23 research outputs found

    Theoretical analysis of the trade-off between efficiency and linearity of the High Power Amplifier in OFDM context

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    International audiencePower efficiency and linearity are key parameters of amplification systems but they cannot be achieved simultaneously. A perfect linearity is observed when the power efficiency is low and vice versa. In this paper, we first analyze through some theoretical expressions, the power efficiency and the linearity measured by the Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) metric. Then we propose an analytical trade-off that ensures a good linearity with reasonable efficiency by combining Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) reduction and linearization. This analysis is carried out based on Solid State Power Amplifiers (SSPA) and Predistortion (PD) as linearization technique. We show that a trade-off can be achieved for a high distortionless PAPR reduction gain followed by an effective predistortion. Last but not least the most important is to avoid the amplifier saturation by setting the PAPR of the signal after PAPR reduction technique identical to the input back-off (IBO)

    Predistortion performance considering Peak to Average Power ratio reduction in OFDM context

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    International audienceSome recent communication systems like DVB-T2 standard set up a PAPR reduction technique followed by a linearization's one. So in such a scenario, the performance of the linearization is influenced undoubtedly by the PAPR reduction method. In this paper, we revisit the EVM metric and evaluate a closed form regarding the performance of both the PAPR reduction technique and the linearization's one. We choose the predistortion as a linearization technique and define a predistortion error. Assuming that the baseband OFDM signal is characterized as a complex Gaussian process, we consider the three top categories of PAPR reduction methods presented in [2] and we first study the distribution of the resulted signal. Then, we derive some theoretical expressions of the first and second order moments of the predistortion error and show that the error depends mainly on the PAPR of the signal after PAPR reduction method and on the predistortion quality. Some simulations compared to our proposed model confirm our results

    PAPR reduction using iterative clipping/filtering and ADMM approaches for OFDM-based mixed-numerology systems

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    Mixed-numerology transmission is proposed to support a variety of communication scenarios with diverse requirements. However, as the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) remains as the basic waveform, the peak-to average power ratio (PAPR) problem is still cumbersome. In this paper, based on the iterative clipping and filtering (ICF) and optimization methods, we investigate the PAPR reduction in the mixed-numerology systems. We first illustrate that the direct extension of classical ICF brings about the accumulation of inter-numerology interference (INI) due to the repeated execution. By exploiting the clipping noise rather than the clipped signal, the noise-shaped ICF (NS-ICF) method is then proposed without increasing the INI. Next, we address the in-band distortion minimization problem subject to the PAPR constraint. By reformulation, the resulting model is separable in both the objective function and the constraints, and well suited for the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) approach. The ADMM-based algorithms are then developed to split the original problem into several subproblems which can be easily solved with closed-form solutions. Furthermore, the applications of the proposed PAPR reduction methods combined with filtering and windowing techniques are also shown to be effective

    PAPR Reduction Solutions for 5G and Beyond

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    The latest fifth generation (5G) wireless technology provides improved communication quality compared to earlier generations. The 5G New Radio (NR), specified by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), addresses the modern requirements of the wireless networks and targets improved communication quality in terms of for example peak data rates, latency and reliability. On the other hand, there are still various crucial issues that impact the implementation and energy-efficiency of 5G NR networks and their different deployments. The power-efficiency of transmitter power amplifiers (PAs) is one of these issues. The PA is an important unit of a communication system, which is responsible from amplifying the transmit signal towards the antenna. Reaching high PA power-efficiency is known to be difficult when the transmit waveform has a high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR). The cyclic prefix (CP)-orthogonal frequencydivision multiplexing (OFDM) that is the main physical-layer waveform of 5G NR, suffers from such high PAPR challenge. There are generally many PAPR reduction methods proposed in the literature, however, many of these have either very notable computational complexity or impose substantial inband distortion. Moreover, 5G NR has new features that require redesigning the PAPR reduction methods. In line with these, the first contribution of this thesis is the novel frequencyselective PAPR reduction concept, where clipping noise is shaped in a frequencyselective manner over the active passband. This concept is in line with the 5G NR, where aggressive frequency-domain multiplexing is considered as an important feature. Utilizing the frequency-selective PAPR reduction enables the realization of the heterogeneous resource utilization within one passband. The second contribution of this thesis is the frequency-selective single-numerology (SN) and mixed-numerology (MN) PAPR reduction methods. The 5G NR targets utilizing different physical resource blocks (PRBs) and bandwidth parts (BWPs) within one passband flexibly. Yet, existing PAPR reduction methods do not exploit these features. Based on this, novel algorithms utilizing PRB and BWP level control of clipping noise are designed to meet error vector magnitude (EVM) limits of the modulations while reducing the PAPR. TheMNallocation has one critical challenge as inter numerology interference (INI) emerges after aggregation of subband signals. Proposed MN PAPR reduction algorithm overcomes this issue by cancelling INI within the PAPR reduction loop, which has not been considered earlier. The third contribution of this thesis is the proposal of two novel non-iterative PAPR reduction methods. First method utilizes the fast-convolution filteredOFDM (FC-F-OFDM) that has excellent spectral containment, and combines it with clipping. Moreover, clipping noise is also allocated to guard bands by filter passband extension (FPE) and clipping noise in out-of-band (OOB) regions is essentially filtered through FC filtering. The second method is the guard-tone reservation (GTR) which is applied to discrete Fourier transform-spread-OFDM (DFT-s-OFDM). Uniquely, GTR estimates the time domain peaks in data symbol domain before inverse fast Fourier transform (IFFT), and uses guard band tones for PAPR reduction. The fourth contribution of the thesis is the design of two novel machine learning (ML) algorithms that improve the drawbacks of frequency-selective PAPRreduction. The first ML algorithm, PAPRer, models the nonlinear relation between the PAPR target and the realized PAPR value. Then, it auto-tunes the optimal PAPR target and this way minimizes the realized PAPR. The second ML algorithm, one-shot clipping-and-filtering (OSCF), solves the complexity problem of iterative clipping and filtering (ICF)-like methods by generating proper approximated clipping noise signal after running only one iteration, leading to very efficient PAPR reduction. Finally, an over-arching contribution of this thesis is the experimental validation of the performance benefits of the proposed methods by considering realistic 5GNR uplink (UL) and downlink (DL) testbeds that include realistic PAs and associated hardware. It is very important to confirm the practical benefits of the proposed methods and, this is realized with the conducted experimental work

    Analysis of Improved µ-Law Companding Technique for OFDM Systems

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    YesHigh Peak-to-Average-Power Ratio (PAPR) of transmitted signals is a common problem in broadband telecommunication systems using an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) modulation scheme, as it increases transmitter power consumption. In consumer applications where it impacts mobile terminal battery life and infrastructure running costs, this is a major factor in customer satisfaction. Companding techniques have been recently used to alleviate this high PAPR. In this paper, a companding scheme with an offset, amidst two nonlinear companding levels, is proposed to achieve better PAPR reduction while maintaining an acceptable bit error rate (BER) level, resulting in electronic products of higher power efficiency. Study cases have included the effect of companding on the OFDM signal with and without an offset. A novel closed-form approximation for the BER of the proposed companding scheme is also presented, and its accuracy is compared against simulation results. A method for choosing best companding parameters is presented based on contour plots. Practical emulation of a real time OFDM-based system has been implemented and evaluated using a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)

    Impacto da distorção não linear em sistemas wireless

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesEsta tese esta inserida no domínio dos sistemas não lineares sendo direccionada para sistemas de micro ondas e radio frequência. Neste estudo pretende-se compreender o impacto da distorção não linear em sistemas wireless quando submetidos a sinais digitais modulados. Para fazer o estudo destes fenomenos é necessario efectuar uma correcta carcterização do sinal de excitação, contudo devido á sua natureza aleatoria este processo nem sempre é facil, o que originou simplificações, que no entanto são por vezes aplicadas de modo errado. Neste estudo é aboradado este problema sendo ilustradas as diferenças entre as aproximações e a estatistica real do sinal e ainda exposto o processo para o calculo analitico da estatistica real do sinal. Serão também estudados diversos fenomenos responsaveis pelo aparecimento de distorção não linear, estes fenomenos serão representados através de modelos, tais como, o modelo de Winner-Hammerstein e o modelo multi-slice. ABSTRACT: This thesis is performed under the non-linear electronic systems context, as radio frequency and microwave systems, this study is intended for the understanding of the impact of the non linear distortion in wireless systems when using complex digitally modulated signals. To evaluate it is necessary to make a correct characterization of the excitation signal. However, due to its random nature, these processes are not always easy, which leads to simplifications. Although this simplifications sometimes are used wrongly. These will be discussed and the differences between the real signal statistics and the approximations will be showed, moreover the analytical process to obtain the real signal statistics will be presented. Several non linear phenomena responsible for the non linear distortion will be studied. Each component will be represented by models as the Wiener- Hammerstein and the multi-slice model

    Development of digital predistorters for broadband power amplifiers in OFDM systems using the simplicial canonical piecewise linear function

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    Power amplifiers (PAs) are inherently nonlinear devices. Linearity of a PA can be achieved by backing off the PA to its linear region at the expense of power efficiency loss. For signals with high envelope fluctuation such OFDM system, large backoff is required, causing significant loss in power efficiency. Thus, backoff is not a favourable solution. Digital predistorters (PDs) are widely employed for linearizing PAs that are driven to the nonlinear regions. In broadband systems where PAs exhibit memory effects, the PDs are also required to compensate the memory effects. This thesis deals with the development of digital PDs for broadband PAs in OFDM systems using the Simplicial Canonical Piecewise Linear (SCPWL) function. The SCPWL function offers a few advantages over polynomial models. It imposes a saturation after the last breakpoint, making it suitable for modelling nonlinearities of PA and PD. The breakpoints of the function can be freely placed to allow optimum fitting of a given nonlinearity. It is suitable for modeling strong nonlinearities. Analysis of the SCPWL spectra property shows that the function models infinite order of intermodulation distortion, even with small number of breakpoints. The accuracy of the model can be improved by increasing the number of breakpoints. The original real-valued SCPWL function is extended to include memory structure and complex-valued coefficients, resulting in the proposed baseband SCPWL model with memory. The model is adopted in the development of the Hammerstein-SCPWL PD and memory-SCPWL PD. Vector projection methods are developed for static SCPWL PDs identification. Adaptive algorithms employing the indirect and direct learning architectures are developed for identifying the Hammerstein-SCPWL PD and memory-SCPWL PD. By exploiting the properties of the SCPWL function, the algorithms are simplified. A modified Wiener model estimator is employed to circumvent the non-convex cost function problem of block models. This further reduces the complexity of the Hammerstein PD algorithms. The thesis also analyses the effects of measurement noise on indirect learning SCPWL filter. Due to its linear basis function, the SCPWL filter coefficients do not suffer the coefficient bias effects which are observed in polynomial models. The performance of the proposed SCPWL PDs are compared with state-of-the-art polynomial-based PDs by simulations and measurements

    Peak to average power ratio reduction and error control in MIMO-OFDM HARQ System

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    Currently, multiple-input multiple-output orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MIMOOFDM) systems underlie crucial wireless communication systems such as commercial 4G and 5G networks, tactical communication, and interoperable Public Safety communications. However, one drawback arising from OFDM modulation is its resulting high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR). This problem increases with an increase in the number of transmit antennas. In this work, a new hybrid PAPR reduction technique is proposed for space-time block coding (STBC) MIMO-OFDM systems that combine the coding capabilities to PAPR reduction methods, while leveraging the new degree of freedom provided by the presence of multiple transmit chairs (MIMO). In the first part, we presented an extensive literature review of PAPR reduction techniques for OFDM and MIMO-OFDM systems. The work developed a PAPR reduction technique taxonomy, and analyzed the motivations for reducing the PAPR in current communication systems, emphasizing two important motivations such as power savings and coverage gain. In the tax onomy presented here, we include a new category, namely, hybrid techniques. Additionally, we drew a conclusion regarding the importance of hybrid PAPR reduction techniques. In the second part, we studied the effect of forward error correction (FEC) codes on the PAPR for the coded OFDM (COFDM) system. We simulated and compared the CCDF of the PAPR and its relationship with the autocorrelation of the COFDM signal before the inverse fast Fourier transform (IFFT) block. This allows to conclude on the main characteristics of the codes that generate high peaks in the COFDM signal, and therefore, the optimal parameters in order to reduce PAPR. We emphasize our study in FEC codes as linear block codes, and convolutional codes. Finally, we proposed a new hybrid PAPR reduction technique for an STBC MIMO-OFDM system, in which the convolutional code is optimized to avoid PAPR degradation, which also combines successive suboptimal cross-antenna rotation and inversion (SS-CARI) and iterative modified companding and filtering schemes. The new method permits to obtain a significant net gain for the system, i.e., considerable PAPR reduction, bit error rate (BER) gain as compared to the basic MIMO-OFDM system, low complexity, and reduced spectral splatter. The new hybrid technique was extensively evaluated by simulation, and the complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF), the BER, and the power spectral density (PSD) were compared to the original STBC MIMO-OFDM signal