793 research outputs found

    Coding of details in very low bit-rate video systems

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    In this paper, the importance of including small image features at the initial levels of a progressive second generation video coding scheme is presented. It is shown that a number of meaningful small features called details should be coded, even at very low data bit-rates, in order to match their perceptual significance to the human visual system. We propose a method for extracting, perceptually selecting and coding of visual details in a video sequence using morphological techniques. Its application in the framework of a multiresolution segmentation-based coding algorithm yields better results than pure segmentation techniques at higher compression ratios, if the selection step fits some main subjective requirements. Details are extracted and coded separately from the region structure and included in the reconstructed images in a later stage. The bet of considering the local background of a given detail for its perceptual selection breaks the concept ofPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Livrable D3.3 of the PERSEE project : 2D coding tools

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    49Livrable D3.3 du projet ANR PERSEECe rapport a été réalisé dans le cadre du projet ANR PERSEE (n° ANR-09-BLAN-0170). Exactement il correspond au livrable D3.3 du projet. Son titre : 2D coding tool

    Wavelet Based Image Coding Schemes : A Recent Survey

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    A variety of new and powerful algorithms have been developed for image compression over the years. Among them the wavelet-based image compression schemes have gained much popularity due to their overlapping nature which reduces the blocking artifacts that are common phenomena in JPEG compression and multiresolution character which leads to superior energy compaction with high quality reconstructed images. This paper provides a detailed survey on some of the popular wavelet coding techniques such as the Embedded Zerotree Wavelet (EZW) coding, Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Tree (SPIHT) coding, the Set Partitioned Embedded Block (SPECK) Coder, and the Embedded Block Coding with Optimized Truncation (EBCOT) algorithm. Other wavelet-based coding techniques like the Wavelet Difference Reduction (WDR) and the Adaptive Scanned Wavelet Difference Reduction (ASWDR) algorithms, the Space Frequency Quantization (SFQ) algorithm, the Embedded Predictive Wavelet Image Coder (EPWIC), Compression with Reversible Embedded Wavelet (CREW), the Stack-Run (SR) coding and the recent Geometric Wavelet (GW) coding are also discussed. Based on the review, recommendations and discussions are presented for algorithm development and implementation.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, journa

    An overview of JPEG 2000

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    JPEG-2000 is an emerging standard for still image compression. This paper provides a brief history of the JPEG-2000 standardization process, an overview of the standard, and some description of the capabilities provided by the standard. Part I of the JPEG-2000 standard specifies the minimum compliant decoder, while Part II describes optional, value-added extensions. Although the standard specifies only the decoder and bitstream syntax, in this paper we describe JPEG-2000 from the point of view of encoding. We take this approach, as we believe it is more amenable to a compact description more easily understood by most readers.

    Depth-based Multi-View 3D Video Coding

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    Perceptually-Driven Video Coding with the Daala Video Codec

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    The Daala project is a royalty-free video codec that attempts to compete with the best patent-encumbered codecs. Part of our strategy is to replace core tools of traditional video codecs with alternative approaches, many of them designed to take perceptual aspects into account, rather than optimizing for simple metrics like PSNR. This paper documents some of our experiences with these tools, which ones worked and which did not. We evaluate which tools are easy to integrate into a more traditional codec design, and show results in the context of the codec being developed by the Alliance for Open Media.Comment: 19 pages, Proceedings of SPIE Workshop on Applications of Digital Image Processing (ADIP), 201

    Selected topics in video coding and computer vision

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    Video applications ranging from multimedia communication to computer vision have been extensively studied in the past decades. However, the emergence of new applications continues to raise questions that are only partially answered by existing techniques. This thesis studies three selected topics related to video: intra prediction in block-based video coding, pedestrian detection and tracking in infrared imagery, and multi-view video alignment.;In the state-of-art video coding standard H.264/AVC, intra prediction is defined on the hierarchical quad-tree based block partitioning structure which fails to exploit the geometric constraint of edges. We propose a geometry-adaptive block partitioning structure and a new intra prediction algorithm named geometry-adaptive intra prediction (GAIP). A new texture prediction algorithm named geometry-adaptive intra displacement prediction (GAIDP) is also developed by extending the original intra displacement prediction (IDP) algorithm with the geometry-adaptive block partitions. Simulations on various test sequences demonstrate that intra coding performance of H.264/AVC can be significantly improved by incorporating the proposed geometry adaptive algorithms.;In recent years, due to the decreasing cost of thermal sensors, pedestrian detection and tracking in infrared imagery has become a topic of interest for night vision and all weather surveillance applications. We propose a novel approach for detecting and tracking pedestrians in infrared imagery based on a layered representation of infrared images. Pedestrians are detected from the foreground layer by a Principle Component Analysis (PCA) based scheme using the appearance cue. To facilitate the task of pedestrian tracking, we formulate the problem of shot segmentation and present a graph matching-based tracking algorithm. Simulations with both OSU Infrared Image Database and WVU Infrared Video Database are reported to demonstrate the accuracy and robustness of our algorithms.;Multi-view video alignment is a process to facilitate the fusion of non-synchronized multi-view video sequences for various applications including automatic video based surveillance and video metrology. In this thesis, we propose an accurate multi-view video alignment algorithm that iteratively aligns two sequences in space and time. To achieve an accurate sub-frame temporal alignment, we generalize the existing phase-correlation algorithm to 3-D case. We also present a novel method to obtain the ground-truth of the temporal alignment by using supplementary audio signals sampled at a much higher rate. The accuracy of our algorithm is verified by simulations using real-world sequences

    Fast and Efficient Lenslet Image Compression

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    Light field imaging is characterized by capturing brightness, color, and directional information of light rays in a scene. This leads to image representations with huge amount of data that require efficient coding schemes. In this paper, lenslet images are rendered into sub-aperture images. These images are organized as a pseudo-sequence input for the HEVC video codec. To better exploit redundancy among the neighboring sub-aperture images and consequently decrease the distances between a sub-aperture image and its references used for prediction, sub-aperture images are divided into four smaller groups that are scanned in a serpentine order. The most central sub-aperture image, which has the highest similarity to all the other images, is used as the initial reference image for each of the four regions. Furthermore, a structure is defined that selects spatially adjacent sub-aperture images as prediction references with the highest similarity to the current image. In this way, encoding efficiency increases, and furthermore it leads to a higher similarity among the co-located Coding Three Units (CTUs). The similarities among the co-located CTUs are exploited to predict Coding Unit depths.Moreover, independent encoding of each group division enables parallel processing, that along with the proposed coding unit depth prediction decrease the encoding execution time by almost 80% on average. Simulation results show that Rate-Distortion performance of the proposed method has higher compression gain than the other state-of-the-art lenslet compression methods with lower computational complexity

    Transformées basées graphes pour la compression de nouvelles modalités d’image

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    Due to the large availability of new camera types capturing extra geometrical information, as well as the emergence of new image modalities such as light fields and omni-directional images, a huge amount of high dimensional data has to be stored and delivered. The ever growing streaming and storage requirements of these new image modalities require novel image coding tools that exploit the complex structure of those data. This thesis aims at exploring novel graph based approaches for adapting traditional image transform coding techniques to the emerging data types where the sampled information are lying on irregular structures. In a first contribution, novel local graph based transforms are designed for light field compact representations. By leveraging a careful design of local transform supports and a local basis functions optimization procedure, significant improvements in terms of energy compaction can be obtained. Nevertheless, the locality of the supports did not permit to exploit long term dependencies of the signal. This led to a second contribution where different sampling strategies are investigated. Coupled with novel prediction methods, they led to very prominent results for quasi-lossless compression of light fields. The third part of the thesis focuses on the definition of rate-distortion optimized sub-graphs for the coding of omni-directional content. If we move further and give more degree of freedom to the graphs we wish to use, we can learn or define a model (set of weights on the edges) that might not be entirely reliable for transform design. The last part of the thesis is dedicated to theoretically analyze the effect of the uncertainty on the efficiency of the graph transforms.En raison de la grande disponibilité de nouveaux types de caméras capturant des informations géométriques supplémentaires, ainsi que de l'émergence de nouvelles modalités d'image telles que les champs de lumière et les images omnidirectionnelles, il est nécessaire de stocker et de diffuser une quantité énorme de hautes dimensions. Les exigences croissantes en matière de streaming et de stockage de ces nouvelles modalités d’image nécessitent de nouveaux outils de codage d’images exploitant la structure complexe de ces données. Cette thèse a pour but d'explorer de nouvelles approches basées sur les graphes pour adapter les techniques de codage de transformées d'image aux types de données émergents où les informations échantillonnées reposent sur des structures irrégulières. Dans une première contribution, de nouvelles transformées basées sur des graphes locaux sont conçues pour des représentations compactes des champs de lumière. En tirant parti d’une conception minutieuse des supports de transformées locaux et d’une procédure d’optimisation locale des fonctions de base , il est possible d’améliorer considérablement le compaction d'énergie. Néanmoins, la localisation des supports ne permettait pas d'exploiter les dépendances à long terme du signal. Cela a conduit à une deuxième contribution où différentes stratégies d'échantillonnage sont étudiées. Couplés à de nouvelles méthodes de prédiction, ils ont conduit à des résultats très importants en ce qui concerne la compression quasi sans perte de champs de lumière statiques. La troisième partie de la thèse porte sur la définition de sous-graphes optimisés en distorsion de débit pour le codage de contenu omnidirectionnel. Si nous allons plus loin et donnons plus de liberté aux graphes que nous souhaitons utiliser, nous pouvons apprendre ou définir un modèle (ensemble de poids sur les arêtes) qui pourrait ne pas être entièrement fiable pour la conception de transformées. La dernière partie de la thèse est consacrée à l'analyse théorique de l'effet de l'incertitude sur l'efficacité des transformées basées graphes

    Neural Video Compression with Diverse Contexts

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    For any video codecs, the coding efficiency highly relies on whether the current signal to be encoded can find the relevant contexts from the previous reconstructed signals. Traditional codec has verified more contexts bring substantial coding gain, but in a time-consuming manner. However, for the emerging neural video codec (NVC), its contexts are still limited, leading to low compression ratio. To boost NVC, this paper proposes increasing the context diversity in both temporal and spatial dimensions. First, we guide the model to learn hierarchical quality patterns across frames, which enriches long-term and yet high-quality temporal contexts. Furthermore, to tap the potential of optical flow-based coding framework, we introduce a group-based offset diversity where the cross-group interaction is proposed for better context mining. In addition, this paper also adopts a quadtree-based partition to increase spatial context diversity when encoding the latent representation in parallel. Experiments show that our codec obtains 23.5% bitrate saving over previous SOTA NVC. Better yet, our codec has surpassed the under-developing next generation traditional codec/ECM in both RGB and YUV420 colorspaces, in terms of PSNR. The codes are at https://github.com/microsoft/DCVC.Comment: Accepted by CVPR 2023. Codes are at https://github.com/microsoft/DCV
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