17 research outputs found


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    Taman jajan Puspiptek adalah tempat berkumpulnya para pedagang roda yang menjual aneka makanan dan minuman secara kolektif. Banyak konsumen yang datang ke tempat ini untuk membeli makanan dan minuman yang mereka tawarkan. Selain makanan dan minuman, sebagian pedagang roda juga menawarkan jasa reparasi pakaian. Namun terdapat permasalahan ketika para pedagang roda tersebut menjual dagangannya. Berdasarkan hasil observasi dan diskusi dengan para pedagang roda tersebut, prioritas masalah yang dihadapi terkait dengan aspek keamanan dan aspek kesehatan. Pada aspek keamanan, para pedagang tersebut terancam dengan bahaya perampokan atau pencurian uang yang dilakukan kawanan preman. Kemudian pada aspek kesehatan, para pedagang tersebut terancam dengan kontaminasi bakteri akibat sering menyentuh uang kertas dan uang logam yang kotor. Program Kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat (PKM) ini bertujuan untuk membuat para pedagang di Taman Jajan Puspiptek mencapai beberapa target perlindungan diri dari bahaya perampokan dan bahaya kontaminasi penyakit. Pada target perlindungan diri dari bahaya perampokan dan bahaya kontaminasi penyakit, para pedagang roda diharapkan untuk tidak membawa uang dalam bentuk fisik baik itu uang kertas maupun uang logam saat berjualan di area Taman Jajan Puspiptek. Metode kegiatan pada PKM ini meliputi kerangka pemecahan masalah, realisasi pemecahan masalah, khalayak sasaran, tempat beserta waktu dan metode kegiatan lain yang meliputi rencana kegiatan, metode pendekatan (pelatihan, pendampingan, praktek) dan partisipasi mitra. Melalui program PKM ini, penyuluhan tentang dompet elektronik dilakukan dengan baik kepada para pedagang roda di Taman Jajan Puspiptek untuk melindungi mereka agar tidak menjadi korban perampokan dan tidak terkontaminasi bakteri penyakit. Kata Kunci: penyuluhan, aplikasi, dompet elektronik, pedagang rod


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    Pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman secara mendalam antara teori dan praktek mengenai konsep  tata Kelola pemerintahan desa melalui smart village.  Tema terkait tata Kelola pemerintahan dipilih, karena adanya peluang dari desa yang ada di Kabupaten Bandung untuk dapat mewujudkan tata Kelola pemerintahan desa dengan menggunakan konsep smart village government. Akan tetapi, sampai dengan saat ini belum seluruh desa di Kabupaten Bandung yang mewujudkan tata Kelola pemerintahan desa dengan konsep smart village government. Hal ini terjadi karena sebagian besar Kepala Desa yang ada di Kabupaten Bandung belum memahami tentang strategi mewujudkan tata Kelola pemerintahan yang baik, serta belum menyadari terkait posisi strategis dan kelebihan insfrastruktur yang dimiliki. Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilakukan dengan cara pemberian materi, ceramah, focus group discussion (FGD), dan evaluasi. Untuk mewujudkan berjalannya smart village secara optimal diperlukan kapasitas dari pemerintahan desa. Sumber daya manusia sangat berperan penting dalam terwujudnya smart village, tentunya didukung dengan sarana dan prasarana di desa. Dari hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini, bahwa pemerintah desa yang ada di Kabupaten Bandung sangat ingin menjadikan desanya smart, dengan harapan mampu untuk memajukan desanya menuju arah yang lebih baik. Untuk itu, aparatur pemerintah desa berharap pendidikan dan pelatihan terkait smart village diselenggarakan secara berkelanjutan

    Promotion Management Through A Merit System In The Education And Training Personnel Agency, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi Province

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    Job promotion is one of the activities of the State Civil Apparatus Management. It is implemented through a merit system to obtain employees with qualifications, competencies, and performance fairly and equitably to occupy a higher position. This study aimed to identify and analyze job promotion management through the merit system at the Education and Training Personnel Agency, commonly known as Badan Kepegawaian Pendidikan dan Pelatihan (BKPP) in Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi Province. A qualitative descriptive method was used to analyze promotion management with aspects such as (1) planning, (2) organizing, (3) implementation, and (4) supervision. The results showed that job promotion management through the merit system has been running well regarding organization and supervision, but there are obstacles in the planning and implementation aspects. Therefore, it is necessary to make a Regent's or Regional Regulation based on local considerations. There is also a need for consistency in public information disclosure in job promotions that use competency tests


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    This study looks at the extent to which government collaboration and public involvement in service delivery by the Jambi Provincial Government, in its course of governance continues to move in the service sector which can be directly accessed by the public, not only as recipients, but also as a source of services. To accelerate this process, the government is transformed into instant and practical with the concept of e-government, implementing governance with the principle of collaboration, utilizing technology, and information services produced can be accessed by anyone in an open / Open Government manner. However, this understanding of government has not been fully responded to in response both in the community and the government itself. By using a qualitative approach and descriptive method, the authors hope to obtain the empirical relationship behind the phenomenon by obtaining a profound, thorough, detailed and complete meaning. Therefore the use of a qualitative approach in this study is to match, compare, and look for the red thread between empirical reality and the prevailing theory. The findings in this study are the absence of a clear collaboration design and the low level of understanding among service providers in government regarding mechanisms, methods, and innovation processes that aim to be able to involve the public effectively, either as recipients or sources of services. This is due to the lack of commitment from leaders at the elite level, and organizational culture that is still static, not dynamic. And the availability of budget and supporting infrastructure that is still minimal. Then more effective collaboration is needed by being encouraged by improving regulations, structuring and improving the quality of human resources, and commitment to the provision of budgets and supporting infrastructure for electronic-based services. So if all these elements can be fulfilled, the implementation of a government based on open public engagement with open government design can be realized in Jambi Province


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    Electronic signatures are an innovation of the population acceleration program, aimed at making population documents more efficient without having to meet face-to-face. There are still damaged documents in the issuance of family cards and the limited number of employees who understand services through electronic signatures are problems. The purpose of the study was to determine the effectiveness of family card issuance services through electronic signatures, obstacles and efforts to overcome them. The method used is descriptive qualitative inductive approach. Data collection techniques were carried out by triangulation which included in-depth interviews (10 informants), observation and documentation. In this paper, an analysis of the effectiveness of family card issuance services through electronic signatures is carried out with the indicators studied, namely (1) Production or productivity, (2) Quality, (3) Efficiency, (4) Flexibility, and (5) Satisfaction. (Gibson and Steers in Sumaryadi (2005:107)).The results showed that the effectiveness of family card issuance services through electronic signatures had been implemented quite well, but still needed improvements in efficiency indicators. Barriers to the effectiveness of family card issuance services through electronic signatures, namely (1) Unstable Network Connections, (2) Lack of Human Resources, (3) Lack of supporting facilities. Efforts are being made to overcome obstacles, namely (1) repairing the server network that is experiencing disruptions, (2) Involving existing employees in training or technical guidance, (3) Adding supporting facilities. Suggestions from the research: (1) reform the system related to optimizing the central network as the organizer of the Electronic Signature policy, (2) increase the number of employees and (3) improve infrastructure facilities. Keywords: Electronic Signature, Effectiveness, Family Card

    An investigation of management systems for sustainable e-government

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    Sustainable e-government has become an important issue for countries wishing to sustain their e-services and promote integration with smart cities. Such new challenges require policy makers to move toward sustainable e-government and encourage organisations to engage with management systems that promote sustainability; these include systems for environmental sustainability (ISO14001) and social sustainability (ISO 26000). The literature related to sustainable e-government shows a lack of research into the acceptance and adoption of such management systems and their influence on e-government sustainability. A quantitative case study was conducted in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), which investigated the Saudi Ministry of Justice (MoJ), together with private software companies employed by the MoJ. The purpose of the study was to understand the current situation regarding standards that support sustainability in e-government and its affiliates in the private sector. Survey data was gathered from 83 e-government project employees from the public and private sectors; participants reported on their adoption of management systems designed to support sustainable egovernment. Social management systems were more highly ranked than other management systems, namely those related to environmental and economic administration. This raises concerns about the low level of awareness of green-ability (environmental considerations). While social management systems were more likely to be adopted, these four management systems, environmental, social, quality and economic, showed a strong positive interrelationship: when organisations agreed on the adoption of one form of system, they tended to respond positively to others. These results will be utilised to support future work in designing a framework for sustainable e-government

    Collaborative Governance in the Implementation of E-Government-Based Public Services Inclusion in Jambi Province, Indonesia

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    The Open Government Indonesia (OGI) action plan, provides a focus on strengthening public services and strengthening public information disclosure, as well as strengthening data governance, it can be facilitated by the presence of government base applications. The success in implementing e-government is the level of policy, fiscal support, and infrastructure. At the community level, although the implementation of e-government has opened up a large space for community participation in using civil rights through a variety of available channels, limited access is a major technical obstacle, supported by a lack of socialization, and application design that is not user-friendly. Initial findings explain that the collaborative process seems less-coordination, open government design has not been connected to the rules for implementing innovations in the regional government, the cause is the absence of commitment from regional heads and stakeholders, the gap between understanding and practical facts is still too wide


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    Based on the mandate of the State Civil Apparatus Law number 5 of 2014, one of the policies for filling up the State Civil ApparatusHigh Leadership Position is through open selection. The implementation of State Civil Apparatus’s open selection in 2016 at the Ministry of Administrative and Bureucratic Reform experienced twice the extension of open selection registration. There was a decrease in participants in the open selection in 2016 compared to the previous year. The results of the paper selection and interview selection have not been supplemented by the participants’ selection scores on each announcement letter issued by the Ministry of Administrative and Bureucratic Reform. This study aims to determine and analyze the management of the open selection of the state civil apparatus in the Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform. This type of research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. In this research, the analysis of the management of open selection State Civil Apparatuswas conducted with the aspects studied were planning, organizing, actuating and controlling. The results showed that the management of State Civil Apparatus’s open selection of the state civil apparatus in The Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform already performing quite well in the aspects of organizing and controlling, but in the aspects of planning and actuatingstill encountered obstacles

    An E-Government Implementation Model for Peruvian State Companies Based on COBIT 5.0: Definition and Goals of the Model

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    As part of the regulatory compliance process and the streamlining of public administration, the Peruvian government has implemented the National E-Government Plan in all state institutions with the aim of providing citizens with solid services based on the use of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT). As part of the regulations, the requisites to be met by public institutions have been submitted. However, the lack of an implementation model was detected, one that can serve as a guide to such institutions in order to materialize the organizational and technological structures needed, which allow them to provide the required digital services. This paper develops an implementation model of electronic government (e-government) for Peru’s state institutions, in compliance with current regulations based on a COBIT 5.0 framework. Furthermore, the paper introduces phase 1 of this model: business and IT goals, the goals cascade and the future model of processes

    Collaborative Governance in the Digital Transformation Age: A Systematic Literature Review with Bibliometric Mapping

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    Purpose: The article aims to provide an updated and comprehensive overview of academic research in the field of collaborative governance and digital transformation, with an emphasis on the emerging topic of collaborative digital transformation. Digital transformation is a recurrent theme in today’s society, fuelled by events such as the Covid-19 pandemic, global climate challenges, and other crises reshaping the world. As societies increasingly rely on digital platforms and online communication, the prime urge and necessity of the human race – i.e., to communicate and collaborate in tackling these challenges – puts collaborative governance in digital transformation high on the agenda of governments, the private sector, and citizens.Design/Methodology/Approach: To address this topic, we performed a bibliometric analysis using various analytical and visualisation tools to evaluate and visualise existing scientific bibliographic materials. The analysis covers 286 articles published in the Scopus and Web of Science databases over the past two decades in the area of collaborative governance and digital transformation, employing established and innovative bibliometric approaches. Graphical analyses are used to illustrate co-authorship, keywords co-occurrence, research topics evolution, and the network of influential researchers within collaborative governance and digital transformation.Findings: The results show that the relationship between collaborative governance and digital transformation is still limited and needs further study, considering that these two concepts have been emerging trends in public administration over the past two decades. In addition, the findings reveal a significant growth in research of these topics over time, although not specifically focused on collaborative digital transformation.Practical Implications: The article provides a summary of key aspects of collaborative governance and digital transformation research and helps lay the foundations for shaping the future of this evolving field of public administration. Thus, it helps researchers understand the development of collaborative digital transformation research over the past two decades, as collaborative digital transformation is a relatively new ïŹeld of research characterised by rapid growth and evolution.Originality/Value: The research contributes to the understanding of collaborative digital transformation as a distinct research area within the broader concepts of digital transformation and collaborative governance, which is still seeking its own identity in academic literature, and offers a definition of collaborative digital transformation (CDT)