17 research outputs found

    Editing to a Graph of Given Degrees

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    We consider the Editing to a Graph of Given Degrees problem that asks for a graph G, non-negative integers d,k and a function \delta:V(G)->{1,...,d}, whether it is possible to obtain a graph G' from G such that the degree of v is \delta(v) for any vertex v by at most k vertex or edge deletions or edge additions. We construct an FPT-algorithm for Editing to a Graph of Given Degrees parameterized by d+k. We complement this result by showing that the problem has no polynomial kernel unless NP\subseteq coNP/poly

    Vertex Exponential Algorithms for Connected f-Factors

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    Graph editing to a given degree sequence

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    We investigate the parameterized complexity of the graph editing problem called Editing to a Graph with a Given Degree Sequence where the aim is to obtain a graph with a given degree sequence σσ by at most k vertex or edge deletions and edge additions. We show that the problem is W[1]-hard when parameterized by k for any combination of the allowed editing operations. From the positive side, we show that the problem can be solved in time 2O(k(Δ+k)2)n2logn2O(k(Δ+k)2)n2log⁡n for n-vertex graphs, where Δ=maxσΔ=maxσ, i.e., the problem is FPT when parameterized by k+Δk+Δ. We also show that Editing to a Graph with a Given Degree Sequence has a polynomial kernel when parameterized by k+Δk+Δ if only edge additions are allowed, and there is no polynomial kernel unless NP⊆coNP/polyNP⊆coNP/poly for all other combinations of allowed editing operations

    Editing to Eulerian Graphs

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    We investigate the problem of modifying a graph into a connected graph in which the degree of each vertex satisfies a prescribed parity constraint. Let ea, ed and vd denote the operations edge addition, edge deletion and vertex deletion respectively. For any S subseteq {ea,ed,vd}, we define Connected Degree Parity Editing (S) (CDPE(S)) to be the problem that takes as input a graph G, an integer k and a function delta: V(G) -> {0,1}, and asks whether G can be modified into a connected graph H with d_H(v) = delta(v)(mod 2) for each v in V(H), using at most k operations from S. We prove that (*) if S={ea} or S={ea,ed}, then CDPE(S) can be solved in polynomial time; (*) if {vd} subseteq S subseteq {ea,ed,vd}, then CDPE(S) is NP-complete and W-hard when parameterized by k, even if delta = 0. Together with known results by Cai and Yang and by Cygan, Marx, Pilipczuk, Pilipczuk and Schlotter, our results completely classify the classical and parameterized complexity of the CDPE(S) problem for all S subseteq {ea,ed,vd}. We obtain the same classification for a natural variant of the cdpe(S) problem on directed graphs, where the target is a weakly connected digraph in which the difference between the in- and out-degree of every vertex equals a prescribed value. As an important implication of our results, we obtain polynomial-time algorithms for Eulerian Editing problem and its directed variant. To the best of our knowledge, the only other natural non-trivial graph class H for which the H-Editing problem is known to be polynomial-time solvable is the class of split graphs.publishedVersio

    Editing to Eulerian Graphs

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    We investigate the problem of modifying a graph into a connected graph in which the degree of each vertex satisfies a prescribed parity constraint. Let ea, ed and vd denote the operations edge addition, edge deletion and vertex deletion respectively. For any S subseteq {ea,ed,vd}, we define Connected Degree Parity Editing (S) (CDPE(S)) to be the problem that takes as input a graph G, an integer k and a function delta: V(G) -> {0,1}, and asks whether G can be modified into a connected graph H with d_H(v) = delta(v)(mod 2) for each v in V(H), using at most k operations from S. We prove that (*) if S={ea} or S={ea,ed}, then CDPE(S) can be solved in polynomial time; (*) if {vd} subseteq S subseteq {ea,ed,vd}, then CDPE(S) is NP-complete and W-hard when parameterized by k, even if delta = 0. Together with known results by Cai and Yang and by Cygan, Marx, Pilipczuk, Pilipczuk and Schlotter, our results completely classify the classical and parameterized complexity of the CDPE(S) problem for all S subseteq {ea,ed,vd}. We obtain the same classification for a natural variant of the cdpe(S) problem on directed graphs, where the target is a weakly connected digraph in which the difference between the in- and out-degree of every vertex equals a prescribed value. As an important implication of our results, we obtain polynomial-time algorithms for Eulerian Editing problem and its directed variant. To the best of our knowledge, the only other natural non-trivial graph class H for which the H-Editing problem is known to be polynomial-time solvable is the class of split graphs

    Building Large k-Cores from Sparse Graphs

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    A popular model to measure network stability is the k-core, that is the maximal induced subgraph in which every vertex has degree at least k. For example, k-cores are commonly used to model the unraveling phenomena in social networks. In this model, users having less than k connections within the network leave it, so the remaining users form exactly the k-core. In this paper we study the question of whether it is possible to make the network more robust by spending only a limited amount of resources on new connections. A mathematical model for the k-core construction problem is the following Edge k-Core optimization problem. We are given a graph G and integers k, b and p. The task is to ensure that the k-core of G has at least p vertices by adding at most b edges. The previous studies on Edge k-Core demonstrate that the problem is computationally challenging. In particular, it is NP-hard when k = 3, W[1]-hard when parameterized by k+b+p (Chitnis and Talmon, 2018), and APX-hard (Zhou et al, 2019). Nevertheless, we show that there are efficient algorithms with provable guarantee when the k-core has to be constructed from a sparse graph with some additional structural properties. Our results are - When the input graph is a forest, Edge k-Core is solvable in polynomial time; - Edge k-Core is fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) when parameterized by the minimum size of a vertex cover in the input graph. On the other hand, with such parameterization, the problem does not admit a polynomial kernel subject to a widely-believed assumption from complexity theory; - Edge k-Core is FPT parameterized by the treewidth of the graph plus k. This improves upon a result of Chitnis and Talmon by not requiring b to be small. Each of our algorithms is built upon a new graph-theoretical result interesting in its own

    Graph editing problems with extended regularity constraints

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    © 2017 Graph editing problems offer an interesting perspective on sub- and supergraph identification problems for a large variety of target properties. They have also attracted significant attention in recent years, particularly in the area of parameterized complexity as the problems have rich parameter ecologies. In this paper we examine generalisations of the notion of editing a graph to obtain a regular subgraph. In particular we extend the notion of regularity to include two variants of edge-regularity along with the unifying constraint of strong regularity. We present a number of results, with the central observation that these problems retain the general complexity profile of their regularity-based inspiration: when the number of edits k and the maximum degree r are taken together as a combined parameter, the problems are tractable (i.e. in FPT), but are otherwise intractable. We also examine variants of the basic editing to obtain a regular subgraph problem from the perspective of parameterizing by the treewidth of the input graph. In this case the treewidth of the input graph essentially becomes a limiting parameter on the natural k+r parameterization

    Fixed-Parameter Tractable Distances to Sparse Graph Classes

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    We show that for various classes C\mathcal{C} of sparse graphs, and several measures of distance to such classes (such as edit distance and elimination distance), the problem of determining the distance of a given graph G\small{G} to C\mathcal{C} is fixed-parameter tractable. The results are based on two general techniques. The first of these, building on recent work of Grohe et al. establishes that any class of graphs that is slicewise nowhere dense and slicewise first-order definable is FPT. The second shows that determining the elimination distance of a graph G\small{G} to a minor-closed class C\mathcal{C} is FPT. We demonstrate that several prior results (of Golovach, Moser and Thilikos and Mathieson) on the fixed-parameter tractability of distance measures are special cases of our first method

    Editing to Connected f-Degree Graph

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    In the EDGE EDITING TO CONNECTED f-DEGREE GRAPH problem we are given a graph G, an integer k and a function f assigning integers to vertices of G. The task is to decide whether there is a connected graph F on the same vertex set as G, such that for every vertex v, its degree in F is f(v) and the number of edges inthe symmetric difference of E(G) and E(F), is at most k. We show that EDGE EDITING TO CONNECTED f-DEGREE GRAPH is fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) by providing an algorithm solving the problem on an n-vertex graph in time 2^{O(k)}n^{O(1)}. Our FPT algorithm is based on a non-trivial combination of color-coding and fast computations of representative families over direct sum matroid of l-elongation of co-graphic matroid associated with G and uniform matroid over the set of non-edges of G. We believe that this combination could be useful in designing parameterized algorithms for other edge editing problems