161 research outputs found

    Strategies to introduce gender perspective in Engineering studies: a proposal based on selfdiagnosis.

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    Gender inequality in STEM careers is a global problem and avoid bias in education can be a solution. This paper presents a framework for inclusion of gender perspective in engineering courses. The methodology followed in its design was divided into two phases: the developed of different educational innovation projects and a co-creation workshop. Several instruments have been created and validated, such as questionnaires, canvas model and rubrics. The framework includes elements such as the self-diagnosis and redefinition of curriculum, contents and practices, specific learning outcomes and gender and sex balanced methods and learning environments for equity

    Gender mainstreaming in engineering education

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    The invited keynote “Gender mainstreaming in Engineering Education” was held in SEFI Annual Conference on September 21, 2022, in Barcelona (Spain). The goal is present the need to improve the education for quality in the Engineering scope. The experiences are based on the work done in W-STEM ERASMUS + Capacity-building in Higher Education European Project (Ref. 598923-EPP-1-2018-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) and CreaSTEAM ERASMUS + project (Ref. 2020-1-ES01-KA201-082601).The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

    C4 model in a Software Engineering subject to ease the comprehension of UML and the software development process

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    Software engineering provides the competences and skills to design and develop robust, secure and efficient applications that solve real problems. Students have to develop their abstract thinking to find solutions taking into account not only technical development, but economic and social impact. In previous years, different changes have been introduced in the teaching methods with significant outcomes. However, students are still facing difficulties with one of the core contents of the subject, UML. For this reason, the present work aims to introduce C4 model as a complement of the existing UML diagrams. This proposal uses the two first levels of the C4 model to complement the requirements elicitation process, traditionally based only on use cases, to let students start the design of their systems without going into greater technical details

    A preliminary study about gender gap perception in informatics studies in Spain

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    The gender gap in STEM is an issue that affects regions and countries worldwide. Furthermore, the percentage of women in these areas depends on a range of different factors. In particular, the gender gap is critical in technology in general and, more specifically, in informatics. This problem affects not only the business sector but also society. Informatics is part of our lives; however, 50% of the world population is not represented in the teams that are developing solutions for solving society's problems. In Spain, the number of women with informatics degrees is around 15%. This work describes a case study developed by the committee of Women in Informatics at the Scientific Society of Spanish Informatics (SCIE) to analyse the perception of informatics scientists on the gender gap in informatics

    SDART Software: A Novel Tool Designed to Enhance Learning in Adjustment Computation in Surveying

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    [EN] This article presents a teaching-learning methodology designed for the acquisition of competences related to the subject of Adjustment of Observations in the Degree in Engineering in Geomatics and Surveying. The activity has been designed to cover the majority of the competences and learning objectives of the subject. And due to the wide scope of the activity's goal, a novel teaching support software has been developed (SDART) to be used in conjunction with other free suites (Octave). Through an application of the Project-Based Learning methodology in a simple observation project of a surveying network, the students will develop their mathematical and statistical competences. The focus of the approach is allowing the students to understand and interpret the different error sources in field observations and their role in the process of determining the optimal solution by means of least squares. This teaching-learning approach supported by the ad-hoc developed software will assist the students to achieve their learning goals and reach the professional skills required for their practical work in geomatics and surveying.SIThis work has been supported by the 2022 Educational Innovation Program of the Universidad de León (PAID – Plan de Apoyo a la Innovación Docente

    Estudio piloto sobre la percepción de la brecha de género en estudios de ingeniería informática

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    La brecha de género es uno de los principales problemas presentes en la sociedad actual. La igualdad, no solo de la mujer, sino de las diferentes identidades de género, forma parte de las prioridades de la Unión Europea, así como de gran parte de los países desarrollados. En particular, en las áreas de ciencias, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas (STEM), la brecha de género es claramente visible tanto en el ámbito académico como en el profesional. En educación superior, de acuerdo con un estudio a nivel mundial, tan solo el 35% de todos los estudiantes matriculados en estudios STEM son mujeres. Existen un gran número de iniciativas que trabajan en reducir la brecha de género en diversos contextos, desde educación infantil y primaria, hasta el ámbito empresarial. El presente trabajo presenta un estudio piloto que permite validar el cuestionario GENCE definido en trabajos previos. Concretamente, se ha aplicado en el Grado de Ingeniería Informática de la Universidad de Salamanca con el fin de conocer la percepción de sus estudiantes en relación con la brecha de género tras aplicar un conjunto de acciones para fomentar la diversidad en el ámbito de la ingeniería

    Perspectiva de género y fomento de la diversidad en la docencia de Ingeniería del Software

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    La brecha de género en las ingenierías es un problema que afecta tanto al ámbito educativo como al profesional. Existen un gran número de proyectos e iniciativas que trabajan las vocaciones en entornos preuniversitarios, así como iniciativas que fomentan la presentación de la mujer y la mejora de su situación en los contextos profesionales de ingeniería. En el contexto universitario, los estudiantes deben recibir formación sobre igualdad. Sin embargo, faltan guías metodológicas prácticas sobre cómo introducir estos principios en las prácticas docentes y ejemplos de cómo llevar a cabo actividades educativas con perspectiva de género en las diferentes disciplinas universitarias. Aunque este tema debe ser abordado en todas las áreas del conocimiento, es especialmente necesario para los estudios de ingeniería debido a la brecha de género. El presente trabajo describe la incorporación de la perspectiva de género en el contexto de la Ingeniería Informática a través de una experiencia piloto a lo largo de tres cursos académicos en la asignatura de Ingeniería del Software. Los resultados de la experiencia proporcionan un conjunto de prácticas que pueden transferirse a otras asignaturas de Ingeniería Informática, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional.The gender gap in engineering is a problem that affects both the educational and the professional fields. There are a great number of projects and initiatives that work on vocations in pre-university environments, as well as initiatives that encourage the presentation of women and the improvement of their situation in professional engineering contexts. In the university context, university students should receive training on equality. However, there is a lack of practical methodological guides on how to introduce these principles into teaching practices and examples of how to carry out educational activities with a gender perspective in the different university disciplines. Although this topic must be addressed in all areas of knowledge, it is especially necessary for engineering studies because of the gender gap. This paper describes the incorporation of the gender perspective in the context of computer engineering through a pilot experience during three academic years in the subject of software engineering. The results of the experience provide a set of practices that can be transferred to other Computer Engineering subjects, both nationally and internationally.Este trabajo es parte de los proyectos de innovación y mejora docente ID2016/084 e ID2018/076 financiados por la Universidad de Salamanca. Con el apoyo del Programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea en su Acción Clave 2 “Desarrollo de capacidades en educación superior”. Proyecto W-STEM (Ref. 598923-EPP-1-2018-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHEJP)

    Short simulation activity to improve the competences in the Fluid-mechanical Engineering classroom using Solidworks ® Flow Simulation

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    7 p.In this paper, a short simulation activity based on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is raised in the context of the Mechanical Engineering Bachelor degree as an effective support to the theoretical lessons, in order to improve the competences of the Fluid-Mechanical course. The activity provides both visual and numerical information that the student must compare critically with respect the results obtained analytically, using the equations explained in the theoretical classroom. The activity is designed so that it can be integrated quickly (due to the shortage of times in the academic calendars). In this manner its total completion does not exceed four hours of simulation class. This is achieved by optimizing the resources, proposing meshing and simulation strategies that consume little computational time and using the package Solidworks® Flow Simulation, that takes advantage of the geometry parametrically modelled with the software itself to automatically establish the computational domain of the fluid for the based-on CFD analysis, saving excessive preparation times and long computational process.S

    Control charts based on MATLAB statistical and visualization tools as a compatible with e-learning methodology in the context of quality control

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    [EN] The advanced tools for statistical process control in the context of management and quality control are very important for students of technology degrees, even more so in the current industry 4.0 context and considering the new strategies and quality philosophies like Six Sigma. This work shows a learning activity compatible with e-learning methodology based on the use of Matlab® to improve the teaching-learning process for quality control based on the generation of different random datasets in matrix form so that they are processed by each student using different statistical and data visualization tools. Three different real situations are addressed based on the nature of the data: one case of a fully statistically controlled process, one case of a process with a violation in the variability, and finally, one case of a process with violation either in the centering and variability. A pilot study with a small group of students is addressed and subsequently the perception of the activity is evaluated using a questionnaire. The activity was perceived by the students as useful and scalableS