856 research outputs found


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    This paper presents a design of machine controlled intelligent system for public to share bicycles for short distance transportation in urban areas. It allows us to take bicycle from wherever we are and to park at our nearest place of destination. The design schemes used here are automated system for bicycle delivery unit (base station) and bicycle parking unit (substation) and automatic amount collection for the usage from user card (RFID tags) and central administration office (GPS) and solar powered substations (PV solar panels). Moreover, it offers auto-locking racks for bicycles, on-Board vehicle tracking, and battery with solar power management, data logging, and communication with substations and administration. The subscribers can register to this service by administrator of bicycle sharing system. In 2011, the Ministry of Urban Development (MOUD), Government of India, launched the National Public Bicycle Scheme (NPBS) to build capacity for the implementation and operation of cycle sharing systems across the country. This paper outlines the advanced requirements to successfully develop and deploy bicycle sharing system focusing on solar powered battery charging and vending by PV solar panels, rental collection interface, in and out management of bicycles, system equipped with RFID and GPS tracking mechanisms. So bicycle sharing systems has emerged as an innovative form of public transport to provide urban short-distance transportation services by government

    Optimization of a low weight electronic differential for LEVs

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    It is presented a performance analysis of an Electronic Differential (ED) system designed for Light Electric Vehicles (LEVs). We have developed a test tricycle vehicle with one front steering wheel and two rear fixed units is a same axis with a brushless DC integrated in each of them. Each motor has an independent controller unit and a common Arduino electronic CPU based that can plan specific speeds for each wheels as curves are being traced. Different implementations of sensors (input current/torque, steering angle and speed of the wheels) are discussed related to hardware complexity, and performance obtained based on speed level requirements and slipping on the traction wheels.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Connected Bike-smart IoT-based Cycling Training Solution

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    The Connected Bike project combines several technologies, both hardware and software, to provide cycling enthusiasts with a modern alternative solution for training. Therefore, a trainer can monitor online through a Web Application some of the important parameters for training, more specifically the speed, cadence and power generated by the cyclist. Also, the trainer can see at every moment where the rider is with the aid of a GPS module. The system is built out of both hardware and software components. The hardware is in charge of collecting, scaling, converting and sending data from sensors. On the software side, there is the server, which consists of the Back-End and the MQTT (Message Queues Telemetry Transport) Broker, as well as the Front-End of the Web Application that displays and manages data as well as collaboration between cyclists and trainers. Finally, there is the Android Application that acts like a remote command for the hardware module on the bike, giving the rider control over how and when the ride is monitored

    Development of an automated bicycle parking spot for a smart parking system

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    Mestrado de dupla diplomação com a UTFPR - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáSmart parking systems are promising solutions for a set of traffic-related problems in major cities across the world. The goal of those systems is to guide users through paths in which they spend less time, resources, and release fewer greenhouse gases to find a parking spot. To this end, deployers develop Cyber-physical Systems that generally comprise embedded electronics materials, Internet of Things technologies, and Artificial Intelligence concepts. This work combines ESP8266 microcontrollers and Raspberry Pi microprocessors through MQTT communication protocol to implement its architecture, a few possible different options for the actuator are also presented, and a project for the power supply by lowcurrent photovoltaic panels is documented. Therefore, the goal is to work over some options and ideas for the physical implementation of the low-level electronics physical stage of a smart parking Cyber-physical System. The results include validated actuator options, a small photovoltaic generation sizing, and the deployment of a microcontroller routine capable of properly operate as a physical asset controller enabling scalability.Sistemas de estacionamento inteligentes são soluções promissoras para uma gama de problemas relacionados a tráfego de automóveis em grandes cidades do mundo. O objetivo destes sistemas é guiar seus usuários por caminhos pelos quais os mesmos gastam menos tempo, recursos e liberam menos gases contribuintes para o efeito estufa a fim de encontrar um local de estacionamento. Para este fim, desenvolvedores implementam Sistemas Ciber-físicos que geralmente incluem materiais de eletrônica embebida, tecnologias de Internet das Coisas e conceitos de Inteligência Artificial. Este trabalho combina os microcontroladores ESP8266 e microprocessadores Raspberry Pi pelo protocolo de comunicação MQTT a fim de implementar sua arquitetura definida, também apresenta algumas possíveis opções para a implementação de um atuador e o projeto para suprir o consumo de eletricidade por painéis fotovoltaicos de baixa corrente. Portanto, o objetivo é trabalhar em possíveis opções e ideias para a implementação física da etapa de eletrônica de baixo nível de um Sistema Ciber-físico para estacionamentos inteligentes. Os resultados incluem opções validadas de atuadores, um dimensionamento de geração fotovoltaica de baixa potência e o desenvolvimento de uma rotina para o que o microcontrolador aja como um controlador local e permita escalabilidade

    TT race data logger

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    This report is made to accomplish the demand from TriCAT Racing motor race team. They suggest if it was possible to create a device capable to log data from a motorbike during a race or testing seasons, mentioning some other similar systems out on the market, but is really expensive. Taking an initial idea, we thought about one way to design a system capable of satisfy the demand of our contractor, trying to reduce costs on the design. At this point we accept the project offered by TriCAT racing team. Known the several issues that they have about the design and studying the different ways to make it, the design is starting to be thought. The contractor needs that the system has to be capable of store the data into a SD card, this data are: position, velocity, RPM, cornering angle and lap time of a motorbike in a circuit race. For solve this issues we thought about microprocessors, GPS’s, and other kind of possibilities, arriving to one possible solution. Now the solution of design question is solved, it is possible to design a system capable to accomplish the demands of the contractor, with a microcontroller PIC18F4550 and a GPS Unit, one Accelerometer, and programming a complex program on C for microcontrollers it is possible arrive to a solution. When we start to build the first prototype and we decide to test it a problem appears, not enough space in ROM memory. During the implementation part, we arrived the conclusion that we made an error choosing the microprocessor PIC18F4550, this error is because the ROM memory. The program that we are using is too big, and the ROM memory of the microprocessor PIC18F4550 it’s not enough to contain all the program. As a result of the short time disposed for make the project, and the errors made at the end, it is not possible to change the design, the prototype is build and we are trying to make it run. If the project could be continued for another students or another engineers, the best idea for start, is change the microcontroller for another with the minimum resources needed by the C program

    Design and development of auxiliary components for a new two-stroke, stratified-charge, lean-burn gasoline engine

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    A unique stepped-piston engine was developed by a group of research engineers at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), from 2003 to 2005. The development work undertaken by them engulfs design, prototyping and evaluation over a predetermined period of time which was iterative and challenging in nature. The main objective of the program is to demonstrate local R&D capabilities on small engine work that is able to produce mobile powerhouse of comparable output, having low-fuel consumption and acceptable emission than its crankcase counterpart of similar displacement. A two-stroke engine work was selected as it posses a number of technological challenges, increase in its thermal efficiency, which upon successful undertakings will be useful in assisting the group in future powertrain undertakings in UTM. In its carbureted version, the single-cylinder aircooled engine incorporates a three-port transfer system and a dedicated crankcase breather. These features will enable the prototype to have high induction efficiency and to behave very much a two-stroke engine but equipped with a four-stroke crankcase lubrication system. After a series of analytical work the engine was subjected to a series of laboratory trials. It was also tested on a small watercraft platform with promising indication of its flexibility of use as a prime mover in mobile platform. In an effort to further enhance its technology features, the researchers have also embarked on the development of an add-on auxiliary system. The system comprises of an engine control unit (ECU), a directinjector unit, a dedicated lubricant dispenser unit and an embedded common rail fuel unit. This support system was incorporated onto the engine to demonstrate the finer points of environmental-friendly and fuel economy features. The outcome of this complete package is described in the report, covering the methodology and the final characteristics of the mobile power plant

    Algorithmic Security is Insufficient: A Comprehensive Survey on Implementation Attacks Haunting Post-Quantum Security

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    This survey is on forward-looking, emerging security concerns in post-quantum era, i.e., the implementation attacks for 2022 winners of NIST post-quantum cryptography (PQC) competition and thus the visions, insights, and discussions can be used as a step forward towards scrutinizing the new standards for applications ranging from Metaverse, Web 3.0 to deeply-embedded systems. The rapid advances in quantum computing have brought immense opportunities for scientific discovery and technological progress; however, it poses a major risk to today's security since advanced quantum computers are believed to break all traditional public-key cryptographic algorithms. This has led to active research on PQC algorithms that are believed to be secure against classical and powerful quantum computers. However, algorithmic security is unfortunately insufficient, and many cryptographic algorithms are vulnerable to side-channel attacks (SCA), where an attacker passively or actively gets side-channel data to compromise the security properties that are assumed to be safe theoretically. In this survey, we explore such imminent threats and their countermeasures with respect to PQC. We provide the respective, latest advancements in PQC research, as well as assessments and providing visions on the different types of SCAs

    Detection of GSM Based Accident Location, Vehicle Theft and Fuel Theft Using ARM Cortex M-3 Microcontroller

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    In Today's world the amount of vehicle theft, fuel theft and accident of vehicles are increasing day by day. As per the survey made, each year more than a million vehicles are stolen in the U.S (one vehicle every 30 seconds). Vehicle theft occurs not only in metropolitan areas but also it can occur in seedy areas of town. To overcome this limitation, an automotive localization system using GPS and GSM services for the detection of accident location, fuel theft and vehicle theft using ARM Cortex M-3 is proposed. Here, the Vehicle tracking and locking system installed in the vehicle, to track the place and locking engine motor. The place of the vehicle identified using Global Positioning system (GPS) and Global system mobile communication (GSM). These systems constantly watch a moving Vehicle and report the status on demand. When the theft identified, the responsible person send SMS to the ARM Cortex M-3 controller, then controller issue the control signals to stop the engine motor. Authorized person need to send the password to controller to restart the vehicle and open the door which provides more secured, reliable and low cost. The proposed model shows better in its performance

    Fluid Power Vehicle Challenge - The Incompressibles - Final Design Report

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    This report provides a comprehensive description of the research, analysis and design work that The Incompressibles have completed thus far in the senior project process. This document includes all the work that The Incompressibles have completed for the team’s Preliminary Design Review (PDR), Critical Design Review (CDR), the work leading up to the 2019 FPVC competiton and the competition results. This report includes the initial research that the team completed for the fluid power competition, first iterations of designs, final iterations of designs, manufacturing results and processes, and finally testing and results from competition. With a new design for the bike frame, drivetrain, mechatronics, power decoupling and hydraulics, The Incompressibles dramatically changed Cal Poly’s fluid power bike platform in the Fluid Power Vehicle Challenge. This bike was built with the direct intention of getting first place at this year’s fluid powered bike challenge competition

    NFPA Fluid Powered Vehicle Challenge 2023

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    This report includes the design process undergone by Team Shifty in designing a vehicle for the NFPA’s Fluid Powered Vehicle challenge. The report covers the background of the competition, research done by the team, engineering specifications for the design, preliminary and final designs, the manufacturing plan and process, project management details, and several recommendations for future teams participating in the challenge. The National Fluid Power Association, NFPA, is a trade association with the goal of connecting fluid power companies and advancing fluid power. With the goal of advancement in mind, NFPA hosts an annual Fluid Powered Vehicle Challenge (FPVC). Since before the NFPA took over this challenge, Cal Poly has produced a team to compete. Team Shifty completed research into past Cal Poly teams as well as other competing university teams to define the engineering specifications for the new vehicle and decide the design directions. The final design includes a new frame to address issues with the last teams frame, a new hydraulic circuit design and selection of new components to improve the circuits performance in the FPVC events and reduce losses, and the addition of gear shifting to the vehicle. With respect to hydraulics, a new manifold was sourced to accommodate the simplified fluid circuit, along with a larger motor to allow the vehicle to operate at higher torque. The prior team’s pneumatic system was completely replaced by a pneumatic front gear shifting system. The electronics implemented was the same system as the previous year, including an STM microcontroller, Nextion touch screen display, and Hydraforce valve operator with only two solenoid valves. Working together, these components allowed the rider to toggle between three unique drive modes, including: direct, regen, and sprint. To produce a functional vehicle, research and planning was put into manufacturing and assembly processes as detailed in the manufacturing plan. The final product failed to perform as proposed in Team Shifty’s Scope of Work, as the vehicle’s rear chain consistently fell off during operation at the competition. This resulted in the vehicle not placing during a few of the challenges, including the Sprint and Endurance races. The cause of this failure was a function of the frame flexing under dynamic loading due to insufficient torsional stiffness, as well as the rear chain being too small to handle the large output torque of the upsized rear motor
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