18 research outputs found


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    With the advancement of information and communication technologies, teaching mathematics in a real-life classroom is combined with teaching in a virtual learning environment (VLE). It is important to determine how a primary school teacher can use VLE communication and collaboration tools to teach mathematics primary school students. Participants – 4th grade students ((n = 51). Access to quantitative studies has been chosen for the study. Methods of study: Analysis of scientific literature, testing, descriptive statistics, and inference statistics. Data from the pilot study and the educational experiment were processed using version 23 of the IBM SPSS Statistical Package for Social Sciences. The normality of the variable distribution was tested using the Shapiro-Wilk test. Throughout the research, decisions are taken at a value a = 0.05. Study adhered to the fundamental principles of the European Code of Conduct for Study Ethics. The curator of the education was in contact with the students and their parents by e-mail and using the VLE communication and collaboration tools (messages, forums, feedback). The aim was to find out whether the number of emails and messages sent by the curator affected the students’ learning time in the VLE. The hypothesis of zero Pearson coefficient equality in the population is checked. There was a statistically significant weak relationship between the number of emails sent by the curator of the curriculum, the number of messages for students and the time spent by the student for the lessons of the curriculum. There was a mean relationship in the boy’s group, but there was no statistically significant relationship in girls’ group. There was also a statistically significant weak relationship between e-mails sent by the curriculum curator, the number of messages sent to students and the evaluation of the lessons of the curriculum. There was an average relationship in the boy’s group, but in the girl’s group there was no statistically significant relationship between the emails sent by the tutor, the number of messages to students and the evaluation of the lessons of the curriculum. This confirms the theory of constructivism that VLE is suitable for education because teachers can act as learning facilitators to communicate with each other during learning

    Digital Game-Based Learning Activities in Primary Grade Mathematics Achievement

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    The research paper has gathered and analyzed research from online databases to find how digital game-based learning activities were used in mathematics and how it influences the affective domains of academic engagement, motivation, and academic self-perception. The paper aims to inform primary educators of the benefits and limitations of digital game-based activities in primary mathematics. Digital game-based learning has positively influenced students\u27 academic engagement through interaction, play, and effort, which had a positive effect on their mathematical achievement. Increased motivation felt by students when doing digital game-based activities resulted in higher mathematical achievement and an increase in learning more mathematics based on intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Digital game-based learning activities have also promoted students’ academic self-perception such as confidence and judgment of their ability. Drawbacks include the below-average percentage of high mathematical improvement as educators may want an activity with full confidence. Another drawback is that the rise in mathematical achievement may not be immediate. Some studies have acknowledged that students would eventually exceed their paper assessment scores if given more time to play. In conclusion, digital game-based learning activities in mathematics may increase student learning factors but remain inconsistent in learning gains. The research found in this paper will provide educators with the benefits and drawbacks of digital game-based activities in primary mathematics and allow educators to decide if this approach is right for their classroom

    Work-in-Progress: Rapid Development of Advanced Virtual Labs for In-Person and Online Education

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    During the closure of K-12 schools and universities thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, many educators turned to web conferencing tools such as Zoom and WebEx to deliver online lectures. For courses with labs, some teachers provide recorded videos of real labs. Watching recorded lab videos is a passive experience, as the procedures and point of view are fixed, and students do not have any control of the lab and thus miss the opportunity to explore different options, including making mistakes that is important part of the learning process. One approach that holds great potential to enhance laboratory experience for online education is the use of computer-based modeling and simulation tools. Simulation based virtual laboratories emulate lab equipment and configurations in highly realistic 3D environments and can provide very effective learning experiences. While there exist limited interactive lab computer simulations for various subjects, their presentations are still very primitive and often lack realism and complexity. This paper presents methodologies and preliminary findings on rapid development of advanced virtual labs using modeling and simulation for in-person and online education. The importance of modeling and simulation has long been recognized by the scientific community and agencies such as DoD and NSF. However, high-quality simulations are not commonplace, and simulations have not been widely employed in education. Existing simulations for education lack interoperability and compatibility. While there are sporadic uses of computer-based simulations in education that were developed in a piecemeal fashion, there was never systematic development at an industry level for such purposes. Virtual lab development usually require substantial amount of effort and lack of systematic research on rapid virtual lab development hinders their wide use in education. This paper proposes a wholistic and systematic approach for addressing the issues in rapid lab simulation development from several perspectives, including rapid generation of virtual environment, integration of state-of-the-art industry leading software tools, advanced software design techniques that enables large scale software reuse, and innovative user interface design that facilitate the configuration and use of virtual labs by instructors and students. This paper will implement a virtual circuit lab that emulates a circuit lab for the course XXX offered at XXX University and will be used to elucidate the crucial methodologies for rapid virtual lab development. The virtual lab contains highly realistic visual renderings and accurate functional representations of sophisticated equipment, such as digital oscilloscopes, function generator, and digital multimeters, and authentic rendition of the lab space. The virtual lab allows advanced analog and digital circuit simulation by integrating the de-facto industry standard circuit simulation engine SPICE and Xspice, supporting the circuit labs in the course XXX. The Unity game engine is used to develop the front end of the virtual lab. Advanced software development methodologies will be investigated to facilitate software reuse and rapid development, e.g., the same simulation code can be used to support equipment manufactured by different vendors. The paper will also investigate the impact of fidelity of the virtual lab, e.g., equipment and lab room, on student learning outcomes and efficacy

    SIGANA Banjir: Game Edukasi Kesiapsiagaan Bencana Banjir Untuk Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemahaman kesiapsiagaan menghadapi bencana banjir pada anak usia dini, karena pemahaman kesiapsiagaan bencana bagi anak usia dini di Indonesia masih sangat rendah. Kurangnya pemberian pengetahuan kesiapsiagaan bencana khususnya bencana banjir pada anak disebabkan oleh praktik pembelajaran yang kurang efektif, karena guru belum menggunakan media pembelajaran yang beragam. Maka penelitian ini merancang produk aplikasi game edukasi berbasis komputer yaitu media pembelajaran yang menampilkan simulasi kesiapsiagaan bencana banjir. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mendesain media pembelajaran untuk pemahaman kesiapsiagaan bencana banjir pada anak usia 5-6 tahun. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian dan pengembangan dengan desain model ADDIE (Analize, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluate). Teknik pengumpulan data berupa validasi ahli (Ahli PAUD, Media, Bahasa, dan Kesiapsiagaan Bencana) data uji coba lapangan. Penelitian dilakukan di TK Kelompok B wilayah Kabupaten Lebak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa permainan edukasi SIGANA Banjir layak digunakan untuk memberikan pemahaman kesiapsiagaan bencana banjir pada anak. Materi pemahaman kesiapsiagaan bencana banjir pada game ini mencakup : pemahaman bahaya dan sistem peringatan dini; pemahaman mengambil tindakan untuk melindungi diri; pemahaman mengurangi dampak bencana

    Promoting Computational Thinking to Impact the Implementation of Computer Science

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    The researchers drove this action research project to integrate Computer Science into the classroom and the effect it can have on computational thinking. The researcher, a fifth-grade teacher in her third year of teaching, utilized Computer Science activities in a science class of 24 students for two weeks while monitoring their progress through Code.org. The study analyzed the correlation between Computer Science and computational thinking. The findings revealed no correlation between the two variables among students with or without a Computer Science background. This project conducted this research to impact the future classroom practices that may implement Computer Science into the everyday classroom

    Systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus oppimispelien vaikutuksista alakouluikäisten matematiikan osaamiseen ja opettajan rooliin oppimispelien integroinnissa

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    Tässä teoksessa tutkitaan systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla miten digitaaliset oppimispelit vaikuttavat ala-aste ikäisten (n.6-12v.) oppilaiden matematiikan osaamiseen. Tutkimuksessa keskitytään niin oppilaisiin, jotka osaavat matematiikkaa kuin niihin, joilla on ongelmia matematiikan osaamisessa. Tutkimuksen tarkoitus on selvittää, millä tavoin pelit kehittävät matematiikan osaamista niin taitavien matematiikan oppilaiden, kuin matematiikan oppimisvaikeuksista kärsivien oppilaiden keskuudessa, sekä mikä on opettajan rooli oppimispelien integroinnissa opetukseen. Systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus toteutettiin vaiheittain. Tietoa kirjallisuuskatsausta varten haettiin vuoden 2018 keväällä ja talvella. Tietoja etsittiin neljästä eri tietokannasta. Tieteellistä kirjallisuutta etsittiin englanniksi käyttäen hakusanoja, ”mathematics, achievement ja proficiency.” Hakutulokseksi löytyi yhteensä 381 viitettä, joista karsittiin pois teoksia käyttäen määriteltyjä poissulkukriteerejä. Lopullinen tutkimusten määrä oli 14. Nämä 14 tutkimusartikkelia analysoitiin sisällönanalyysimenetelmillä. Tämän systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen keskeisimpinä tuloksina olivat erilaiset tavat, joilla oppimispelit kehittivät oppilaiden osaamista. Oppimispelit kehittivät osaamista tarjoamalla motivoivan tavan oppia matematiikkaa. Toimiva oppimispeli tukee oppilasta antamalla palautetta, kohottamalla itseluottamusta taitoihinsa sekä tuomalla monipuolisuutta matematiikan opiskeluun. Opettaja toimii usein ohjaajan tai tukihenkilön rooleissa integroidessaan oppimispelejä opetukseen. Ohjaajan roolissa opettaja luo oppimismahdollisuuksia, tuo oppilaan tiedon lähteelle ja tukihenkilön roolissa opettaja opastaa oppilasta mikäli hänelle tulee ongelmia peliä pelatessa