8 research outputs found

    Vectorizing binary image boundaries with symmetric shape detection, bisection and optimal parameterization

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    Binary image boundary vectorization is the process of converting raster images into vector images represented with a sequence of Bézier curves. Two main factors in reconstructing parametric curves are to approximate the underlying structure of the boundaries as much as possible while using as few curves as possible. Existing methods do not perform well when considering both of these two main factors. In this article, we mimic the process of human vectorizing image boundaries by first segmenting the boundary points into multiple segments with the corner points. For the boundary points in each segment, we adopt the bisection method to find the largest number of points, which a single curve can fit. More curves will be added if the fitting error is larger than a predefined threshold. The process is repeated until all the points in the segment are fitted, thus minimizing the number of Bézier curves. Besides, symmetric image boundaries can be detected and used to further decrease the number of curves required. Our method can also choose the optimal parameterization method case by case to further reduce the fitting error. We make a comparison with both new and classical methods and show that our method outperforms them


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    A method for determining the contours of objects on complexly structured color images based on the ant colony optimization algorithm is proposed. The method for determining the contours of objects of interest in complexly structured color images based on the ant colony optimization algorithm, unlike the known ones, provides for the following. Color channels are highlighted. In each color channel, a brightness channel is allocated. The contours of objects of interest are determined by the method based on the ant colony optimization algorithm. At the end, the transition back to the original color model (the combination of color channels) is carried out. A typical complex structured color image is processed to determine the contours of objects using the ant colony optimization algorithm. The image is presented in the RGB color space. It is established that objects of interest can be determined on the resulting image. At the same time, the presence of a large number of "garbage" objects on the resulting image is noted. This is a disadvantage of the developed method. A visual comparison of the application of the developed method and the known methods for determining the contours of objects is carried out. It is established that the developed method improves the accuracy of determining the contours of objects. Errors of the first and second kind are chosen as quantitative indicators of the accuracy of determining the contours of objects in a typical complex structured color image. Errors of the first and second kind are determined by the criterion of maximum likelihood, which follows from the generalized criterion of minimum average risk. The errors of the first and second kind are estimated when determining the contours of objects in a typical complex structured color image using known methods and the developed method. The well-known methods are the Canny, k-means (k=2), k-means (k=3), Random forest methods. It is established that when using the developed method based on the ant colony optimization algorithm, the errors in determining the contours of objects are reduced on average by 5–13 %


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    A method for determining the contours of objects on complexly structured color images based on the ant colony optimization algorithm is proposed. The method for determining the contours of objects of interest in complexly structured color images based on the ant colony optimization algorithm, unlike the known ones, provides for the following. Color channels are highlighted. In each color channel, a brightness channel is allocated. The contours of objects of interest are determined by the method based on the ant colony optimization algorithm. At the end, the transition back to the original color model (the combination of color channels) is carried out.A typical complex structured color image is processed to determine the contours of objects using the ant colony optimization algorithm. The image is presented in the RGB color space. It is established that objects of interest can be determined on the resulting image. At the same time, the presence of a large number of "garbage" objects on the resulting image is noted. This is a disadvantage of the developed method.A visual comparison of the application of the developed method and the known methods for determining the contours of objects is carried out. It is established that the developed method improves the accuracy of determining the contours of objects. Errors of the first and second kind are chosen as quantitative indicators of the accuracy of determining the contours of objects in a typical complex structured color image. Errors of the first and second kind are determined by the criterion of maximum likelihood, which follows from the generalized criterion of minimum average risk. The errors of the first and second kind are estimated when determining the contours of objects in a typical complex structured color image using known methods and the developed method. The well-known methods are the Canny, k-means (k=2), k-means (k=3), Random forest methods. It is established that when using the developed method based on the ant colony optimization algorithm, the errors in determining the contours of objects are reduced on average by 5–13 %

    Adaptive image vectorisation and brushing using mesh colours

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    We propose the use of curved triangles and mesh colours as a vector primitive for image vectorisation. We show that our representation has clear benefits for rendering performance, texture detail, as well as further editing of the resulting vector images. The proposed method focuses on efficiency, but it still leads to results that compare favourably with those from previous work. We show results over a variety of input images ranging from photos, drawings, paintings, all the way to designs and cartoons. We implemented several editing workflows facilitated by our representation: interactive user-guided vectorisation, and novel raster-style feature-aware brushing capabilities

    Effective Clipart Image Vectorization through Direct Optimization of Bezigons

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