33 research outputs found

    Faktor individu dan faktor persekitaran yang mempengaruhi pemindahan latihan terhadap pencapaian akademik dalam kalangan pelajar Fakulti Kejuruteraan Elektrik UTeM

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    Sesebuah proses pemindahan latihan boleh dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor yang boleh mempengaruhi ia daripada berlaku. Faktor-faktor ini dapat diklasifikasikan dalam dua kategori utama, bergantung pada sama ada berkaitan dengan pelatih atau persekitaran. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mengkaji faktor individu dan faktor persekitaran yang dikenalpasti mampu mempengaruhi sesebuah proses pemindahan latihan dalam kalangan pelatih mahupun pelajar. Responden yang terlibat dalam kajian ini adalah seramai 180 orang pelajar tahun akhir Fakulti Kejuruteraan Elektrik (FKE) Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) yang telah menjalani Latihan Industri. Kaedah tinjauan, persampelan secara rawak dan instrument berbentuk soal selidik telah digunakan dalam kajian ini. Data yang dikumpulkan dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistik diskriptif dan inferensi. Berdasarkan analisis yang dijalankan, hasil analisis mendapati 62 orang responden (34.44%) mempunyai persepsi tahap pemindahan di tahap yang tinggi. Manakala majoriti responden iaitu seramai 117 orang (68%) mempunyai persepsi tahap pemindahan yang sederhana. Bagi analisis hubungan antara faktor individu dengan pemindahan latihan secara keseluruhannya, dapatan kajian menunjukkan nilai korelasi adalah 0.537. Ini menunjukkan hubungan positif yang sederhana di antara faktor individu dengan pemindahan latihan. Manakala nilai korelasi faktor persekitaran terhadap pemindahan latihan ialah 0.623. Ini menunjukkan hubungan positif yang sederhana di antara faktor persekitaran dengan pemindahan latihan. Melalui hasil analisis ujian regressi, faktor persekitaran merupakan faktor yang dominan dalam mempengaruhi pemindahan latihan iaitu sebanyak 38.2%. Hasil kajian ini memberi gambaran mengenai persepsi tahap pemindahan latihan, hubungan di antara faktor yang mempengaruhi dengan pemindahan latihan dan faktor yang dominan dalam mempengaruhi sesebuah pemindahan latiha

    Enablers and barriers of online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: A case study of an online university course

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    COVID-19 has affected university students’ learning experiences on a great scale. The aim of this study was to understand the enablers and barriers to the effectiveness of online learning in a university course during the COVID-19 pandemic, using a qualitative case study approach. Participants were 44 first-year university students enrolled in a digital game history and analysis course at a private university. Structured and semi-structured interviews were conducted to collect the data, which were then organized and transcribed into full text. Inductive data analysis was applied with content analysis. The researcher used axial coding to compose themes by considering the commonalities among codes created. Five main themes emerged, namely online content, online assignments, online assessment, instructor behavior and practices, and psychological issues. Based on the findings, taking online courses at home and joining online classes from home positively affected students’ mood during the lockdown. On the other hand, students declared feeling pressure due to many online courses. All themes and codes are reported in detail together with direct quotations from students

    Utilization of the Kahoot Games Application for Understanding Economic Learning in High School Students

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    Learning Economics is one of the lessons that need to be well understood by students. With the existence of the economy, students will have a basis for starting and managing the economy and businesses that will be built. Still, there are problems with students of SMAN 1 Majalaya, where they lack enthusiasm and feel less active in learning economics lessons. There needs to be an improvement in learning methods so that their interest in and understanding of basic economics increases, one of which is by utilizing the Kahoot Games application. This study used a quantitative approach with the method of testing the oneway ANOVA hypothesis with a total of 42 respondents who were students of class XI IPS 3 at SMAN 1 Majalaya. The results of the study explain that the use of the learning activity application using the Kahoot Games application has increased students' understanding of the importance of the economy in the daily lives of students so that participants who are Majalaya 1 Public High School students will easily understand basic economics lessons and begin to manage their finances properly


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    ABSTRACT: Due to its convenience, online assessment has become one of the most essential components in English Language Teaching (ELT). Online assessment has been more intensively used in English Language Teaching practices to complement conventional assessments. However, the success of online assessment implementation in ELT depends on the teachers’ perspectives and beliefs about online assessment itself. This paper explores the perspectives and beliefs of teachers in Central Java on online assessment in ELT and the factors underlying their perspectives and beliefs on the effectiveness of online assessment in ELT. This study employed a qualitative research design and collected data through semi structured interviews with twelve elementary school teachers in Central Java, Indonesia. The studied teachers had experience in online classes because of the school lockdown during the outbreak of Covid-19. The findings indicate that while they have positive perspectives towards the potential benefits of online assessment, they also express concerns on the reliability and validity of online assessment. The teachers that participated in the research highlighted the need for training and support in designing and implementing online forms of assessment, which allowed them to combine online and traditional assessment methods. Teachers mostly believe ELT is best applied through direct communicative interaction. Overall, this study sheds light on the complexities of online assessment in ELT

    Online Assessment: Teachers’ Perspectives and Beliefs”.

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    Due to its convenience, online assessment has become one of the most essential components in English Language Teaching (ELT). Online assessment has been more intensively used in English Language Teaching practices as companion to conventional assessments. However, the success of online assessment implementation in ELT depends on the teachers’ perspectives and beliefs in online assessment itself. This paper explores the perspectives and beliefs of teachers towards online assessment in ELT and the factors underlying their perspectives and beliefs in the effectiveness of online assessment in ELT. This study employed a qualitative research design and collected data through semi structured interviews with twelve elementary school teachers in Central Java, Indonesia. The teachers under this study were those who experienced online classes because of the school lock down during the outbreak of covid 19. The findings indicate that while they have positive perspectives towards the potential benefits of online assessment, they also express concerns on the reliability and validity of online assessment. Teachers under this study highlight the need for trainings and supports in designing and implementing online assessments which allow them to combine online and traditional assessment methods. Teachers mostly believe ELT is best applied through direct communicative interaction. Overall, this study sheds light on the complexities of online assessment in ELT

    Learning media and strategies used by english students in practice teaching during the pandemic

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    Practice teaching, indisputably, is one of the school activities distorted significantly due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Practice teachers should adapt online learning to convey teaching and learning activities. This study aimed at finding out the internet device (wi-fi) available at schools in Pekanbaru municipality and learning media used by practicum teachers with the stable internet connectivity at schools in Pekanbaru municipality. There were 47 out of 51 English Education Students of Universitas Lancang Kuning involved in this research. They filled in 27 items of close-ended questions in the Likert scale. The findings revealed that most schools (83%) had wi-fi devices accessed by practicum teachers for teaching activities. With this device, practice teachers used more diverse applications (Google Classroom, Google Form, and Zoom video conference) more frequently (often), shown in the mean score of 4.0, to convey learning materials and tasks delivery. In schools with unstable internet connectivity, they chose the Whattsapp application to convey learning activities, including the delivery of the tasks. In conclusion, the availability of a wi-fi device with stable internet connectivity supports practice teachers in conducting online teaching activities during the pandemic. They can maximize the use of more diverse applications, namely Google Classroom, Google Form, and Zoom conferenc


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    Due to its convenience, online assessment has become one of the most essential components in English Language Teaching (ELT). Online assessment has been more intensively used in English Language Teaching practices as a companion to conventional assessments. However, the success of online assessment implementation in ELT depends on the teachers’ perspectives and beliefs in online assessment itself. This paper explores the perspectives and beliefs of teachers in Central Java towards online assessment in ELT and the factors underlying their perspectives and beliefs in the effectiveness of online assessment in ELT. This study employed a qualitative research design and collected data through semi structured interviews with twelve elementary school teachers in Central Java, Indonesia. The teachers under this study were those who experienced online classes because of the school lock down during the outbreak of covid 19. The findings indicate that while they have positive perspectives towards the potential benefits of online assessment, they also express concerns on the reliability and validity of online assessment. Teachers under this study highlight the need for training and support in designing and implementing online assessments which allow them to combine online and traditional assessment methods. Teachers mostly believe ELT is best applied through direct communicative interaction. Overall, this study sheds light on the complexities of online assessment in EL