11,020 research outputs found

    Exploiting Homology Information in Nontemplate Based Prediction of Protein Structures

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    In this paper we describe a novel strategy for exploring the conformational space of proteins and show that this leads to better models for proteins the structure of which is not amenable to template based methods. Our strategy is based on the assumption that the energy global minimum of homologous proteins must correspond to similar conformations, while the precise profiles of their energy landscape, and consequently the positions of the local minima, are likely to be different. In line with this hypothesis, we apply a replica exchange Monte Carlo simulation protocol that, rather than using different parameters for each parallel simulation, uses the sequences of homologous proteins. We show that our results are competitive with respect to alternative methods, including those producing the best model for each of the analyzed targets in the CASP10 (10th Critical Assessment of techniques for protein Structure Prediction) experiment free modeling category

    Extending fragment-based free energy calculations with library Monte Carlo simulation: Annealing in interaction space

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    Pre-calculated libraries of molecular fragment configurations have previously been used as a basis for both equilibrium sampling (via "library-based Monte Carlo") and for obtaining absolute free energies using a polymer-growth formalism. Here, we combine the two approaches to extend the size of systems for which free energies can be calculated. We study a series of all-atom poly-alanine systems in a simple dielectric "solvent" and find that precise free energies can be obtained rapidly. For instance, for 12 residues, less than an hour of single-processor is required. The combined approach is formally equivalent to the "annealed importance sampling" algorithm; instead of annealing by decreasing temperature, however, interactions among fragments are gradually added as the molecule is "grown." We discuss implications for future binding affinity calculations in which a ligand is grown into a binding site

    Combining Coarse-Grained Protein Models with Replica-Exchange All-Atom Molecular Dynamics

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    We describe a combination of all-atom simulations with CABS, a well-established coarse-grained protein modeling tool, into a single multiscale protocol. The simulation method has been tested on the C-terminal beta hairpin of protein G, a model system of protein folding. After reconstructing atomistic details, conformations derived from the CABS simulation were subjected to replica-exchange molecular dynamics simulations with OPLS-AA and AMBER99sb force fields in explicit solvent. Such a combination accelerates system convergence several times in comparison with all-atom simulations starting from the extended chain conformation, demonstrated by the analysis of melting curves, the number of native-like conformations as a function of time and secondary structure propagation. The results strongly suggest that the proposed multiscale method could be an efficient and accurate tool for high-resolution studies of protein folding dynamics in larger systems.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Computers and Liquid State Statistical Mechanics

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    The advent of electronic computers has revolutionised the application of statistical mechanics to the liquid state. Computers have permitted, for example, the calculation of the phase diagram of water and ice and the folding of proteins. The behaviour of alkanes adsorbed in zeolites, the formation of liquid crystal phases and the process of nucleation. Computer simulations provide, on one hand, new insights into the physical processes in action, and on the other, quantitative results of greater and greater precision. Insights into physical processes facilitate the reductionist agenda of physics, whilst large scale simulations bring out emergent features that are inherent (although far from obvious) in complex systems consisting of many bodies. It is safe to say that computer simulations are now an indispensable tool for both the theorist and the experimentalist, and in the future their usefulness will only increase. This chapter presents a selective review of some of the incredible advances in condensed matter physics that could only have been achieved with the use of computers.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figures. Chapter for a boo

    Gene regulatory networks: a coarse-grained, equation-free approach to multiscale computation

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    We present computer-assisted methods for analyzing stochastic models of gene regulatory networks. The main idea that underlies this equation-free analysis is the design and execution of appropriately-initialized short bursts of stochastic simulations; the results of these are processed to estimate coarse-grained quantities of interest, such as mesoscopic transport coefficients. In particular, using a simple model of a genetic toggle switch, we illustrate the computation of an effective free energy and of a state-dependent effective diffusion coefficient that characterize an unavailable effective Fokker-Planck equation. Additionally we illustrate the linking of equation-free techniques with continuation methods for performing a form of stochastic "bifurcation analysis"; estimation of mean switching times in the case of a bistable switch is also implemented in this equation-free context. The accuracy of our methods is tested by direct comparison with long-time stochastic simulations. This type of equation-free analysis appears to be a promising approach to computing features of the long-time, coarse-grained behavior of certain classes of complex stochastic models of gene regulatory networks, circumventing the need for long Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 33 pages, submitted to The Journal of Chemical Physic

    Parallel Tempering: Theory, Applications, and New Perspectives

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    We review the history of the parallel tempering simulation method. From its origins in data analysis, the parallel tempering method has become a standard workhorse of physiochemical simulations. We discuss the theory behind the method and its various generalizations. We mention a selected set of the many applications that have become possible with the introduction of parallel tempering and we suggest several promising avenues for future research.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure

    Parallel Tempering Simulation of the three-dimensional Edwards-Anderson Model with Compact Asynchronous Multispin Coding on GPU

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    Monte Carlo simulations of the Ising model play an important role in the field of computational statistical physics, and they have revealed many properties of the model over the past few decades. However, the effect of frustration due to random disorder, in particular the possible spin glass phase, remains a crucial but poorly understood problem. One of the obstacles in the Monte Carlo simulation of random frustrated systems is their long relaxation time making an efficient parallel implementation on state-of-the-art computation platforms highly desirable. The Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) is such a platform that provides an opportunity to significantly enhance the computational performance and thus gain new insight into this problem. In this paper, we present optimization and tuning approaches for the CUDA implementation of the spin glass simulation on GPUs. We discuss the integration of various design alternatives, such as GPU kernel construction with minimal communication, memory tiling, and look-up tables. We present a binary data format, Compact Asynchronous Multispin Coding (CAMSC), which provides an additional 28.4%28.4\% speedup compared with the traditionally used Asynchronous Multispin Coding (AMSC). Our overall design sustains a performance of 33.5 picoseconds per spin flip attempt for simulating the three-dimensional Edwards-Anderson model with parallel tempering, which significantly improves the performance over existing GPU implementations.Comment: 15 pages, 18 figure
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