10 research outputs found

    Cross-Border Data Exchanges : The Rise of Platform Economy in Asia

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    International audienceTransnational flows of goods, capital, and labor are accurately monitored, and are included by governmental agencies in their economic metrics as critical information used by policy makers. Although transnational flows of data can be intuitively identified as equally important, they have been so far largely ignored by economists and are poorly monitored by public authorities. In this paper, we study the extent to which local and foreign intermediation platforms in Asia have developed their activities in Asia, and their contribution to cross-border data exchanges. We rely on preliminary measure of transnational as well as global data exchanges in Asia. We identify various patterns; China is mostly relying on national platforms, while Japan is highly dependent from platforms based in the United States, Korea and Taiwan are experiencing some sort of balance between national and foreign platforms

    Economic Feasibility of Wireless Sensor Network-Based Service Provision in a Duopoly Setting with a Monopolist Operator

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    [EN] We analyze the feasibility of providing Wireless Sensor Network-data-based services in an Internet of Things scenario from an economical point of view. The scenario has two competing service providers with their own private sensor networks, a network operator and final users. The scenario is analyzed as two games using game theory. In the first game, sensors decide to subscribe or not to the network operator to upload the collected sensing-data, based on a utility function related to the mean service time and the price charged by the operator. In the second game, users decide to subscribe or not to the sensor-data-based service of the service providers based on a Logit discrete choice model related to the quality of the data collected and the subscription price. The sinks and users subscription stages are analyzed using population games and discrete choice models, while network operator and service providers pricing stages are analyzed using optimization and Nash equilibrium concepts respectively. The model is shown feasible from an economic point of view for all the actors if there are enough interested final users and opens the possibility of developing more efficient models with different types of services.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through projects TIN2013-47272-C2-1-R and (co-supported by the European Social Fund) BES-2014-068998.Sanchis-Cano, Á.; Romero-Chavarro, JC.; Sacoto-Cabrera, E.; Guijarro, L. (2017). Economic Feasibility of Wireless Sensor Network-Based Service Provision in a Duopoly Setting with a Monopolist Operator. Sensors. 17 (12)(2727):1-22. https://doi.org/10.3390/s17122727S12217 (12)272

    Telecommunication Economics

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    This book constitutes a collaborative and selected documentation of the scientific outcome of the European COST Action IS0605 Econ@Tel "A Telecommunications Economics COST Network" which run from October 2007 to October 2011. Involving experts from around 20 European countries, the goal of Econ@Tel was to develop a strategic research and training network among key people and organizations in order to enhance Europe's competence in the field of telecommunications economics. Reflecting the organization of the COST Action IS0605 Econ@Tel in working groups the following four major research areas are addressed: - evolution and regulation of communication ecosystems; - social and policy implications of communication technologies; - economics and governance of future networks; - future networks management architectures and mechanisms

    Telecommunication Economics

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    This book constitutes a collaborative and selected documentation of the scientific outcome of the European COST Action IS0605 Econ@Tel "A Telecommunications Economics COST Network" which run from October 2007 to October 2011. Involving experts from around 20 European countries, the goal of Econ@Tel was to develop a strategic research and training network among key people and organizations in order to enhance Europe's competence in the field of telecommunications economics. Reflecting the organization of the COST Action IS0605 Econ@Tel in working groups the following four major research areas are addressed: - evolution and regulation of communication ecosystems; - social and policy implications of communication technologies; - economics and governance of future networks; - future networks management architectures and mechanisms

    Economic analysis of wireless sensor-based services in the framework of the Internet of Things. A game-theoretical approach

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    El mundo de las telecomunicaciones está cambiando de un escenario donde únicamente las personas estaban conectadas a un modelo donde prácticamente todos los dispositivos y sensores se encuentran conectados, también conocido como Internet de las cosas (IoT), donde miles de millones de dispositivos se conectarán a Internet a través de conexiones móviles y redes fijas. En este contexto, hay muchos retos que superar, desde el desarrollo de nuevos estándares de comunicación al estudio de la viabilidad económica de los posibles escenarios futuros. En esta tesis nos hemos centrado en el estudio de la viabilidad económica de diferentes escenarios mediante el uso de conceptos de microeconomía, teoría de juegos, optimización no lineal, economía de redes y redes inalámbricas. La tesis analiza la transición desde redes centradas en el servicio de tráfico HTC a redes centradas en tráfico MTC desde un punto de vista económico. El primer escenario ha sido diseñado para centrarse en las primeras etapas de la transición, en la que ambos tipos de tráfico son servidos bajo la misma infraestructura de red. En el segundo escenario analizamos la siguiente etapa, en la que el servicio a los usuarios MTC se realiza mediante una infraestructura dedicada. Finalmente, el tercer escenario analiza la provisión de servicios basados en MTC a usuarios finales, mediante la infraestructura analizada en el escenario anterior. Gracias al análisis de todos los escenarios, hemos observado que la transición de redes centradas en usuarios HTC a redes MTC es posible y que la provisión de servicios en tales escenarios es viable. Además, hemos observado que el comportamiento de los usuarios es esencial para determinar la viabilidad de los diferentes modelos de negocio, y por tanto, es necesario estudiar el comportamiento y las preferencias de los usuarios en profundidad en estudios futuros. Específicamente, los factores más relevantes son la sensibilidad de los usuarios al retardo en los datos recopilados por los sensores y la cantidad de los mismos. También hemos observado que la diferenciación del tráfico en categorías mejora el uso de las redes y permite crear nuevos servicios empleando datos que, de otro modo, no se aprovecharían, lo cual nos permite mejorar la monetización de la infraestructura. También hemos demostrado que la provisión de capacidad es un mecanismo válido, alternativo a la fijación de precios, para la optimización de los beneficios de los proveedores de servicio. Finalmente, se ha demostrado que es posible crear roles específicos para ofrecer servicios IoT en el mercado de las telecomunicaciones, específicamente, los IoT-SPs, que proporcionan servicios basados en sensores inalámbricos utilizando infraestructuras de acceso de terceros y sus propias redes de sensores. En resumen, en esta tesis hemos intentado demostrar la viabilidad económica de modelos de negocio basados en redes futuras IoT, así como la aparición de nuevas oportunidades y roles de negocio, lo cual nos permite justificar económicamente el desarrollo y la implementación de las tecnologías necesarias para ofrecer servicios de acceso inalámbrico masivo a dispositivos MTC.The communications world is moving from a standalone devices scenario to a all-connected scenario known as Internet of Things (IoT), where billions of devices will be connected to the Internet through mobile and fixed networks. In this context, there are several challenges to face, from the development of new standards to the study of the economical viability of the different future scenarios. In this dissertation we have focused on the study of the economic viability of different scenarios using concepts of microeconomics, game theory, non-linear optimization, network economics and wireless networks. The dissertation analyzes the transition from a Human Type Communications (HTC) to a Machine Type Communications (MTC) centered network from an economic point of view. The first scenario is designed to focus on the first stages of the transition, where HTC and MTC traffic are served on a common network infrastructure. The second scenario analyzes the provision of connectivity service to MTC users using a dedicated network infrastructure, while the third stage is centered in the analysis of the provision of services based on the MTC data over the infrastructure studied in the previous scenario. Thanks to the analysis of all the scenarios we have observed that the transition from HTC users-centered networks to MTC networks is possible and that the provision of services in such scenarios is viable. In addition, we have observed that the behavior of the users is essential in order to determine the viability of a business model, and therefore, it is needed to study their behavior and preferences in depth in future studios. Specifically, the most relevant factors are the sensitivity of the users to the delay and to the amount of data gathered by the sensors. We also have observed that the differentiation of the traffic in categories improves the usage of the networks and allows to create new services thanks to the data that otherwise would not be used, improving the monetization of the infrastructure and the data. In addition, we have shown that the capacity provision is a valid mechanism for providers' profit optimization, as an alternative to the pricing mechanisms. Finally, it has been demonstrated that it is possible to create dedicated roles to offer IoT services in the telecommunications market, specifically, the IoT-SPs, which provide wireless-sensor-based services to the final users using a third party infrastructure. Summarizing, this dissertation tries to demonstrate the economic viability of the future IoT networks business models as well as the emergence of new business opportunities and roles in order to justify economically the development and implementation of the new technologies required to offer massive wireless access to machine devices.El món de les telecomunicacions està canviant d'un escenari on únicament les persones estaven connectades a un model on pràcticament tots els dispositius i sensors es troben connectats, també conegut com a Internet de les Coses (IoT) , on milers de milions de dispositius es connectaran a Internet a través de connexions mòbils i xarxes fixes. En aquest context, hi ha molts reptes que superar, des del desenrotllament de nous estàndards de comunicació a l'estudi de la viabilitat econòmica dels possibles escenaris futurs. En aquesta tesi ens hem centrat en l'estudi de la viabilitat econòmica de diferents escenaris per mitjà de l'ús de conceptes de microeconomia, teoria de jocs, optimització no lineal, economia de xarxes i xarxes inalàmbriques. La tesi analitza la transició des de xarxes centrades en el servici de tràfic HTC a xarxes centrades en tràfic MTC des d'un punt de vista econòmic. El primer escenari ha sigut dissenyat per a centrar-se en les primeres etapes de la transició, en la que ambdós tipus de tràfic són servits davall la mateixa infraestructura de xarxa. En el segon escenari analitzem la següent etapa, en la que el servici als usuaris MTC es realitza per mitjà d'una infraestructura dedicada. Finalment, el tercer escenari analitza la provisió de servicis basats en MTC a usuaris finals, per mitjà de la infraestructura analitzada en l'escenari anterior. Als paràgrafs següents es descriu amb més detall cada escenari. Gràcies a l'anàlisi de tots els escenaris, hem observat que la transició de xarxes centrades en usuaris HTC a xarxes MTC és possible i que la provisió de servicis en tals escenaris és viable. A més a més, hem observat que el comportament dels usuaris és essencial per a determinar la viabilitat dels diferents models de negoci, i per tant, és necessari estudiar el comportament i les preferències dels usuaris en profunditat en estudis futurs. Específicament, els factors més rellevants són la sensibilitat dels usuaris al retard en les dades recopilats pels sensors i la quantitat dels mateixos. També hem observat que la diferenciació del tràfic en categories millora l'ús de les xarxes i permet crear nous servicis emprant dades que, d'una altra manera, no s'aprofitarien, la qual cosa ens permet millorar la monetització de la infraestructura. També hem demostrat que la provisió de capacitat és un mecanisme vàlid, alternatiu a la fixació de preus, per a l'optimització dels beneficis dels proveïdors de servici. Finalment, s'ha demostrat que és possible crear rols específics per a oferir servicis IoT en el mercat de les telecomunicacions, específicament, els IoT-SPs, que proporcionen servicis basats en sensors inalàmbrics utilitzant infraestructures d'accés de tercers i les seues pròpies xarxes de sensors. En resum, en aquesta tesi hem intentat demostrar la viabilitat econòmica de models de negoci basats en xarxes futures IoT, així com l'aparició de noves oportunitats i rols de negoci, la qual cosa ens permet justificar econòmicament el desenrotllament i la implementació de les tecnologies necessàries per a oferir servicis d'accés inalàmbric massiu a dispositius MTC.Sanchis Cano, Á. (2018). Economic analysis of wireless sensor-based services in the framework of the Internet of Things. A game-theoretical approach [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/102642TESI

    Impact of Heterogeneous Neutrality Rules with Competitive Content Providers

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    International audienceNetwork neutrality has recently been repealed in the United States, leading to a worldwide Internet with different imposed policies. We build and analyze in this paper a game-theoretic model representing the interactions between users, network providers and content providers in this heterogeneous regulation context, and investigate the impact of two neutrality relaxation policies in a part of the world on all actors, compared with a fully-neutral network. Our results show that neutrality repeal may only favor the ISP in the differentiation-authorized zone, but no other actor, and that it can be worse off for everybody if the regulation procedures are very strict in the neutral area

    Quality of experience characterization and provisioning in mobile cellular networks

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    Παραδοσιακά, οι προηγούμενες γενεές κινητών κυψελωτών δικτύων έχουν σχεδιαστεί με κριτήρια Ποιότητας Υπηρεσίας, έτσι ώστε να πληρούν συγκεκριμένες απαιτήσεις διαφόρων υπηρεσιών. Η «Ποιότητα Εμπειρίας» έχει, ωστόσο, πρόσφατα εμφανιστεί ως έννοια, επηρεάζοντας το σχεδιασμό των μελλοντικών γενεών των δικτύων, δίνοντας σαφή έμφαση στην πραγματικά επιτευχθείσα εμπειρία του τελικού χρήστη. Η εμφάνιση της έννοιας της Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας οφείλεται στην αναπόφευκτη, ισχυρή μετάβαση που βιώνει η βιομηχανία των Τηλεπικοινωνιών από συστημο-κεντρικά δίκτυα σε πιο χρηστο-κεντρικές λύσεις και στόχους. Οι πάροχοι κινητών δικτύων, οι πάροχοι υπηρεσιών, οι προγραμματιστές εφαρμογών, αλλά και άλλα ενδιαφερόμενα μέλη που εμπλέκονται στην αλυσίδα παροχής υπηρεσιών προσελκύονται από τις ευκαιρίες που μπορεί να προσφέρει η ενσωμάτωση γνώσης Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας στο επιχειρηματικό τους μοντέλο. Πράγματι, η παρεχόμενη Ποιότητα Εμπειρίας αποτελεί έναν καθοριστικό παράγοντα διαφοροποίησης μεταξύ των διαφόρων παικτών, μία τάση που αναμένεται να γίνει ακόμη πιο έντονη τα επόμενα χρόνια. Υποκινούμενη από αυτή την χρηστο-κεντρική τάση, η έρευνα που διεξάγεται σε αυτή τη διατριβή έχει ως στόχο την διερεύνηση των προκλήσεων και των ευκαιριών που προκύπτουν στα σύγχρονα κινητά κυψελωτά δίκτυα όταν λαμβάνεται υπόψιν η έννοια της Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας. Τέτοιες ευκαιρίες αφορούν, καταρχήν, τη δυνατότητα κατανόησης της Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας που επιτυγχάνει ένας πάροχος κατά την προσφορά μίας υπηρεσίας. Αυτό μπορεί να επιτευχθεί με την υλοποίηση και ενσωμάτωση μεθόδων αξιολόγησης Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας στην πραγματικού-χρόνου λειτουργία ενός δικτύου. Εν συνεχεία, ακολουθεί η εκμετάλλευση της συλλεγμένης ευφυΐας που σχετίζεται με την Ποιότητα Εμπειρίας, προκειμένου να επανεξεταστούν υφιστάμενοι μηχανισμοί επιπέδου δικτύου (π.χ., χρονο-προγραμματισμός ραδιοπόρων) ή μηχανισμοί επιπέδου εφαρμογής (π.χ., ροή βίντεο), αλλά και να προταθούν καινοτόμες διαστρωματικές προσεγγίσεις προς όφελος της Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας. Επιπλέον, υπάρχει η δυνατότητα πρότασης νέων αλγορίθμων που προκύπτουν από τα εγγενή χαρακτηριστικά της Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας, όπως η μη γραμμική επίδραση μετρικών Ποιότητας Υπηρεσίας στην Ποιότητα Εμπειρίας, με στόχο την περαιτέρω βελτίωσή της. Σε αυτή την κατεύθυνση, στην παρούσα διατριβή, διερευνώνται και αξιοποιούνται μοντέλα και μετρικές εκτίμησης Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας με στόχο την ποσοτικοποίησή της, έχοντας ως απώτερο στόχο την εισαγωγή βελτιώσεων στους υφιστάμενους μηχανισμούς κινητών κυψελωτών δικτύων. Ο πυρήνας αυτής της διατριβής είναι η πρόταση μίας κυκλικής διεργασίας παροχής Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας που επιτρέπει τον έλεγχο, την παρακολούθηση (ήτοι, τη μοντελοποίηση) και τη διαχείριση της Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας σε ένα κυψελωτό δίκτυο. Κάθε μία από αυτές τις λειτουργίες αναλύεται περαιτέρω, ενώ έμφαση δίνεται στις λειτουργίες μοντελοποίησης και διαχείρισης. Όσον αφορά τη μοντελοποίηση, γίνεται περιγραφή και ταξινόμηση των μεθόδων εκτίμησης και των δεικτών επιδόσεων Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας. Η παραμετρική εκτίμηση της ποιότητας αναδεικνύεται ως η πιο ελκυστική κατηγορία μοντελοποίησης Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας σε κινητά κυψελωτά δίκτυα, οπότε και περιγράφεται διεξοδικά για ευρέως χρησιμοποιούμενους τύπους υπηρεσιών, όπως η συνομιλία (φωνή) μέσω Internet Protocol (IP) και η μετάδοση βίντεο. Όσον αφορά τη διαχείριση Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας, προτείνονται νέοι μηχανισμοί που επιδεικνύουν βελτιώσεις στην εμπειρία των τελικών χρηστών, και συγκεκριμένα: α) ένα σχήμα ελέγχου των επικοινωνιών συσκευής-προς-συσκευή που λαμβάνει υπόψιν την εμπειρία των χρηστών, β) ένας «συνεπής» αλγόριθμος χρονο-προγραμματισμού ραδιοπόρων που βελτιώνει την Ποιότητα Εμπειρίας του χρήστη μετριάζοντας τις διακυμάνσεις της ρυθμαπόδοσης του δικτύου, και γ) ένας μηχανισμός προσαρμοστικής ροής βίντεο με γνώσεις «πλαισίου», ο οποίος επιτυγχάνει την εξάλειψη διακοπών του βίντεο σε συνθήκες χαμηλού εύρους ζώνης. Επιπλέον, προτείνεται μία εφαρμογή Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας βασισμένη στην αρχιτεκτονική Software-Defined Networking (SDN), ονόματι “QoE-SDN APP”, η οποία επιτρέπει την ανάδραση πληροφοριών δικτύου από παρόχους κινητής τηλεφωνίας σε παρόχους υπηρεσιών βίντεο, αναδεικνύοντας πλεονεκτήματα ως προς την Ποιότητα Εμπειρίας για τους πελάτες των παρόχων βίντεο αλλά και ως προς την εξοικονόμηση εύρους ζώνης για τους φορείς εκμετάλλευσης δικτύου. Εν κατακλείδι, η παρούσα διατριβή προωθεί την ενοποίηση του ερευνητικού πεδίου της Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας με τον τομέα των κινητών επικοινωνιών, καθώς και τη συνεργασία αμοιβαίου ενδιαφέροντος μεταξύ των παρόχων δικτύου (επίπεδο δικτύου) με τους παρόχους υπηρεσιών (επίπεδο εφαρμογής), αναδεικνύοντας την δυναμική από τέτοιου είδους προσεγγίσεις για όλους τους εμπλεκόμενους φορείς.Traditionally, previous generations of mobile cellular networks have been designed with Quality of Service (QoS) criteria in mind, so that they manage to meet specific service requirements. Quality of Experience (QoE) has, however, recently emerged as a concept, disrupting the design of future network generations by giving clear emphasis on the actually achieved user experience. The emergence of the QoE concept has been a result of the inevitable strong transition that the Telecom industry is currently experiencing from system-centric networks to more user-centric solutions and objectives. Mobile network operators, service providers, application developers, as well as other stakeholders involved in the service provisioning chain have been attracted by the opportunities that the integration of the QoE concept could bring to their business; indeed, the provisioned QoE constitutes a determining factor of differentiation among different stakeholders, a tendency which is expected to become even more intense in the years to come. Motivated by this boost towards user-centricity, the objective of the research conducted in this thesis is to explore the challenges and opportunities that arise in modern mobile cellular networks when QoE is considered. Such opportunities concern, first of all, the possibility to comprehend the QoE that a provider achieves when provisioning a service. This can be enabled by the implementation and integration of QoE assessment methods into the real-time operation of a network. Then, the next step is the exploitation of collected QoE-related intelligence in order to re-examine existing network-layer mechanisms (e.g., radio scheduling), or application-layer mechanisms (e.g., video streaming), as well as propose novel cross-layer approaches towards ameliorating the achieved QoE. Moreover, the opportunity emerges to propose novel algorithms that stem from the inherent idiosyncrasies of QoE, such as the non-linear impact of QoS-related parameters on QoE, as a way to further enhance the users’ QoE. In this direction, throughout this thesis, QoE estimation models and metrics are explored and exploited in order to quantify QoE and thus, to improve existing mechanisms of mobile cellular networks. The core of this thesis is the proposal of a QoE provisioning cycle that allows the control, monitoring (i.e., modeling) and management of QoE in a cellular network. Each one of these functions is further analyzed, while emphasis is given on the modeling and management operations. In terms of modeling, QoE assessment methods and QoE-related performance indicators are described and classified. Parametric quality estimation is identified as the most appealing type of QoE estimation in mobile cellular networks, thus, it is thoroughly described for widely used types of services, such as Voice over IP (VoIP) and video streaming. In terms of QoE management, novel QoE-aware mechanisms that demonstrate QoE improvements for the users are proposed, namely: a) a QoE-driven Device-to-Device (D2D) communication management scheme that enhances end-user QoE, b) a “consistent” radio scheduling algorithm that improves the end-user QoE by mitigating throughput fluctuations, and c) a context-aware HTTP Adaptive Streaming (HAS) mechanism that successfully mitigates stallings (i.e., video freezing events) in the context of bandwidth-challenging scenarios. Moreover, a programmable QoE-SDN APP into the Software-Defined Networking (SDN) architecture is introduced, which enables network feedback exposure from mobile network operators to video service providers, revealing QoE benefits for the customers of video providers and bandwidth savings for the network operators. Overall, this thesis promotes the uniting of the domain of QoE with the domain of mobile communications, as well as the collaboration of mutual-interest between mobile network operators (network layer) and service providers (application layer), presenting the high potential from such approaches for all involved stakeholders

    Developing a user-centric distributed middleware for SLA monitoring in SaaS cloud computing using RESTful services

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    One of the most important discussions in the cloud computing field is user satisfaction with the associated services. It is important to maintain trusted relationships between clients and providers, for customers who pay subscriptions to receive these services in a timely and accurate manner. Despite the overwhelming advantages of cloud services, clients sometimes have problems in service outage and resource failure. This is due to the failures that can happen in cloud servers, which cause outages to the received services. For example, the failure of Microsoft Office 365 on 18th of January 2016, caused email disruption which lasted for many days. New measures are needed to ensure that the contract signed between the two parties, known as a Service Level Agreement (SLA) has been adhered to. Measuring the quality of cloud computing provision from the client’s point of view is, therefore, essential in order to ensure that the service conforms to the level specified in the agreement; this is usually referred to as Quality of Experience. In recent years, there has been an increase shift in using Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) to Representational State Transfer (REST) technology as an alternative technology in cloud applications APIs development. However, there is a penchant in most of cloud monitoring solutions to use SOAP protocol in managing the monitoring process. This trend has drawn the attention to the need for using REST technology in transferring the monitored data between the provider side and the client side. This thesis addresses the problem of monitoring the quality of Software as a Service from the users’ perspective, and the need for developing a lightweight middleware for delivering the monitored data in Software as a Service cloud computing. The aim of this research is to propose a user centric approach for monitoring Software as a Service in cloud computing, and to reduce the overhead caused by the monitoring process. In order to achieve this aim, a user centric middleware capable of monitoring the Quality of Experience has been developed. The developed middleware is a Service Oriented middleware which uses RESTful web services and provides the monitoring process as an add-on service. A new approach was developed for embedding the SLA parameters in REST services through extending the HTTP messages and exploiting the HEAD and OPTIONS methods to transmit the monitored data and to send notifications about anySLA violations. This reduces the need to exchange extra monitoring messages between the two parties, and hence reduces the communication overhead. Furthermore, the estimation of the user satisfaction was implemented by developing a decision making approach to estimate the Quality of Experience value and to predict the effect of the SLA parameters and the Quality of Service (QoS) on the user satisfaction. Fuzzy logic techniques were employed in the decision making process.The developed middleware is called MonSLAR, for Monitoring SLA for Restful services in SaaS cloud computing environments. The middleware was implemented using the Java programming language, and tested successfully in a cloud environment to prove the proposed solution’s capability of transmitting the data using the REST methods, in addition to providing automated and real time feedback. MonSLAR uses a distributed monitoring architecture, which allows SLA parameters to be embedded in the requests and responses of the REST protocol. The proposed middleware was evaluated by measuring the overhead caused by using REST technology in terms of response time and message size and compared to existing techniques. The results revealed that the message size overhead of using REST is approximately five times less than the message size overhead caused by SOAP. Furthermore, the response time overhead of the monitoring process is comparable to the overhead caused by the available monitoring frameworks. To sum up, the proposed middleware will help to strengthen the relationship between the client and the provider by using real time notifications to the client about any degradation in the cloud services, using a lightweight middleware