323 research outputs found

    A stage-structured predator-prey si model with disease in the prey and impulsive effects

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    This paper aims to develop a high-dimensional SI model with stage structure for both the prey (pest) and the predator, and then to investigate the dynamics of it. The model can be used for the study of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) which is a combination of constant pulse releasing of animal enemies and diseased pests at two different fixed moments. Firstly, we use analytical techniques for impulsive delay differential equations to obtain the conditions for global attractivity of the ‘pest-free’ periodic solution and permanence of the population model. It shows that the conditions strongly depend on time delay, impulsive release of animal enemies and infective pests. Secondly, we present a pest management strategy in which the pest population is kept under the economic threshold level (ETL) when the pest population is permanent. Finally, numerical analysis is presented to illustrate our main conclusion

    Modelling of a seasonally perturbed competitive three species impulsive system

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    The population of biological species in the ecosystem is known sensitive to the periodic fluctuations of seasonal change, food resources and climatic conditions. Research in the ecological management discipline conventionally models the behavior of such dynamic systems through specific impulsive response functions, but the results of such research are applicable only when the environments conform exactly to the conditions as defined by the specific response functions that have been implemented for specific scenarios. This means that the application of previous work may be somewhat limited. Moreover, the intra and inter competitions among species have been seldom studied for modelling the prey-predator ecosystem. To fill in the gaps this paper models the delicate balance of two-prey and one-predator system by addressing three main areas of: â…°) instead of using the specific impulse response this work models the ecosystem through a more general response function; â…±) to include the effects due to the competition between species and â…²) the system is subjected to the influences of seasonal factors. The seasonal factor has been implemented here in terms of periodic functions to represent the growth rates of predators. The sufficient condition for the local and global asymptotic stability of the prey-free periodic solution and the permanence of the system have been subsequently obtained by using the Comparison techniques and the Floquet theorems. Finally, the correctness of developed theories is verified by numerical simulation, and the corresponding biological explanation is given.2017005,2017019: Shanxi Agricultural University of Science and Technology Innovation Fund Projects

    Analysis of an Impulsive One-Predator and Two-Prey System with Stage-Structure and Generalized Functional Response

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    An impulsive one-predator and two-prey system with stage-structure and generalized functional response is proposed and analyzed. By reasonable assumption and theoretical analysis, we obtain conditions for the existence and global attractivity of the predator-extinction periodic solution. Sufficient conditions for the permanence of this system are established via impulsive differential comparison theorem. Furthermore, abundant results of numerical simulations are given by choosing two different and concrete functional responses, which indicate that impulsive effects, stage-structure, and functional responses are vital to the dynamical properties of this system. Finally, the biological meanings of the main results and some control strategies are given

    Bifurcation Behavior Analysis in a Predator-Prey Model

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    The Dynamics of an Impulsive Predator-Prey System with Stage Structure and Holling Type III Functional Response

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    Based on the biological resource management of natural resources, a stage-structured predator-prey model with Holling type III functional response, birth pulse, and impulsive harvesting at different moments is proposed in this paper. By applying comparison theorem and some analysis techniques, the global attractivity of predator-extinction periodic solution and the permanence of this system are studied. At last, examples and numerical simulations are given to verify the validity of the main results

    Controllability of an eco-epidemiological system with disease transmission delay: A theoretical study

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    This paper deals with the qualitative analysis of a disease transmission delay induced prey preda-tor system in which disease spreads among the predator species only. The growth of the preda-tors’ susceptible and infected subpopulations is assumed as modified Leslie–Gower type. Suffi-cient conditions for the persistence, permanence, existence and stability of equilibrium points are obtained. Global asymptotic stability of the system is investigated around the coexisting equilib-rium using a geometric approach. The existence of Hopf bifurcation phenomenon is also exam-ined with respect to some important parameters of the system. The criterion for disease a trans-mission delay the induced Hopf bifurcation phenomenon is obtained and subsequently, we use a normal form method and the center manifold theorem to examine the nature of the Hopf bifurca-tion. It is clearly observed that competition among predators can drive the system to a stable from an unstable state. Also the infection and competition among predator population enhance the availability of prey for harvesting when their values are high. Finally, some numerical simu-lations are carried out to illustrate the analytical results

    Dynamic Behaviors of a Discrete Periodic Predator-Prey-Mutualist System

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    A nonautonomous discrete predator-prey-mutualist system is proposed and studied in this paper. Sufficient conditions which ensure the permanence and existence of a unique globally stable periodic solution are obtained. We also investigate the extinction property of the predator species; our results indicate that if the cooperative effect between the prey and mutualist species is large enough, then the predator species will be driven to extinction due to the lack of enough food. Two examples together with numerical simulations show the feasibility of the main results

    Dynamics of a Stage Structured Pest Control Model in a Polluted Environment with Pulse Pollution Input

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    By using pollution model and impulsive delay differential equation, we formulate a pest control model with stage structure for natural enemy in a polluted environment by introducing a constant periodic pollutant input and killing pest at different fixed moments and investigate the dynamics of such a system. We assume only that the natural enemies are affected by pollution, and we choose the method to kill the pest without harming natural enemies. Sufficient conditions for global attractivity of the natural enemy-extinction periodic solution and permanence of the system are obtained. Numerical simulations are presented to confirm our theoretical results

    Nonlinear Dynamic in an Ecological System with Impulsive Effect and Optimal Foraging

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    The population dynamics of a three-species ecological system with impulsive effect are investigated. Using the theories of impulsive equations and small-amplitude perturbation scales, the conditions for the system to be permanent when the number of predators released is less than some critical value can be obtained. Furthermore, because the predator in the system follows the predictions of optimal foraging theory, it follows that optimal foraging promotes species coexistence. In particular, the less beneficial prey can support the predator alone when the more beneficial prey goes extinct. Moreover, the influences of the impulsive effect and optimal foraging on inherent oscillations are studied using simulation, which reveals rich dynamic behaviors such as period-halving bifurcations, a chaotic band, a periodic window, and chaotic crises. In addition, the largest Lyapunov exponent and the power spectra of the strange attractor, which can help analyze the chaotic dynamic behavior of the model, are investigated. This information will be useful for studying the dynamic complexity of ecosystems
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