19 research outputs found

    Combining search strategies for distributed constraint satisfaction.

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    Many real-life problems such as distributed meeting scheduling, mobile frequency allocation and resource allocation can be solved using multi-agent paradigms. Distributed constraint satisfaction problems (DisCSPs) is a framework for describing such problems in terms of related subproblems, called a complex local problem (CLP), which are dispersed over a number of locations, each with its own constraints on the values their variables can take. An agent knows the variables in its CLP plus the variables (and their current value) which are directly related to one of its own variables and the constraints relating them. It knows little about the rest of the problem. Thus, each CLP is solved by an agent which cooperates with other agents to solve the overall problem. Algorithms for solving DisCSPs can be classified as either systematic or local search with the former being complete and the latter incomplete. The algorithms generally assume that each agent has only one variable as they can solve DisCSP with CLPs using virtual agents. However, in large DisCSPs where it is appropriate to trade completeness off against timeliness, systematic search algorithms can be expensive when compared to local search algorithms which generally converge quicker to a solution (if a solution is found) when compared to systematic algorithms. A major drawback of local search algorithms is getting stuck at local optima. Significant researches have focused on heuristics which can be used in an attempt to either escape or avoid local optima. This thesis makes significant contributions to local search algorithms for DisCSPs. Firstly, we present a novel combination of heuristics in DynAPP (Dynamic Agent Prioritisation with Penalties), which is a distributed synchronous local search algorithm for solving DisCSPs having one variable per agent. DynAPP combines penalties on values and dynamic agent prioritisation heuristics to escape local optima. Secondly, we develop a divide and conquer approach that handles DisCSP with CLPs by exploiting the structure of the problem. The divide and conquer approach prioritises the finding of variable instantiations which satisfy the constraints between agents which are often more expensive to satisfy when compared to constraints within an agent. The approach also exploits concurrency and combines the following search strategies: (i) both systematic and local searches; (ii) both centralised and distributed searches; and (iii) a modified compilation strategy. We also present an algorithm that implements the divide and conquer approach in Multi-DCA (Divide and Conquer Algorithm for Agents with CLPs). DynAPP and Multi-DCA were evaluated on several benchmark problems and compared to the leading algorithms for DisCSPs and DisCSPs with CLPs respectively. The results show that at the region of difficult problems, combining search heuristics and exploiting problem structure in distributed constraint satisfaction achieve significant benefits (i.e. generally used less computational time and communication costs) over existing competing methods

    Distributed Constraint Optimization:Privacy Guarantees and Stochastic Uncertainty

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    Distributed Constraint Satisfaction (DisCSP) and Distributed Constraint Optimization (DCOP) are formal frameworks that can be used to model a variety of problems in which multiple decision-makers cooperate towards a common goal: from computing an equilibrium of a game, to vehicle routing problems, to combinatorial auctions. In this thesis, we independently address two important issues in such multi-agent problems: 1) how to provide strong guarantees on the protection of the privacy of the participants, and 2) how to anticipate future, uncontrollable events. On the privacy front, our contributions depart from previous work in two ways. First, we consider not only constraint privacy (the agents' private costs) and decision privacy (keeping the complete solution secret), but also two other types of privacy that have been largely overlooked in the literature: agent privacy, which has to do with protecting the identities of the participants, and topology privacy, which covers information about the agents' co-dependencies. Second, while previous work focused mainly on quantitatively measuring and reducing privacy loss, our algorithms provide stronger, qualitative guarantees on what information will remain secret. Our experiments show that it is possible to provide such privacy guarantees, while still scaling to much larger problems than the previous state of the art. When it comes to reasoning under uncertainty, we propose an extension to the DCOP framework, called DCOP under Stochastic Uncertainty (StochDCOP), which includes uncontrollable, random variables with known probability distributions that model uncertain, future events. The problem becomes one of making "optimal" offline decisions, before the true values of the random variables can be observed. We consider three possible concepts of optimality: minimizing the expected cost, minimizing the worst-case cost, or maximizing the probability of a-posteriori optimality. We propose a new family of StochDCOP algorithms, exploring the tradeoffs between solution quality, computational and message complexity, and privacy. In particular, we show how discovering and reasoning about co-dependencies on common random variables can yield higher-quality solutions

    Towards 40 years of constraint reasoning

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    Research on constraints started in the early 1970s. We are approaching 40 years since the beginning of this successful field, and it is an opportunity to revise what has been reached. This paper is a personal view of the accomplishments in this field. We summarize the main achievements along three dimensions: constraint solving, modelling and programming. We devote special attention to constraint solving, covering popular topics such as search, inference (especially arc consistency), combination of search and inference, symmetry exploitation, global constraints and extensions to the classical model. For space reasons, several topics have been deliberately omitted.Partially supported by the Spanish project TIN2009-13591-C02-02 and Generalitat de Catalunya grant 2009-SGR-1434.Peer Reviewe

    Managing Complex Scheduling Problems with Dynamic and Hybrid Constraints.

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    The task of scheduling can often be a difficult one because of the inherent complexity of real-world problems. In the field of Artificial Intelligence, many representations and algorithms have been developed to automate the scheduling process. Many state of the art scheduling systems deal with this complexity by making assumptions that simplify the algorithms, but in doing so, miss some opportunities to improve performance. Scheduling problems are temporal in nature, and so they often contain constraints that change over time. Many scheduling systems assume that the problems they are solving are all independent, and so they ignore the similarities between subsequent sets of scheduling constraints. Additionally, scheduling problems often contain a mixture of finite-domain and temporal constraints. Many of the systems that can solve problems of this type do so by creating finite-domain variables to represent the constraints, but then ignore the distinction between the different types of variables when searching for a solution. In this dissertation, I identify opportunities to improve performance by exploiting structure where it has previously been overlooked. Following this approach, I develop a set of techniques that apply to a wide variety of situations that can arise in real-world scheduling problems. First, I consider dynamic scheduling problems with constraints that change over time. To address such problems, I introduce a new representation called the Dynamic Disjunctive Temporal Problem, along with several techniques to improve both efficiency and stability when solving one. Second, I consider scheduling problems in which a mixture of finite-domain and temporal variables can interact through hybrid constraints. I introduce the Hybrid Scheduling Problem to represent such problems, and I present a set of techniques that capitalize on the distinction between variable types to improve efficiency across the problem space. Finally, I conclude by proposing several ways that the dynamic and hybrid representations and techniques can be combined. To compare many of the techniques presented throughout this dissertation in the context of structured, real-world problems, I use them to solve scheduling problems based on actual air traffic control constraints recorded from the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport.Ph.D.Computer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/57625/2/pschwart_1.pd

    Non-Cooperative Games for Self-Interested Planning Agents

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    Multi-Agent Planning (MAP) is a topic of growing interest that deals with the problem of automated planning in domains where multiple agents plan and act together in a shared environment. In most cases, agents in MAP are cooperative (altruistic) and work together towards a collaborative solution. However, when rational self-interested agents are involved in a MAP task, the ultimate objective is to find a joint plan that accomplishes the agents' local tasks while satisfying their private interests. Among the MAP scenarios that involve self-interested agents, non-cooperative MAP refers to problems where non-strictly competitive agents feature common and conflicting interests. In this setting, conflicts arise when self-interested agents put their plans together and the resulting combination renders some of the plans non-executable, which implies a utility loss for the affected agents. Each participant wishes to execute its plan as it was conceived, but congestion issues and conflicts among the actions of the different plans compel agents to find a coordinated stable solution. Non-cooperative MAP tasks are tackled through non-cooperative games, which aim at finding a stable (equilibrium) joint plan that ensures the agents' plans are executable (by addressing planning conflicts) while accounting for their private interests as much as possible. Although this paradigm reflects many real-life problems, there is a lack of computational approaches to non-cooperative MAP in the literature. This PhD thesis pursues the application of non-cooperative games to solve non-cooperative MAP tasks that feature rational self-interested agents. Each agent calculates a plan that attains its individual planning task, and subsequently, the participants try to execute their plans in a shared environment. We tackle non-cooperative MAP from a twofold perspective. On the one hand, we focus on agents' satisfaction by studying desirable properties of stable solutions, such as optimality and fairness. On the other hand, we look for a combination of MAP and game-theoretic techniques capable of efficiently computing stable joint plans while minimizing the computational complexity of this combined task. Additionally, we consider planning conflicts and congestion issues in the agents' utility functions, which results in a more realistic approach. To the best of our knowledge, this PhD thesis opens up a new research line in non-cooperative MAP and establishes the basic principles to attain the problem of synthesizing stable joint plans for self-interested planning agents through the combination of game theory and automated planning.La Planificación Multi-Agente (PMA) es un tema de creciente interés que trata el problema de la planificación automática en dominios donde múltiples agentes planifican y actúan en un entorno compartido. En la mayoría de casos, los agentes en PMA son cooperativos (altruistas) y trabajan juntos para obtener una solución colaborativa. Sin embargo, cuando los agentes involucrados en una tarea de PMA son racionales y auto-interesados, el objetivo último es obtener un plan conjunto que resuelva las tareas locales de los agentes y satisfaga sus intereses privados. De entre los distintos escenarios de PMA que involucran agentes auto-interesados, la PMA no cooperativa se centra en problemas que presentan un conjunto de agentes no estrictamente competitivos con intereses comunes y conflictivos. En este contexto, pueden surgir conflictos cuando los agentes ponen en común sus planes y la combinación resultante provoca que algunos de estos planes no sean ejecutables, lo que implica una pérdida de utilidad para los agentes afectados. Cada participante desea ejecutar su plan tal como fue concebido, pero las congestiones y conflictos que pueden surgir entre las acciones de los diferentes planes fuerzan a los agentes a obtener una solución estable y coordinada. Las tareas de PMA no cooperativa se abordan a través de juegos no cooperativos, cuyo objetivo es hallar un plan conjunto estable (equilibrio) que asegure que los planes de los agentes sean ejecutables (resolviendo los conflictos de planificación) al tiempo que los agentes satisfacen sus intereses privados en la medida de lo posible. Aunque este paradigma refleja muchos problemas de la vida real, existen pocos enfoques computacionales para PMA no cooperativa en la literatura. Esta tesis doctoral estudia el uso de juegos no cooperativos para resolver tareas de PMA no cooperativa con agentes racionales auto-interesados. Cada agente calcula un plan para su tarea de planificación y posteriormente, los participantes intentan ejecutar sus planes en un entorno compartido. Abordamos la PMA no cooperativa desde una doble perspectiva. Por una parte, nos centramos en la satisfacción de los agentes estudiando las propiedades deseables de soluciones estables, tales como la optimalidad y la justicia. Por otra parte, buscamos una combinación de PMA y técnicas de teoría de juegos capaz de calcular planes conjuntos estables de forma eficiente al tiempo que se minimiza la complejidad computacional de esta tarea combinada. Además, consideramos los conflictos de planificación y congestiones en las funciones de utilidad de los agentes, lo que resulta en un enfoque más realista. Bajo nuestro punto de vista, esta tesis doctoral abre una nueva línea de investigación en PMA no cooperativa y establece los principios básicos para resolver el problema de la generación de planes conjuntos estables para agentes de planificación auto-interesados mediante la combinación de teoría de juegos y planificación automática.La Planificació Multi-Agent (PMA) és un tema de creixent interès que tracta el problema de la planificació automàtica en dominis on múltiples agents planifiquen i actuen en un entorn compartit. En la majoria de casos, els agents en PMA són cooperatius (altruistes) i treballen junts per obtenir una solució col·laborativa. No obstant això, quan els agents involucrats en una tasca de PMA són racionals i auto-interessats, l'objectiu últim és obtenir un pla conjunt que resolgui les tasques locals dels agents i satisfaci els seus interessos privats. D'entre els diferents escenaris de PMA que involucren agents auto-interessats, la PMA no cooperativa se centra en problemes que presenten un conjunt d'agents no estrictament competitius amb interessos comuns i conflictius. En aquest context, poden sorgir conflictes quan els agents posen en comú els seus plans i la combinació resultant provoca que alguns d'aquests plans no siguin executables, el que implica una pèrdua d'utilitat per als agents afectats. Cada participant vol executar el seu pla tal com va ser concebut, però les congestions i conflictes que poden sorgir entre les accions dels diferents plans forcen els agents a obtenir una solució estable i coordinada. Les tasques de PMA no cooperativa s'aborden a través de jocs no cooperatius, en els quals l'objectiu és trobar un pla conjunt estable (equilibri) que asseguri que els plans dels agents siguin executables (resolent els conflictes de planificació) alhora que els agents satisfan els seus interessos privats en la mesura del possible. Encara que aquest paradigma reflecteix molts problemes de la vida real, hi ha pocs enfocaments computacionals per PMA no cooperativa en la literatura. Aquesta tesi doctoral estudia l'ús de jocs no cooperatius per resoldre tasques de PMA no cooperativa amb agents racionals auto-interessats. Cada agent calcula un pla per a la seva tasca de planificació i posteriorment, els participants intenten executar els seus plans en un entorn compartit. Abordem la PMA no cooperativa des d'una doble perspectiva. D'una banda, ens centrem en la satisfacció dels agents estudiant les propietats desitjables de solucions estables, com ara la optimalitat i la justícia. D'altra banda, busquem una combinació de PMA i tècniques de teoria de jocs capaç de calcular plans conjunts estables de forma eficient alhora que es minimitza la complexitat computacional d'aquesta tasca combinada. A més, considerem els conflictes de planificació i congestions en les funcions d'utilitat dels agents, el que resulta en un enfocament més realista. Des del nostre punt de vista, aquesta tesi doctoral obre una nova línia d'investigació en PMA no cooperativa i estableix els principis bàsics per resoldre el problema de la generació de plans conjunts estables per a agents de planificació auto-interessats mitjançant la combinació de teoria de jocs i planificació automàtica.Jordán Prunera, JM. (2017). Non-Cooperative Games for Self-Interested Planning Agents [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/90417TESI

    Proceedings of the 18th Irish Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science

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    These proceedings contain the papers that were accepted for publication at AICS-2007, the 18th Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science, which was held in the Technological University Dublin; Dublin, Ireland; on the 29th to the 31st August 2007. AICS is the annual conference of the Artificial Intelligence Association of Ireland (AIAI)

    DSM-PM2 adequacy for distributed constraint programming

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    As Redes de alta velocidade e o melhoramento rápido da performance dos microprocessadores fazem das redes de computadores um veículo apelativo para computação paralela. Não é preciso hardware especial para usar computadores paralelos e o sistema resultante é extensível e facilmente alterável. A programação por restrições é um paradigma de programação em que as relações entre as variáveis pode ser representada por restrições. As restrições diferem das primitivas comuns das outras linguagens de programação porque, ao contrário destas, não específica uma sequência de passos a executar mas antes a definição das propriedades para encontrar as soluções de um problema específico. As bibliotecas de programação por restrições são úteis visto elas não requerem que os programadores tenham que aprender novos skills para uma nova linguagem mas antes proporcionam ferramentas de programação declarativa para uso em sistemas convencionais. A tecnologia de Memoria Partilhada Distribuída (Distributed Shared Memory) apresenta-se como uma ferramenta para uso em aplicações distribuídas em que a informação individual partilhada pode ser acedida diretamente. Nos sistemas que suportam esta tecnologia os dados movem-se entre as memórias principais dos diversos nós de um cluster. Esta tecnologia poupa o programador às preocupações de passagem de mensagens onde ele teria que ter muito trabalho de controlo do comportamento do sistema distribuído. Propomos uma arquitetura orientada para a distribuição de Programação por Restrições que tenha os mecanismos da propagação e da procura local como base sobre um ambiente CC-NUMA distribuído usando memória partilhada distribuída. Os principais objetivos desta dissertação podem ser sumarizados em: - Desenvolver um sistema resolvedor de restrições, baseado no sistema AJ ACS [3], usando a linguagem ”C', linguagem nativa da biblioteca de desenvolvimento paralelo experimentada: O PM2 [4] - Adaptar, experimentar e avaliar a adequação deste sistema resolvedor de restrições usando DSM-PM2 [1] a um ambiente distribuído assente numa arquitetura CC-NUMA; /ABSTRACT - High-speed networks and rapidly improving microprocessor performance make networks of workstations an increasingly appealing vehicle for parallel computing. No special hardware is required to use this solution as a parallel computer, and the resulting system can be easily maintained, extended and upgraded. Constraint programming is a programming paradigm where relations between variables can be stated in the form of constraints. Constraints differ from the common primitives of other programming languages in that they do not specify a step or sequence of steps to execute but rather the properties of a solution to be found. Constraint programming libraries are useful as they do not require the developers to acquire skills for a new language, providing instead declarative programming tools for use within conventional systems. Distributed Shared Memory presents itself as a tool for parallel application in which individual shared data items can be accessed directly. In systems that support Distributed Shared Memory, data moves between main memories of different nodes. The Distributed Shared Memory spares the programmer the concerns of massage passing, where he would have to put allot of effort to control the distributed system behavior. We propose an architecture aimed for Distributed Constraint Programming Solving that relies on propagation and local search over a CC-NUMA distributed environment using Distributed Shared Memory. The main objectives of this thesis can be summarized as: - Develop a Constraint Solving System, based on the AJ ACS [3] system, in the C language, the native language of the experimented Parallel library - PM2 [4]; - Adapt, experiment and evaluate the developed constraint solving system distributed suitability by using DSM-PM2 [1] over a CC-NUMA architecture distributed environment

    Towards efficient planning for real world partially observable domains

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    In partial fulfillment of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Computer Science)</p

    Optimisation sous contraintes de problèmes distribués par auto-organisation coopérative

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    Quotidiennement, divers problèmes d'optimisation : minimiser un coût de production, optimiser le parcours d'un véhicule, etc sont à résoudre. Ces problèmes se caractérisent par un degré élevé de complexité dû à l'hétérogénéité et la diversité des acteurs en jeu, à la masse importante des données ainsi qu'à la dynamique des environnements dans lesquels ils sont plongés. Face à la complexité croissante de ces applications, les approches de résolution classiques ont montré leurs limites. Depuis quelques années, la communauté scientifique s'intéresse aux développements de nouvelles solutions basées sur la distribution du calcul et la décentralisation du contrôle plus adaptées à ce genre de problème. La théorie des AMAS (Adaptive Multi-Agents Systems) propose le développement de solutions utilisant des systèmes multi-agents auto-adaptatifs par auto-organisation coopérative. Cette théorie a montré son adéquation pour la résolution de problèmes complexes et dynamiques, mais son application reste à un niveau d'abstraction assez élevé. L'objectif de ce travail est de spécialiser cette théorie pour la résolution de ce genre de problèmes. Ainsi, son utilisation en sera facilitée. Pour cela, le modèle d'agents AMAS4Opt avec des comportements et des interactions coopératifs et locaux a été défini. La validation s'est effectuée sur deux problèmes clés d'optimisation : le contrôle manufacturier et la conception de produit complexe. De plus, afin de montrer la robustesse et l'adéquation des solutions développées, un ensemble de critères d'évaluation permettant de souligner les points forts et faibles des systèmes adaptatifs et de les comparer à des systèmes existants a été défini.We solve problems and make decisions all day long. Some problems and decisions are very challenging: What is the best itinerary to deliver orders given the weather, the traffic and the hour? How to improve product manufacturing performances? etc. Problems that are characterized by a high level of complexity due to the heterogeneity and diversity of the participating actors, to the increasing volume of manipulated data and to the dynamics of the applications environments. Classical solving approaches have shown their limits to cope with this growing complexity. For the last several years, the scientific community has been interested in the development of new solutions based on computation distribution and control decentralization. The AMAS (Adaptive Multi-Agent-Systems) theory proposes to build solutions based on self-adaptive multi-agent systems using cooperative self-organization. This theory has shown its adequacy to solve different complex and dynamic problems, but remains at a high abstraction level. This work proposes a specialization of this theory for complex optimization problem solving under constraints. Thus, the usage of this theory is made accessible to different non-AMAS experts' engineers. Thus, the AMAS4Opt agent model with cooperative, local and generic behaviours and interactions has been defined.This model is validated on two well-known optimization problems: scheduling in manufacturing control and complex product design. Finally, in order to show the robustness and adequacy of the developed solutions, a set of evaluation criteria is proposed to underline the advantages and limits of adaptive systems and to compare them with already existing systems