7 research outputs found

    Simplified three player Kuhn poker

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    We study a very small three player poker game (one-third street Kuhn poker), and a simplified version of the game that is interesting because it has three distinct equilibrium solutions. For one-third street Kuhn poker, we are able to find all of the equilibrium solutions analytically. For large enough pot size, PP, there is a degree of freedom in the solution that allows one player to transfer profit between the other two players without changing their own profit. This has potentially interesting consequences in repeated play of the game. We also show that in a simplified version of the game with P>5P>5, there is one equilibrium solution if 5<P<P∗≡(5+73)/25 < P < P^* \equiv (5+\sqrt{73})/2, and three distinct equilibrium solutions if P>P∗P > P^*. This may be the simplest non-trivial multiplayer poker game with more than one distinct equilibrium solution and provides us with a test case for theories of dynamic strategy adjustment over multiple realisations of the game. We then study a third order system of ordinary differential equations that models the dynamics of three players who try to maximise their expectation by continuously varying their betting frequencies. We find that the dynamics of this system are oscillatory, with two distinct types of solution. We then study a difference equation model, based on repeated play of the game, in which each player continually updates their estimates of the other players' betting frequencies. We find that the dynamics are noisy, but basically oscillatory for short enough estimation periods and slow enough frequency adjustments, but that the dynamics can be very different for other parameter values.Comment: 41 pages, 2 Tables, 17 Figure

    Safe Opponent Exploitation For Epsilon Equilibrium Strategies

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    In safe opponent exploitation players hope to exploit their opponents' potentially sub-optimal strategies while guaranteeing at least the value of the game in expectation for themselves. Safe opponent exploitation algorithms have been successfully applied to small instances of two-player zero-sum imperfect information games, where Nash equilibrium strategies are typically known in advance. Current methods available to compute these strategies are however not scalable to desirable large domains of imperfect information such as No-Limit Texas Hold 'em (NLHE) poker, where successful agents rely on game abstractions in order to compute an equilibrium strategy approximation. This paper will extend the concept of safe opponent exploitation by introducing prime-safe opponent exploitation, in which we redefine the value of the game of a player to be the worst-case payoff their strategy could be susceptible to. This allows weaker epsilon equilibrium strategies to benefit from utilising a form of opponent exploitation with our revised value of the game, still allowing for a practical game-theoretical guaranteed lower-bound. We demonstrate the empirical advantages of our generalisation when applied to the main safe opponent exploitation algorithms

    Autonomous Agents Modelling Other Agents: A Comprehensive Survey and Open Problems

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    Much research in artificial intelligence is concerned with the development of autonomous agents that can interact effectively with other agents. An important aspect of such agents is the ability to reason about the behaviours of other agents, by constructing models which make predictions about various properties of interest (such as actions, goals, beliefs) of the modelled agents. A variety of modelling approaches now exist which vary widely in their methodology and underlying assumptions, catering to the needs of the different sub-communities within which they were developed and reflecting the different practical uses for which they are intended. The purpose of the present article is to provide a comprehensive survey of the salient modelling methods which can be found in the literature. The article concludes with a discussion of open problems which may form the basis for fruitful future research.Comment: Final manuscript (46 pages), published in Artificial Intelligence Journal. The arXiv version also contains a table of contents after the abstract, but is otherwise identical to the AIJ version. Keywords: autonomous agents, multiagent systems, modelling other agents, opponent modellin

    Reinforcement Learning from Self-Play in Imperfect-Information Games

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    This thesis investigates artificial agents learning to make strategic decisions in imperfect-information games. In particular, we introduce a novel approach to reinforcement learning from self-play. We introduce Smooth UCT, which combines the game-theoretic notion of fictitious play with Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS). Smooth UCT outperformed a classic MCTS method in several imperfect-information poker games and won three silver medals in the 2014 Annual Computer Poker Competition. We develop Extensive-Form Fictitious Play (XFP) that is entirely implemented in sequential strategies, thus extending this prominent game-theoretic model of learning to sequential games. XFP provides a principled foundation for self-play reinforcement learning in imperfect-information games. We introduce Fictitious Self-Play (FSP), a class of sample-based reinforcement learning algorithms that approximate XFP. We instantiate FSP with neuralnetwork function approximation and deep learning techniques, producing Neural FSP (NFSP). We demonstrate that (approximate) Nash equilibria and their representations (abstractions) can be learned using NFSP end to end, i.e. interfacing with the raw inputs and outputs of the domain. NFSP approached the performance of state-of-the-art, superhuman algorithms in Limit Texas Hold’em - an imperfect-information game at the absolute limit of tractability using massive computational resources. This is the first time that any reinforcement learning algorithm, learning solely from game outcomes without prior domain knowledge, achieved such a feat