241 research outputs found

    Sub-10nm Transistors for Low Power Computing: Tunnel FETs and Negative Capacitance FETs

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    One of the major roadblocks in the continued scaling of standard CMOS technology is its alarmingly high leakage power consumption. Although circuit and system level methods can be employed to reduce power, the fundamental limit in the overall energy efficiency of a system is still rooted in the MOSFET operating principle: an injection of thermally distributed carriers, which does not allow subthreshold swing (SS) lower than 60mV/dec at room temperature. Recently, a new class of steep-slope devices like Tunnel FETs (TFETs) and Negative-Capacitance FETs (NCFETs) have garnered intense interest due to their ability to surpass the 60mV/dec limit on SS at room temperature. The focus of this research is on the simulation and design of TFETs and NCFETs for ultra-low power logic and memory applications. Using full band quantum mechanical model within the Non-Equilibrium Greens Function (NEGF) formalism, source-underlapping has been proposed as an effective technique to lower the SS in GaSb-InAs TFETs. Band-tail states, associated with heavy source doping, are shown to significantly degrade the SS in TFETs from their ideal value. To solve this problem, undoped source GaSb-InAs TFET in an i-i-n configuration is proposed. A detailed circuit-to-system level evaluation is performed to investigate the circuit level metrics of the proposed devices. To demonstrate their potential in a memory application, a 4T gain cell (GC) is proposed, which utilizes the low-leakage and enhanced drain capacitance of TFETs to realize a robust and long retention time GC embedded-DRAMs. The device/circuit/system level evaluation of proposed TFETs demonstrates their potential for low power digital applications. The second part of the thesis focuses on the design space exploration of hysteresis-free Negative Capacitance FETs (NCFETs). A cross-architecture analysis using HfZrOx ferroelectric (FE-HZO) integrated on bulk MOSFET, fully-depleted SOI-FETs, and sub-10nm FinFETs shows that FDSOI and FinFET configurations greatly benefit the NCFET performance due to their undoped body and improved gate-control which enables better capacitance matching with the ferroelectric. A low voltage NC-FinFET operating down to 0.25V is predicted using ultra-thin 3nm FE-HZO. Next, we propose one-transistor ferroelectric NOR type (Fe-NOR) non-volatile memory based on HfZrOx ferroelectric FETs (FeFETs). The enhanced drain-channel coupling in ultrashort channel FeFETs is utilized to dynamically modulate memory window of storage cells thereby resulting in simple erase-, program-and read-operations. The simulation analysis predicts sub-1V program/erase voltages in the proposed Fe-NOR memory array and therefore presents a significantly lower power alternative to conventional FeRAM and NOR flash memories

    On the Critical Role of Ferroelectric Thickness for Negative Capacitance Device-Circuit Interaction

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    This paper demonstrates the critical role that Ferroelectric (FE) layer thickness (tFE) plays in Negative Capacitance (NC) transistors connecting device and circuit levels together. The study is done through fully-calibrated TCAD simulations for a 14nm FDSOI technology node, exploring the impact of tFE on the figures of merit of n-type and p-type devices, voltage transfer characteristic (VTC) and noise margin of inverter as well as the speed of buffer circuits. First, we analyze the device electrical parameters (e.g., ION, SS, ION/IOFF and Cgg) by varying tFE up to the maximum level at which hysteresis in the I-V characteristic starts. Then, we analyze the deleterious impact of Negative Differential Resistance (NDR), due to the drain to gate coupling, demonstrating how it imposes an additional constraint limiting the maximum tFE. We show the consequences of NDR effects on the VTC and noise margin of inverter, which are essential components for constructing robust clock trees in any chip. We demonstrate how the considerable increase in the gate’s capacitance due to FE seriously degrades the circuit’s performance imposing further constraints limiting the maximum tFE. Further, we analyze the impact of tFE on the SRAM cell static performance metrics such hold noise margin (HNM), read noise margin (RNM) and write noise margin (WNM) at supply voltages of 0.7V and 0.4V. We demonstrate that the HNM and RNM in a NC-FDSOI FET based SRAM cell are higher then those of the baseline FDSOI FET based SRAM cell noise margin and further increase with tFE. However, the WNM in general follows a non monotonic trend w.r.t tFE, and the trend also depends on the supply voltage. Finally, we optimize the design of the SRAM cell considering overall performance metrics. All in all, our analysis provides guidance for device and circuit designers to select the optimal FE thickness for NCFETs in which hysteresis-free operations, reliability, and performance are optimized

    Voltage controlled oscillator for mm-wave radio systems

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    Abstract. The advancement in silicon technology has accelerated the development of integrated millimeter-wave transceiver systems operating up to 100 GHz with sophisticated functionality at a reduced consumer cost. Due to the progress in the field of signal processing, frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar has become common in recent years. A high-performance local oscillator (LO) is required to generate reference signals utilized in these millimeter-wave radar transceivers. To accomplish this, novel design techniques in fundamental voltage controlled oscillators (VCO) are necessary to achieve low phase noise, wide frequency tuning range, and good power efficiency. Although integrated VCOs have been studied for decades, as we move higher in the radio frequency spectrum, there are new trade-offs in the performance parameters that require further characterization. The work described in this thesis aims to design a fully integrated fundamental VCO targeting to 150 GHz, i.e., D-Band. The purpose is to observe and analyze the design limitations at these high frequencies and their corresponding trade-offs during the design procedure. The topology selected for this study is the cross-coupled LC tank VCO. For the study, two design topologies were considered: a conventional cross-coupled LC tank VCO and an inductive divider cross-coupled LC tank VCO. The conventional LC tank VCO yields better performance in terms of phase noise and tuning range. It is observed that the VCO is highly sensitive to parasitic contributions by the transistors, and the layout interconnects, thus limiting the targeted frequency range. The dimensions of the LC tank and the transistors are selected carefully. Moreover, the VCO performance is limited by the low Q factor of the LC tank governed by the varactor that is degrading the phase noise performance and the tuning range, respectively. The output buffer loaded capacitance and the core power consumption of the VCO are optimized. The layout is drawn carefully with strategies to minimize the parasitic effects. Considering all the design challenges, a 126 GHz VCO with a tuning range of 3.9% is designed. It achieves FOMT (Figure-of-merit) of -172 dBc/Hz, and phase noise of -99.14 dBc/Hz at 10 MHz offset, Core power consumption is 8.9 mW from a 1.2 V supply. Just falling short of the targeted frequency, the design is suitable for FMCW radar applications for future technologies. The design was done using Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) CMOS technology

    Developing ultrasensitive and CMOS compatible ISFETs in the BEOL of industrial UTBB FDSOI transistors

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    Le marché des capteurs a récemment connu une croissance spectaculaire alimentée par l'application remarquable de capteurs dans l'électronique de consommation, l'industrie de l'automatisation, les appareils portables, le secteur automobile et l'internet des objets de plus en plus adopté. La technologie avancée des complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS), les technologies de nano et de micro-fabrication et les plateformes de synthèse de matériaux innovantes sont également des moteurs du développement incroyable de l'industrie des capteurs. Ces progrès ont permis la réalisation de capteurs dotés de nombreuses caractéristiques telles que la précision accrue, les dimensions miniaturisées, l’intégrabilité, la production de masse, le coût très réduit et le temps de réponse rapide. Les ion-sensitive field-effect transistors (ISFETs) sont des capteurs à l'état solide (bio) chimiques, destinés à la détection des ions H+ (pH), Na+ et K+. Malgré cela, la commercialisation des ISFETs est encore à ses balbutiements, après près de cinq décennies de recherche et développement. Cela est dû principalement à la sensibilité limitée, à la controverse sur l'utilisation de l'électrode de référence pour le fonctionnement des ISFETs et à des problèmes de stabilité. Dans cette thèse, les ISFETs ultrasensibles et compatibles CMOS sont intégrés dans le BEOL des transistors UTBB FDSOI standard. Un circuit diviseur capacitif est utilisé pour polariser la grille d’avant afin d'assurer des performances stables du capteur. En exploitant la fonction d’amplification intrinsèque fournie par les transistors UTBB FDSOI, nous avons présenté des ISFET ultra sensibles. L'amplification découle du fort couplage électrostatique entre la grille avant et la grille arrière du FDSOI et des capacités asymétriques des deux grilles. Un changement de tension au niveau de la grille avant apparaît sur la grille arrière sous la forme d'un décalage amplifié de la tension. L'amplification, représentée par le facteur de couplage (γ), est égale au rapport de la capacité de l'oxyde de grille et de la capacité de le buried oxide (BOX). Par conséquent, en fonctionnalisant la détection du pH sur la grille avant pour les dispositifs FDSOI, la modification du potentiel de surface sur la grille avant est détectée par la grille arrière et amplifiée du facteur de couplage (γ), donnant lieu à un capteur chimique à l'état solide à sensibilité ultra-élevée. L'intégration de la fonctionnalité de détection a été réalisée en back end of line (BEOL), ce qui offre les avantages d'une fiabilité et d'une durée de vie accrues du capteur, d'une compatibilité avec le processus CMOS standard et d'une possibilité d'intégration d'un circuit diviseur capacitif. Le fonctionnement des MOSFETs, sans une polarisation appropriée de la grille avant, les rend vulnérables aux effets de grilles flottantes indésirables. Le circuit diviseur capacitif résout ce problème en polarisant la grille avant tout enmaintenant la fonctionnalité de détection sur la même grille par un couplage capacitif au métal commun du BEOL. Par conséquent, le potentiel au niveau du métal BEOL est une somme pondérée du potentiel de surface au niveau de la grille de détection et de la polarisation appliquée au niveau de la grille de contrôle. Le capteur proposé est modélisé et simulé à l'aide de TCAD-Sentaurus. Un modèle mathématique complet a été développé. Il fournit la réponse du capteur en fonction du pH de la solution (entrée du capteur) et des paramètres de conception du circuit diviseur capacitif et du transistor UTBB FDSOI. Dans ce cas, des résultats cohérents ont été obtenus des travaux de modélisation et de simulation, avec une sensibilité attendue de 780 mV / pH correspondant à un film de détection ayant une réponse de Nernst. La modélisation et la simulation du capteur proposé ont également été validées par une fabrication et une caractérisation du capteur de pH à grille étendue avec validation de son concept. Ces capteurs ont été développés par un traitement séparé du composant de détection de pH, qui est connecté électriquement au transistor uniquement lors de la caractérisation du capteur. Ceci permet une réalisation plus rapide et plus simple du capteur sans avoir besoin de masques et de motifs par lithographie. Les capteurs à grille étendue ont présenté une sensibilité de 475 mV/pH, ce qui est supérieur aux ISFET de faible puissance de l'état de l’art. Enfin, l’intégration de la fonctionnalité de détection directement dans le BEOL des dispositifs FDSOI UTBB a été poursuivie. Une sensibilité expérimentale de 730 mV/pH a été obtenue, ce qui confirme le modèle mathématique et la réponse simulée. Cette valeur est 12 fois supérieure à la limite de Nernst et supérieure aux capteurs de l'état de l’art. Les capteurs sont également évalués pour la stabilité, la résolution, l'hystérésis et la dérive dans lesquels d'excellentes performances sont démontrées. Une nouvelle architecture de détection du pH est également démontrée avec succès, dans laquelle la détection est fonctionnalisée au niveau de la diode de protection de la grille plutôt que de la grille avant des dispositifs UTBB FDSOI. La commutation de courant abrupte, aussi basse que 9 mV/decade, pourrait potentiellement augmenter la sensibilité de polarisation fixée à 6,6 decade/pH. Nous avons démontré expérimentalement une sensibilité de 1,25 decade/pH supérieure à la sensibilité reportée à l’état de l’art.Abstract: The sensor market has recently seen a dramatic growth fueled by the remarkable application of sensors in the consumer electronics, automation industry, wearable devices, the automotive sector, and in the increasingly adopted internet of things (IoT). The advanced complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology, the nano and micro fabrication technologies, and the innovative material synthesis platforms are also driving forces for the incredible development of the sensor industry. These technological advancements have enabled realization of sensors with characteristic features of increased accuracy, miniaturized dimension, integrability, volume production, highly reduced cost, and fast response time. Ion-sensitive field-effect transistors (ISFETs) are solid state (bio)chemical sensors, for pH (H+), Na+, K+ ion detection, that are equipped with the promise of the highly aspired features of CMOS devices. Despite this, the commercialization of ISFETs is still at the stage of infancy after nearly five decades of research and development. This is due mainly to the limited sensitivity, the controversy over the use of the reference electrode for ISFET operation, and because of stability issues. In this thesis, ultrasensitive and CMOS compatible ISFETs are integrated in the back end of line (BEOL) of standard UTBB FDSOI transistors. A capacitive divider circuit is employed for biasing the front gate for stable performance of the sensor. Exploiting the intrinsic amplification feature provided by UTBB FDSOI transistors, we demonstrated ultrahigh sensitive ISFETs. The amplification arises from the strong electrostatic coupling between the front gate and the back gate of the FDSOI, and the asymmetric capacitances of the two gates. A change in voltage at the front gate appears at the back gate as an amplified shift in voltage. The amplification, referred to as the coupling factor (γ), is equal to the ratio of the gate oxide capacitance and the buried oxide (BOX) capacitance. Therefore, functionalizing the pH sensing at the front gate of FDSOI devices, the change in surface potential at the front gate is detected at the back gate amplified by the coupling factor (γ), giving rise to an ultrahigh-sensitive solid state chemical sensor. Integration of the sensing functionality was made in the BEOL which gives the benefits of increased reliability and life time of the sensor, compatibility with the standard CMOS process, and possibility for embedding a capacitive divider circuit. Operation of the MOSFETs without a proper front gate bias makes them vulnerable for undesired floating body effects. The capacitive divider circuit addresses these issues by biasing the front gate simultaneously with the sensing functionality at the same gate through capacitive coupling to a common BEOL metal. Therefore, the potential at the BEOL metal would be a weighted sum of the surface potential at the sensing gate and the applied bias at the control gate. The proposed sensor is modeled and simulated using TCAD-Sentaurus. A complete mathematical model is developed which provides the output of the sensor as a function of the solution pH (input to the sensor), and the design parameters of the capacitive divider circuit and the UTBB FDSOI transistor. In that case, consistent results have been obtained from the modeling and simulation works, with an expected sensitivity of 780 mV/pH corresponding to a sensing film having Nernst response. The modeling and simulation of the proposed sensor was further validated by a proof of concept extended gate pH sensor fabrication and characterization. These sensors were developed by a separated processing of just the pH sensing component, which is electrically connected to the transistor only during characterization of the sensor. This provides faster and simpler realization of the sensor without the need for masks and patterning by lithography. The extended gate sensors showed 475 mV/pH sensitivity which is superior to state of the art low power ISFETs. Finally, integration of the sensing functionality directly in the BEOL of the UTBB FDSOI devices was pursued. An experimental sensitivity of 730 mV/pH is obtained which is consistent with the mathematical model and the simulated response. This is more than 12-times higher than the Nernst limit, and superior to state of the art sensors. Sensors are also evaluated for stability, resolution, hysteresis, and drift in which excellent performances are demonstrated. A novel pH sensing architecture is also successfully demonstrated in which the detection is functionalized at the gate protection diode rather than the front gate of UTBB FDSOI devices. The abrupt current switching, as low as 9 mV/decade, has the potential to increase the fixed bias sensitivity to 6.6 decade/pH. We experimentally demonstrated a sensitivity of 1.25 decade/pH which is superior to the state of the art sensitivity

    Design of Integrated Mixer for 5G Radio Transceiver

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    The increased demand of high data rate, low latency and wider bandwidth is pushing the wireless communication towards higher frequencies. 3GPP (third generation partnership project) allocated NR (new radio) FR2 (frequency range 2) n257 (26.5 - 29.5 GHz) and n258 (24.25 - 27.5 GHz) bands for high-speed communication. It is challenging to achieve high linearity at higher frequencies with low supply voltage and smaller size devices. This thesis presents design, implementation and simulation results of integrated downconversion mixer for modular 5G radio transceiver. The first stage downconversion mixer, implemented in GF FDSOI 22 nm process will be used in super-heterodyne double downconversion transceiver, operates at 28 GHz input frequency and provides 6-7 GHz intermediate frequency (IF). The pre-layout and post-layout simulation results of double-balanced mixer topologies optimized for high linearity are compared in terms of conversion gain (CG), input third-order intercept point (IIP3), double sideband (DSB) noise figure (NF), LO-to-IF leakage,and dc power consumption. The mixer topologies, including Gilbert cell and variants of Gilbert cell with resistive and inductive degeneration, and mixer with transformer input, show trade-off between conversion gain, linearity, dc power consumption, and area. Under 0.8-V supply voltage, the transformer input mixer achieves highest IIP3 of +16.34 dBm while dc power consumption including LO buffer is 5.7 mW and NFdsb is 13.7 dB

    Reliability Investigations of MOSFETs using RF Small Signal Characterization

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    Modern technology needs and advancements have introduced various new concepts such as Internet-of-Things, electric automotive, and Artificial intelligence. This implies an increased activity in the electronics domain of analog and high frequency. Silicon devices have emerged as a cost-effective solution for such diverse applications. As these silicon devices are pushed towards higher performance, there is a continuous need to improve fabrication, power efficiency, variability, and reliability. Often, a direct trade-off of higher performance is observed in the reliability of semiconductor devices. The acceleration-based methodologies used for reliability assessment are the adequate time-saving solution for the lifetime's extrapolation but come with uncertainty in accuracy. Thus, the efforts to improve the accuracy of reliability characterization methodologies run in parallel. This study highlights two goals that can be achieved by incorporating high-frequency characterization into the reliability characteristics. The first one is assessing high-frequency performance throughout the device's lifetime to facilitate an accurate description of device/circuit functionality for high-frequency applications. Secondly, to explore the potential of high-frequency characterization as the means of scanning reliability effects within devices. S-parameters served as the high-frequency device's response and mapped onto a small-signal model to analyze different components of a fully depleted silicon-on-insulator MOSFET. The studied devices are subjected to two important DC stress patterns, i.e., Bias temperature instability stress and hot carrier stress. The hot carrier stress, which inherently suffers from the self-heating effect, resulted in the transistor's geometry-dependent magnitudes of hot carrier degradation. It is shown that the incorporation of the thermal resistance model is mandatory for the investigation of hot carrier degradation. The property of direct translation of small-signal parameter degradation to DC parameter degradation is used to develop a new S-parameter based bias temperature instability characterization methodology. The changes in gate-related small-signal capacitances after hot carrier stress reveals a distinct signature due to local change of flat-band voltage. The measured effects of gate-related small-signal capacitances post-stress are validated through transient physics-based simulations in Sentaurus TCAD.:Abstract Symbols Acronyms 1 Introduction 2 Fundamentals 2.1 MOSFETs Scaling Trends and Challenges 2.1.1 Silicon on Insulator Technology 2.1.2 FDSOI Technology 2.2 Reliability of Semiconductor Devices 2.3 RF Reliability 2.4 MOSFET Degradation Mechanisms 2.4.1 Hot Carrier Degradation 2.4.2 Bias Temperature Instability 2.5 Self-heating 3 RF Characterization of fully-depleted Silicon on Insulator devices 3.1 Scattering Parameters 3.2 S-parameters Measurement Flow 3.2.1 Calibration 3.2.2 De-embedding 3.3 Small-Signal Model 3.3.1 Model Parameters Extraction 3.3.2 Transistor Figures of Merit 3.4 Characterization Results 4 Self-heating assessment in Multi-finger Devices 4.1 Self-heating Characterization Methodology 4.1.1 Output Conductance Frequency dependence 4.1.2 Temperature dependence of Drain Current 4.2 Thermal Resistance Behavior 4.2.1 Thermal Resistance Scaling with number of fingers 4.2.2 Thermal Resistance Scaling with finger spacing 4.2.3 Thermal Resistance Scaling with GateWidth 4.2.4 Thermal Resistance Scaling with Gate length 4.3 Thermal Resistance Model 4.4 Design for Thermal Resistance Optimization 5 Bias Temperature Instability Investigation 5.1 Impact of Bias Temperature Instability stress on Device Metrics 5.1.1 Experimental Details 5.1.2 DC Parameters Drift 5.1.3 RF Small-Signal Parameters Drift 5.2 S-parameter based on-the-fly Bias Temperature Instability Characterization Method 5.2.1 Measurement Methodology 5.2.2 Results and Discussion 6 Investigation of Hot-carrier Degradation 6.1 Impact of Hot-carrier stress on Device performance 6.1.1 DC Metrics Degradation 6.1.2 Impact on small-signal Parameters 6.2 Implications of Self-heating on Hot-carrier Degradation in n-MOSFETs 6.2.1 Inclusion of Thermal resistance in Hot-carrier Degradation modeling 6.2.2 Convolution of Bias Temperature Instability component in Hot-carrier Degradation 6.2.3 Effect of Source and Drain Placement in Multi-finger Layout 6.3 Vth turn-around effect in p-MOSFET 7 Deconvolution of Hot-carrier Degradation and Bias Temperature Instability using Scattering parameters 7.1 Small-Signal Parameter Signatures for Hot-carrier Degradation and Bias Temperature Instability 7.2 TCAD Dynamic Simulation of Defects 7.2.1 Fixed Charges 7.2.2 Interface Traps near Gate 7.2.3 Interface Traps near Spacer Region 7.2.4 Combination of Traps 7.2.5 Drain Series Resistance effect 7.2.6 DVth Correction 7.3 Empirical Modeling based deconvolution of Hot-carrier Degradation 8 Conclusion and Recommendations 8.1 General Conclusions 8.2 Recommendations for Future Work A Directly measured S-parameters and extracted Y-parameters B Device Dimensions for Thermal Resistance Modeling C Frequency response of hot-carrier degradation (HCD) D Localization Effect of Interface Traps Bibliograph

    An interleaved full nyquist high-speed DAC technique

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    A 9 bit 11 GS/s DAC is presented that achieves an SFDR of more than 50 dB across Nyquist and IM3 below 50 dBc across Nyquist. The DAC uses a two-times interleaved architecture to suppress spurs that typically limit DAC performance. Despite requiring two current-steering DACs for the interleaved architecture, the relative low demands on performance of these sub-DACs imply that they can be implemented in an area and power efficient way. Together with a quad-switching architecture to decrease demands on the power supply and bias generation and employing the multiplexer switches in triode, the total core area is only 0.04 mm2 while consuming 110 mW from a single 1.0 V supply

    Operational Amplifier Characteristics in the Extreme Sub-Micron Process

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    Newer CMOS technologies allow for circuits to poses higher frequency performance, lower power consumption, reduced cost per transistor, and smaller layout area. Digital circuits greatly benefit from the use of newer CMOS technologies, but analogue circuits do not. In more modern CMOS technologies, the transconductance and output resistance of a transistor decrease, to which these two parameters serve as the foundation for developing high-performance analogue circuitry. The manufacturing process defines the transconductance of a transistor, but circuit techniques can make a transistor to seem like it has higher output resistance. The development and verification of a 22nm FDSOI CMOS op-amp and it’s supporting characterising circuit (the OPCC) are the two goals of this thesis. The process involves an investigation into various output resistance improve circuit techniques and finding methods to scale the circuit into a 22nm FDSOI CMOS process. A single-stage and a two-stage high-gain op-amp developed in a 22nm FDSOI CMOS process is presented. Two hundred runs of Monte Carlo simulations, which include transistor mismatch and process variation, validates the operation of the two op-amps. The integration of a modified high output resistance current mirror allows the op-amp to achieve high DC gains. The two-stage op-amp can perform rail-to-rail operations with a 800mV power supply voltage while driving a 1 pF capacitive load. The single-stage op-amp is simulated to have a 69 dB minimum DC gain, 29MHz UGB, with a PM of 86°. The two-stage op-amp is simulated to have a 103 dB minimum DC gain, 50MHz UGB, and a PM of 50°. Sequentially, a 22nm CMOS on-chip digitally controlled op-amp characterisation circuit is presented. The conversion of old on-chip and breadboard- based op-amp characterisation methods are scaled to the 22nm FDSOI CMOS process to enable the measurement of op-amps that are designed for on-chip use. Advancements in CMOS manufacturing process reduce the performance of transmission gates, to which, methods to mitigate the reduction in performance are elaborated. The OPCC enables the measurement of offset voltage with max SD of 0.1mV, input bias currents with max SD of 15.7pA, bandwidth with max SD of 1.73MHz, open-loop gain with max SD of 0.4 dB, CMRR with max SD of 8.774 dB, and PSRR with max SD of 1.1dB. Four hundred runs of Monte Carlo simulations validate the operations of the OPCC, which also indicates its potential implementation in older CMOS technologies

    Low-Temperature Technologies and Applications

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    This book on low-temperature technology is a notable collection of different aspects of the technology and its application in varieties of research and practical engineering fields. It contains, sterilization and preservation techniques and their engineering and scientific characteristics. Ultra-low temperature refrigeration, the refrigerants, applications, and economic aspects are highlighted in this issue. The readers will find the low temperature, and vacuum systems for industrial applications. This book has given attention to global energy resources, conservation of energy, and alternative sources of energy for the application of low-temperature technologies

    Design of analog predistorter

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    Abstract. In this thesis, two analog predistorter circuits are designed for linearizing the CMOS power amplifier in MIMO transceivers. The first circuit uses two parallel transistors as conventional derivative superposition, where derivatives of the transistor drain currents are biased to have opposite phases for 3rd-order distortion components. This results in the cancellation and thus providing a very linear 3rd-order response. The other design, using complementary derivative superposition topology, has p- and n-type transistors with a common drain self-biasing to achieve expansive power gain. This is used to improve the 1-dB compression point of the CMOS power amplifier. Simulation results of conventional derivative superposition circuit show over 25 dB improvement in distortion level, while still providing a fair amount of power gain. Implementation with a CMOS power amplifier shows a 2.6 dB improvement in 1 dB compression point. With the circuit having expansive characteristics, adjustable gain-expansion behaviour is achieved. With the implemented digital bias control, expansion between 2.5 dB and 4 dB is achieved, with gain variation between -2.4 dB and 1 dB. With a CMOS power amplifier, 3.5 dB improvement in 1 dB compression point is achieved, allowing the power amplifier to be used with greater efficiency. Both circuits are implemented using 22nm CMOS SOI technology and submitted to fabrication
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