595 research outputs found

    Understanding blockchain applications in Industry 4.0: From information technology to manufacturing and operations management

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    The current literature regarding blockchain-based applications in the context of Industry 4.0 has rapidly grown during the last decade. However, a systematic literature review that summarizes the main contributions, findings, and implications from a managerial perspective of the blockchain technology adoption in the specific context of Industry 4.0 is still missing. The present article aims to fill this research gap by examining and elaborating on the extant literature to develop a literature-grounded framework (WHY-HOW-WHAT) that helps better understand the management issues that blockchain technology can help resolve in the context of Industry 4.0, as well as identify the main features of blockchain-based solutions in various areas of Industry 4.0. Furthermore, the proposed framework is useful to understand how ten Industry 4.0 enabling technologies combine with the blockchain technology to implement efficient and effective blockchain-based solutions in Industry 4.0 settings. Finally, based on this framework we conjecture the trajectories of the evolution of blockchain technology in Industry 4.0 settings, and highlight the relevant research gaps that both academics and practitioners working on this field should address in the near future

    An innovative blockchain-based traceability framework for industry 4.0 cyber-physical factory

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    Industry 4.0 is currently transforming the industrial landscape through the use of innovative technologies and novel data management approaches. The incorporation of Industry 4.0 brought new dimensions of improvement and autonomy into the existing industrial manufacturing processes which has also led to increased expectations for traceability in manufacturing. Traceability enables the tracking of every part and product of the manufacturing process giving insights into each manufactured component and its full history across each operation step that helps manufacturers improve quality and efficiency. Despite the huge potential in facilitating the optimization of the production lines, product traceability has remained a challenging topic in mass manufacturing. Hence, in this paper, an innovative Blockchain-based framework is proposed to integrate the processes of a real production line using the Industry 4.0 Festo Cyber-Physical Factory located at London Digital Twin Research Centre, Middlesex University. Blockchain technology is a distributed and shared database of events for a product life cycle that is encrypted in blocks or smaller data units. This paper introduces a viable blockchain-based framework implemented within a real smart product assembly for internal traceability within the production process in order to improve the security by preventing counterfeiting, identify specific problems on the production lin

    Predictive Maintenance in Industry 4.0

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    In the context of Industry 4.0, the manufacturing-related processes have shifted from conventional processes within one organization to collaborative processes cross different organizations, for example, product design processes, manufacturing processes, and maintenance processes across different factories and enterprises. The development and application of the Internet of things, i.e. smart devices and sensors increases the availability and collection of diverse data. With new technologies, such as advanced data analytics and cloud computing provide new opportunities for flexible collaborations as well as effective optimizing manufacturing-related processes, e.g. predictive maintenance. Predictive maintenance provides a detailed examination of the detection, location and diagnosis of faults in related machinery using various analyses. RAMI4.0 is a framework for thinking about the various efforts that constitute Industry 4.0. It spans the entire product life cycle & value stream axis, hierarchical structure axis and functional classification axis. The Industrial Data Space (now International Data Space) is a virtual data space using standards and common governance models to facilitate the secure exchange and easy linkage of data in business ecosystems. It thereby provides a basis for creating and using smart services and innovative business processes, while at the same time ensuring digital sovereignty of data owners. This paper looks at how to support predictive maintenance in the context of Industry 4.0. Especially, applying RAMI4.0 architecture supports the predictive maintenance using the FIWARE framework, which leads to deal with data exchanging among different organizations with different security requirements as well as modularizing of related functions

    Predictive Maintenance in Industry 4.0

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    In the context of Industry 4.0, the manufacturing-related processes have shifted from conventional processes within one organization to collaborative processes cross different organizations, for example, product design processes, manufacturing processes, and maintenance processes across different factories and enterprises. The development and application of the Internet of things, i.e. smart devices and sensors increases the availability and collection of diverse data. With new technologies, such as advanced data analytics and cloud computing provide new opportunities for flexible collaborations as well as effective optimizing manufacturing-related processes, e.g. predictive maintenance. Predictive maintenance provides a detailed examination of the detection, location and diagnosis of faults in related machinery using various analyses. RAMI4.0 is a framework for thinking about the various efforts that constitute Industry 4.0. It spans the entire product life cycle & value stream axis, hierarchical structure axis and functional classification axis. The Industrial Data Space (now International Data Space) is a virtual data space using standards and common governance models to facilitate the secure exchange and easy linkage of data in business ecosystems. It thereby provides a basis for creating and using smart services and innovative business processes, while at the same time ensuring digital sovereignty of data owners. This paper looks at how to support predictive maintenance in the context of Industry 4.0. Especially, applying RAMI4.0 architecture supports the predictive maintenance using the FIWARE framework, which leads to deal with data exchanging among different organizations with different security requirements as well as modularizing of related functions

    Exploring Blockchain Adoption Supply Chains: Opportunities and Challenges

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    Acquisition Management / Grant technical reportAcquisition Research Program Sponsored Report SeriesSponsored Acquisition Research & Technical ReportsIn modern supply chains, acquisition often occurs with the involvement of a network of organizations. The resilience, efficiency, and effectiveness of supply networks are crucial for the viability of acquisition. Disruptions in the supply chain require adequate communication infrastructure to ensure resilience. However, supply networks do not have a shared information technology infrastructure that ensures effective communication. Therefore decision-makers seek new methodologies for supply chain management resilience. Blockchain technology offers new decentralization and service delegation methods that can transform supply chains and result in a more flexible, efficient, and effective supply chain. This report presents a framework for the application of Blockchain technology in supply chain management to improve resilience. In the first part of this study, we discuss the limitations and challenges of the supply chain system that can be addressed by integrating Blockchain technology. In the second part, the report provides a comprehensive Blockchain-based supply chain network management framework. The application of the proposed framework is demonstrated using modeling and simulation. The differences in the simulation scenarios can provide guidance for decision-makers who consider using the developed framework during the acquisition process.Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Product traceability in manufacturing industries: Business case and pilot project.

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    Innovation is increasing rapidly in every sector of the industry. This improvement and development are imperative to industries. Some are up-to-date, and others are improving. We are already witnessing the era of technology-dependent industry, where technology plays a key role in the manufacturing processes. Disruptive technologies are changing the way enterprises operate. It is essential for the industries which are focused on delivering fast and reliable service to the clients. As the technology and innovation are increasing, they could help the ceramic industry for the options presently available in interrelated technology, which are already impacting the industrial development in Industry 4.0 During previous industrialization eras there have been many improvements in different industrial sectors, which have led to rapid growth universally across industries. The present research included the review of approaches towards the ceramic traceability industry. This thesis presents a discussion on traceability of products in the ceramic industry by observing the production process. There are many stages of the production process where the materials and products are difficult to track, However, industries are concerned about the quantity and number of products produced that will meet the expectations at the end. It is challenging for the enterprises to manage, organize and trace the products throughout the manufacturing process, from raw material till final packaging. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) systems are a common and useful tool in manufacturing, supply chain management, and retail inventory control. Optical barcodes, another universal automatic identification system, have been a familiar packaging feature on consumer items for years. Due to advances in silicon manufacturing technology, RFID costs have dropped significantly. Soon, low-cost RFID “electronic product codes” or “smart-labels” may be a practical replacement for optical barcodes on consumer items. Unfortunately, the universal deployment of RFID devices in consumer items may pose new security and privacy risks not present in closed manufacturing environments. This thesis presents an introduction to RFID technology, identifies several potential threats to security and privacy, and offers several practical proposals for efficient security mechanisms.N/

    Retos y Tendencias de la Logística 4.0

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    Context:  Owing to the technological breakthrough in the worldwide productive systems, generated by the 4.0 revolution, it is compulsory to make sweeping changes to logistics both nationally and internationally to allow supply chains to enhance their performance and their response time. Hence, the concept of Logistics 4.0 was born. Although many developed countries have implemented the principles of Logistics 4.0, there is still a breach in its study and application worldwide. This article explores the challenges and tendencies in the implementation of Logistics 4.0. Method: Articles published from 2015 to 2021 in the databases of Scopus, Science Direct, Taylor and Francis and Google Scholar, were analyzed by a systematic literature review. The explored publications were found using the search terms: (("logistics 4.0") OR ("supply chain 4.0") OR ("industry 4.0" AND ("logistics" OR "supply chain"))) and ((“blockchain” OR “IoT” OR “Cyber Physical Systems” OR “Big Data”) AND “logistics”) in title, abstract and keywords. Results: It was proposed a conceptualization of Logistics 4.0 including definition, objectives, characteristics, and most representative technologies in its implementation. Likewise, the main challenges and trends that industries could face in the implementation of Logistics 4.0 within logistics systems, and supply chains were identified. Conclusions: Logistics 4.0 is a novelty term that has aroused the interest of researchers, governments, and companies worldwide, due to its promising benefits in reducing response times and increasing flexibility and collaboration in supply chains. However, the lack of a common framework for its study and adoption has hindered its integration in companies and supply chains, specially in those located in developing countries, which must face technical, social, economic, and legal barriers for the implementation of logistics 4.0.Contexto:  Debido a los avances tecnológicos en los sistemas productivos globales generados por la revolución 4.0, se ha vuelto necesario hacer cambios profundos a la logística para que las cadenas de suministro puedan mejorar su desempeño y tiempos de respuesta. De ahí nace el concepto de Logística 4.0. Aunque muchos países desarrollados han implementado los principios de la Logística 4.0, aún hay brechas en su estudio y aplicación alrededor del mundo. Este artículo explora los retos y tendencias de la implementación de la Logística 4.0. Métodos: Se analizaron artículos publicados entre 2015 y 2021 en las bases de datos Scopus, Science Direct, Taylor and Francis y Google Scholar, mediante una revisión sistemática de la literatura. Resultados: Se propuso una conceptualización de la Logística 4.0, que incluye una definición, objetivos, características y las tecnologías más representativas en su implementación. Asimismo, se identificaron los retos y tendencias principales que afrontan las industrias en la implementación de la Logística 4.0 en el ámbito de las cadenas de suministro. Conclusiones: Logística 4.0 es un término novedoso que ha despertado el interés de los investigadores, los gobiernos y las compañías alrededor del mundo. Esto, debido a sus prometedores beneficios en la reducción de tiempos de respuesta y el incremento de la flexibilidad y la colaboración en las cadenas de suministro. Sin embargo, la falta de un marco común para su estudio y adopción ha limitado su integración en las compañías y las cadenas de suministro, especialmente en aquellas que enfrentan barreras técnicas, sociales, económicas y legales para la implementación de la Logística 4.0

    Tecnologias para rastreabilidade de processos na indústria naval : o caso de estudo dos estaleiros West Sea Viana Shipyard

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Informática na Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão do Instituto Politécnico de Viana do CasteloTraceability of materials and elements in any type of industry is essential and of great value although it is currently gaining even more importance due to the factories of Industry 5.0. This is important in the context of the manufacture of any product This allows the user to know the origin of a particular element, whether it is a raw material or a component made of other previously manufactured elements. This chain of traceable information can be persisted by several technologies, one of which is the blockchain. This concept of traceability is applied in any type of industry in some way, but sometimes there are more appropriate methods that can even add value to the final product Therefore, this process enables the tracking of products components throughout the chain of production, from raw materials to the final product, passing through each intermediate component and process stage, on every industrial player in the chain. The information generated through the manufacturing process, including certificates and inspection results, is registered and thus trackable. In the shipbuilding industry, the process of building a ship is complex, has several stages, and it is important to guarantee high-quality levels during the manufacturing process. For this, the methods and technologies adopted for process traceability must be selected, having in mind the specific requirements and constraints of the shipbuilding industry in the most efficient way. In addition, process traceability may add value to the ship, as all the traceable information may be easily transferred to the end customer. This way, the customer can have the information of any material, component, part, and block of the ship easily and reliably, as well as all the certificates and documents necessary for any process. This thesis proposes a blockchain-centered system architecture that fosters the traceability of the production processes applied to the shipbuilding industry, based on the West Sea Viana Shipyard. The system will be implemented as a case study in the manufacturing process of a shipbuilding block, and therefore readily extendable to the overall ship manufacturing process, thus contributing with a blockchain containing or referring to all relevant documents (certificates, warranties, etc.) and other pertinent manufacturing data that can be delivered to the customer together with the ship, and thus increasing trustability.A rastreabilidade de materiais e elementos em qualquer tipo de indústria é essencial e de grande valor, embora atualmente esteja a ganhar ainda mais importância devido às fábricas da Indústria 5.0. Isto é importante no contexto do fabrico de qualquer produto, isto porque, permite que o utilizador conheça a origem de um determinado produto, seja uma matéria-prima ou um componente fabricado através outros elementos, posteriormente fabricados. Esta cadeia de informações rastreáveis pode ser mantida através de várias tecnologias, uma das quais é o 'blockchain'. Este conceito de rastreabilidade é aplicado em qualquer tipo de indústria de alguma forma, mas por vezes existem métodos mais adequados que podem até acrescentar valor ao produto final. Portanto, este processo permite a rastreabilidade dos componentes de produtos em toda a cadeia de fabrico, desde a matéria-prima até o produto final, passando por cada componente intermediário e etapa do processo, em todos os participantes industriais da cadeia de fabrico. As informações geradas durante o processo de fabrico, incluindo certificados e resultados de inspeção. também são registadas e, portanto, rastreáveis. Na indústria naval, é essencial garantir altos níveis de qualidade durante o processo de fabrico. Para isso, é importante selecionar os métodos e tecnologias adequados para a rastreabilidade dos processos, considerando as exigências e restrições específicas da indústria naval. Desta forma, o cliente pode ter as informações de qualquer material, componente, peça e bloco do navio de forma simples e confiável. A rastreabilidade do processo pode acrescentar valor ao navio, pois todas as informações rastreáveis podem ser facilmente transferidas para o cliente final, incluindo todos os certificados e documentos necessários. Nesta tese é proposta uma arquitetura de sistema cerrada em tecnologia blockchain que promove a rastreabilidade dos processos de produção aplicados à indústria naval, com base no Estaleiro West Sea Viana. O sistema será implementado como um caso de estudo no processo de fabrico de um bloco de construção naval e, portanto, prontamente extensível ao processo geral de fabrico de navios, contribuindo assim com uma 'blockchain' contendo ou referindo-se a todos os documentos relevantes (certificados, garantias, etc.) e outros dados de fabrico pertinentes que podem ser entregues ao cliente junto com o navio, aumentando assim a confiabilidade. Além disto, é também feita a implementação de duas provas de conceito de interfaces visuais, tudo isto é testado com informação proveniente do Estaleiro West Sea Viana e validado pelos mesmos