145 research outputs found


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    Data dependences in sequential programs limit parallelization because extracted threads cannot run independently. Although thread-level speculation can avoid the need for precise dependence analysis, communication overheads required to synchronize actual dependences counteract the benefits of parallelization. To address these challenges, we propose a lightweight architectural enhancement co-designed with a parallelizing compiler, which together can decouple communication from thread execution. Simulations of these approaches, applied to a processor with 16 Intel Atom-like cores, show an average of 6.85x performance speedup for six SPEC CINT2000 benchmarksThis work was possible thanks to the sponsorship of the Royal Academy of Engineering, EPSRC and the National Science Foundation (award number IIS-0926148).This is the accepted manuscript. The final version is available from IEEE and ACM at http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=2678373.2665705

    The parallel event loop model and runtime: a parallel programming model and runtime system for safe event-based parallel programming

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    Recent trends in programming models for server-side development have shown an increasing popularity of event-based single- threaded programming models based on the combination of dynamic languages such as JavaScript and event-based runtime systems for asynchronous I/O management such as Node.JS. Reasons for the success of such models are the simplicity of the single-threaded event-based programming model as well as the growing popularity of the Cloud as a deployment platform for Web applications. Unfortunately, the popularity of single-threaded models comes at the price of performance and scalability, as single-threaded event-based models present limitations when parallel processing is needed, and traditional approaches to concurrency such as threads and locks don't play well with event-based systems. This dissertation proposes a programming model and a runtime system to overcome such limitations by enabling single-threaded event-based applications with support for speculative parallel execution. The model, called Parallel Event Loop, has the goal of bringing parallel execution to the domain of single-threaded event-based programming without relaxing the main characteristics of the single-threaded model, and therefore providing developers with the impression of a safe, single-threaded, runtime. Rather than supporting only pure single-threaded programming, however, the parallel event loop can also be used to derive safe, high-level, parallel programming models characterized by a strong compatibility with single-threaded runtimes. We describe three distinct implementations of speculative runtimes enabling the parallel execution of event-based applications. The first implementation we describe is a pessimistic runtime system based on locks to implement speculative parallelization. The second and the third implementations are based on two distinct optimistic runtimes using software transactional memory. Each of the implementations supports the parallelization of applications written using an asynchronous single-threaded programming style, and each of them enables applications to benefit from parallel execution

    The parallel event loop model and runtime: a parallel programming model and runtime system for safe event-based parallel programming

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    Recent trends in programming models for server-side development have shown an increasing popularity of event-based single- threaded programming models based on the combination of dynamic languages such as JavaScript and event-based runtime systems for asynchronous I/O management such as Node.JS. Reasons for the success of such models are the simplicity of the single-threaded event-based programming model as well as the growing popularity of the Cloud as a deployment platform for Web applications. Unfortunately, the popularity of single-threaded models comes at the price of performance and scalability, as single-threaded event-based models present limitations when parallel processing is needed, and traditional approaches to concurrency such as threads and locks don't play well with event-based systems. This dissertation proposes a programming model and a runtime system to overcome such limitations by enabling single-threaded event-based applications with support for speculative parallel execution. The model, called Parallel Event Loop, has the goal of bringing parallel execution to the domain of single-threaded event-based programming without relaxing the main characteristics of the single-threaded model, and therefore providing developers with the impression of a safe, single-threaded, runtime. Rather than supporting only pure single-threaded programming, however, the parallel event loop can also be used to derive safe, high-level, parallel programming models characterized by a strong compatibility with single-threaded runtimes. We describe three distinct implementations of speculative runtimes enabling the parallel execution of event-based applications. The first implementation we describe is a pessimistic runtime system based on locks to implement speculative parallelization. The second and the third implementations are based on two distinct optimistic runtimes using software transactional memory. Each of the implementations supports the parallelization of applications written using an asynchronous single-threaded programming style, and each of them enables applications to benefit from parallel execution

    Concurrent data representation synthesis

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    We describe an approach for synthesizing data representations for concurrent programs. Our compiler takes as input a program written using concurrent relations and synthesizes a representation of the relations as sets of cooperating data structures as well as the placement and acquisition of locks to synchronize concurrent access to those data structures. The resulting code is correct by construction: individual relational operations are implemented correctly and the aggregate set of operations is serializable and deadlock free. The relational specification also permits a high-level optimizer to choose the best performing of many possible legal data representations and locking strategies, which we demonstrate with an experiment autotuning a graph benchmark

    Parallel simulation techniques for telecommunication network modelling

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    In this thesis, we consider the application of parallel simulation to the performance modelling of telecommunication networks. A largely automated approach was first explored using a parallelizing compiler to speed up the simulation of simple models of circuit-switched networks. This yielded reasonable results for relatively little effort compared with other approaches. However, more complex simulation models of packet- and cell-based telecommunication networks, requiring the use of discrete event techniques, need an alternative approach. A critical review of parallel discrete event simulation indicated that a distributed model components approach using conservative or optimistic synchronization would be worth exploring. Experiments were therefore conducted using simulation models of queuing networks and Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) networks to explore the potential speed-up possible using this approach. Specifically, it is shown that these techniques can be used successfully to speed-up the execution of useful telecommunication network simulations. A detailed investigation has demonstrated that conservative synchronization performs very well for applications with good look ahead properties and sufficient message traffic density and, given such properties, will significantly outperform optimistic synchronization. Optimistic synchronization, however, gives reasonable speed-up for models with a wider range of such properties and can be optimized for speed-up and memory usage at run time. Thus, it is confirmed as being more generally applicable particularly as model development is somewhat easier than for conservative synchronization. This has to be balanced against the more difficult task of developing and debugging an optimistic synchronization kernel and the application models

    Performance Optimization Strategies for Transactional Memory Applications

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    This thesis presents tools for Transactional Memory (TM) applications that cover multiple TM systems (Software, Hardware, and hybrid TM) and use information of all different layers of the TM software stack. Therefore, this thesis addresses a number of challenges to extract static information, information about the run time behavior, and expert-level knowledge to develop these new methods and strategies for the optimization of TM applications