through the use of discrete representation, dimensionality reduction with segmentation based techniques, and with behavioral representation approaches. These explorations are done with a focus on an outpatient oncology setting with the classification and regression analysis being used for length of survival prognosis. Each decision of representation and analysis is not independent, with implications of each decision in method for how the data is represented and then which analysis technique is used. One unique aspect of the work is the use of outpatient clinical data for patients, which was explored initially through discrete sampling and behavioral representation. The length of survival was evaluated with both classification and regression methods initially. The first conclusion determined that including more discrete samples in the model showed no statistical benefit and the addition of behavioral approaches did improve the prognostic accuracy. From this result, the adaption of Piecewise Aggregate Approximation was made to accommodate the multi-modal time series data of the outpatient clinical data, and evaluated with the regression methodologies. This representation approach demonstrated promise due to the simplicity but had decreased performance in the length of survival prognosis compared with behavioral representation and discrete samples approach. A solution was a new representation approach made which incorporates a genetic algorithm to select the window boundaries of the Piecewise Aggregate Approximation method. This selection is based on the fraction of the Piecewise Aggregate Approximation windows that contain values other than zero. The new representation improved the performance in some cases by a 20% reduction in median relative error

    Mining approximate motifs in time series

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    The problem of discovering previously unknown frequent patterns in time series, also called motifs, has been recently introduced. A motif is a subseries pattern that appears a significant number of times. Results demonstrate that motifs may provide valuable insights about the data and have a wide range of applications in data mining tasks. The main motivation for this study was the need to mine time series data from protein folding/unfolding simulations. We propose an algorithm that extracts approximate motifs, i.e. motifs that capture portions of time series with a similar and eventually symmetric behaviour. Preliminary results on the analysis of protein unfolding data support this proposal as a valuable tool. Additional experiments demonstrate that the application of utility of our algorithm is not limited to this particular problem. Rather it can be an interesting tool to be applied in many real world problems.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT).Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) - POCTI/BME/49583/2002; SFRH/BD/13462/2003; SFRH/BD/16888/2004

    Model-Based Environmental Visual Perception for Humanoid Robots

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    The visual perception of a robot should answer two fundamental questions: What? and Where? In order to properly and efficiently reply to these questions, it is essential to establish a bidirectional coupling between the external stimuli and the internal representations. This coupling links the physical world with the inner abstraction models by sensor transformation, recognition, matching and optimization algorithms. The objective of this PhD is to establish this sensor-model coupling

    JWalk: a tool for lazy, systematic testing of java classes by design introspection and user interaction

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    Popular software testing tools, such as JUnit, allow frequent retesting of modified code; yet the manually created test scripts are often seriously incomplete. A unit-testing tool called JWalk has therefore been developed to address the need for systematic unit testing within the context of agile methods. The tool operates directly on the compiled code for Java classes and uses a new lazy method for inducing the changing design of a class on the fly. This is achieved partly through introspection, using Java’s reflection capability, and partly through interaction with the user, constructing and saving test oracles on the fly. Predictive rules reduce the number of oracle values that must be confirmed by the tester. Without human intervention, JWalk performs bounded exhaustive exploration of the class’s method protocols and may be directed to explore the space of algebraic constructions, or the intended design state-space of the tested class. With some human interaction, JWalk performs up to the equivalent of fully automated state-based testing, from a specification that was acquired incrementally
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