11 research outputs found

    Conception et analyse des biopuces à ADN en environnements parallÚles et distribués

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    Microorganisms represent the largest diversity of the living beings. They play a crucial rĂŽle in all biological processes related to their huge metabolic potentialities and their capacity for adaptation to different ecological niches. The development of new genomic approaches allows a better knowledge of the microbial communities involved in complex environments functioning. In this context, DNA microarrays represent high-throughput tools able to study the presence, or the expression levels of several thousands of genes, combining qualitative and quantitative aspects in only one experiment. However, the design and analysis of DNA microarrays, with their current high density formats as well as the huge amount of data to process, are complex but crucial steps. To improve the quality and performance of these two steps, we have proposed new bioinformatics approaches for the design and analysis of DNA microarrays in parallel and distributed environments. These multipurpose approaches use high performance computing (HPC) and new software engineering approaches, especially model driven engineering (MDE), to overcome the current limitations. We have first developed PhylGrid 2.0, a new distributed approach for the selection of explorative probes for phylogenetic DNA microarrays at large scale using computing grids. This software was used to build PhylOPDb: a comprehensive 16S rRNA oligonucleotide probe database for prokaryotic identification. MetaExploArrays, which is a parallel software of oligonucleotide probe selection on different computing architectures (a PC, a multiprocessor, a cluster or a computing grid) using meta-programming and a model driven engineering approach, has been developed to improve flexibility in accordance to user’s informatics resources. Then, PhylInterpret, a new software for the analysis of hybridization results of DNA microarrays. PhylInterpret uses the concepts of propositional logic to determine the prokaryotic composition of metagenomic samples. Finally, a new parallelization method based on model driven engineering (MDE) has been proposed to compute a complete backtranslation of short peptides to select probes for functional microarrays.Les microorganismes constituent la plus grande diversitĂ© du monde vivant. Ils jouent un rĂŽle clef dans tous les processus biologiques grĂące Ă  leurs capacitĂ©s d’adaptation et Ă  la diversitĂ© de leurs capacitĂ©s mĂ©taboliques. Le dĂ©veloppement de nouvelles approches de gĂ©nomique permet de mieux explorer les populations microbiennes. Dans ce contexte, les biopuces Ă  ADN reprĂ©sentent un outil Ă  haut dĂ©bit de choix pour l'Ă©tude de plusieurs milliers d’espĂšces en une seule expĂ©rience. Cependant, la conception et l’analyse des biopuces Ă  ADN, avec leurs formats de haute densitĂ© actuels ainsi que l’immense quantitĂ© de donnĂ©es Ă  traiter, reprĂ©sentent des Ă©tapes complexes mais cruciales. Pour amĂ©liorer la qualitĂ© et la performance de ces deux Ă©tapes, nous avons proposĂ© de nouvelles approches bioinformatiques pour la conception et l’analyse des biopuces Ă  ADN en environnements parallĂšles. Ces approches gĂ©nĂ©ralistes et polyvalentes utilisent le calcul haute performance (HPC) et les nouvelles approches du gĂ©nie logiciel inspirĂ©es de la modĂ©lisation, notamment l’ingĂ©nierie dirigĂ©e par les modĂšles (IDM) pour contourner les limites actuelles. Nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© PhylGrid 2.0, une nouvelle approche distribuĂ©e sur grilles de calcul pour la sĂ©lection de sondes exploratoires pour biopuces phylogĂ©nĂ©tiques. Ce logiciel a alors Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ© pour construire PhylOPDb: une base de donnĂ©es complĂšte de sondes oligonuclĂ©otidiques pour l’étude des communautĂ©s procaryotiques. MetaExploArrays qui est un logiciel parallĂšle pour la dĂ©termination de sondes sur diffĂ©rentes architectures de calcul (un PC, un multiprocesseur, un cluster ou une grille de calcul), en utilisant une approche de mĂ©ta-programmation et d’ingĂ©nierie dirigĂ©e par les modĂšles a alors Ă©tĂ© conçu pour apporter une flexibilitĂ© aux utilisateurs en fonction de leurs ressources matĂ©riel. PhylInterpret, quant Ă  lui est un nouveau logiciel pour faciliter l’analyse des rĂ©sultats d’hybridation des biopuces Ă  ADN. PhylInterpret utilise les notions de la logique propositionnelle pour dĂ©terminer la composition en procaryotes d’échantillons mĂ©tagĂ©nomiques. Enfin, une dĂ©marche d’ingĂ©nierie dirigĂ©e par les modĂšles pour la parallĂ©lisation de la traduction inverse d’oligopeptides pour le design des biopuces Ă  ADN fonctionnelles a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© mise en place

    Intertextual Readings of the NyāyabhĆ«áčŁaáč‡a on Buddhist Anti-Realism

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    This two-part dissertation has two goals: 1) a close philological reading of a 50-page section of a 10th-century Sanskrit philosophical work (Bhāsarvajña's NyāyabhĆ«áčŁaáč‡a), and 2) the creation and assessment of a novel intertextuality research system (Vātāyana) centered on the same work. The first half of the dissertation encompasses the philology project in four chapters: 1) background on the author, work, and key philosophical ideas in the passage; 2) descriptions of all known manuscript witnesses of this work and a new critical edition that substantially improves upon the editio princeps; 3) a word-for-word English translation richly annotated with both traditional explanatory material and novel digital links to not one but two interactive online research systems; and 4) a discussion of the Sanskrit author's dialectical strategy in the studied passage. The second half of the dissertation details the intertextuality research system in a further four chapters: 5) why it is needed and what can be learned from existing projects; 6) the creation of the system consisting of curated textual corpus, composite algorithm in natural language processing and information retrieval, and live web-app interface; 7) an evaluation of system performance measured against a small gold-standard dataset derived from traditional philological research; and 8) a discussion of the impact such new technology could have on humanistic research more broadly. System performance was assessed to be quite good, with a 'recall@5' of 80%, meaning that most previously known cases of mid-length quotation and even paraphrase could be automatically found and returned within the system's top five hits. Moreover, the system was also found to return a 34% surplus of additional significant parallels not found in the small benchmark. This assessment confirms that Vātāyana can be useful to researchers by aiding them in their collection and organization of intertextual observations, leaving them more time to focus on interpretation. Seventeen appendices illustrate both these efforts and a number of side projects, the latter of which span translation alignment, network visualization of an important database of South Asian prosopography (PANDiT), and a multi-functional Sanskrit text-processing web application (Skrutable).:Preface (i) Table of Contents (ii) Abbreviations (v) Terms and Symbols (v) NyāyabhĆ«áčŁaáč‡a Witnesses (v) Main Sanskrit Editions (vi) Introduction (vii) A Multi-Disciplinary Project in Intertextual Reading (vii) Main Object of Study: NyāyabhĆ«áčŁaáč‡a 104–154 (vii) Project Outline (ix) Part I: Close Reading (1) 1 Background (1) 1.1 Bhāsarvajña (1) 1.2 The NyāyabhĆ«áčŁaáč‡a (6) 1.2.1 Ts One of Several Commentaries on Bhāsarvajña's Nyāyasāra (6) 1.2.2 In Modern Scholarship, with Focus on NBhĆ« 104–154 (8) 1.3 Philosophical Context (11) 1.3.1 Key Philosophical Concepts (12) 1.3.2 Intra-Textual Context within the NyāyabhĆ«áčŁaáč‡a (34) 1.3.3 Inter-Textual Context (36) 2 Edition of NBhĆ« 104–154 (39) 2.1 Source Materials (39) 2.1.1 Edition of YogÄ«ndrānanda 1968 (E) (40) 2.1.2 Manuscripts (P1, P2, V) (43) 2.1.3 Diplomatic Transcripts (59) 2.2 Notes on Using the Edition (60) 2.3 Critical Edition of NBhĆ« 104–154 with Apparatuses (62) 3 Translation of NBhĆ« 104–154 (108) 3.1 Notes on Translation Method (108) 3.2 Notes on Outline Headings (112) 3.3 Annotated Translation of NBhĆ« 104–154 (114) 4 Discussion (216) 4.1 Internal Structure of NBhĆ« 104–154 (216) 4.2 Critical Assessment of Bhāsarvajña's Argumentation (218)   Part II: Distant Reading with Digital Humanities (224) 5 Background in Intertextuality Detection (224) 5.1 Sanskrit Projects (225) 5.2 Non-Sanskrit Projects (228) 5.3 Operationalizing Intertextuality (233) 6 Building an Intertextuality Machine (239) 6.1 Corpus (Pramāáč‡a NLP) (239) 6.2 Algorithm (Vātāyana) (242) 6.3 User Interface (Vātāyana) (246) 7 Evaluating System Performance (255) 7.1 Previous Scholarship on NBhĆ« 104–154 as Philological Benchmark (255) 7.2 System Performance Relative to Benchmark (257) 8 Discussion (262) Conclusion (266) Works Cited (269) Main Sanskrit Editions (269) Works Cited in Part I (271) Works Cited in Part II (281) Appendices (285) Appendix 1: Correspondence of Joshi 1986 to YogÄ«ndrānanda 1968 (286) Appendix 1D: Full-Text Alignment of Joshi 1986 to YogÄ«ndrānanda 1968 (287) Appendix 2: Prosopographical Relations Important for NBhĆ« 104–154 (288) Appendix 2D: Command-Line Tool “Pandit Grapher” (290) Appendix 3: Previous Suggestions to Improve Text of NBhĆ« 104–154 (291) Appendix 4D: Transcript and Collation Data for NBhĆ« 104–154 (304) Appendix 5D: Command-Line Tool “cte2cex” for Transcript Data Conversion (305) Appendix 6D: Deployment of Brucheion for Interactive Transcript Data (306) Appendix 7: Highlighted Improvements to Text of NBhĆ« 104–154 (307) Appendix 7D: Alternate Version of Edition With Highlighted Improvements (316) Appendix 8D: Digital Forms of Translation of NBhĆ« 104–154 (317) Appendix 9: Analytic Outline of NBhĆ« 104–154 by Shodo Yamakami (318) Appendix 10.1: New Analytic Outline of NBhĆ« 104–154 (Overall) (324) Appendix 10.2: New Analytic Outline of NBhĆ« 104–154 (Detailed) (325) Appendix 11D: Skrutable Text Processing Library and Web Application (328) Appendix 12D: Pramāáč‡a NLP Corpus, Metadata, and LDA Modeling Info (329) Appendix 13D: Vātāyana Intertextuality Research Web Application (330) Appendix 14: Sample of Yamakami Citation Benchmark for NBhĆ« 104–154 (331) Appendix 14D: Full Yamakami Citation Benchmark for NBhĆ« 104–154 (333) Appendix 15: Vātāyana Recall@5 Scores for NBhĆ« 104–154 (334) Appendix 16: PVA, PVin, and PVSV Vātāyana Search Hits for Entire NBhū (338) Appendix 17: Sample Listing of Vātāyana Search Hits for Entire NBhĆ« (349) Appendix 17D: Full Listing of Vātāyana Search Hits for Entire NBhĆ« (355) Overview of Digital Appendices (356) Zusammenfassung (Thesen Zur Dissertation) (357) Summary of Results (361

    Simulation numérique des écoulements turbulents dans les canaux de refroidissements (Application aux moteurs-fusées)

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    Cette thÚse traite par simulation numérique les écoulements turbulents compressibles avec transferts de chaleur, en relation avec les applications moteurs-fusées. Elle concerne, plus particuliÚrement, les systÚmes de refroidissement des chambres de combustion. Le fluide refroidissant circule dans un état supercritique (haute pression et basse température) dans des canaux millimétriques, entourant la chambre de combustion. Ces problÚmes font appel à une physique assez complexe et mettent en jeu un couplage fort entre les aspects compressibles et les transferts thermiques, en plus des phénomÚnes liés à la thermodynamique supercritique. D un point de vue numérique, deux solveurs spécifiques ont été utilisés dans le cadre de cette thÚse. Il s agit, d une part, du code CHOC-WAVES développé au CORIA pour la partie compressible et onde de choc et, d autre part, le code PPMBFS développé à l Université de Pennsylvanie (USA) pour les applications supercritiques et avec une thermodynamique variable. Sur le plan de la modélisation physique, l approche LES a été utilisée, en appui des simulations DNS. Dans ce contexte, un modÚle de sous-maille thermique, pour la prise en compte du Prandtl turbulent variable, a été intégré et validé. Les résultats obtenus, dans le cadre des LES et DNS d un canal supersonique refroidi, ont permis de mieux analyser les corrélations aérothermiques ainsi que les structures cohérentes présentes au sein de cet écoulement. En particulier, il a été montré les limites de l hypothÚse de l Analogie Forte de Reynolds (SRA) dans le cas d écoulements fortement anisothermes, et le rÎle joué par les structures tourbillonnaires dans l accentuation des transferts pariétaux. La problématique des gaz réels a été ensuite examinée dans le cadre d un canal industriel (en l occurence EH3C). Cette étude a permis de mettre en évidence les difficultés (à la fois numérique et physique) liées à ce type d écoulement. Les différentes investigations ont permis de fournir des informations utiles, notamment en ce qui concerne la phénoménologie des structures cohérentes et les différentes corrélations aérothermodynamiques.This research deals with the numerical simulation of compressible turbulent flows with heat transfers, applied to rocket engines. It relates more particularly the cooling of combustion chambers, in which a fluid flows in a supercritical state (high pressure and low temperature) inside millimeter channels. These problems involve complex physical phenomena and coupling between compressible aspects and heat transfer phenomena as well as supercritical thermodynamics. From a numerical point of view, two specific solvers have been used in the context of this thesis. The first code (CHOC-WAVES) has been developed in the CORIA lab for compressible flows and shock waves. The second one (PPMBFS) has been developed at the Pennsylvania University for applications with supercritical thermodynamics variables. In terms of physical modeling, the LES approach has been widely used in support of DNS. In this context, a thermal subgrid model using a variable turbulent Prandtl number has been integrated and validated. A supersonic cooled channel has been simulate dusing both LES and DNS techniques and its results have been carefully analysed through the aerothermics correlations and coherent structures. In particular, it has been shown that the Strong Reynolds Analogy hypothesis (SRA), in the case of a strongly anisothermal flow is not valid anymore. The wall heat flux had an impact on the coherent structures. The issue of real gases was then examined through the industrial channel flow simulation (EH3C). This study has high lighted the difficulties (both numerical and physical) associated with this type of flow. The various investigations have provided useful information, especially regarding the phenomenology of coherent structures and various aerothermodynamics correlations.ROUEN-INSA Madrillet (765752301) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Contributions for improving debugging of kernel-level services in a monolithic operating system

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    Alors que la recherche sur la qualité du code des systÚmes a connu un formidable engouement, les systÚmes d exploitation sont encore aux prises avec des problÚmes de fiabilité notamment dus aux bogues de programmation au niveau des services noyaux tels que les pilotes de périphériques et l implémentation des systÚmes de fichiers. Des études ont en effet montré que chaque version du noyau Linux contient entre 600 et 700 fautes, et que la propension des pilotes de périphériques à contenir des erreurs est jusqu à sept fois plus élevée que toute autre partie du noyau. Ces chiffres suggÚrent que le code des services noyau n est pas suffisamment testé et que de nombreux défauts passent inaperçus ou sont difficiles à réparer par des programmeurs non-experts, ces derniers formant pourtant la majorité des développeurs de services. Cette thÚse propose une nouvelle approche pour le débogage et le test des services noyau. Notre approche est focalisée sur l interaction entre les services noyau et le noyau central en abordant la question des trous de sûreté dans le code de définition des fonctions de l API du noyau. Dans le contexte du noyau Linux, nous avons mis en place une approche automatique, dénommée Diagnosys, qui repose sur l analyse statique du code du noyau afin d identifier, classer et exposer les différents trous de sûreté de l API qui pourraient donner lieu à des fautes d exécution lorsque les fonctions sont utilisées dans du code de service écrit par des développeurs ayant une connaissance limitée des subtilités du noyau. Pour illustrer notre approche, nous avons implémenté Diagnosys pour la version 2.6.32 du noyau Linux. Nous avons montré ses avantages à soutenir les développeurs dans leurs activités de tests et de débogage.Despite the existence of an overwhelming amount of research on the quality of system software, Operating Systems are still plagued with reliability issues mainly caused by defects in kernel-level services such as device drivers and file systems. Studies have indeed shown that each release of the Linux kernel contains between 600 and 700 faults, and that the propensity of device drivers to contain errors is up to seven times higher than any other part of the kernel. These numbers suggest that kernel-level service code is not sufficiently tested and that many faults remain unnoticed or are hard to fix bynon-expert programmers who account for the majority of service developers. This thesis proposes a new approach to the debugging and testing of kernel-level services focused on the interaction between the services and the core kernel. The approach tackles the issue of safety holes in the implementation of kernel API functions. For Linux, we have instantiated the Diagnosys automated approach which relies on static analysis of kernel code to identify, categorize and expose the different safety holes of API functions which can turn into runtime faults when the functions are used in service code by developers with limited knowledge on the intricacies of kernel code. To illustrate our approach, we have implemented Diagnosys for Linux 2.6.32 and shown its benefits in supporting developers in their testing and debugging tasks.BORDEAUX1-Bib.electronique (335229901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    GSI Scientific Report 2008 [GSI Report 2009-1]

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    Intermittency and Self-Organisation in Turbulence and Statistical Mechanics

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    There is overwhelming evidence, from laboratory experiments, observations, and computational studies, that coherent structures can cause intermittent transport, dramatically enhancing transport. A proper description of this intermittent phenomenon, however, is extremely difficult, requiring a new non-perturbative theory, such as statistical description. Furthermore, multi-scale interactions are responsible for inevitably complex dynamics in strongly non-equilibrium systems, a proper understanding of which remains a main challenge in classical physics. As a remarkable consequence of multi-scale interaction, a quasi-equilibrium state (the so-called self-organisation) can however be maintained. This special issue aims to present different theories of statistical mechanics to understand this challenging multiscale problem in turbulence. The 14 contributions to this Special issue focus on the various aspects of intermittency, coherent structures, self-organisation, bifurcation and nonlocality. Given the ubiquity of turbulence, the contributions cover a broad range of systems covering laboratory fluids (channel flow, the Von KĂĄrmĂĄn flow), plasmas (magnetic fusion), laser cavity, wind turbine, air flow around a high-speed train, solar wind and industrial application

    Proceedings of the 19th Sound and Music Computing Conference

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    Proceedings of the 19th Sound and Music Computing Conference - June 5-12, 2022 - Saint-Étienne (France). https://smc22.grame.f