787 research outputs found

    High-Speed FPGA Architecture for CABAC Decoding Acceleration in H.264/AVC Standard

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    This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Journal of Signal Processing Systems. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11265-012-0718-y.[Abstract] Video encoding and decoding are computing intensive applications that require high performance processors or dedicated hardware. Video decoding offers a high parallel processing potential that may be exploited. However, a particular task challenges parallelization: entropy decoding. In H.264 and SVC video standards, this task is mainly carried out using arithmetic decoding, an strictly sequential algorithm that achieves results close to the entropy limit. By accelerating arithmetic decoding, the bottleneck is removed and parallel decoding is enabled. Many works have been published on accelerating pure binary encoding and decoding. However, little research has been done into how to integrate binary decoding with context managing and control without losing performance. In this work we propose a FPGA-based architecture that achieves real time decoding for high-definition video by sustaining a 1 bin per cycle throughput. This is accomplished by implementing fast bin decoding; a novel and area efficient context-managing mechanism; and optimized control scheduling.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; TIN2010-17541Xunta de Galicia, Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria; 2010/6Xunta de Galicia, Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria; 2010/28

    Predictable multi-processor system on chip design for multimedia applications

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    The design of multimedia systems has become increasingly complex due to consumer requirements. Consumers demand the functionalities offered by a huge desktop from these systems. Many of these systems are mobile. Therefore, power consumption and size of these devices should be small. These systems are increasingly becoming multi-processor based (MPSoCs) for the reasons of power and performance. Applications execute on these systems in different combinations also known as use-cases. Applications may have different performance requirements in each use-case. Currently, verification of all these use-cases takes bulk of the design effort. There is a need for analysis based techniques so that the platforms have a predictable behaviour and in turn provide guarantees on performance without expending precious man hours on verification. In this dissertation, techniques and architectures have been developed to design and manage these multi-processor based systems efficiently. The dissertation presents predictable architectural components for MPSoCs, a Predictable MPSoC design strategy, automatic platform synthesis tool, a run-time system and an MPSoC simulation technique. The introduction of predictability helps in rapid design of MPSoC platforms. Chapter 1 of the thesis studies the trends in modern multimedia applications and processor architectures. The chapter further highlights the problems in the design of MPSoC platforms and emphasizes the need of predictable design techniques. Predictable design techniques require predictable application and architectural components. The chapter further elaborates on Synchronous Data Flow Graphs which are used to model the applications throughout this thesis. The chapter presents the architecture template used in this thesis and enlists the contributions of the thesis. One of the contributions of this thesis is the design of a predictable component called communication assist. Chapter 2 of the thesis describes the architecture of this communication assist. The communication assist presented in this thesis not only decouples the communication from computation but also provides timing guarantees. Based on this communication assist, an MPSoC platform generation technique has been presented that can design MPSoC platforms capable of satisfying the throughput constraints of multiple applications in all use-cases. The technique is presented in Chapter 3. The design strategy uses three simple steps for platform design. In the first step it finds the required number of processors. The second step minimizes the communication interconnect between the processors and the third step minimizes the communication memory requirement of the platform. Further in Chapter 4, a tool has been developed to generate CA-based platforms for FPGAs. The output of this tool can be used to synthesize platforms on real hardware with the help of FPGA synthesis tools. The applications executing on these platforms often exhibit dynamism e.g. variation in task execution times and change in application throughput requirements. Further, new applications may often be added by consumers at run-time. Resource managers have been presented in literature to handle such dynamic situations. However, the scalability of these resource managers becomes an issue with the increase in number of processors and applications. Chapter 5 presents distributed run-time resource management techniques. Two versions of distributed resource managers have been presented which are scalable with the number of applications and processors. MPSoC platforms for real-time applications are designed assuming worst-case task execution times. It is known that the difference between average-case and worst-case behaviour can be quite large. Therefore, knowing the average case performance is also important for the system designer, and software simulation is often employed to estimate this. However, simulation in software is slow and does not scale with the number of applications and processing elements. In Chapter 6, a fast and scalable simulation methodology is introduced that can simulate the execution of multiple applications on an MPSoC platform. It is based on parallel execution of SDF (Synchronous Data Flow) models of applications. The simulation methodology uses Parallel Discrete Event Simulation (PDES) primitives and it is termed as "Smart Conservative PDES". The methodology generates a parallel simulator which is synthesizable on FPGAs. The framework can also be used to model dynamic arbitration policies which are difficult to analyse using models. The generated platform is also useful in carrying out Design Space Exploration as shown in the thesis. Finally, Chapter 7 summarizes the main findings and (practical) implications of the studies described in previous chapters of this dissertation. Using the contributions mentioned in the thesis, a designer can design and implement predictable multiprocessor based systems capable of satisfying throughput constraints of multiple applications in given set of use-cases, and employ resource management strategies to deal with dynamism in the applications. The chapter also describes the main limitations of this dissertation and makes suggestions for future research

    Instruction fusion and vector processor virtualization for higher throughput simultaneous multithreaded processors

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    The utilization wall, caused by the breakdown of threshold voltage scaling, hinders performance gains for new generation microprocessors. To alleviate its impact, an instruction fusion technique is first proposed for multiscalar and many-core processors. With instruction fusion, similar copies of an instruction to be run on multiple pipelines or cores are merged into a single copy for simultaneous execution. Instruction fusion applied to vector code enables the processor to idle early pipeline stages and instruction caches at various times during program implementation with minimum performance degradation, while reducing the program size and the required instruction memory bandwidth. Instruction fusion is applied to a MIPS-based dual-core that resembles an ideal multiscalar of degree two. Benchmarking using an FPGA prototype shows a 6-11% reduction in dynamic power dissipation as well as a 17-45% decrease in code size with frequent performance improvements due to higher instruction cache hit rates. The second part of this dissertation deals with vector processors (VPs) which are commonly assigned exclusively to a single thread/core, and are not often performance and energy efficient due to mismatches with the vector needs of individual applications. An easy-to-implement VP virtualization technology is presented to improve the VP in terms of utilization and energy efficiency. The proposed VP virtualization technology, when applied, improves aggregate VP utilization by enabling simultaneous execution of multiple threads of similar or disparate vector lengths on a multithreaded VP. With a vector register file (VRF) virtualization technique invented to dynamically allocate physical vector registers to threads, the virtualization approach improves programmer productivity by providing at run time a distinct physical register name space to each competing thread, thus eliminating the need to solve register name conflicts statically. The virtualization technique is applied to a multithreaded VP prototyped on an FPGA; it supports VP sharing as well as power gating for better energy efficiency. A throughput-driven scheduler is proposed to optimize the virtualized VP’s utilization in dynamic environments where diverse threads are created randomly. Simulations of various low utilization benchmarks show that, with the proposed scheduler and power gating, the virtualized VP yields a larger than 3-fold speedup while the reduction in the total energy consumption approaches 40% compared to the same VP running in the single-threaded mode. The third part of this dissertation focuses on combining the two aforementioned technologies to create an improved VP prototype that is fully virtualized to support thread fusion and dynamic lane-based power-gating (PG). The VP is capable of dynamically triggering thread fusion according to the availability of similar threads in the task queue. Once thread fusion is triggered, every vector instruction issued to the virtualized VP is interpreted as two similar instructions working in two independent virtual spaces, thus doubling the vector instruction issue rate. Based on an accurate power model of the VP prototype, two different policies are proposed to dynamically choose the optimal number of active VP lanes. With the combined effort of VP lane-based PG and thread fusion, compared to a conventional VP without the two proposed capabilities, benchmarking shows that the new prototype yields up to 33.8% energy reduction in addition to 40% runtime improvement, or up to 62.7% reduction in the product of energy and runtime

    Hardware study on the H.264/AVC video stream parser

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    The video standard H.264/AVC is the latest standard jointly developed in 2003 by the ITUT Video Coding Experts Group (VCEG) and the ISO/IEC Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG). It is an improvement over previous standards, such as MPEG-1 and MPEG-2, as it aims to be efficient for a wide range of applications and resolutions, including high definition broadcast television and video for mobile devices. Due to the standardization of the formatted bit stream and video decoder many more applications can take advantage of the abstraction this standard provides by implementing a desired video encoder and simply adhering to the bit stream constraints. The increase in application flexibility and variable resolution support results in the need for more sophisticated decoder implementations and hardware designs become a necessity. It is desirable to consider architectures that focus on the first stage of the video decoding process, where all data and parameter information are recovered, to understand how influential the initial step is to the decoding process and how influential various targeting platforms can be. The focus of this thesis is to study the differences between targeting an original video stream parser architecture for a 65nm ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit), as well as an FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array). Previous works have concentrated on designing parts of the parser and using numerous platforms; however, the comparison of a single architecture targeting different platforms could lead to further insight into the video stream parser. Overall, the ASIC implementations showed higher performance and lower area than the FPGA, with a 60% increase in performance and 6x decrease in area. The results also show the presented design to be a low power architecture, when compared to other research

    Efficient Architecture of Variable Size HEVC 2D-DCT for FPGA Platforms

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    This study presents a design of two-dimensional (2D) discrete cosine transform (DCT) hardware architecture dedicated for High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) in field programmable gate array (FPGA) platforms. The proposed methodology efficiently proceeds 2D-DCT computation to fit internal components and characteristics of FPGA resources. A four-stage circuit architecture is developed to implement the proposed methodology. This architecture supports variable size of DCT computation, including 4×4, 8×8, 16×16, and 32×32. The proposed architecture has been implemented in System Verilog and synthesized in various FPGA platforms. Compared with existing related works in literature, this proposed architecture demonstrates significant advantages in hardware cost and performance improvement. The proposed architecture is able to sustain 4K@30fps ultra high definition (UHD) TV real-time encoding applications with a reduction of 31-64% in hardware cost

    Coarse-grained reconfigurable array architectures

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    Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Array (CGRA) architectures accelerate the same inner loops that benefit from the high ILP support in VLIW architectures. By executing non-loop code on other cores, however, CGRAs can focus on such loops to execute them more efficiently. This chapter discusses the basic principles of CGRAs, and the wide range of design options available to a CGRA designer, covering a large number of existing CGRA designs. The impact of different options on flexibility, performance, and power-efficiency is discussed, as well as the need for compiler support. The ADRES CGRA design template is studied in more detail as a use case to illustrate the need for design space exploration, for compiler support and for the manual fine-tuning of source code

    Reconfigurable hardware for the new generation IoT video-cards

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e ComputadoresEmbedded systems became a crucial research and developing area because of the dependence of society on devices and the growing demand for new technology products in our lives. The video industry is an example of remarkable technological advances by exploiting the hardware performance for bringing new video products along with even better video quality and higher resolution. Today is time for Ultra High Definition (UHD) resolution and the next new feature is the 8k. A relevant area that may benefit from 8k is medicine, by improving the detail and image quality in diagnoses. Moreover, Japan is preparing to become the first 8k transmitter at the 2020 Olympics. In spite of existing already general-purpose solutions for managing efficiently UHD video, the deployment of a customized configurable solution can be useful for a specific system needs. Besides, it may dictate market favorable positioning on meeting new market demands by providing faster upgrades. For addressing this problem, this MSc thesis proposes a hardware-based deployment of two essential reconfigurable cores for a new generation IoT UHD Video-Card, for managing huge memory accesses as well as for compressing video. The memory management provides a memory direct access for dealing with variable video resolution up to 8k, as well as data error control, frame alignment, configurable memory region, and more. The video compression is performed by a configurable core based on an open-source H.264 encoder. The results presented show it was achieved 8k real-time video streaming along with extra control and status functionalities. Video encoding was achieved for up to 8k.Os sistemas embebidos tornaram-se uma área fulcral de pesquisa e desenvolvimento devido à dependência da sociedade em dispositivos e à crescente procura por novidades tecnológicas para o quotidiano. A indústria de vídeo é um exemplo do notável avanço tecnológico ao explorar o desempenho máximo do hardware para trazer maior qualidade de vídeo e maior resolução. A resolução de vídeo UHD já é uma realidade e a próxima novidade é o 8k. Uma área de relevo que pode beneficiar do 8k é a medicina, com maior detalhe e qualidade de imagem em diagnósticos. Além disso, o Japão está preparar-se para se tornar o primeiro transmissor de 8k nas Olimpíadas de 2020. Apesar de existirem soluções capazes de gerir com eficiência vídeo UHD, uma solução personalizada e configurável pode ser útil para as necessidades específicas de um sistema. Além disso, pode ditar um posicionamento dianteiro no mercado ao atender às novas exigências do mercado fornecendo novidades mais rapidamente. Como possível solução para os problemas expostos, esta tese propõe o desenvolvimento de dois núcleos de hardware reconfigurável essenciais para uma nova geração de placas IoT de vídeo UHD, para gerir acessos à memória assim como para compactar vídeo. A gestão de memória desenvolvida fornece acesso direto à memória para lidar com resolução de vídeo variável e até 8k, além de controlo de erros de dados, alinhamento de frames, região de memória configurável e muito mais. A compactação de vídeo é realizada por um núcleo de hardware configurável, baseado num Encoder H.264 de código aberto. Os resultados mostram que foi alcançada transmissão de vídeo 8k em tempo real, além de funcionalidades extras de controlo e estado. A codificação de vídeo até 8k foi alcançada

    Energy-efficient hardware design based on high-level synthesis

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    This dissertation describes research activities broadly concerning the area of High-level synthesis (HLS), but more specifically, regarding the HLS-based design of energy-efficient hardware (HW) accelerators. HW accelerators, mostly implemented on FPGAs, are integral to the heterogeneous architectures employed in modern high performance computing (HPC) systems due to their ability to speed up the execution while dramatically reducing the energy consumption of computationally challenging portions of complex applications. Hence, the first activity was regarding an HLS-based approach to directly execute an OpenCL code on an FPGA instead of its traditional GPU-based counterpart. Modern FPGAs offer considerable computational capabilities while consuming significantly smaller power as compared to high-end GPUs. Several different implementations of the K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm were considered on both FPGA- and GPU-based platforms and their performance was compared. FPGAs were generally more energy-efficient than the GPUs in all the test cases. Eventually, we were also able to get a faster (in terms of execution time) FPGA implementation by using an FPGA-specific OpenCL coding style and utilizing suitable HLS directives. The second activity was targeted towards the development of a methodology complementing HLS to automatically derive power optimization directives (also known as "power intent") from a system-level design description and use it to drive the design steps after HLS, by producing a directive file written using the common power format (CPF) to achieve power shut-off (PSO) in case of an ASIC design. The proposed LP-HLS methodology reduces the design effort by enabling designers to infer low power information from the system-level description of a design rather than at the RTL. This methodology required a SystemC description of a generic power management module to describe the design context of a HW module also modeled in SystemC, along with the development of a tool to automatically produce the CPF file to accomplish PSO. Several test cases were considered to validate the proposed methodology and the results demonstrated its ability to correctly extract the low power information and apply it to achieve power optimization in the backend flow

    Vector processor virtualization: distributed memory hierarchy and simultaneous multithreading

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    Taking advantage of DLP (Data-Level Parallelism) is indispensable in most data streaming and multimedia applications. Several architectures have been proposed to improve both the performance and energy consumption for such applications. Superscalar and VLIW (Very Long Instruction Word) processors, along with SIMD (Single-Instruction Multiple-Data) and vector processor (VP) accelerators, are among the available options for designers to accomplish their desired requirements. On the other hand, these choices turn out to be large resource and energy consumers, while also not being always used efficiently due to data dependencies among instructions and limited portion of vectorizable code in single applications that deploy them. This dissertation proposes an innovative architecture for a multithreaded VP which separates the path for performing data shuffle and memory-indexed accesses from the data path for executing other vector instructions that access the memory. This separation speeds up the most common memory access operations by avoiding extra delays and unnecessary stalls. In this multilane-based VP design, each vector lane uses its own private memory to avoid any stalls during memory access instructions. More importantly, the proposed VP has an innovative multithreaded architecture which makes it highly suitable for concurrent sharing in multicore environments. To this end, the VP which is developed in VHDL and prototyped on an FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array), serves as a coprocessor for one or more scalar cores in various system architectures presented in the dissertation. In the first system architecture, the VP is allocated exclusively to a single scalar core. Benchmarking shows that the VP can achieve very high performance. The inclusion of distributed data shuffle engines across vector lanes has a spectacular impact on the execution time, primarily for applications like FFT (Fast-Fourier Transform) that require large amounts of data shuffling. In the second system architecture, a VP virtualization technique is presented which, when applied, enables the multithreaded VP to simultaneously execute many threads of various vector lengths. The threads compete simultaneously for the VP resources having as a goal an improved aggregate VP utilization. This approach yields high VP utilization even under low utilization for the individual threads. A vector register file (VRF) virtualization technique dynamically allocates physical vector registers to running threads. The technique is implemented for a multi-core processor embedded in an FPGA. Under the dynamic creation of threads, benchmarking demonstrates large VP speedups and drastic energy savings when compared to the first system architecture. In the last system architecture, further improvements focus on VP virtualization relying exclusively on hardware. Moreover, a pipelined data shuffle network replaces the non-pipelined shuffle engines. The VP can then take advantage of identical instruction flows that may be present in different vector applications by running in a fused instruction mode that increases its utilization. A power dissipation model is introduced as well as two optimization policies towards minimizing the consumed energy, or the product of the energy and runtime for a given application. Benchmarking shows the positive impact of these optimizations

    CABAC accelerator architectures for video compression in future multimedida : a survey

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    The demands for high quality, real-time performance and multi-format video support in consumer multimedia products are ever increasing. In particular, the future multimedia systems require efficient video coding algorithms and corresponding adaptive high-performance computational platforms. The H.264/AVC video coding algorithms provide high enough compression efficiency to be utilized in these systems, and multimedia processors are able to provide the required adaptability, but the algorithms complexity demands for more efficient computing platforms. Heterogeneous (re-)configurable systems composed of multimedia processors and hardware accelerators constitute the main part of such platforms. In this paper, we survey the hardware accelerator architectures for Context-based Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding (CABAC) of Main and High profiles of H.264/AVC. The purpose of the survey is to deliver a critical insight in the proposed solutions, and this way facilitate further research on accelerator architectures, architecture development methods and supporting EDA tools. The architectures are analyzed, classified and compared based on the core hardware acceleration concepts, algorithmic characteristics, video resolution support and performance parameters, and some promising design directions are discussed. The comparative analysis shows that the parallel pipeline accelerator architecture seems to be the most promising