4,108 research outputs found

    Perceptual modelling for 2D and 3D

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    Livrable D1.1 du projet ANR PERSEECe rapport a été réalisé dans le cadre du projet ANR PERSEE (n° ANR-09-BLAN-0170). Exactement il correspond au livrable D1.1 du projet

    Model based estimation of image depth and displacement

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    Passive depth and displacement map determinations have become an important part of computer vision processing. Applications that make use of this type of information include autonomous navigation, robotic assembly, image sequence compression, structure identification, and 3-D motion estimation. With the reliance of such systems on visual image characteristics, a need to overcome image degradations, such as random image-capture noise, motion, and quantization effects, is clearly necessary. Many depth and displacement estimation algorithms also introduce additional distortions due to the gradient operations performed on the noisy intensity images. These degradations can limit the accuracy and reliability of the displacement or depth information extracted from such sequences. Recognizing the previously stated conditions, a new method to model and estimate a restored depth or displacement field is presented. Once a model has been established, the field can be filtered using currently established multidimensional algorithms. In particular, the reduced order model Kalman filter (ROMKF), which has been shown to be an effective tool in the reduction of image intensity distortions, was applied to the computed displacement fields. Results of the application of this model show significant improvements on the restored field. Previous attempts at restoring the depth or displacement fields assumed homogeneous characteristics which resulted in the smoothing of discontinuities. In these situations, edges were lost. An adaptive model parameter selection method is provided that maintains sharp edge boundaries in the restored field. This has been successfully applied to images representative of robotic scenarios. In order to accommodate image sequences, the standard 2-D ROMKF model is extended into 3-D by the incorporation of a deterministic component based on previously restored fields. The inclusion of past depth and displacement fields allows a means of incorporating the temporal information into the restoration process. A summary on the conditions that indicate which type of filtering should be applied to a field is provided

    Object-driven block-based algorithm for the compression of stereo image pairs

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    In this paper, we propose a novel object driven, block based algorithm for the compression of stereo image pairs. The algorithm effectively combines the simplicity and adaptability of the existing block based stereo image compression techniques [1-6] with an edge/contour based object extraction technique to determine appropriate compression strategy for various areas of the right image. Extensive experiments carried out support that significant improvements of up to 20% in compression ratio can be achieved by the proposed algorithm, compared with the existing stereo image compression techniques. Yet the reconstructed image quality is maintained at an equivalent level in terms of PSNR values. In terms of visual quality, the right image reconstructed by the proposed algorithm does not incur any noticeable effect compared with the outputs of the best algorithms. The proposed algorithm performs object extraction and matching between the reconstructed left frame and the original right frame to identify those objects that match but are displaced by varying amounts due to binocular parallax. Different coding strategies are then applied separately to internal areas and the bounding areas for each identified object. Based on the mean squared matching error of the internal blocks and a selected threshold, a decision is made whether or not to encode the predictive errors inside these objects. The output bit stream includes entropy coding of object disparity, block disparity and possibly some errors, which fail to meet the threshold requirement in the proposed algorith

    Document Image Analysis Techniques for Handwritten Text Segmentation, Document Image Rectification and Digital Collation

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    Document image analysis comprises all the algorithms and techniques that are utilized to convert an image of a document to a computer readable description. In this work we focus on three such techniques, namely (1) Handwritten text segmentation (2) Document image rectification and (3) Digital Collation. Offline handwritten text recognition is a very challenging problem. Aside from the large variation of different handwriting styles, neighboring characters within a word are usually connected, and we may need to segment a word into individual characters for accurate character recognition. Many existing methods achieve text segmentation by evaluating the local stroke geometry and imposing constraints on the size of each resulting character, such as the character width, height and aspect ratio. These constraints are well suited for printed texts, but may not hold for handwritten texts. Other methods apply holistic approach by using a set of lexicons to guide and correct the segmentation and recognition. This approach may fail when the domain lexicon is insufficient. In the first part of this work, we present a new global non-holistic method for handwritten text segmentation, which does not make any limiting assumptions on the character size and the number of characters in a word. We conduct experiments on real images of handwritten texts taken from the IAM handwriting database and compare the performance of the presented method against an existing text segmentation algorithm that uses dynamic programming and achieve significant performance improvement. Digitization of document images using OCR based systems is adversely affected if the image of the document contains distortion (warping). Often, costly and precisely calibrated special hardware such as stereo cameras, laser scanners, etc. are used to infer the 3D model of the distorted image which is used to remove the distortion. Recent methods focus on creating a 3D shape model based on 2D distortion informa- tion obtained from the document image. The performance of these methods is highly dependent on estimating an accurate 2D distortion grid. These methods often affix the 2D distortion grid lines to the text line, and as such, may suffer in the presence of unreliable textual cues due to preprocessing steps such as binarization. In the domain of printed document images, the white space between the text lines carries as much information about the 2D distortion as the text lines themselves. Based on this intuitive idea, in the second part of our work we build a 2D distortion grid from white space lines, which can be used to rectify a printed document image by a dewarping algorithm. We compare our presented method against a state-of-the-art 2D distortion grid construction method and obtain better results. We also present qualitative and quantitative evaluations for the presented method. Collation of texts and images is an indispensable but labor-intensive step in the study of print materials. It is an often used methodology by textual scholars when the manuscript of the text does not exist. Although various methods and machines have been designed to assist in this labor, it still remains an expensive and time- consuming process, often requiring travel to distant repositories for the painstaking visual examination of multiple original copies. Efforts to digitize collation have so far depended on first transcribing the texts to be compared, thus introducing into the process more labor and expense, and also more potential error. Digital collation will instead automate the first stages of collation directly from the document images of the original texts, thereby speeding the process of comparison. We describe such a novel framework for digital collation in the third part of this work and provide qualitative results

    Motion blur in digital images - analys, detection and correction of motion blur in photogrammetry

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    Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) have become an interesting and active research topic for photogrammetry. Current research is based on images acquired by an UAV, which have a high ground resolution and good spectral and radiometrical resolution, due to the low flight altitudes combined with a high resolution camera. UAV image flights are also cost effective and have become attractive for many applications including, change detection in small scale areas. One of the main problems preventing full automation of data processing of UAV imagery is the degradation effect of blur caused by camera movement during image acquisition. This can be caused by the normal flight movement of the UAV as well as strong winds, turbulence or sudden operator inputs. This blur disturbs the visual analysis and interpretation of the data, causes errors and can degrade the accuracy in automatic photogrammetric processing algorithms. The detection and removal of these images is currently achieved manually, which is both time consuming and prone to error, particularly for large image-sets. To increase the quality of data processing an automated process is necessary, which must be both reliable and quick. This thesis proves the negative affect that blurred images have on photogrammetric processing. It shows that small amounts of blur do have serious impacts on target detection and that it slows down processing speed due to the requirement of human intervention. Larger blur can make an image completely unusable and needs to be excluded from processing. To exclude images out of large image datasets an algorithm was developed. The newly developed method makes it possible to detect blur caused by linear camera displacement. The method is based on human detection of blur. Humans detect blurred images best by comparing it to other images in order to establish whether an image is blurred or not. The developed algorithm simulates this procedure by creating an image for comparison using image processing. Creating internally a comparable image makes the method independent of additional images. However, the calculated blur value named SIEDS (saturation image edge difference standard-deviation) on its own does not provide an absolute number to judge if an image is blurred or not. To achieve a reliable judgement of image sharpness the SIEDS value has to be compared to other SIEDS values of the same dataset. This algorithm enables the exclusion of blurred images and subsequently allows photogrammetric processing without them. However, it is also possible to use deblurring techniques to restor blurred images. Deblurring of images is a widely researched topic and often based on the Wiener or Richardson-Lucy deconvolution, which require precise knowledge of both the blur path and extent. Even with knowledge about the blur kernel, the correction causes errors such as ringing, and the deblurred image appears muddy and not completely sharp. In the study reported in this paper, overlapping images are used to support the deblurring process. An algorithm based on the Fourier transformation is presented. This works well in flat areas, but the need for geometrically correct sharp images for deblurring may limit the application. Another method to enhance the image is the unsharp mask method, which improves images significantly and makes photogrammetric processing more successful. However, deblurring of images needs to focus on geometric correct deblurring to assure geometric correct measurements. Furthermore, a novel edge shifting approach was developed which aims to do geometrically correct deblurring. The idea of edge shifting appears to be promising but requires more advanced programming

    Improving the Geotagging Accuracy of Street-level Images

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    Integrating images taken at street-level with satellite imagery is becoming increasingly valuable in the decision-making processes not only for individuals, but also in business and governmental sectors. To perform this integration, images taken at street-level need to be accurately georeferenced. This georeference information can be derived from a global positioning system (GPS). However, GPS data is prone to errors up to 15 meters, and needs to be corrected for the purpose of geo-referencing. In this thesis, an automatic method is proposed for correcting the georeference information obtained from the GPS data, based on image registration techniques. The proposed method uses an optimization technique to find local optimal solutions by matching high-level features and their relative locations. A global optimization method is then employed over all of the local solutions by applying a geometric constraint. The main contribution of this thesis is introducing a new direction for correcting the GPS data which is more economical and more consistent compared to existing manual method. Other than high cost (labor and management), the main concern with manual correction is the low degree of consistency between different human operators. Our proposed automatic software-based method is a solution for these drawbacks. Other contributions can be listed as (1) modified Chamfer matching (CM) cost function which improves the accuracy of standard CM for images with various misleading/disturbing edges; (2) Monte-Carlo-inspired statistical analysis which made it possible to quantify the overall performance of the proposed algorithm; (3) Novel similarity measure for applying normalized cross correlation (NCC) technique on multi-level thresholded images, which is used to compare multi-modal images more accurately as compared to standard application of NCC on raw images. (4) Casting the problem of selecting an optimal global solution among set of local minima into a problem of finding an optimal path in a graph using Dijkstra\u27s algorithm. We used our algorithm for correcting the georeference information of 20 chains containing more than 7000 fisheye images and our experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can achieve an average error of 2 meters, which is acceptable for most of applications

    Digital image correlation techniques applied to LANDSAT multispectral imagery

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Automatic image registration and resampling techniques applied to LANDSAT data achieved accuracies, resulting in mean radial displacement errors of less than 0.2 pixel. The process method utilized recursive computational techniques and line-by-line updating on the basis of feedback error signals. Goodness of local feature matching was evaluated through the implementation of a correlation algorithm. An automatic restart allowed the system to derive control point coordinates over a portion of the image and to restart the process, utilizing this new control point information as initial estimates

    On the role of distance transformations in Baddeley’s Delta Metric

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    Comparison and similarity measurement have been a key topic in computer vision for a long time. There is, indeed, an extensive list of algorithms and measures for image or subimage comparison. The superiority or inferiority of different measures is hard to scrutinize, especially considering the dimensionality of their parameter space and their many different configurations. In this work, we focus on the comparison of binary images, and study different variations of Baddeley's Delta Metric, a popular metric for such images. We study the possible parameterizations of the metric, stressing the numerical and behavioural impact of different settings. Specifically, we consider the parameter settings proposed by the original author, as well as the substitution of distance transformations by regularized distance transformations, as recently presented by Brunet and Sills. We take a qualitative perspective on the effects of the settings, and also perform quantitative experiments on separability of datasets for boundary evaluation.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support by the Spanish Ministry of Science (project PID2019-108392GB-I00 AEI/FEDER, UE), as well as that by Navarra Servicios y Tecnologías S.A. (NASERTIC)
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