147 research outputs found

    Using Haptic Virtual Reality to Increase Learning Gains and Construct Knowledge of Unobservable Phenomena

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    This project is designed to be a compilation of ten haptic virtual reality labs using the software zSpace. The labs will follow the NYS Living Environment Standards as well as the Next Generation Science Standards for living environment as well as physical/general science topics for middle school students. The project will be a list of available laboratories along with their appropriate fit into the curriculum and a description of how they fit New York State curriculum standards for the appropriate discipline. The goal of these laboratory assignments is to increase learning gains in students by allowing them to experience scientific phenomena that can often be unrelatable and unobservable

    The Practicality of Virtual Reality Applications in Education: Limitations and Recommendations

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    The use of virtual reality applications has grown tremendously in recent years. Virtual reality applications in the education domain have many benefits: they engage students, arouse students' curiosity, ease the communication of information, and motivate the students to improve their learning and performance. Despite literature showing that there has been a clear development in the education domain that shows improvement in students' learning skills, its application in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) is limited to certain courses and fields. Furthermore, there has also been under-utilization and misutilization of virtual reality applications. Thus, the primary research question in this paper would be what the issues of the practicality of virtual reality applications for HEIs are. This paper aims to look at practicality issues to understand why VR is underutilized, particularly in HEIs. A review of the literature based on seventeen papers published between 2010 and 2020 taken from databases such as Science Direct, Ebscohost, and Scopus has found that despite the positive continuous intention to use VR applications, there are many issues regarding their practicality, such as the affordability of VR application tools, the technology-savviness of instructors, as well as the sustainability of VR use. This paper is significant as it explored and identified the practical issues of why VR applications are underused and provides practical suggestions to overcome these issues of practicality. It is hoped that HEIs would not allow these limitations to hinder the use of VR applications so that the students of this era, who are digital natives, would learn and perform better with VR applications; thus, making the use of VR applications in HEIs more widespread

    Trends in virtual reality research in education in Turkey: A content analysis

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    Bu araştırmada eğitim alanında sanal gerçeklik teknolojileriyle ilgili Türkiye'de yapılan çalışmaların genel eğilimlerini ortaya koymak amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda, Web of Science, ERIC, Scopus, DergiPark, TR Dizin, YÖK Tez ve Google Scholar veri tabanlarında tarama yapılmıştır. Belirlenen dâhil etme ve hariç tutma kriterleri göz önünde bulundurularak 3000 aday çalışmanın başlık ve özetleri incelenmiştir. Bu inceleme sonucunda kriterlere uygunluğu tespit edilen 16 yüksek lisans tezi, 5 doktora tezi, 3 bildiri ve 45 makale olmak üzere 2008-2020 yılları arasında yayınlanan toplam 69 çalışma araştırma kapsamında değerlendirilmiştir. Veri toplama amacıyla Göktaş ve arkadaşları (2012) tarafından geliştirilen yayın inceleme formu kullanılmıştır. Bu form araştırmacılar tarafından çalışmanın amacına uygun olarak düzenlenmiştir. İncelenen çalışmalardan içerik analizi yöntemiyle elde edilen bulgular araştırma soruları doğrultusunda uygun çizelge ve tablolar kullanılarak sunulmuştur. Araştırmanın sonuçlarına göre sanal gerçeklik teknolojisinin eğitim amaçlı kullanımına yönelik çalışmaların son yıllarda ivme kazandığı görülmüştür. Çalışmalardaki sanal gerçeklik ortamlarının birçoğunda hazır içeriklerin kullanıldığı, geliştirilen uygulamalarda ise en çok Unity oyun motorunun tercih edildiği belirlenmiştir. Bununla birlikte çalışmalarda nicel araştırma yöntemlerinin, örneklem seçiminde amaca uygun örneklem yönteminin, veri toplama için görüşme formu ve anketlerin, elde edilen verilerin analizinde ise kestirimsel istatistik tekniklerinin daha fazla tercih edildiği ortaya çıkmıştır

    Trends and features of virtual reality: a literature review between 2017 and 2018

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    Virtual Reality has greatly evolved since the 1960´s to the present. It has been implemented in multiple research and knowledge areas, the most recognized being the entertainment industry. In order to establish the state of Virtual Reality and get an idea of its prospects, 537 scientific documents have been reviewed, applying search criteria, more specifically, Virtual Reality applied to education. A bibliometric analysis was realized based on summarizing each document, as well as its keywords and trends, then proceeding to categorize each one, according to the field of application. It was found that Virtual Reality is having relevance in medicine and training area, due to the ability to simulate difficult situations and above all, specific conditions raised by instructors. The future of Virtual Reality as a tool to train professionals in multiples areas is promising.La realidad virtual ha tenido una gran evolución desde la década de 1960 hasta el día de hoy. Se ha implementado en múltiples áreas, tanto de la investigación como del conocimiento, siendo más reconocida en la industria del entretenimiento. Con el propósito de establecer el estado de la realidad virtual y obtener una idea de su futuro, 537 documentos científicos han sido revisados aplicando criterios de búsqueda específicos, como realidad virtual aplicada a la educación. Un análisis bibliométrico fue realizado, teniendo como base un resumen y descripción de cada artículo, así como sus palabras claves y tendencias, procediendo a categorizar cada documento de acuerdo con su campo de aplicación. Se encontró que la realidad virtual tiene una gran relevancia en la medicina, industria militar y en el entrenamiento de personas, debido a su capacidad de simular situaciones difíciles y, sobre todo, condiciones específicas requeridas por instructores. El futuro de la realidad virtual como herramienta de entrenamiento para los profesionales de múltiples áreas es promisori

    Tendencias y características de la realidad virtual: Una revisión de la literatura

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    Virtual Reality has greatly evolved between 1940s and 1990s. Since then, it has been implemented in multiple research and knowledge areas, the most recognized being the entertainment industry. In order to establish the state of Virtual Reality and get an idea of its prospects, 537 scientific documents have been reviewed, applying search criteria, more specifically, Virtual Reality applied to education. A bibliometric analysis was realized based on summarizing each document, as well as its keywords and trends, then proceeding to categorize each one, according to the field of application. It was found that Virtual Reality is having relevance in medicine and training area, due to the ability to simulate difficult situations and above all, specific conditions raised by instructors. The future of Virtual Reality as a tool to train professionals in multiples areas is promising.La realidad virtual ha tenido una gran avance entre la década 1940 y 1990. Desde entonces, se ha implementado en múltiples áreas, tanto de la investigación como del conocimiento, siendo más reconocida en la industria del entretenimiento. Con el propósito de establecer el estado de la realidad virtual y obtener una idea de su futuro, 537 documentos científicos han sido revisados aplicando criterios de búsqueda específicos, como realidad virtual aplicada a la educación. Un análisis bibliométrico fue realizado, teniendo como base un resumen y descripción de cada artículo, así como sus palabras claves y tendencias, procediendo a categorizar cada documento de acuerdo con su campo de aplicación. Se encontró que la realidad virtual tiene una gran relevancia en la medicina y en el entrenamiento de personas, debido a su capacidad de simular situaciones difíciles y, sobre todo, condiciones específicas requeridas por instructores. El futuro de la realidad virtual como herramienta de entrenamiento para los profesionales de múltiples áreas es promisori

    Bibliometric Research in Technology-Mediated Learning with High Capacity Students

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    [Resumen] Este trabajo implica una revisión del trabajo de investigación sobre el aprendizaje mediado por tecnología en estudiantes de alta capacidad. El estudio fue realizado por medio de un análisis bibliométrico de la producción científica en la renombrada base de datos Scopus. Fueron evaluados, sin filtro temporal, 35 artículos publicados entre 1993 y 2018, de los cuales se analizó una selección de indicadores de productividad científica, colaboración, consumo e impacto, así como variables estructurales y de contenido. Aunque el número de artículos no sea muy alto, los resultados mostraron un aumento en las publicaciones científicas recientes centradas en procesos de aprendizaje mediados por estudiantes de alta capacidad y una concentración de publicaciones en revistas de ciencias sociales y psicología, además de mostrar los patrones emergentes en estos artículos, publicaciones y temas de interés en este campo. Finalmente, se sugiere una revisión de las prácticas de diseminación de resultados y un enfoque de cuestiones relacionadas con los efectos de la tecnología en el aprendizaje, en relación con el sexo, la edad, el papel de las familias y la formación inicial y continua.[Abstract] This paper is a review of a research regarding technology-mediated learning for gifted students. The study was carried out through a bibliometric analysis of the scientific production in the well-known Scopus database. Thirty-five articles published between 1993 and 2018 were evaluated without a time filter, from which a selection of indicators of scientific productivity, collaboration, consumption and impact, as well as structural and content variables were analyzed. Although the number of articles is not very high, the results showed an increase in recent scientific publications focused on learning processes mediated by high-capacity students and a concentration of publications in Social Science and Psychology journals, in addition to showing, in these articles, the emerging patterns of authorship, publication and topics of interest in this field. Finally, it is suggested to review the practices for disseminating findings and addressing issues related to the effects of technology on learning in terms of gender, age, family role, and initial and continuing education

    Bibliometric research in technology-mediated learning with high capacity students

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    Este trabajo implica una revisión del trabajo de investigación sobre el aprendizaje mediado por tecnología en estudiantes de alta capacidad. El estudio fue realizado por medio de un análisis bibliométrico de la producción científica en la renombrada base de datos Scopus. Fueron evaluados, sin filtro temporal, 35 artículos publicados entre 1993 y 2018, de los cuales se analizó una selección de indicadores de productividad científica, colaboración, consumo e impacto, así como variables estructurales y de contenido. Aunque el número de artículos no sea muy alto, los resultados mostraron un aumento en las publicaciones científicas recientes centradas en procesos de aprendizaje mediados por estudiantes de alta capacidad y una concentración de publicaciones en revistas de ciencias sociales y psicología, además de mostrar los patrones emergentes en estos artículos, publicaciones y temas de interés en este campo. Finalmente, se sugiere una revisión de las prácticas de diseminación de resultados y un enfoque de cuestiones relacionadas con los efectos de la tecnología en el aprendizaje, en relación con el sexo, la edad, el papel de las familias y la formación inicial y continuaThis paper is a review of a research regarding technology-mediated learning for gifted students. The study was carried out through a bibliometric analysis of the scientific production in the well-known Scopus database. Thirty-five articles published between 1993 and 2018 were evaluated without a time filter, from which a selection of indicators of scientific productivity, collaboration, consumption and impact, as well as structural and content variables were analyzed. Although the number of articles is not very high, the results showed an increase in recent scientific publications focused on learning processes mediated by highcapacity students and a concentration of publications in Social Science and Psychology journals, in addition to showing, in these articles, the emerging patterns of authorship, publication and topics of interest in this field. Finally, it is suggested to review the practices for disseminating findings and addressing issues related to the effects of technology on learning in terms of gender, age, family role, and initial and continuing educationProyecto emergente titulado “Análisis de las estrategias docentes del profesorado ante la digitalización de los contenidos del curriculum de educación infantil y primaria” (GV/2018/074), convocado por la Conselleria de Educación, Investigación, Cultura y Deporte de la Generalitat ValencianaS

    Investigación bibliométrica en aprendizaje mediado por tecnología en alumnado de Altas Capacidades

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    Este trabajo implica una revisión del trabajo de investigación sobre el aprendizaje mediado por tecnología en estudiantes de alta capacidad. El estudio fue realizado por medio de un análisis bibliométrico de la producción científica en la renombrada base de datos Scopus. Fueron evaluados, sin filtro temporal, 35 artículos publicados entre 1993 y 2018, de los cuales se analizó una selección de indicadores de productividad científica, colaboración, consumo e impacto, así como variables estructurales y de contenido. Aunque el número de artículos no sea muy alto, los resultados mostraron un aumento en las publicaciones científicas recientes centradas en procesos de aprendizaje mediados por estudiantes de alta capacidad y una concentración de publicaciones en revistas de ciencias sociales y psicología, además de mostrar los patrones emergentes en estos artículos, publicaciones y temas de interés en este campo. Finalmente, se sugiere una revisión de las prácticas de diseminación de resultados y un enfoque de cuestiones relacionadas con los efectos de la tecnología en el aprendizaje, en relación con el sexo, la edad, el papel de las familias y la formación inicial y continua. This paper is a review of a research regarding technology-mediated learning for gifted students. The study was carried out through a bibliometric analysis of the scientific production in the well-known Scopus database. Thirty-five articles published between 1993 and 2018 were evaluated without a time filter, from which a selection of indicators of scientific productivity, collaboration, consumption and impact, as well as structural and content variables were analyzed. Although the number of articles is not very high, the results showed an increase in recent scientific publications focused on learning processes mediated by high-capacity students and a concentration of publications in Social Science and Psychology journals, in addition to showing, in these articles, the emerging patterns of authorship, publication and topics of interest in this field. Finally, it is suggested to review the practices for disseminating findings and addressing issues related to the effects of technology on learning in terms of gender, age, family role, and initial and continuing education