22,927 research outputs found


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    One of the impacts caused by the Covid-19 pandemic is the limited interaction of the community in various activities, including business activities, causing Indonesia to experience a 0.1% decline in economic growth in 2020, and more than 50% of Small and Medium Enterprises have become victims. However, the limited interaction in business activities is not a major problem for the millennial generation. They have sufficient skills and knowledge in utilizing technology to carry out their business activities. The method used today is marketing through digital content which is known as digital content marketing. Many business people have started to switch to modern marketing based on digital technology because it is considered more effective and can be done in various situations and conditions, including during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study aims to examine the role of digital content marketing towards the efforts made by millennial entrepreneurs in Kupang City during the Covid-19 pandemic. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative in order to obtain data and facts related to the research problem directly. Through the results and discussion, it was concluded that digital content marketing plays an important role in creating cost-effective promotions, increasing sales, communication media and effective and up to date marketing information. Digital content marketing plays a role in building brand awareness and consumer loyalty, being a means of developing creativity and knowledge of business actors in utilizing technology for business, and creating competitive advantages for millennial entrepreneurs in Kupang City. Keywords: Digital Content Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Millennial Generatio

    Brand awareness: The influence of social media during the covid-19 pandemic

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    In today’s society, social media is unavoidable, especially as we enter the ‘new normal’. As the pandemic alters our use of social media, it becomes an even more valuable medium of communication for brands and consumers alike. The present global pandemic, with its imposed lockdowns, has caused millions of us to turn to the internet to socialize. Social media has become an everyday aspect of our lives, and not simply when we are trying to maintain social distance. Now, social media itself has become the new normal. Marketers have taken notice of this emerging social phenomenon. There is a change in consumer behavior as well as a change in marketing tools. As a result, the purpose of this research is to gain a better knowledge of the influence and usefulness of social media as a digital marketing tool on brand awareness during Covid-19 pandemic. Thus, a study was conducted on 100 respondents using an online questionnaire instrument (Google Form) in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. The findings demonstrate that social media marketing was effective at brand awareness during COVID-19. Marketers must rethink how they analyze and target the current consumer. It is vital to take advantage of the opportunity to explore and research the new normal following the COVID-19 pandemic, as doing so will improve the future of marketing, technology, and communication. The research on brand efficacy in marketing during COVID-19 offers fresh insight that is essential to developing a sales plan following COVID-19 since doing so will advance marketing, technology, and communication in the future

    Storytelling in advertising and branding

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    Information communication technologies accelerated numerous trends in the world including the shift to online communication and further content digitalization. Technological innovations reverberate throughout complex social and demographic trends which make a significant impact on business, international companies including. The article focuses on linguistic analysis of the current changes in advertising and branding, mainly in the fashion industry. COVID-19 pandemic with online communication and remote work contributed to further transformation of choice, preferences, and options as well as to popularity of social media as an instrument of information search, as the environment for communication and sharing opinions. Lockdowns and quarantines during COVID-19 pandemic, lack of direct contact with clients entailed the shift to online marketing and advertising. Looking for effective online marketing instruments some companies select storytelling as a basis for their videos. Underpinned theoretically by multimodal discourse analysis and narrative studies, this paper shows how storytelling with its appeal to emotions and memorability potential is becoming a noticeable marketing trend and advertising strategy against the background of current radical technological changes in the information abundant world. Companies manufacturing lux products began to diversify marketing strategies and generate multimodal narrative – a string of stories about the brand, its founders, technologies they use. COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the shift to multimodal videos. During COVID-19 pandemic, fashion houses created marketing masterpieces to attract attention to new collections. They replaced traditional physical shows and set a new perspective for online fashion shows. These short films telling brand stories become chapters of a brand’s lookbook available in social media

    Like, Share, Tweet: Using Campus Recreation and Wellness Social Media to Better Understand Effective and Engaging Marketing Strategies

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    Effective social media marketing is a vital tool essential for organizations to facilitate brand growth and development. This project has been developed to create a marketing portfolio for the Communications and Promotions department of Campus Recreation & Wellness. The goal of this project is to offer a means of insight to the Communications and Promotions team on how to develop the most effective marketing strategy for meeting reach, engagement, and target market goals. CRW practices a variety of social media marketing techniques to promote events and campaigns developed by departments within the organization. Several currently used techniques have been successful, but there is room for improvement and deeper understanding. Results of the project will determine how the department should grow and develop current practices that will further keep and attract the preferred student base. This portfolio uses data analytics from CRW social media platforms to conclude which facets of promotion are most successful. The success rate of various marketing strategies is based on results collected following the completion of events and campaigns over the last three years. Variables used to determine marketing strategy success include overall changes in account following, post engagement, post shares, and post views. Tabling engagement techniques have also been taken into consideration because of their pre-COVID-19 relevance. This project serves to analyze marketing processes that have been reconstructed because of the effects of COVID-19, and how this variation in marketing has changed job responsibilities in the Communications and Promotions department at CRW. Understanding the marketing mix and consumer behaviors of an organization has proven to be a critical aspect of creating an engaging social media platform. The marketing mix of this portfolio evaluates the engagement patterns of young adults and college students. This project analyzes the social media engagement patterns of students at ECU. As a marketing team, CRW will be better able to communicate effectively with their target market by incorporating methods of audience attraction and retainment on all social media platforms. The findings of this research will be incorporated as new initiatives during program production and promotion in the Fall semester of 2021. This implementation has been postponed because of the virtual marketing environment created to comply with COVID-19 standards within the University

    When Quranic Learning Goes Online: The Phenomenon of Yusuf Mansur in Da'wah Marketing Facing the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    The Covid-19 (Corona viruses) pandemic has forced the system for spreading and understanding the Qur'an to be carried out online. Online media, such as e-learning, was known before the corona viruses season. One of the institutions implementing e-learning is the Darul Qur'an Islamic Boarding School, led by Yusuf Mansur. The famous preacher with the "alms flag as the gateway to riches" is phenomenal in Indonesia. This study uses the phenomenological method and the AIC (attract inform community) model, combining techniques based on social research and Information Technology (IT). This article proves that Mansur was able to build a system for disseminating the Qur’an (online and offline/face to face) combined with a business concept with floating funds and cooperatives and a tower with 285 rooms. Based on the AIC model, it can be stated that Mansur's PPPA web (Qur’an memorizing nursery program) was effective in supporting e-learning and socializing the Qur’an during the Covid-19 period. The Qur'anic e-learning approach has implications for Islamic institutions as capital for brand marketing of da'wah institutions and their development. This strategy is a solution to spreading the Qur'an in abnormal situations and experiences in the future


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    Pandemi Covid-19 menyebabkan penurunan signifikan jumlah wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Bali. Hotel Rimbun Canggu juga tak terkecuali terdampak pandemi, sebagai salah satu penyedia akomodasi di daerah Canggu, Kabupaten Badung, Bali. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (abdimas) ini dilakukan untuk memberikan pendampingan bagi manajemen hotel terkait terobosan pemasaran digital untuk dapat tetap bertahan pada masa pandemi. Pendekatan metode kualitatif deskriptif melalui observasi dan wawancara digunakan untuk mendapatkan hasil kegiatan abdimas yang mampu mengidentifikasi terobosan yang dapat diterapkan dalam upaya mempertahankan usaha Hotel Rimbun Canggu. Hotel Rimbun Canggu melaksanakan berbagai terobosan guna re-branding produk dan jasa yang dimiliki untuk menarik repeater maupun new visitors, yakni dengan adanya promo kolam renang, restaurant dan paket staycation. Dengan pendampingan melalui kegiatan abdimas ini, pengelola Hotel Rimbun Canggu mampu mengembangkan strategi pemasaran melalui media sosial yang lebih baik dan efektif. Kegiatan abdimas serupa di masa mendatang dapat mempertimbangkan kerjasama dengan beberapa influencer untuk membantu mitra menjangkau target audien yang lebih luas. Kata kunci: Pariwisata, Strategi, Pemasaran, Covid-19, Media Sosial. ABSTRACT The Covid-19 pandemic has caused a significant decrease in the number of tourists visiting Bali. Hotel Rimbun Canggu is no exception affected by the pandemic, as one of the accommodation providers in the Canggu area, Badung Regency, Bali. This community service activity (abdimas) was carried out to provide assistance to hotel management regarding digital marketing breakthroughs to be able to survive during the pandemic. Descriptive qualitative method approach through observation and interviews was used to obtain the results of community service activities that are able to identify breakthroughs that can be applied in an effort to maintain the business of Rimbun Canggu Hotel. Hotel Rimbun Canggu has carried out various breakthroughs to re-brand its products and services to attract repeaters and new visitors, namely by promoting swimming pools, restaurants and staycation packages. With assistance through this community service activity, the manager of Hotel Rimbun Canggu is able to develop marketing strategies through social media that are better and more effective. Similar community service activities in the future may consider collaborating with several influencers to help partners reach a wider target audience. Keywords: Tourism, Strategy, Marketing, Covid-19, Social Media


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    AbstrakDigital marketing sudah terbukti sebagai salah satu cara yang efektif untuk memperluas jangkauan merek dan meningkatkan angka penjualan. Sayangnya, pemahaman atau literasi mengenai digital marketing terlihat belum tersebar secara merata, khususnya di lingkungan UMKM pengusaha perempuan atau womenpreneurs di Indonesia. Walaupun mereka dinilai akrab dalam menggunakan sosial media sebagai media berkomunikasinya, keakraban ini masih harus ditingkatkan dari segi penggunaan dalam mengembangkan strategi marketing usaha. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan kasus yang membuktikan keefektifan strategi digital marketing, bahkan di saat pandemi COVID-19 ini masih berlangsung. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif, diambil melalui studi kasus terhadap perusahaan fesyen MAIMA Indonesia, yang bertempat di Bandung. Dimana proses pengambilan data dilakukan melalui wawancara virtual dengan pemilik merek. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dengan pemilihan platform media sosial yang tepat dan pengelolaan konten yang baik dapat meningkatkan penjualan.  Kata-kata kunci: Digital marketing; media sosial; UMKM; womenpreneurs. AbstractDigital marketing has proven to be one of the most effective ways to expand brand reach and increase sales. Unfortunately, understanding or literacy regarding digital marketing does not seem to be spread evenly, especially in the MSME environment for women entrepreneurs or womenpreneurs in Indonesia. Although they are considered familiar in using social media as a medium of communication, this familiarity still has to be improved in terms of use in developing business marketing strategies. This study aims to show cases that prove the effectiveness of digital marketing strategies, even during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research method used in this study is a qualitative research with a descriptive approach, taken through a case study of the MAIMA Indonesia fashion company, which is located in Bandung. Where the data collection process is carried out through virtual interviews with brand owners. The results of this study indicate that choosing the right social media platform and managing content well can increase sales.  Keywords: digital marketing; MSMEs; social media; womenpreneurs

    Technology intensity and homeworking in the UK

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    Design of a Virtual Tour as a Solution for Promoting the Tourism Sector in the Pandemic Period

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the tourism sector. Tourism businesses must adapt to new conditions and rearrange their promotional strategies so that they can survive in the new normal era. Since the pandemic started spreading in early 2020, the Government has recommended a new promotional initiative for the tourism sector through the use of technology that can be accessed remotely via the internet. One of these approaches is the presentation of virtual tourism in various ways to strengthen the brand and promote tourism, for example, through virtual reality. The aim of this research was to increase tourist visits to Kajoetangan Heritage Village through applying technology to create a virtual tourism portal application, thereby raising the attractiveness of thematic village tourist destinations in Malang City. Using the virtual reality design as a form of marketing communication could be an alternative solution to tourism promotion during the pandemic. A Research and Development approach was used in this study in the following order: (1) conducting product analysis to be developed; (2) developing initial products; (3) expert validation and revision; (4) small-scale field trials and product revisions; (5) field trials and final product. The results from the field test showed that users can gain awareness about tourism activities through this virtual reality product, which can therefore be effective in supporting tourism promotion during the pandemic period. Keywords: virtual reality, COVID-1

    International Tourism in the System of Modern Globalization Processes

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    Стаття присвячена процесам глобалізації, що відбуваються у сучасному світі. Особлива увага приділяється впливу глобалізації на туризм. Розглядаються як позитивні, так і негативні впливи глобалізаційних процесів на різні сфери життя суспільства. У статті описані основні фактори глобалізації у міжнародному туризмі та їх вплив на його розвиток. Глобалізація часто розглядається як особливий стан людського суспільства. В контексті туризму глобалізація дозволяє сприймати туристів як споживачів, привносячи культуру споживання в країни, що розвиваються і сприяючи зростанню глобального суспільства. Розглядається вплив COVID-19 на міжнародні туристичні потоки. Міжнародний туризм. Глобалізація. Короновірус Статья посвящена процессам глобализации, происходящим в современном мире. Особое внимание уделяется влиянию глобализации на туризм. Рассматриваются как положительные, так и отрицательные воздействия глобализационных процессов на различные сферы жизни общества. В статье описаны основные факторы глобализации в международном туризме и их влияние на его развитие. Глобализация часто рассматривается как особое состояние человеческого общества. В контексте туризма глобализация позволяет воспринимать туристов как потребителей, привнося культуру потребления в развивающиеся страны и способствуя росту глобального общества. Рассматривается влияние COVID-19 на международные туристические потоки. Международный туризм. Глобализация. КороновирусThe article is devoted to globalization processes taking place in the modern world. Particular attention is paid to the impact of globalization on tourism. Both positive and negative effects of globalization processes on different spheres of society are considered. The article describes the main factors of globalization in international tourism and their impact on its development. Globalization is often seen as a special state of human society. In the context of tourism, globalization allows tourists to be perceived as consumers, bringing a culture of consumption to developing countries and contributing to the growth of global society. International Tourism, Globalization, COVID-1