11 research outputs found

    E-services in e-business engineering

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    Service-oriented disassembly sequence planning for electrical and electronic equipment waste

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    Disassembly sequence planning plays an important role in the end-of-life treatment of electrical and electronic equipment waste (e-waste). Effective planning methods can improve recovery rates and reduce environmental impacts of e-waste. In previous work, neither mathematical models nor optimization algorithms offered a satisfactory solution for this multi-objective disassembly problem. We present a multi-objective model for the problem and a modified teaching-learning-based optimization (MTLBO) algorithm to find the Pareto-optimal frontier. We use numerical simulations to demonstrate and verify the effectiveness and robustness of the algorithm. To do effective disassembly planning, all the participants in the lifecycle of e-waste should work together. Disassembly and recovery of e-waste involve complex processes across the lifecycle. Information support services, disassembly modeling and optimization services must be integrated using computer networks. We also propose a service-oriented framework to support business integration for the participants in the e-waste lifecycle. Effective and optimized disassembly planning can be achieved by invoking the related distributed services. The proposed framework is a novel e-business application for the end-of-life treatment of e-waste

    Internet of services-based business model: a case study in the livestock industry

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    Purpose – Considering the relevance of innovative business models in the digitally transformed market andthe lack of clarity on the internet of services (IoS) contribution for a business model deployment in currentliterature, this study aims to fill this gap by evaluating a business model that converges to an IoS adoption ina direct sale of free-range eggs from farmers to consumers.Design/methodology/approach – From the bibliographical research regarding the IoS and businessmodel, the authors developed an IoS-based model framework. The framework has been evaluated in a realbusiness scenario by using a single case study through an interview with the entrepreneur and documentalanalysis.Findings – As the main result, a framework with the attributes can be considered a tool for an IoS-basedbusiness model deployment. The case study concluded that the business is aligned with the IoS adoption, andthe framework presents adherence to it.Research limitations/implications – The case study was limited to only one company owing to theIoS’s novelty and the lack of correlated business models. Although the case study limits to the agriculturefield, the proposed framework may be broadly applied.Originality/value – Considering that the lack of a comprehensive business model causes newbusinesses to face challenges, it is relevant bringing up the present case study of the IoS-based businessmodel, which correlates these two subjects, still poorly explored in the scientific literature: IoS andbusiness models

    E-business technology

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    In today's dynamic environment, where factors are changing rapidly and competition in the market is increasingly important, quality and information is much wilder and more unpredictable. Moreover, today's environment is overwhelmed by information, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to reach those who can improve their performance. Competitive analysis of e-shops in the food industry was carried out. There are many food websites in the online world, but only a small percentage of them can succeed. The paper focuses on the topic of e-commerce with a focus on building a quality e-shop. This article also aims to link e-commerce to e- commerce quality. The main focus of the thesis is research, research of literary and scientific sources. Competitive analysis was carried out in the e-shop with groceries. This information will be further used in my doctoral thesis, which deals with building a quality e-shop in the food industry. Using the research results, it will be possible to make recommendations to other Internet businesses, but the specific methodological model of website tool implementation will be suitable for e-shops. In companies, the importance of e-commerce in web quality is underestimated. This can lead to a drop in sales or a loss of competitiveness


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    Este artigo, fruto de colaboração internacional de programas de doutorado em Direito, Negócios e Computação, propõe situar o panorama atual do estudo de inteligência artificial (IA) aplicado ao Direito, em especial, na advocacia, fornecendo uma visão geral da profissão de advogado no Brasil e notas evolutivas da informação na prática jurídica, com ênfase nos recentes avanços tecnológicos em inteligência artificial, processamento de linguagem especificamente naturais (similar ao humano e com vantagens) e aprendizagem de máquina, com o fim de demonstrar como esses avanços podem ser usados para automatizar parte do trabalho de um advogado, inclusive na avaliação de riscos em demandas decisórias administrativas ou judiciais, consultivas ou contenciosas. Trata-se análise doutrinária com revisão bibliográfica referenciada que, após exemplificação prática e situando o atual estágio revolucionário dessas ferramentas, com esteio no método hipotético-dedutivo, conclui que o desenvolvimento de tais ferramentas melhorar a transparência, bem como a própria capacidade dos advogados em trabalhar com mais eficiência e proporcionar maior acesso à justiça e mais valor para os seus clientes

    Role of evolving Web Technologies in the discovery of Entrepreneurial Opportunities in technology-based organisations

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    Information and communication technologies are inspiring and enabling entrepreneurial endeavours yet our understanding of how entrepreneurial opportunities are discovered, especially influenced by the web technologies, is limited. The advent of web technologies (especially Web 2.0 and Web 3.0) has enabled the creation of internet giants such as Facebook and Twitter on one hand, while empowered the existing online businesses such as Amazon and eBay on the other. However, there is limited research that investigates the role of web technologies for entrepreneurial opportunities discovery (EOD). The findings of a systematic literature review reveal that prior EOD research has mostly investigated different factors such as prior knowledge, social capital and systematic search in isolation. Most of these studies did not investigate the role of technology in EOD indicating a dearth of research. The study used qualitative multiple case studies research methodology including semi-structured interviews, informal observations and archival review to collect data. The qualitative case study methodology was chosen because little was known about the phenomenon under investigation, and the purpose of the study was to develop a theory of entrepreneurial opportunity discovery in the context of web technologies. The research findings revealed several factors that influence entrepreneurial opportunity discovery in technology-based organisations and shed light on the enabling role of web technologies for EOD. The extensive data and information accumulated on the web can be exploited by companies to find entrepreneurial opportunities. The findings of present research can stimulate and encourage the use of web technologies for EOD, which has so far not been used to its full potential

    Role of evolving Web Technologies in the discovery of Entrepreneurial Opportunities in technology-based organisations

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    Information and communication technologies are inspiring and enabling entrepreneurial endeavours yet our understanding of how entrepreneurial opportunities are discovered, especially influenced by the web technologies, is limited. The advent of web technologies (especially Web 2.0 and Web 3.0) has enabled the creation of internet giants such as Facebook and Twitter on one hand, while empowered the existing online businesses such as Amazon and eBay on the other. However, there is limited research that investigates the role of web technologies for entrepreneurial opportunities discovery (EOD). The findings of a systematic literature review reveal that prior EOD research has mostly investigated different factors such as prior knowledge, social capital and systematic search in isolation. Most of these studies did not investigate the role of technology in EOD indicating a dearth of research. The study used qualitative multiple case studies research methodology including semi-structured interviews, informal observations and archival review to collect data. The qualitative case study methodology was chosen because little was known about the phenomenon under investigation, and the purpose of the study was to develop a theory of entrepreneurial opportunity discovery in the context of web technologies. The research findings revealed several factors that influence entrepreneurial opportunity discovery in technology-based organisations and shed light on the enabling role of web technologies for EOD. The extensive data and information accumulated on the web can be exploited by companies to find entrepreneurial opportunities. The findings of present research can stimulate and encourage the use of web technologies for EOD, which has so far not been used to its full potential

    Aplicación ITIL v.4 para la gestión de incidencias en el area de soporte en una empresa de Servicios, Lima 2023

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    La presente investigación titulada “Aplicación ITIL v.4 para la Gestión de Incidencias en el Área de Soporte en una Empresa de Servicios, Lima 2023” tuvo como objetivo general determinar la relación entre la Aplicación ITIL v.4 y la Gestión de Incidencias en el Área de Soporte en una Empresa de Servicios, Lima 2023. La investigación fue de tipo básica y un diseño no experimental transeccional descriptiva a un nivel correlacional. Para recolectar los datos, se trabajó con una muestra de 84 personas, se empleó el instrumento del cuestionario por ser de enfoque cuantitativo y con técnica de encuesta de 21 ítems medidos en la escala de Likert, validados por tres expertos en el área. El muestreo fue probabilístico simple. Además, el alfa de Cronbach general resultó 0.966, un coeficiente de nivel excelente. En conclusión, las variables aplicación ITIL v.4 y gestión de Incidencias, tienen correlación considerable conforme a los resultados alcanzados con un valor de significancia (bilateral al 1%) = 0,000 < 5% y el Rho Spearman de 0.832, siendo este un coeficiente de correlación positiva muy fuerte; por lo tanto, se infirió que al mejorar la aplicación ITIL v.4 se mejorará la gestión de Incidencias en la empresa

    O impacto da inteligência artificial no negócio eletrónico

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    Pela importância que a Inteligência Artificial exibe na atualidade, revela-se de grande interesse verificar até que ponto ela está a transformar o Negócio Eletrónico. Para esse efeito, delineou-se uma revisão sistemática com o objetivo de avaliar os impactos da proliferação destes instrumentos. A investigação empreendida pretendeu identificar artigos científicos que, através de pesquisas realizadas a Fontes de Dados Eletrónicas, pudessem responder às questões de investigação implementadas: a) que tipo de soluções, baseadas na Inteligência Artificial (IA), têm sido usadas para melhorar o Negócio Eletrónico (NE); b) em que domínios do NE a IA foi aplicada; c) qual a taxa de sucesso ou fracasso do projeto. Simultaneamente, tiveram de respeitar critérios de seleção, nomeadamente, estar escritos em inglês, encontrarem-se no intervalo temporal 2015/2021 e tratar-se de estudos empíricos, suportados em dados reais. Após uma avaliação de qualidade final, procedeu-se à extração dos dados pertinentes para a investigação, para formulários criados em MS Excel. Estes dados estiveram na base da análise quantitativa e qualitativa que evidenciaram as descobertas feitas e sobre os quais se procedeu, posteriormente, à sua discussão. A dissertação termina com as conclusão e discussão de trabalhos futuros.Due to the importance that Artificial Intelligence exhibits today, it is of great interest to see to what extent it is transforming the Electronic Business. To this end, a systematic review was designed to evaluate the impacts of the proliferation of these instruments. The research aimed to identify scientific articles that, through research carried out on Electronic Data Sources, could answer the research questions implemented: a) what kind of solutions, based on Artificial Intelligence, have been used to improve the Electronic Business; b) in which areas of the Electronic Business Artificial Intelligence has been applied; c) what the success rate or failure of the project is. At the same time, they must comply with selection criteria, to be written in English, to be found in the 2015/2021-time interval and to be empirical studies supported by actual data. After a final quality evaluation, the relevant data for the investigation were extracted for forms created in MS Excel. These data were the basis of the quantitative and qualitative analysis that evidenced the findings found and on which they were subsequently discussed. The dissertation ends with the conclusion and discussion of future works

    Експериментальна економіка та машинне навчання для прогнозування динаміки емерджентної економіки: матеріали вибраних робіт 8-ї Міжнародної конференції з моніторингу, моделювання та управління емерджентною економікою (M3E2 2019)

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    This volume represents the proceedings of the selected papers of the 8th International Conference on Monitoring, Modeling & Management of Emergent Economy (M3E2 2019), held in Odessa, Ukraine, on May 22-24, 2019. It comprises 38 papers dedicated to the experimental economics and machine learning that were carefully peer-reviewed and selected from 71 submissions.Цей том представляє вибрані матеріали 8-ої Міжнародної конференції "Моніторинг, моделювання та менеджмент емерджентної економіки" (M3E2 2019), що відбулася в Одесі, Україна, 22-24 травня 2019 року. Він містить 38 робіт, присвячених експериментальній економіці та машинному навчанню, які були ретельно прорецензовані та відібрані з 71 подання