3,917 research outputs found

    Efficient Collision Detection for Brittle Fracture

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    International audienceIn complex scenes with many objects, collision detection plays a key role in the simulation performance. This is particularly true for fracture simulation, where multiple new objects are dynamically created. In this paper, we present novel algorithms and data structures for collision detection in real-time brittle fracture simulations. We build on a combination of well-known efficient data structures, namely distance fields and sphere trees, making our algorithm easy to integrate on existing simulation engines. We propose novel methods to construct these data structures, such that they can be efficiently updated upon fracture events and integrated in a simple yet effective self-adapting contact selection algorithm. Altogether, we drastically reduce the cost of both collision detection and collision response. We have evaluated our global solution for collision detection on challenging scenarios, achieving high frame rates suited for hard real-time applications such as video games or haptics. Our solution opens promising perspectives for complex brittle fracture simulations involving many dynamically created objects

    Unravelling the functional biomechanics of dental features and tooth wear

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    Most of the morphological features recognized in hominin teeth, particularly the topography of the occlusal surface, are generally interpreted as an evolutionary functional adaptation for mechanical food processing. In this respect, we can also expect that the general architecture of a tooth reflects a response to withstand the high stresses produced during masticatory loadings. Here we use an engineering approach, finite element analysis (FEA), with an advanced loading concept derived from individual occlusal wear information to evaluate whether some dental traits usually found in hominin and extant great ape molars, such as the trigonid crest, the entoconid-hypoconulid crest and the protostylid have important biomechanical implications. For this purpose, FEA was applied to 3D digital models of three Gorilla gorilla lower second molars (M2) differing in wear stages. Our results show that in unworn and slightly worn M2s tensile stresses concentrate in the grooves of the occlusal surface. In such condition, the trigonid and the entoconid-hypoconulid crests act to reinforce the crown locally against stresses produced along the mesiodistal groove. Similarly, the protostylid is shaped like a buttress to suffer the high tensile stresses concentrated in the deep buccal groove. These dental traits are less functional in the worn M2, because tensile stresses decrease physiologically in the crown with progressing wear due to the enlargement of antagonistic contact areas and changes in loading direction from oblique to nearly parallel direction to the dental axis. This suggests that the wear process might have a crucial influence in the evolution and structural adaptation of molars enabling to endure bite stresses and reduce tooth failure throughout the lifetime of an individual

    Crustal fault reactivation facilitating lithospheric folding/buckling in the central Indian Ocean

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    High-quality, normal-incidence seismic reflection data confirm that tectonic deformation in the central Indian Ocean occurs at two spatial scales: whole lithosphere folding with wavelengths varying between 100 and 300 km, and compressional reactivation of crustal faults with a characteristic spacing of c. 5 km. Faults penetrate through the crust and probably into the upper mantle. Both types of deformation are driven by regional large intraplate stresses originating from the Indo-Eurasian collision. Numerical modelling of the spatial and temporal relationships between these two modes of deformations shows that, in agreement with geophysical observations, crustal faults are reactivated first with stick-slip behaviour. Subsequent lithospheric folding does not start until horizontal loading has significantly reduced the mechanical strength of the lithosphere, as predicted by elasto-plastic buckling theory. Modelling suggests that lithospheric folding does not develop in the absence of fault reactivation. Crustal fault reactivation, therefore, appears to be a key facilitating mechanism for oceanic lithospheric buckling in the central Indian Ocean

    ACM Transactions on Graphics

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    We present a boundary element based method for fast simulation of brittle fracture. By introducing simplifying assumptions that allow us to quickly estimate stress intensities and opening displacements during crack propagation, we build a fracture algorithm where the cost of each time step scales linearly with the length of the crackfront. The transition from a full boundary element method to our faster variant is possible at the beginning of any time step. This allows us to build a hybrid method, which uses the expensive but more accurate BEM while the number of degrees of freedom is low, and uses the fast method once that number exceeds a given threshold as the crack geometry becomes more complicated. Furthermore, we integrate this fracture simulation with a standard rigid-body solver. Our rigid-body coupling solves a Neumann boundary value problem by carefully separating translational, rotational and deformational components of the collision forces and then applying a Tikhonov regularizer to the resulting linear system. We show that our method produces physically reasonable results in standard test cases and is capable of dealing with complex scenes faster than previous finite- or boundary element approaches

    Numerical investigation of fracture of polycrystalline ice under dynamic loading

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    Cohesive zone model is a promising technique for simulating fracture processes in brittle ice. In this work it is applied to investigate the fracture behavior of polycrystalline cylindrical samples under uniaxial loading conditions, four-point beam bending, and L-shaped beam bending. In each case, the simulation results are compared with the corresponding experimental data that was collected by other researchers. The model is based on the implicit finite element method combined with Park-Paulino-Roesler formulation for cohesive potential and includes an adaptive time stepping scheme, which takes into account the rate of damage and failure of cohesive zones. The benefit of the implicit scheme is that it allows larger time steps than explicit integration. Material properties and model parameters are calibrated using available experimental data for freshwater ice and sea ice samples. For polycrystalline ice, granular geometry is generated and cohesive zones are inserted between grains. Simulations are performed for samples with different grain sizes, and the resulting stress–strain and damage accumulation curves are recorded. Investigation of the dependency between the grain size and fracture strength shows a strengthening effect that is consistent with experimental results. The proposed framework is also applied to simulate the dynamic fracture processes in Lshaped beams of sea ice, in which case the cohesive zones are inserted between the elements of the mesh. Evolution of the stress distribution on the surface of the beam is modeled for the duration of the loading process, showing how it changes with progressive accumulation of damage in the material, as well as the development of cracks. An analytical formula is derived for estimating the breaking force based on the dimensions of the beam and the ice strength. Experimental data obtained from the 2014-2016 tests are re-evaluated with the aid of this new analysis. The computation is implemented efficiently with GPU acceleration, allowing to handle geometries with higher resolution than would be possible otherwise. Several technical contributions are described in detail including GPU-accelerated FEM implementation, an efficient way of creation of sparse matrix structure, and comparison of different unloading/reloading relations when using an implicit integration scheme. A mechanism for collision response allows modeling the interaction of fragmented material. To evaluate the collision forces, an algorithm for computing first and second point-triangle distance derivatives was developed. The source code is made available as open-source

    IST Austria Thesis

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    This thesis describes a brittle fracture simulation method for visual effects applications. Building upon a symmetric Galerkin boundary element method, we first compute stress intensity factors following the theory of linear elastic fracture mechanics. We then use these stress intensities to simulate the motion of a propagating crack front at a significantly higher resolution than the overall deformation of the breaking object. Allowing for spatial variations of the material's toughness during crack propagation produces visually realistic, highly-detailed fracture surfaces. Furthermore, we introduce approximations for stress intensities and crack opening displacements, resulting in both practical speed-up and theoretically superior runtime complexity compared to previous methods. While we choose a quasi-static approach to fracture mechanics, ignoring dynamic deformations, we also couple our fracture simulation framework to a standard rigid-body dynamics solver, enabling visual effects artists to simulate both large scale motion, as well as fracturing due to collision forces in a combined system. As fractures inside of an object grow, their geometry must be represented both in the coarse boundary element mesh, as well as at the desired fine output resolution. Using a boundary element method, we avoid complicated volumetric meshing operations. Instead we describe a simple set of surface meshing operations that allow us to progressively add cracks to the mesh of an object and still re-use all previously computed entries of the linear boundary element system matrix. On the high resolution level, we opt for an implicit surface representation. We then describe how to capture fracture surfaces during crack propagation, as well as separate the individual fragments resulting from the fracture process, based on this implicit representation. We show results obtained with our method, either solving the full boundary element system in every time step, or alternatively using our fast approximations. These results demonstrate that both of these methods perform well in basic test cases and produce realistic fracture surfaces. Furthermore we show that our fast approximations substantially out-perform the standard approach in more demanding scenarios. Finally, these two methods naturally combine, using the full solution while the problem size is manageably small and switching to the fast approximations later on. The resulting hybrid method gives the user a direct way to choose between speed and accuracy of the simulation

    On the puzzling feature of the silence of precursory electromagnetic emissions

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    It has been suggested that fracture-induced MHz-kHz electromagnetic (EM) emissions, which emerge from a few days up to a few hours before the main seismic shock occurrence permit a real-time monitoring of the damage process during the last stages of earthquake preparation, as it happens at the laboratory scale. Despite fairly abundant evidence, EM precursors have not been adequately accepted as credible physical phenomena. These negative views are enhanced by the fact that certain 'puzzling features' are repetitively observed in candidate fracture-induced pre-seismic EM emissions. More precisely, EM silence in all frequency bands appears before the main seismic shock occurrence, as well as during the aftershock period. Actually, the view that 'acceptance of 'precursive' EM signals without convincing co-seismic signals should not be expected' seems to be reasonable. In this work we focus on this point. We examine whether the aforementioned features of EM silence are really puzzling ones or, instead, reflect well-documented characteristic features of the fracture process, in terms of: universal structural patterns of the fracture process, recent laboratory experiments, numerical and theoretical studies of fracture dynamics, critical phenomena, percolation theory, and micromechanics of granular materials. Our analysis shows that these features should not be considered puzzling.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:cond-mat/0603542 by other author

    Real-time deformation and fracture in a game environment

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    This paper describes a simulation system that has been developed to model the deformation and fracture of solid objects in a real-time gaming context. Based around a corotational tetrahedral finite element method, this system has been constructed from components published in the graphics and computational physics literatures. The goal of this paper is to describe how these components can be combined to produce an engine that is robust to unpredictable user interactions, fast enough to model reasonable scenarios at real-time speeds, suitable for use in the design of a game level, and with appropriate controls allowing content creators to match artistic direction. Details concerning parallel implementation, solver design, rendering method, and other aspects of the simulation are elucidated with the intent of providing a guide to others wishing to implement similar systems. Examples from in-game scenes captured on the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC platforms are included. © 2009 ACM

    A study on non-metallic inclusions in foundry steel process

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    The effects of sample area and automated SEM/EDS feature analysis parameters (step size, magnification and threshold) on nonmetallic inclusion characterization results has been investigated and optimized. A post-processing program was developed to automatically determine average inclusion chemistry, total element concentrations within inclusions, and for generating joint ternary diagrams with size visualization for representing nonmetallic inclusion populations. Using these tools the evolution of nonmetallic inclusions was examined for 4320 steel at a participating industrial steel foundry. The steel was sampled throughout electric arc furnace melting through ladle refining to the final casting where an in-mold sampling procedure was developed to procure numerous test samples representative of final heavy section castings in effort to further understand the effect of different metallurgical factors on impact toughness for slow solidification rate high strength cast steel. Nonmetallic inclusion nucleation, growth, and flotation were monitored through liquid steel processing by size-classified area fraction. The use of zirconium as an addition for nitrogen/oxygen removal was found to lead to a large number of ZrO2 inclusions, which resulted in insufficient flotation due to the higher density of zirconia and, less effective calcium treatment. No ZrN formation was observed owing to the high FeO acid slag practice used. Argon stirring was found to mitigate the flotation problems associated with the zirconium addition and significantly contribute to the removal of large size (\u3e5µm) inclusions. In-mold heavy section samples were tested at -40⁰C and 25⁰C to examine how different microstructural features such as nonmetallic inclusions, porosity, and hardness influence the impact energy of the steel for brittle and ductile fracture modes. SEM fractography was used to characterize failures modes: brittle, ductile, and quasi-ductile at energies ranging from 14-40 ft-lbs. For brittle fracture, hardness had an adverse influence on impact energy absorbed, while increasing the average area fraction and diameter of nonmetallic inclusions led to improved toughness. The opposite trends were observed for ductile fracture in specimens tested at room temperature, where area fraction of nonmetallic inclusions and porosity were detrimental to the impact energy absorbed --Abstract, page iv