12,356 research outputs found

    Theory of attosecond delays in laser-assisted photoionization

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    We study the temporal aspects of laser-assisted extreme ultraviolet (XUV) photoionization using attosecond pulses of harmonic radiation. The aim of this paper is to establish the general form of the phase of the relevant transition amplitudes and to make the connection with the time-delays that have been recently measured in experiments. We find that the overall phase contains two distinct types of contributions: one is expressed in terms of the phase-shifts of the photoelectron continuum wavefunction while the other is linked to continuum--continuum transitions induced by the infrared (IR) laser probe. Our formalism applies to both kinds of measurements reported so far, namely the ones using attosecond pulse trains of XUV harmonics and the others based on the use of isolated attosecond pulses (streaking). The connection between the phases and the time-delays is established with the help of finite difference approximations to the energy derivatives of the phases. This makes clear that the observed time-delays is a sum of two components: a one-photon Wigner-like delay and an universal delay that originates from the probing process itself.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, special issue 'Attosecond spectroscopy' Chem. Phy

    Subanesthetic ketamine treatment promotes abnormal interactions between neural subsystems and alters the properties of functional brain networks

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    Acute treatment with subanesthetic ketamine, a non-competitive N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) receptor antagonist, is widely utilized as a translational model for schizophrenia. However, how acute NMDA receptor blockade impacts on brain functioning at a systems level, to elicit translationally relevant symptomatology and behavioral deficits, has not yet been determined. Here, for the first time, we apply established and recently validated topological measures from network science to brain imaging data gained from ketamine-treated mice to elucidate how acute NMDA receptor blockade impacts on the properties of functional brain networks. We show that the effects of acute ketamine treatment on the global properties of these networks are divergent from those widely reported in schizophrenia. Where acute NMDA receptor blockade promotes hyperconnectivity in functional brain networks, pronounced dysconnectivity is found in schizophrenia. We also show that acute ketamine treatment increases the connectivity and importance of prefrontal and thalamic brain regions in brain networks, a finding also divergent to alterations seen in schizophrenia. In addition, we characterize how ketamine impacts on bipartite functional interactions between neural subsystems. A key feature includes the enhancement of prefrontal cortex (PFC)-neuromodulatory subsystem connectivity in ketamine-treated animals, a finding consistent with the known effects of ketamine on PFC neurotransmitter levels. Overall, our data suggest that, at a systems level, acute ketamine-induced alterations in brain network connectivity do not parallel those seen in chronic schizophrenia. Hence, the mechanisms through which acute ketamine treatment induces translationally relevant symptomatology may differ from those in chronic schizophrenia. Future effort should therefore be dedicated to resolve the conflicting observations between this putative translational model and schizophrenia

    Space programs summary no. 37-29, volume VI FOR the period July 1, 1964 to August 31, 1964. Space exploration programs and space sciences

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    Summaries covering system development and operations of Ranger VII, Surveyor, and Mariner spacecraft, and engineering development at deep space network facilitie

    Context sensitive formulations of antenna pattern correction and side lobe compensation for NOSS/LAMMR real time processing

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    Large antenna multi-channel microwave radiometer (LAMMR) software specifications were written for LAMMR ground processing. There is a need to determine more computationally-efficient antenna temperature correction methods in compensating side lobe contributions especially near continents, islands and weather fronts. One of the major conclusions was that the antenna pattern corrections (APC) processes did not accomplish the implied goals of compensating for the antenna side lobe influences on brightness temperature. A-priori knowledge of land/water locations was shown to be needed and had to be incorporated in a context sensitive APC process if the artifacts caused by land presence is to be avoided. The high temperatures in land regions can severely bias the lower ocean response

    Publications of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, July 1961 through June 1962

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    Jpl bibliography on space science, 1961-196

    Evaluation of changes in image appearance with changes in displayed image size

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    This research focused on the quantification of changes in image appearance when images are displayed at different image sizes on LCD devices. The final results provided in calibrated Just Noticeable Differences (JNDs) on relevant perceptual scales, allowing the prediction of sharpness and contrast appearance with changes in the displayed image size. A series of psychophysical experiments were conducted to enable appearance predictions. Firstly, a rank order experiment was carried out to identify the image attributes that were most affected by changes in displayed image size. Two digital cameras, exhibiting very different reproduction qualities, were employed to capture the same scenes, for the investigation of the effect of the original image quality on image appearance changes. A wide range of scenes with different scene properties was used as a test-set for the investigation of image appearance changes with scene type. The outcomes indicated that sharpness and contrast were the most important attributes for the majority of scene types and original image qualities. Appearance matching experiments were further conducted to quantify changes in perceived sharpness and contrast with respect to changes in the displayed image size. For the creation of sharpness matching stimuli, a set of frequency domain filters were designed to provide equal intervals in image quality, by taking into account the system’s Spatial Frequency Response (SFR) and the observation distance. For the creation of contrast matching stimuli, a series of spatial domain S-shaped filters were designed to provide equal intervals in image contrast, by gamma adjustments. Five displayed image sizes were investigated. Observers were always asked to match the appearance of the smaller version of each stimulus to its larger reference. Lastly, rating experiments were conducted to validate the derived JNDs in perceptual quality for both sharpness and contrast stimuli. Data obtained by these experiments finally converted into JND scales for each individual image attribute. Linear functions were fitted to the final data, which allowed the prediction of image appearance of images viewed at larger sizes than these investigated in this research

    Automatic Estimation of Modulation Transfer Functions

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    The modulation transfer function (MTF) is widely used to characterise the performance of optical systems. Measuring it is costly and it is thus rarely available for a given lens specimen. Instead, MTFs based on simulations or, at best, MTFs measured on other specimens of the same lens are used. Fortunately, images recorded through an optical system contain ample information about its MTF, only that it is confounded with the statistics of the images. This work presents a method to estimate the MTF of camera lens systems directly from photographs, without the need for expensive equipment. We use a custom grid display to accurately measure the point response of lenses to acquire ground truth training data. We then use the same lenses to record natural images and employ a data-driven supervised learning approach using a convolutional neural network to estimate the MTF on small image patches, aggregating the information into MTF charts over the entire field of view. It generalises to unseen lenses and can be applied for single photographs, with the performance improving if multiple photographs are available

    Publications of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory - July through December 1970

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    Bibliography of technical literature resulting from aerospace research and development at Jet Propulsion Laboratorie