11 research outputs found

    Characterizing Navigational Tools in a Virtual Search Task

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    The goal of this thesis is to characterize and empirically compare navigational tools in the context of a virtual inspection task. The framework considers both directional-cue navigational tools (e.g., GPS navigation arrows) and trail navigational tools (e.g.,footprints) in comparison to a control condition. Characterizing the tools allows for documented relationships between specific navigational tool-performance combinations. It is intended that by characterizing and comparing the tools a more advantageous use of navigational tools will emerge to increase the benefit provided to both the users and implementers of virtual environments. The focus of the metrics in the paper were distance traveled, speed of travel, and average target acquisition time (via SATO analysis) due to their presence in the literature. Targeted recommendations can be made based on the level of participant\u27s experience with virtual environments, or a general recommendation can be made based upon desired performance metric

    Virtual reality exposure-based therapy for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder: a review of its efficacy, the adequacy of the treatment protocol, and its acceptability

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    Introduction The essential feature of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is the development of characteristic symptoms following exposure to one or more traumatic events. According to evidence-based intervention guidelines and empirical evidence, one of the most extensively researched and validated treatments for PTSD is prolonged exposure to traumatic events; however, exposure therapy can present some limitations. Virtual reality (VR) can help to improve prolonged exposure because it creates fictitious, safe, and controllable situations that can enhance emotional engagement and acceptance. Objective In addition to carrying out a review to evaluate the efficacy of VR exposure-based therapy (VR-EBT) for the treatment of PTSD, the aim of this study was to contribute to analyzing the use of VR-EBT by: first, evaluating the adequacy of psychological treatment protocols that use VR-EBT to treat PTSD; and second, analyzing the acceptability of VR-EBT. Method We performed a replica search with descriptors and databases used in two previous reviews and updated to April 2015. Next, we carried out an evaluation of the efficacy, adequacy, and acceptability of VR-EBT protocols. Results Results showed that VR-EBT was effective in the treatment of PTSD. The findings related to adequacy showed that not all studies using VR-EBT reported having followed the clinical guidelines for evidence-based interventions in the treatment of PTSD. Regarding acceptability, few studies evaluated this subject. However, the findings are very promising, and patients reported high acceptability and satisfaction with the inclusion of VR in the treatment of PTSD. Conclusion The main weaknesses identified in this review focus on the need for more controlled studies, the need to standardize treatment protocols using VR-EBT, and the need to include assessments of acceptability and related variables. Finally, this paper highlights some directions and future perspectives for using VR-EBT in PTSD treatmen

    The Impact of Virtual Reality Nature Environments on Calmness, Arousal and Energy: a Multi-Method Study

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    Virtual Reality is the current media's epitome of Immersiveness, Presence and Suspension of Disbelief. Both research and gaming industry communities have been building on this in order to exhaustively research and explore feelings of high-adrenaline, scariness, panic and other visceral and instinctive feelings. We take the opposite approach and try to prove that Virtual Reality can also be used to induce feelings of relaxation and soothingness effectively and strongly. Therefore, it could be used to improve the mental health of people who cannot be exposed to situations that induce said feelings. In our experiments, we found that Virtual Reality can be used to induce a strong sense of Calmness and to reduce the sense of Arousal and Energy, with a high degree of significance, having an effect with short-duration exposures. We also found hints that Virtual Reality may have an effect in the circadian cycle's regulation by exposing the subjects to a virtual sunset.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Terapia con realidad virtual para

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    How to Regulate Anger? Using Expression, Problem Solving, and Distraction Strategies

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    The main purpose of this study was to examine the effects of anger regulation on emotion regulation strategies applied through writing tasks. In this respect, a scenario that would trigger the anger was created. Levels of anger regulation were then evaluated by examining the effects of expression, problem-solving, and distraction strategies applied through writing tasks. The change in anger regulation was evaluated in terms of positive affect, negative affect, valence, and arousal values of emotion. In addition, the levels of effectiveness of these emotion regulation strategies were compared with each other. The sample of the study consisted of 152 female university students (for age; M =19.71, SD = 1.38). The Positive and Negative Affect Scale, Emotion and Arousal Assessment, and Emotional Valence Assessment Form were used as data collection tools. It was found that all three emotion regulation strategies had significant effects on negative affect and arousal. The most effective strategy for negative affect was distraction (M =14.44, SD = 4.83), while the least effective was expression (M =27.38, SD = 8.01). Finally, the most effective strategies for arousal were distraction and expression with problem-solving, and there was no significant difference between the effectiveness of these two strategies (M =3.40, SD = 0.80; M =3.54, SD = 1.09, respectively), while the least effective strategy was expression (M =4.11, SD = 1.07)

    Virtualna realnost u psihoterapiji anksioznih poremećaja

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    U posljednja je dva desetljeća, paralelno s napretkom računalne tehnologije, rastao interes za njezinu primjenu u kliničkoj psihologiji. Razvijeni su brojni sustavi primjene virtualne realnosti u kliničkim istraživanjima i psihoterapijskoj praksi. Tehnologija virtualne realnosti dobro se uklapa u model kognitivno-bihevioralne psihoterapije, s naglaskom na postupak izlaganja kao ključni element tretmana. U terapiji izlaganjem u virtualnoj realnosti kreiraju se virtualne okoline koje su uranjajuće i izazivaju anksioznost. Te virtualne situacije su zatim 'posjećivane' kroz određeni period vremena kako bi se omogućilo korektivno učenje. Većina istraživanja fokusirala se na anksiozne poremećaje, no također su istraživana i druga područja primjene u terapiji različitih patoloških stanja: poremećaji hranjenja, ovisnosti (koristi se izlaganje virtualnim 'okidačima'), psihološka procjena, kontrola bola, palijativna skrb, rehabilitacija i drugo. Virtualna realnost pokazala se korisnom i na području kliničke procjene, u razumijevanju mehanizama psiholoških poremećaja i intervenciji, te na području rehabilitacije. Virtualna realnost omogućava viši stupanj kontrole i prikladno oblikovanje terapeutskog procesa u odnosu na individualne potrebe klijenta, čineći vrijedan doprinos svim komponentama terapijskog procesa. Prisutnost, u okviru razine povezanosti koju subjekt osjeća s virtualnom okolinom, razmatra se kao ključni konstrukt za doživljavanje anksioznosti, ali i za uspješan odgovor na izlaganje u virtualnoj realnosti. Prisutnost je pri tome konceptualizirana kao multidimenzionalna, s tri primarna faktora: uključenost, realnost i prostorna prisutnost. Klinička istraživanja i provedene meta-analize zaključile su kako primjena virtualne realnosti u tretmanu anksioznih poremećaja vodi do značajnog smanjenja simptoma anksioznosti, te kako nema značajne razlike između izlaganja u realnim životnim uvjetima i izlaganja u virtualnoj realnosti. Kritika studija o korištenju virtualne realnosti u tretmanu anksioznih poremećaja odnosi se na korištenje malih uzoraka ispitanika, nedostatak adekvatne kontrolne skupine te izostanak upotrebe po slučaju kontroliranog dizajna istraživanja. Opravdanost tih prigovora različita je ovisno o vrsti poremećaja, te je potreban diferencijalni pogled na istraživačku literaturu.In the last two decades, in parallel with the advancement of computer technology, the interest in its use in clinical psychology has increased. Numerous systems of application of virtual reality have been developed in clinical research and psychotherapeutic practice. Virtual reality technology fits well with the cognitivebehavioral psychotherapy model, with emphasis on exposure as a key element of treatment. In exposure therapy in virtual reality, virtual environments are created that are immersive and cause anxiety. These virtual situations are then 'visited' for a certain period of time to enable corrective learning. Most studies focused on anxiety disorders, but other areas of application in the therapy of various pathological conditions were also investigated: feeding disorders, addiction (exposure to virtual triggers), psychological evaluation, pain control, palliative care, rehabilitation and the like. Virtual reality has proven to be useful also in the area of clinical evaluation, understanding of mechanisms of psychological disorders and intervention, and in the field of rehabilitation. Virtual reality enables a higher level of control and a suitable shaping of the therapeutic process in relation to individual client needs, making a valuable contribution to all components of the therapeutic process. Presence, within the level of connectivity the subject feels with the virtual environment, is considered as a key construct for experiencing anxiety, but also for a successful response to exposure in virtual reality. The presence is conceptualized as multidimensional, with three primary factors: inclusion, reality and spatial presence. Clinical research and meta-analysis concluded that the application of virtual reality in the treatment of anxiety disorders leads to a significant reduction of symptoms of anxiety, and there is no significant difference between exposure to real life conditions and exposure to virtual reality. Criticism of the study on the use of virtual reality in the treatment of anxiety disorders is related to the use of small samples, lack of adequate control group and lack of use of randomized controlled design research. The justification for these objections is different depending on the type of disorder, and a differential view of the research literature is required depending on the anxiety disorder being investigated

    A Computer-Based Intervention with Elements of Virtual Reality and Limited Therapist Assistance for the Treatment of PTSD : Efficacy, Acceptance and Future Implications

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    The main objective of this dissertation was to investigate the overall efficacy, acceptance and future implications of the 3MR (Multi Modal Memory Restructuring) intervention for the treatment of PTSD (‘post-traumatic stress disorder’). The 3MR intervention is a computer-based trauma intervention with elements of Virtual Reality (VR) and limited therapist involvement for the treatment of PTSD. To determine the efficacy of the 3MR intervention, we conducted a randomized controlled trial (RCT) amongst traumatized victims of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) and war veterans. In this trial we compared the effects of the 3MR intervention to those of more regular, evidence-based treatment methods (‘treatment as usual’, TAU). A total of 44 patients with PTSD was included in the RCT and results showed that symptoms of PTSD and depression both significantly decreased and that there was no significant difference found between the two treatment conditions (3MR and TAU). This research may form an adequate first step in the direction of future use of this computer-based intervention for the treatment of PTSD. This research is part of the VESP (‘Virtual eCoaching and Storytelling technology for Post-traumatic stress disorder treatment’) project

    Mindfulness oriented meditation for adults and children: effects on stress and anxiety and links with creativity and psychological well-being

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    In the last 30 years, mindfulness has become the focus of considerable attention for clinicians and empirical psychology. This attitude can be cultivated through mindfulness meditation (MM), a traditional form of Buddhist meditation where the practitioner tries to be attentive to and fully aware of present moment experience with a gentle and non- judgmental attitude (Kabat-Zinn, 1994). The strong relation between MM and creativity and the positive effects that both exerts on psycho-physical well-being suggest a new research line that could compare the effects of MM with creative activities (creative writing and painting for instance). Further studies could try to create a standardized model of creative activities training to better understand which is the role of personality and mood in MM and creativity, and which is the key component, if there is one, that makes the difference on personal well-being in this comparison

    Aufmerksamkeitsverzerrungen in militärischen Einsatzkräften mit posttraumatischer Belastungsstörung und deren Veränderlichkeit nach Bereitstellung einer internet-basierten kognitiv-behavioralen Intervention

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    Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a prevalent and highly disturbing mental health condition that occurs in response to extremely distressing events during the lifetime. First, military personnel represent a high-risk population for the development of posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) or the full-diagnostic spectrum of the disorder due to deployment- and combat-related stressors during their military career. Despite the existence of well established and efficacious psychotherapy treatments for PTSD, access to trauma-focused psychotherapy is limited and veterans in particular experience high barriers to accessing help from the mental health care system. A substantial proportion of affected veterans receive no or inadequate treatment, increasing the risk of secondary adverse mental and somatic health outcomes, reduced social and occupational functioning, and of the condition becoming chronic. Second, internet-based interventions (IBI), particularly internet-based cognitive behavioral therapies (iCBT), have been shown to be efficacious and widely accepted for the treatment of a range of psychiatric disorders, including PTSD. IBI can already be seen as playing a potentially important role in supplementing the landscape and provision of psychotherapeutic interventions, and this is set to grow further in the future. Indeed, IBI should be particularly beneficial for patients in rural areas with a restricted psychotherapy infrastructure, for patients with restricted mobility, and for patients who desire greater anonymity and more independence regarding the time and location of psychotherapy access. Third, the systematic and reliable assessment of objective indicators of symptom expression and symptom change is of increasing interest and relevance for psychotherapy research. This dissertation thesis aims at incorporating these three pillars in four studies: First, a diagnostic identification of PTSD in veterans of the German Armed Forces (GAF) according to the main diagnostic manuals the International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD) and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM); second, a meta-analytical evaluation of the efficacy of IBI in PTSD; third, an assessment of patterns of visual attentional bias in (traumatized) veterans (with PTSS); and fourth, an exploration of the modifiability of attentional bias in veterans after receiving iCBT. STUDY 1 investigated the concordance of PTSD prevalence rates when transiting between the diagnostic criteria of the DSM-IV, DSM-5, ICD-10, and proposed ICD-11 in a sample of service members of the GAF. High levels of agreement emerged between the DSM-IV and the DSM-5, and between the DSM-5 and the proposed ICD-11. Prevalence rates were significantly higher according to the proposed ICD-11 compared to the ICD-10, mainly due to the deletion of the time criterion. STUDY 1 provides support for the identification of six ‘core’ PTSD symptoms according to the proposed ICD-11, presenting a high agreement rate with the set of twenty qualifiers according to the DSM-5. STUDY 2 provided meta-analytical evidence for the efficacy of IBI for the treatment of PTSD. Twenty randomized controlled trials (RCT) encompassing 21 comparisons were included, evaluating either iCBT or internet-based expressive writing (iEW) with passive or active control conditions. The results revealed that iCBT was more efficacious than passive control conditions at post-treatment assessment (0.66 ≤ g ≤ 0.83). No superiority of either iCBT or iEW was found in contrast to active control conditions. Subgroup analyses revealed no significant moderators of iCBT efficacy. More research is needed to prove the efficacy of IBI in contrast to active control treatments and further explore the impact of moderators on treatment efficacy. STUDY 3 measured patterns of attentional bias in GAF veterans with PTSS, traumatized veterans without PTSS, and unexposed healthy veterans. In a free-viewing task, participants were presented with pairs of combat-related and neutral pictures, of more general threat-related and neutral pictures, and of emotional and neutral faces, while their eye gazes were tracked. Further, the internal consistency of attentional bias indicators was calculated. The findings provide support for the maintenance hypothesis in PTSS. There was no robust evidence to support the hypothesis of hypervigilant behavior in PTSS. Findings on attentional bias variability remain unclear. Internal consistency varied across attentional bias indicators, highlighting the need for future research in this regard. STUDY 4 investigated the modifiability of attentional bias in veterans with PTSS through the provision of iCBT. In a free-viewing task, participants were presented with combat-related, general threat-related, and neutral pictures, and with faces with negative emotional valence and neutral facial expressions while their eye gazes were tracked. Attentional bias was examined pre- and post-intervention and at a three-month follow-up. No modifications in attentional bias were observable over time. Future investigations are warranted to systematically investigate objective measures of symptom expression and symptom change together with subjective symptom reporting and symptom change in response to psychotherapeutic treatment options. In summary, this dissertation thesis provides a threefold contribution to the current landscape of psychotherapy research: First, it supports the concordance between the DSM-5 and the ICD-11 diagnostic criteria for PTSD. Second, it proves the efficacy of IBI for PTSD. In view of the growing relevance of IBI as a supplement to psychotherapeutic care, future research needs to examine its long-term efficacy, whether it shows equal or superior efficacy compared to other active (control) treatments, potential side effects, and whether it may lead to a deterioration of symptoms. Moreover, studies should focus on tailoring IBI to the specific needs of different patient populations to ensure patients’ safety and satisfaction with IBI. Third, the present thesis underlines the need for systematic and reliable assessments of objective indicators of symptom presentation and of symptom change, in addition to subjective reports. Moreover, methodological approaches need to be extended to measure diverse dimensions of symptom presentation and symptom change and gain a better understanding of their interplay. A multidimensional diagnostic approach and treatment evaluation will be of key relevance for future intervention research and evidence-based practice