31 research outputs found

    A symbolic emulator for shuffle synthesis on the NVIDIA PTX code

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    Various kinds of applications take advantage of GPUs through automation tools that attempt to automatically exploit the available performance of the GPU's parallel architecture. Directive-based programming models, such as OpenACC, are one such method that easily enables parallel computing by just adhering code annotations to code loops. Such abstract models, however, often prevent programmers from making additional low-level optimizations to take advantage of the advanced architectural features of GPUs because the actual generated computation is hidden from the application developer. This paper describes and implements a novel flexible optimization technique that operates by inserting a code emulator phase to the tail-end of the compilation pipeline. Our tool emulates the generated code using symbolic analysis by substituting dynamic information and thus allowing for further low-level code optimizations to be applied. We implement our tool to support both CUDA and OpenACC directives as the frontend of the compilation pipeline, thus enabling low-level GPU optimizations for OpenACC that were not previously possible. We demonstrate the capabilities of our tool by automating warp-level shuffle instructions that are difficult to use by even advanced GPU programmers. Lastly, evaluating our tool with a benchmark suite and complex application code, we provide a detailed study to assess the benefits of shuffle instructions across four generations of GPU architectures.We are funded by the EPEEC project from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 801051 and the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación-Agencia Estatal de Investigación (PID2019-107255GB-C21/AEI/10.13039/501100011033). This work has been partially carried out on the ACME cluster owned by CIEMAT and funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness project CODEC-OSE (RTI2018-096006-B-I00).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    MetaFork: A Compilation Framework for Concurrency Models Targeting Hardware Accelerators

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    Parallel programming is gaining ground in various domains due to the tremendous computational power that it brings; however, it also requires a substantial code crafting effort to achieve performance improvement. Unfortunately, in most cases, performance tuning has to be accomplished manually by programmers. We argue that automated tuning is necessary due to the combination of the following factors. First, code optimization is machine-dependent. That is, optimization preferred on one machine may be not suitable for another machine. Second, as the possible optimization search space increases, manually finding an optimized configuration is hard. Therefore, developing new compiler techniques for optimizing applications is of considerable interest. This thesis aims at generating new techniques that will help programmers develop efficient algorithms and code targeting hardware acceleration technologies, in a more effective manner. Our work is organized around a compilation framework, called MetaFork, for concurrency platforms and its application to automatic parallelization. MetaFork is a high-level programming language extending C/C++, which combines several models of concurrency including fork-join, SIMD and pipelining parallelism. MetaFork is also a compilation framework which aims at facilitating the design and implementation of concurrent programs through four key features which make MetaFork unique and novel: (1) Perform automatic code translation between concurrency platforms targeting multi-core architectures. (2) Provide a high-level language for expressing concurrency as in the fork-join model, the SIMD paradigm and the pipelining parallelism. (3) Generate parallel code from serial code with an emphasis on code depending on machine or program parameters (e.g. cache size, number of processors, number of threads per thread block). (4) Optimize code depending on parameters that are unknown at compile-time

    Case Studies on Optimizing Algorithms for GPU Architectures

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    Modern GPUs are complex, massively multi-threaded, and high-performance. Programmers naturally gravitate towards taking advantage of this high performance for achieving faster results. However, in order to do so successfully, programmers must first understand and then master a new set of skills – writing parallel code, using different types of parallelism, adapting to GPU architectural features, and understanding issues that limit performance. In order to ease this learning process and help GPU programmers become productive more quickly, this dissertation introduces three data access skeletons (DASks) – Block, Column, and Row -- and two block access skeletons (BASks) – Block-By-Block and Warp-by-Warp. Each “skeleton” provides a high-performance implementation framework that partitions data arrays into data blocks and then iterates over those blocks. The programmer must still write “body” methods on individual data blocks to solve their specific problem. These skeletons provide efficient machine dependent data access patterns for use on GPUs. DASks group n data elements into m fixed size data blocks. These m data block are then partitioned across p thread blocks using a 1D or 2D layout pattern. The fixed-size data blocks are parameterized using three C++ template parameters – nWork, WarpSize, and nWarps. Generic programming techniques use these three parameters to enable performance experiments on three different types of parallelism – instruction-level parallelism (ILP), data-level parallelism (DLP), and thread-level parallelism (TLP). These different DASks and BASks are introduced using a simple memory I/O (Copy) case study. A nearest neighbor search case study resulted in the development of DASKs and BASks but does not use these skeletons itself. Three additional case studies – Reduce/Scan, Histogram, and Radix Sort -- demonstrate DASks and BASks in action on parallel primitives and also provides more valuable performance lessons.Doctor of Philosoph

    Hardware-conscious query processing for the many-core era

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    Die optimale Nutzung von moderner Hardware zur Beschleunigung von Datenbank-Anfragen ist keine triviale Aufgabe. Viele DBMS als auch DSMS der letzten Jahrzehnte basieren auf Sachverhalten, die heute kaum noch Gültigkeit besitzen. Ein Beispiel hierfür sind heutige Server-Systeme, deren Hauptspeichergröße im Bereich mehrerer Terabytes liegen kann und somit den Weg für Hauptspeicherdatenbanken geebnet haben. Einer der größeren letzten Hardware Trends geht hin zu Prozessoren mit einer hohen Anzahl von Kernen, den sogenannten Manycore CPUs. Diese erlauben hohe Parallelitätsgrade für Programme durch Multithreading sowie Vektorisierung (SIMD), was die Anforderungen an die Speicher-Bandbreite allerdings deutlich erhöht. Der sogenannte High-Bandwidth Memory (HBM) versucht diese Lücke zu schließen, kann aber ebenso wie Many-core CPUs jeglichen Performance-Vorteil negieren, wenn dieser leichtfertig eingesetzt wird. Diese Arbeit stellt die Many-core CPU-Architektur zusammen mit HBM vor, um Datenbank sowie Datenstrom-Anfragen zu beschleunigen. Es wird gezeigt, dass ein hardwarenahes Kostenmodell zusammen mit einem Kalibrierungsansatz die Performance verschiedener Anfrageoperatoren verlässlich vorhersagen kann. Dies ermöglicht sowohl eine adaptive Partitionierungs und Merge-Strategie für die Parallelisierung von Datenstrom-Anfragen als auch eine ideale Konfiguration von Join-Operationen auf einem DBMS. Nichtsdestotrotz ist nicht jede Operation und Anwendung für die Nutzung einer Many-core CPU und HBM geeignet. Datenstrom-Anfragen sind oft auch an niedrige Latenz und schnelle Antwortzeiten gebunden, welche von höherer Speicher-Bandbreite kaum profitieren können. Hinzu kommen üblicherweise niedrigere Taktraten durch die hohe Kernzahl der CPUs, sowie Nachteile für geteilte Datenstrukturen, wie das Herstellen von Cache-Kohärenz und das Synchronisieren von parallelen Thread-Zugriffen. Basierend auf den Ergebnissen dieser Arbeit lässt sich ableiten, welche parallelen Datenstrukturen sich für die Verwendung von HBM besonders eignen. Des Weiteren werden verschiedene Techniken zur Parallelisierung und Synchronisierung von Datenstrukturen vorgestellt, deren Effizienz anhand eines Mehrwege-Datenstrom-Joins demonstriert wird.Exploiting the opportunities given by modern hardware for accelerating query processing speed is no trivial task. Many DBMS and also DSMS from past decades are based on fundamentals that have changed over time, e.g., servers of today with terabytes of main memory capacity allow complete avoidance of spilling data to disk, which has prepared the ground some time ago for main memory databases. One of the recent trends in hardware are many-core processors with hundreds of logical cores on a single CPU, providing an intense degree of parallelism through multithreading as well as vectorized instructions (SIMD). Their demand for memory bandwidth has led to the further development of high-bandwidth memory (HBM) to overcome the memory wall. However, many-core CPUs as well as HBM have many pitfalls that can nullify any performance gain with ease. In this work, we explore the many-core architecture along with HBM for database and data stream query processing. We demonstrate that a hardware-conscious cost model with a calibration approach allows reliable performance prediction of various query operations. Based on that information, we can, therefore, come to an adaptive partitioning and merging strategy for stream query parallelization as well as finding an ideal configuration of parameters for one of the most common tasks in the history of DBMS, join processing. However, not all operations and applications can exploit a many-core processor or HBM, though. Stream queries optimized for low latency and quick individual responses usually do not benefit well from more bandwidth and suffer from penalties like low clock frequencies of many-core CPUs as well. Shared data structures between cores also lead to problems with cache coherence as well as high contention. Based on our insights, we give a rule of thumb which data structures are suitable to parallelize with focus on HBM usage. In addition, different parallelization schemas and synchronization techniques are evaluated, based on the example of a multiway stream join operation

    Dynamic task scheduling and binding for many-core systems through stream rewriting

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    This thesis proposes a novel model of computation, called stream rewriting, for the specification and implementation of highly concurrent applications. Basically, the active tasks of an application and their dependencies are encoded as a token stream, which is iteratively modified by a set of rewriting rules at runtime. In order to estimate the performance and scalability of stream rewriting, a large number of experiments have been evaluated on many-core systems and the task management has been implemented in software and hardware.In dieser Dissertation wurde Stream Rewriting als eine neue Methode entwickelt, um Anwendungen mit einer großen Anzahl von dynamischen Tasks zu beschreiben und effizient zur Laufzeit verwalten zu können. Dabei werden die aktiven Tasks in einem Datenstrom verpackt, der zur Laufzeit durch wiederholtes Suchen und Ersetzen umgeschrieben wird. Um die Performance und Skalierbarkeit zu bestimmen, wurde eine Vielzahl von Experimenten mit Many-Core-Systemen durchgeführt und die Verwaltung von Tasks über Stream Rewriting in Software und Hardware implementiert

    Opportunistic acceleration of array-centric Python computation in heterogeneous environments

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    Dynamic scripting languages, like Python, are growing in popularity and increasingly used by non-expert programmers. These languages provide high level abstractions such as safe memory management, dynamic type handling and array bounds checking. The reduction in boilerplate code enables the concise expression of computation compared to statically typed and compiled languages. This improves programmer productivity. Increasingly, scripting languages are used by domain experts to write numerically intensive code in a variety of domains (e.g. Economics, Zoology, Archaeology and Physics). These programs are often used not just for prototyping but also in deployment. However, such managed program execution comes with a significant performance penalty arising from the interpreter having to decode and dispatch based on dynamic type checking. Modern computer systems are increasingly equipped with accelerators such as GPUs. However, the massive speedups that can be achieved by GPU accelerators come at the cost of program complexity. Directly programming a GPU requires a deep understanding of the computational model of the underlying hardware architecture. While the complexity of such devices is abstracted by programming languages specialised for heterogeneous devices such as CUDA and OpenCL, these are dialects of the low-level C systems programming language used primarily by expert programmers. This thesis presents the design and implementation of ALPyNA, a loop parallelisation and GPU code generation framework. A novel staged parallelisation approach is used to aggressively parallelise each execution instance of a loop nest. Loop dependence relationships that cannot be inferred statically are deferred for runtime analysis. At runtime, these dependences are augmented with runtime information obtained by introspection and the loop nest is parallelised. Parallel GPU kernels are customised to the runtime dependence graph, JIT compiled and executed. A systematic analysis of the execution speed of loop nests is performed using 12 standard loop intensive benchmarks. The evaluation is performed on two CPU–GPU machines. One is a server grade machine while the other is a typical desktop. ALPyNA’s GPU kernels achieve orders of magnitude speedup over the baseline interpreter execution time (up to 16435x) and large speedups (up to 179.55x) over JIT compiled CPU code. The varied performance of JIT compiled GPU code motivates the need for a sophisticated cost model to select the device providing the best speedups at runtime for varying domain sizes. This thesis describes a novel lightweight analytical cost model to determine the fastest device to execute a loop nest at runtime. The ALPyNA Cost Model (ACM) adapts to runtime dependence analysis and is parameterised on the hardware characteristics of the underlying target CPU or GPU. The cost model also takes into account the relative rate at which the interpreter is able to supply the GPU with computational work. ACM is re-targetable to other accelerator devices and only requires minimal install time profiling

    On expressing different concurrency paradigms on virtual execution environment

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    Virtual execution environments (VEE) such as the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and the Microsoft Common Language Runtime (CLR) have been designed when the dominant computer architecture featured a Von-Neumann interface to programs: a single processor hiding all the complexity of parallel computations inside its design. Programs are expressed in an intermediate form that is executed by the VEE that defines an abstract computational model in which the concurrency model has been influenced by these design choices and it basically exposes the multi-threading model of the underlying operating system. Recently computer systems have introduced computational units in which concurrency is explicit and under program control. Relevant examples are the Graphical Processing Units (GPU such as Nvidia or AMD) and the Cell BE architecture which allow for explicit control of single processing unit, local memories and communication channels. Unfortunately programs designed for Virtual Machines cannot access to these resources since are not available through the abstractions provided by the VEE. A major redesign of VEEs seems to be necessary in order to bridge this gap. In this thesis we study the problem of exposing non-von Neumann computing resources within the Virtual Machine without need for a redesign of the whole execution infrastructure. In this work we express parallel computations relying on extensible meta-data and reflection to encode information. Meta-programming techniques are then used to rewrite the program into an equivalent one using the special purpose underlying architecture. We provide a case study in which this approach is applied to compiling Common Intermediate Language (CIL) methods to multi-core GPUs; we show that it is possible to access these non-standard computing resources without any change to the virtual machine design

    Higher-order particle representation for a portable unstructured particle-in-cell application

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    As the field of High Performance Computing (HPC) moves towards the era of Exascale computation, computer hardware is becoming increasingly parallel and continues to diversify. As a result, it is now crucial for scientific codes to be able to take advantage of a wide variety of hardware types. Additionally, the growth in compute performance has outpaced the improvement in memory latency and bandwidth; this issue now poses a significant obstacle to performance. This thesis examines these matters in the context of modern plasma physics simulations, specifically those that make use of the Particle-in-Cell (PIC) method on unstructured computational grids. Specifically, we begin by documenting the implementation of the particle-based kernels of such a code using a performance portability library to enable the application to run on a variety of modern hardware, including both CPUs and GPUs. The use of hardware specific tuning is also explored, culminating in a 3x speedup of a key component of the core PIC algorithm. We also show that portability is achievable on both single-node machines and production supercomputers of multiple hardware types. This thesis also documents an algorithmic change to particle representation within the same code that improves solution accuracy, and adds compute intensity { an important property where memory bandwidth is limited and the ratio of the amount of computation to memory accesses is low. We conclude the work by comparing the performance of the modified algorithm to the base implementation, where we find that shifting the simulation workload towards computation can improve parallel efficiency by up to 2:5x. While the performance improvements that were hoped for were not achieved, we end this thesis by postulating that the proposed methods will become more viable as compilers and hardware improve