9 research outputs found

    Estimation of using of social networks for business development

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    By polling people of various ages and professional groups, we have assessed the possibility to implement social networks as an efficient tool for business development in the modern society. The results showed that consumer attitudes to advertising on social networks for goods and services described as positive, neutral and only 10% of it is irritating. At the same time we have obtained the results of efficient using of social networks, first of all, for polling the consumers, selecting the personnel and promoting goods and services. If the consumers purchase by 1% more goods via social networks, the efficiency of using of social networks for business development will increase by 0.3048%; if the employees use the social networks by 1% to solve the corporate tasks, the efficiency of using social networks for business development will increase by 0.4056%

    The Effect of Social Media Advertising and Sales Promotion on Online Purchase Intention With Gender As a Moderation Variable on Consumers Street Boba Purwokerto

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    This research is a survey on consumers of Street Boba products. This research takes the title: "The Effect of Social Media Advertising and Sales Promotion on Online Purchase Intention with Gender as Moderation Variable on Consumer Street Boba Purwokerto". This study aims to determine the effect of social media advertising and sales promotion on online purchase intention with gender as a moderating variable. Respondents in this study were consumers who had purchased street boba products at least once. This study uses 100 respondents. This research method uses quantitative research with Simple Random Sampling technique. Based on the results of research and data analysis using SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solution) 16.0 shows that: (1) Social media advertising has a positive and significant effect on online purchase intention, (2) Sales promotion has a positive and significant effect on online purchase intention, (3) ) Gender does not moderate the relationship between social media advertising and online purchase intention, (4) Gender does not moderate the relationship between sales promotion and online purchase intention. This research implies that Street boba can add articles or information about products that make consumers feel safe and confident about buying their products, carry out promotional activities in the form of advertisements or movements such as holding challenges or mini-games in an event to attract more potential customers to try their product

    Estimation of Using of Social Networks for Business Development

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    By polling people of various ages and professional groups, we have assessed the possibility to implement social networks as an efficient tool for business development in the modern society. The results showed that consumer attitudes to advertising on social networks for goods and services described as positive, neutral and only 10% of it is irritating. At the same time we have obtained the results of efficient using of social networks, first of all, for polling the consumers, selecting the personnel and promoting goods and services. If the consumers purchase by 1% more goods via social networks, the efficiency of using of social networks for business development will increase by 0.3048%; if the employees use the social networks by 1% to solve the corporate tasks, the efficiency of using social networks for business development will increase by 0.4056%

    Role of Influencer Marketing in Promoting Financial Products in the Banking Sector of Pakistan

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    Purpose: The aim of this paper is to analyse the role of influencer marketing in promoting financial products in the banking sector of Pakistan and also to identify the factors through which banks are successfully implementing influencer marketing. Research Design: In this study, the researcher adopted quantitative research design, and all the data were collected through survey questionnaires using five-point Liker scale, and a sample of 300 consumers were selected in Pakistan. The collected data analysed by the researcher through Frequency analysis and Correlation analysis. In addition to this, as the researcher employed the instrument of questionnaire, thereby, to check the reliability of the instrument, the reliably testing was done, and the instrument was found to be reliable. Findings: It was found in the study that there was strong relationship between the influencer marketing and promotion of financial products. The study has found that customer reach, customer preference and engagement, shareable content and promotional tools are the factors through which banks are practising influencer marketing. Besides, it was further analysed that on the promotion of financial products in Pakistani banking sector. Limitations: The main limitation of the study is that this study specifically focused on the banking sector of Pakistan, which means the findings of the study is limited to the banking sector of Pakistan only. Besides, there had been limited knowledge possessed by respondents despite the awareness of the topic as they were all consumers, and not bank managers or experts, so future studies can be conducted among bank managers or field experts.        Keywords: Digital Marketing, Influencer Marketing, Customer Engagement, Financial Products, Banking, Pakistan DOI: 10.7176/JMCR/68-06 Publication date:June 30th 202

    Mécanismes d’influence de la communication liée aux marques marocaines de prêt-à-porter dans les communautés virtuelles sur le comportement du consommateur : une approche netnographique

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    In the era of digitalization and the use of virtual communities, consumers purchase intention is a privileged area of ​​academic research in marketing. Understanding it could enable brands to better act in the face of behavior leading to the act of purchase by an individual and which becomes more and more changing following numerous stimuli. This study looked at the influence of brand-related communication at the level of virtual communities on consumers purchase intention. Thus, the study aims to study this relationship with the main objective which is to detect, through what brands and consumers convey on the web, the main components presented by consumers. To carry out this research, we used the method of netnography for exploratory reasons which aim to analyze what is communicated on virtual communities about Moroccan ready-to-wear brands by the brands themselves and especially by Moroccan consumers. The collection of reviews published by our targets, from 5 virtual brand communities on Instagram and 7 virtual consumer communities on Facebook, enabled us to retain a fairly consistent textual database, the use of which was recorded in an analysis textual data (ADT) using "Iramuteq" word processing software, this software allowed us to have an overall visibility of the terms contained in the texts submitted to it using graphical representations which we had to interpret in order to answer our research question. The results of the research imply the existence of a strong influence between brand-related communication at the level of virtual communities and consumer purchase intention. But also the integration of certain variables in the process and the analysis of the effects of which reveals significant results.     JEL Classification : M3 Paper type: Empirical research.  À l’ère de la digitalisation et de l’usage des communautés virtuelles, l’intention d’achat des consommateurs constitue un domaine privilégié de la recherche académique en marketing. Sa compréhension pourrait permettre aux marques de mieux agir face à un comportement menant à l’acte d’achat par un individu et qui devient de plus en plus changeant suite à de nombreux stimulus. La présente étude s’est penchée sur l’influence de la communication liée aux marques au niveau des communautés virtuelles sur l’intention d’achat du consommateur. Ainsi, l’étude vise à étudier cette relation à partir d’un objectif principal qui est de détecter, à travers ce que les marques et les consommateurs véhiculent sur la toile, les principaux comportements engendrés par les consommateurs. Pour réaliser cette recherche, nous avons fait appel à la méthode de la netnographie pour des raisons exploratoires qui visent à analyser ce qui est communiqué sur les communautés virtuelles à propos des marques marocaines de prêt-à-porter par les marques elles-mêmes et surtout par les consommateurs marocains. La collecte des avis publiés par nos cibles, à partir de  5 communautés virtuelles de marque sur  Instagram et 7 communautés virtuelles de consommation sur Facebook, nous a permis de retenir une base de données textuelles assez consistante dont l’exploitation a été inscrite dans une analyse de données textuelles (ADT) à l’aide d’un logiciel de traitement de texte « Iramuteq », ce logiciel nous a permis d’avoir une visibilité globale des termes contenus par les textes qui lui sont soumis à l’aide des représentations graphiques que nous avons dû interpréter afin de répondre à notre question de recherche. Les résultats de la recherche soutiennent l’existence d’une forte  influence entre la communication liée aux marques au niveau des communautés virtuelles et l’intention d’achat du consommateur. Mais également l’intégration de certaines variables dans le processus et dont l’analyse des effets révèle des résultats significatifs.     Classification JEL : M3 Type de l’article : Recherche appliquée

    ارائه الگوی بازاریابی داده بنیاد رسانه ملی در فضای مجازی

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    بازاریابی یا مجموعه نهادها، فعالیت­ ها و فرایندهایی که به خلق، ارتباط، تحویل و تبادل پیشنهادها مربوط‌‌ اند و به خلق ارزش برای مشتریان در ازای کسب ارزش از آنان می‌پردازند، با رسانه ملی در دنیای مجازی، ارتباطی تنگاتنگی دارد. ظهور حوزه‌های نوین در عرصه‌های ارتباطی امروز، از پیامدهای ناشی از تغییرات سریع در عصر فنّاوری‌های ارتباطی است که زیست اجتماعی در آن، اقتضائات و نیازهای خاص خود را دارد. بر این اساس، در پژوهش حاضر، به طراحی الگوی بازاریابی رسانه ملی در فضای مجازی پرداخته شده است. روش پژوهش؛ داده بنیاد و نمونه‌گیری از نوع تعمدی ـ نظری، با حجمی برابر به حجم 18 نفر از نخبگان، استادان دانشگاه صداوسیما و مدیران ارشد بوده است. پس از انجام مراحل سه‌گانه کدگذاری باز، محوری و انتخابی، ‌یافته‌ها نشان داد که مدل نهایی از 87 کد نهایی، 6 مقوله کلی، 2 مقوله فرعی و 29 مفهوم اصلی تشکیل ‌شده است. بر این اساس، عواملی که به بروز الگوی رسانه ملی در فضای مجازی منجر می‌شوند، عبارت‌اند از: عوامل رقابتی، فرایندی، محتوایی، فنی، مرتبط با دولت و سیاست، راهبردی، حقوقی و قانونی، آمیخته بازاریابی، مدیریت پیام، بازار هدف، فناوری اطلاعات و ارتباطات، نوسازی و تحولات فضای مجازی، بازاریابی رابطه­مند، باورهای هسته‌­ای، هوشمندی رقابتی، فضای تعاملی و رقابتی، نظام حقوقی، قابلیت پشتیبانی، اعتمادسازی، اقدامات مرتبط با بازاریابی، مدیریت راهبردی، فعالیت‌های اقتصادی، رسانه اجتماعی، مزیت رقابتی، پیامدهای اجتماعی فرهنگی، اقتصادی، مرتبط با بازاریابی و درگیری با رسانه ملی

    Online Marketing Strategies for Increasing Sales Revenues of Small Retail Businesses

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    Small retail business leaders use online marketing to connect with consumers and the community. The purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to explore the strategies some small retail business leaders use to implement online marketing to increase sales. Data were collected from 4 small retail business owners who successfully used strategies to implement online marketing in California. The conceptual framework for this study was Rogers\u27s diffusion of innovation theory. Data collection techniques and sources were semistructured, face-to-face interviews, and review of public business documents, company websites, social media websites, and analytical tools. A thematic analysis of the data yielded 4 themes: social media platforms and strategies, online marketing strategies and challenges, online content strategies, and follow-up strategies. Business leaders of small retail organizations who want to increase revenue, remain competitive, overcome challenges associated with online marketing, and increase communication by implementing new technology might elect to align with the strategies identified in this study. The implications for positive social change include the opportunity for small retail business leaders to increase revenue while providing more job opportunities to benefit employees, employees\u27 families, and the community

    Essays on Consumers' Attitudes toward Digital Communication

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    This cumulative dissertation consists of three research paper. They all aim to give a detailed overview and analysis of the effectiveness of different forms of digital advertising, namely, online touchpoints, mobile advertising, and social media advertising. The construct attitudes toward advertising serves as the central measure of effectiveness

    La influencia de la comunicaci?n en redes sociales y el valor de marca sobre la intenci?n de matr?cula a una universidad

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    Objetivo: Evaluar c?mo influyen los factores del Valor de Marca y la Comunicaci?n en redes sociales sobre la intenci?n de estudiantes de matricularse en una universidad. Metodolog?a: Se aplicaron encuestas en l?nea a estudiantes de 1er ciclo de universidades de Santiago de Surco (Lima, Per?). Los datos se analizaron mediante regresi?n m?ltiple en SPSS. Valor: Este estudio es una de las primeras aproximaciones al an?lisis de la influencia del valor de marca en conjunto con la comunicaci?n en redes sociales sobre la intenci?n de matricularse en una universidad. Resultados y conclusiones: Factores del valor de marca (Calidad/Liderazgo de Marca y Asociaciones de marca), contenido generado por el usuario (Ewom) y contenido generado por la universidad en redes sociales (Entretenido e Informativo) influyen en la intenci?n de matricularse en la universidad, el ewom fue el factor que m?s influy?. Contenido generado por la universidad Entretenido y que no propague Antivalores influye en el Ewom, contenido Informativo y Entretenido influye en la Calidad/Liderazgo de Marca y Asociaciones de marca. Implicaci?n pr?ctica: La investigaci?n indica que el contenido generado por una universidad en redes sociales debe ser entretenido e informativo y que debe buscar promover el Ewom. Limitaciones y sugerencias: La muestra se enfoc? en estudiantes de universidades de un solo distrito de Lima por lo que los resultados no son generalizables al pa?s y se sugiere incluir otras ?reas geogr?ficas en el futuro