220 research outputs found

    Secure and Privacy-Aware Cloud-Assisted Video Reporting Service in 5G Enabled Vehicular Networks

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    Vehicular networks are one of the main technologies that will be leveraged by the arrival of the future fifth generation (5G) mobile cellular networks. While scalability and latency are the major drawbacks of IEEE 802.11p and 4G LTE enabled vehicular communications, respectively, the 5G technology is a promising solution to empower the real-time services offered by vehicular networks. However, the security and privacy of such services in 5G enabled vehicular networks need to be addressed first. In this paper, we propose a novel system model for a 5G enabled vehicular network that facilitates a reliable, secure and privacy-aware real-time video reporting service. This service is designed for the participating vehicles to instantly report the videos of traffic accidents to guarantee a timely response from official and/or ambulance vehicles toward accidents. While it provides strong security and privacy guarantees for the participating vehicle’s identity and the video contents, the proposed service ensures traceability of misbehaving participants through a cooperation scheme among different authorities. We show the feasibility and the fulfilment of the proposed reporting service in 5G enabled vehicular networks in terms of security, privacy and efficiency

    Secure and Privacy-Aware Cloud-Assisted Video Reporting Service in 5G Enabled Vehicular Networks

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    Vehicular networks are one of the main technologies that will be leveraged by the arrival of the future fifth generation (5G) mobile cellular networks. While scalability and latency are the major drawbacks of IEEE 802.11p and 4G LTE enabled vehicular communications, respectively, the 5G technology is a promising solution to empower the real-time services offered by vehicular networks. However, the security and privacy of such services in 5G enabled vehicular networks need to be addressed first. In this paper, we propose a novel system model for a 5G enabled vehicular network that facilitates a reliable, secure and privacy-aware real-time video reporting service. This service is designed for the participating vehicles to instantly report the videos of traffic accidents to guarantee a timely response from official and/or ambulance vehicles toward accidents. While it provides strong security and privacy guarantees for the participating vehicle’s identity and the video contents, the proposed service ensures traceability of misbehaving participants through a cooperation scheme among different authorities. We show the feasibility and the fulfilment of the proposed reporting service in 5G enabled vehicular networks in terms of security, privacy and efficiency

    Secure Vehicular Communication Systems: Implementation, Performance, and Research Challenges

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    Vehicular Communication (VC) systems are on the verge of practical deployment. Nonetheless, their security and privacy protection is one of the problems that have been addressed only recently. In order to show the feasibility of secure VC, certain implementations are required. In [1] we discuss the design of a VC security system that has emerged as a result of the European SeVeCom project. In this second paper, we discuss various issues related to the implementation and deployment aspects of secure VC systems. Moreover, we provide an outlook on open security research issues that will arise as VC systems develop from today's simple prototypes to full-fledged systems

    A blockchain approach for decentralized V2X (D-V2X)

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    New mobility paradigms have appeared in recent years, and everything suggests that some more are coming. This fact makes apparent the necessity of modernizing the road infrastructure, the signalling elements and the traffic management systems. Many initiatives have emerged around the term Intelligent Transport System (ITS) in order to define new scenarios and requirements for this kind of applications. We even have two main competing technologies for implementing Vehicular communication protocols (V2X), C-V2X and 802.11p, but neither of them is widely deployed yet. One of the main barriers for the massive adoption of those technologies is governance. Current solutions rely on the use of a public key infrastructure that enables secure collaboration between the different entities in the V2X ecosystem, but given its global scope, managing such infrastructure requires reaching agreements between many parties, with conflicts of interest between automakers and telecommunication operators. As a result, there are plenty of use cases available and two mature communication technologies, but the complexity at the business layer is stopping the drivers from taking advantage of ITS applications. Blockchain technologies are defining a new decentralized paradigm for most traditional applications, where smart contracts provide a straightforward mechanism for decentralized governance. In this work, we propose an approach for decentralized V2X (D-V2X) that does not require any trusted authority and can be implemented on top of any communication protocol. We also define a proof-of-concept technical architecture on top of a cheap and highly secure System-on-Chip (SoC) that could allow for massive adoption of D-V2X.10.13039/501100011011-Junta de Andalucía (Grant Number: P18-TP-3724) 10.13039/501100004837-Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Grant Number: PID2019-110565RB-I00

    Security Analysis of Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANET)

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    Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANET) has mostly gained the attention of today's research efforts, while current solutions to achieve secure VANET, to protect the network from adversary and attacks still not enough, trying to reach a satisfactory level, for the driver and manufacturer to achieve safety of life and infotainment. The need for a robust VANET networks is strongly dependent on their security and privacy features, which will be discussed in this paper. In this paper a various types of security problems and challenges of VANET been analyzed and discussed; we also discuss a set of solutions presented to solve these challenges and problems.Comment: 6 pages; 2010 Second International Conference on Network Applications, Protocols and Service

    A Computational Analysis of ECC Based Novel Authentication Scheme in VANET

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    A recent development in the adhoc network is a vehicular network called VANET (Vehicular Adhoc Network). Intelligent Transportation System is the Intelligent application of VANET. Due to open nature of VANET attacker can launch various kind of attack. As VANET messages are deal with very crucial information’s which may save the life of passengers by avoiding accidents, save the time of people on a trip, exchange of secret information etc., because of this security is must be in the VANET. To ensure the highest level of security the network should be free from attackers, there by all information pass among nodes in the network must be reliable i.e. should be originated by an authenticated node. Authentication is the first line of security in VANET; it avoids nonregistered vehicle in the network. Previous research come up with some Cryptographic, Trust based, Id based, Group signature based authentication schemes. A speed of authentication and privacy preservation is important parameters in VANET authentication. This paper addresses the computational analysis of authentication schemes based on ECC. We started analysis from comparing plain ECC with our proposed AECC (Adaptive Elliptic Curve Cryptography) and EECC (Enhanced Elliptic Curve Cryptography). The result of analysis shows proposed schemes improve speed and security of authentication. In AECC key size is adaptive i.e. different sizes of keys are generated during key generation phase. Three ranges are specified for key sizes small, large and medium. In EECC we added an extra parameter during transmission of information from the vehicle to RSU for key generation. Schemes of authentications are evaluated by comparative analysis of time required for authentication and key breaking possibilities of keys used in authentication