1,180 research outputs found

    Reconciling Graphs and Sets of Sets

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    We explore a generalization of set reconciliation, where the goal is to reconcile sets of sets. Alice and Bob each have a parent set consisting of ss child sets, each containing at most hh elements from a universe of size uu. They want to reconcile their sets of sets in a scenario where the total number of differences between all of their child sets (under the minimum difference matching between their child sets) is dd. We give several algorithms for this problem, and discuss applications to reconciliation problems on graphs, databases, and collections of documents. We specifically focus on graph reconciliation, providing protocols based on set of sets reconciliation for random graphs from G(n,p)G(n,p) and for forests of rooted trees

    Fast Scalable Construction of (Minimal Perfect Hash) Functions

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    Recent advances in random linear systems on finite fields have paved the way for the construction of constant-time data structures representing static functions and minimal perfect hash functions using less space with respect to existing techniques. The main obstruction for any practical application of these results is the cubic-time Gaussian elimination required to solve these linear systems: despite they can be made very small, the computation is still too slow to be feasible. In this paper we describe in detail a number of heuristics and programming techniques to speed up the resolution of these systems by several orders of magnitude, making the overall construction competitive with the standard and widely used MWHC technique, which is based on hypergraph peeling. In particular, we introduce broadword programming techniques for fast equation manipulation and a lazy Gaussian elimination algorithm. We also describe a number of technical improvements to the data structure which further reduce space usage and improve lookup speed. Our implementation of these techniques yields a minimal perfect hash function data structure occupying 2.24 bits per element, compared to 2.68 for MWHC-based ones, and a static function data structure which reduces the multiplicative overhead from 1.23 to 1.03

    Fragment-History Volumes

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    Hardware-based triangle rasterization is still the prevalent method for generating images at real-time interactive frame rates. With the availability of a programmable graphics pipeline a large variety of techniques are supported for evaluating lighting and material properties of fragments. However, these techniques are usually restricted to evaluating local lighting and material effects. In addition, view-point changes require the complete processing of scene data to generate appropriate images. Reusing already rendered data in the frame buffer for a given view point by warping for a new viewpoint increases navigation fidelity at the expense of introducing artifacts for fragments previously hidden from the viewer. We present fragment-history volumes (FHV), a rendering technique based on a sparse, discretized representation of a 3d scene that emerges from recording all fragments that pass the rasterization stage in the graphics pipeline. These fragments are stored into per-pixel or per-octant lists for further processing; essentially creating an A-buffer. FHVs using per-octant fragment lists are view independent and allow fast resampling for image generation as well as for using more sophisticated approaches to evaluate material and lighting properties, eventually enabling global-illumination evaluation in the standard graphics pipeline available on current hardware. We show how FHVs are stored on the GPU in several ways, how they are created, and how they can be used for image generation at high rates. We discuss results for different usage scenarios, variations of the technique, and some limitations

    Tractable Orders for Direct Access to Ranked Answers of Conjunctive Queries

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    We study the question of when we can provide logarithmic-time direct access to the k-th answer to a Conjunctive Query (CQ) with a specified ordering over the answers, following a preprocessing step that constructs a data structure in time quasilinear in the size of the database. Specifically, we embark on the challenge of identifying the tractable answer orderings that allow for ranked direct access with such complexity guarantees. We begin with lexicographic orderings and give a decidable characterization (under conventional complexity assumptions) of the class of tractable lexicographic orderings for every CQ without self-joins. We then continue to the more general orderings by the sum of attribute weights and show for it that ranked direct access is tractable only in trivial cases. Hence, to better understand the computational challenge at hand, we consider the more modest task of providing access to only a single answer (i.e., finding the answer at a given position) - a task that we refer to as the selection problem. We indeed achieve a quasilinear-time algorithm for a subset of the class of full CQs without self-joins, by adopting a solution of Frederickson and Johnson to the classic problem of selection over sorted matrices. We further prove that none of the other queries in this class admit such an algorithm.Comment: 17 page

    Random hypergraphs for hashing-based data structures

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    This thesis concerns dictionaries and related data structures that rely on providing several random possibilities for storing each key. Imagine information on a set S of m = |S| keys should be stored in n memory locations, indexed by [n] = {1,
,n}. Each object x [ELEMENT OF] S is assigned a small set e(x) [SUBSET OF OR EQUAL TO] [n] of locations by a random hash function, independent of other objects. Information on x must then be stored in the locations from e(x) only. It is possible that too many objects compete for the same locations, in particular if the load c = m/n is high. Successfully storing all information may then be impossible. For most distributions of e(x), however, success or failure can be predicted very reliably, since the success probability is close to 1 for loads c less than a certain load threshold c^* and close to 0 for loads greater than this load threshold. We mainly consider two types of data structures: ‱ A cuckoo hash table is a dictionary data structure where each key x [ELEMENT OF] S is stored together with an associated value f(x) in one of the memory locations with an index from e(x). The distribution of e(x) is controlled by the hashing scheme. We analyse three known hashing schemes, and determine their exact load thresholds. The schemes are unaligned blocks, double hashing and a scheme for dynamically growing key sets. ‱ A retrieval data structure also stores a value f(x) for each x [ELEMENT OF] S. This time, the values stored in the memory locations from e(x) must satisfy a linear equation that characterises the value f(x). The resulting data structure is extremely compact, but unusual. It cannot answer questions of the form “is y [ELEMENT OF] S?”. Given a key y it returns a value z. If y [ELEMENT OF] S, then z = f(y) is guaranteed, otherwise z may be an arbitrary value. We consider two new hashing schemes, where the elements of e(x) are contained in one or two contiguous blocks. This yields good access times on a word RAM and high cache efficiency. An important question is whether these types of data structures can be constructed in linear time. The success probability of a natural linear time greedy algorithm exhibits, once again, threshold behaviour with respect to the load c. We identify a hashing scheme that leads to a particularly high threshold value in this regard. In the mathematical model, the memory locations [n] correspond to vertices, and the sets e(x) for x [ELEMENT OF] S correspond to hyperedges. Three properties of the resulting hypergraphs turn out to be important: peelability, solvability and orientability. Therefore, large parts of this thesis examine how hyperedge distribution and load affects the probabilities with which these properties hold and derive corresponding thresholds. Translated back into the world of data structures, we achieve low access times, high memory efficiency and low construction times. We complement and support the theoretical results by experiments.Diese Arbeit behandelt WörterbĂŒcher und verwandte Datenstrukturen, die darauf aufbauen, mehrere zufĂ€llige Möglichkeiten zur Speicherung jedes SchlĂŒssels vorzusehen. Man stelle sich vor, Information ĂŒber eine Menge S von m = |S| SchlĂŒsseln soll in n SpeicherplĂ€tzen abgelegt werden, die durch [n] = {1,
,n} indiziert sind. Jeder SchlĂŒssel x [ELEMENT OF] S bekommt eine kleine Menge e(x) [SUBSET OF OR EQUAL TO] [n] von SpeicherplĂ€tzen durch eine zufĂ€llige Hashfunktion unabhĂ€ngig von anderen SchlĂŒsseln zugewiesen. Die Information ĂŒber x darf nun ausschließlich in den PlĂ€tzen aus e(x) untergebracht werden. Es kann hierbei passieren, dass zu viele SchlĂŒssel um dieselben SpeicherplĂ€tze konkurrieren, insbesondere bei hoher Auslastung c = m/n. Eine erfolgreiche Speicherung der Gesamtinformation ist dann eventuell unmöglich. FĂŒr die meisten Verteilungen von e(x) lĂ€sst sich Erfolg oder Misserfolg allerdings sehr zuverlĂ€ssig vorhersagen, da fĂŒr Auslastung c unterhalb eines gewissen Auslastungsschwellwertes c* die Erfolgswahrscheinlichkeit nahezu 1 ist und fĂŒr c jenseits dieses Auslastungsschwellwertes nahezu 0 ist. HauptsĂ€chlich werden wir zwei Arten von Datenstrukturen betrachten: ‱ Eine Kuckucks-Hashtabelle ist eine Wörterbuchdatenstruktur, bei der jeder SchlĂŒssel x [ELEMENT OF] S zusammen mit einem assoziierten Wert f(x) in einem der SpeicherplĂ€tze mit Index aus e(x) gespeichert wird. Die Verteilung von e(x) wird hierbei vom Hashing-Schema festgelegt. Wir analysieren drei bekannte Hashing-Schemata und bestimmen erstmals deren exakte Auslastungsschwellwerte im obigen Sinne. Die Schemata sind unausgerichtete Blöcke, Doppel-Hashing sowie ein Schema fĂŒr dynamisch wachsenden SchlĂŒsselmengen. ‱ Auch eine Retrieval-Datenstruktur speichert einen Wert f(x) fĂŒr alle x [ELEMENT OF] S. Diesmal sollen die Werte in den SpeicherplĂ€tzen aus e(x) eine lineare Gleichung erfĂŒllen, die den Wert f(x) charakterisiert. Die entstehende Datenstruktur ist extrem platzsparend, aber ungewöhnlich: Sie ist ungeeignet um Fragen der Form „ist y [ELEMENT OF] S?“ zu beantworten. Bei Anfrage eines SchlĂŒssels y wird ein Ergebnis z zurĂŒckgegeben. Falls y [ELEMENT OF] S ist, so ist z = f(y) garantiert, andernfalls darf z ein beliebiger Wert sein. Wir betrachten zwei neue Hashing-Schemata, bei denen die Elemente von e(x) in einem oder in zwei zusammenhĂ€ngenden Blöcken liegen. So werden gute Zugriffszeiten auf Word-RAMs und eine hohe Cache-Effizienz erzielt. Eine wichtige Frage ist, ob Datenstrukturen obiger Art in Linearzeit konstruiert werden können. Die Erfolgswahrscheinlichkeit eines naheliegenden Greedy-Algorithmus weist abermals ein Schwellwertverhalten in Bezug auf die Auslastung c auf. Wir identifizieren ein Hashing-Schema, das diesbezĂŒglich einen besonders hohen Schwellwert mit sich bringt. In der mathematischen Modellierung werden die Speicherpositionen [n] als Knoten und die Mengen e(x) fĂŒr x [ELEMENT OF] S als Hyperkanten aufgefasst. Drei Eigenschaften der entstehenden Hypergraphen stellen sich dann als zentral heraus: SchĂ€lbarkeit, Lösbarkeit und Orientierbarkeit. Weite Teile dieser Arbeit beschĂ€ftigen sich daher mit den Wahrscheinlichkeiten fĂŒr das Vorliegen dieser Eigenschaften abhĂ€ngig von Hashing Schema und Auslastung, sowie mit entsprechenden Schwellwerten. Eine RĂŒckĂŒbersetzung der Ergebnisse liefert dann Datenstrukturen mit geringen Anfragezeiten, hoher Speichereffizienz und geringen Konstruktionszeiten. Die theoretischen Überlegungen werden dabei durch experimentelle Ergebnisse ergĂ€nzt und gestĂŒtzt


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    \emph{Static functions} are data structures meant to store arbitrary mappings from finite sets to integers; that is, given universe of items UU, a set of n∈Nn \in \mathbb{N} pairs (ki,vi)(k_i,v_i) where ki∈S⊂U,∣S∣=nk_i \in S \subset U, |S|=n, and vi∈{0,1,
,m−1},m∈Nv_i \in \{0, 1, \ldots, m-1\} , m \in \mathbb{N} , a static function will retrieve viv_i given kik_i (usually, in constant time). When every key is mapped into a different value this function is called \emph{perfect hash function} and when n=mn=m the data structure yields an injective numbering S→{0,1,
n−1}S\to \lbrace0,1, \ldots n-1 \rbrace; this mapping is called a \emph{minimal perfect hash function}. Big data brought back one of the most critical challenges that computer scientists have been tackling during the last fifty years, that is, analyzing big amounts of data that do not fit in main memory. While for small keysets these mappings can be easily implemented using hash tables, this solution does not scale well for bigger sets. Static functions and MPHFs break the information-theoretical lower bound of storing the set SS because they are allowed to return \emph{any} value if the queried key is not in the original keyset. The classical constructions technique for static functions can achieve just O(nb)O(nb) bits space, where b=log⁡(m)b=\log(m), and the one for MPHFs O(n)O(n) bits of space (always with constant access time). All these features make static functions and MPHFs powerful techniques when handling, for instance, large sets of strings, and they are essential building blocks of space-efficient data structures such as (compressed) full-text indexes, monotone MPHFs, Bloom filter-like data structures, and prefix-search data structures. The biggest challenge of this construction technique involves lowering the multiplicative constants hidden inside the asymptotic space bounds while keeping feasible construction times. In this thesis, we take advantage of the recent result in random linear systems theory regarding the ratio between the number of variables and number of the equations, and in perfect hash data structures, to achieve practical static functions with the lowest space bounds so far, and construction time comparable with widely used techniques. The new results, however, require solving linear systems that require more than a simple triangulation process, as it happens in current state-of-the-art solutions. The main challenge in making such structures usable is mitigating the cubic running time of Gaussian elimination at construction time. To this purpose, we introduce novel techniques based on \emph{broadword programming} and a heuristic derived from \emph{structured Gaussian elimination}. We obtained data structures that are significantly smaller than commonly used hypergraph-based constructions while maintaining or improving the lookup times and providing still feasible construction.We then apply these improvements to another kind of structures: \emph{compressed static hash functions}. The theoretical construction technique for this kind of data structure uses prefix-free codes with variable length to encode the set of values. Adopting this solution, we can reduce the\n space usage of each element to (essentially) the entropy of the list of output values of the function.Indeed, we need to solve an even bigger linear system of equations, and the time required to build the structure increases. In this thesis, we present the first engineered implementation of compressed hash functions. For example, we were able to store a function with geometrically distributed output, with parameter p=0.5p=0.5in just 2.282.28 bit per key, independently of the key set, with a construction time double with respect to that of a state-of-the-art non-compressed function, which requires ≈log⁡log⁡n\approx\log \log n bits per key, where nn is the number of keys, and similar lookup time. We can also store a function with an output distributed following a Zipfian distribution with parameter s=2s=2 and N=106N= 10^6 in just 2.752.75 bits per key, whereas a non-compressed function would require more than 2020, with a threefold increase in construction time and significantly faster lookups

    Enabling parallelism and optimizations in data mining algorithms for power-law data

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    Today's data mining tasks aim to extract meaningful information from a large amount of data in a reasonable time mainly via means of --- a) algorithmic advances, such as fast approximate algorithms and efficient learning algorithms, and b) architectural advances, such as machines with massive compute capacity involving distributed multi-core processors and high throughput accelerators. For current and future generation processors, parallel algorithms are critical for fully utilizing computing resources. Furthermore, exploiting data properties for performance gain becomes crucial for data mining applications. In this work, we focus our attention on power-law behavior –-- a common property found in a large class of data, such as text data, internet traffic, and click-stream data. Specifically, we address the following questions in the context of power-law data: How well do the critical data mining algorithms of current interest fit with today's parallel architectures? Which algorithmic and mapping opportunities can be leveraged to further improve performance?, and What are the relative challenges and gains for such approaches? Specifically, we first investigate the suitability of the "frequency estimation" problem for GPU-scale parallelism. Sketching algorithms are a popular choice for this task due to their desirable trade-off between estimation accuracy and space-time efficiency. However, most of the past work on sketch-based frequency estimation focused on CPU implementations. In our work, we propose a novel approach for sketches, which exploits the natural skewness in the power-law data to efficiently utilize the massive amounts of parallelism in modern GPUs. Next, we explore the problem of "identifying top-K frequent elements" for distributed data streams on modern distributed settings with both multi-core and multi-node CPU parallelism. Sketch-based approaches, such as Count-Min Sketch (CMS) with top-K heap, have an excellent update time but lacks the important property of reducibility, which is needed for exploiting data parallelism. On the other end, the popular Frequent Algorithm (FA) leads to reducible summaries, but its update costs are high. Our approach Topkapi, gives the best of both worlds, i.e., it is reducible like FA and has an efficient update time similar to CMS. For power-law data, Topkapi possesses strong theoretical guarantees and leads to significant performance gains, relative to past work. Finally, we study Word2Vec, a popular word embedding method widely used in Machine learning and Natural Language Processing applications, such as machine translation, sentiment analysis, and query answering. This time, we target Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) parallelism. With the increasing vector lengths in commodity CPUs, such as AVX-512 with a vector length of 512 bits, efficient vector processing unit utilization becomes a major performance game-changer. By employing a static multi-version code generation strategy coupled with an algorithmic approximation based on the power-law frequency distribution of words, we achieve significant reductions in training time relative to the state-of-the-art.Ph.D
