67 research outputs found

    Aspects of Assembly and Cascaded Aspects of Assembly: Logical and Temporal Properties

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    Highly dynamic computing environments, like ubiquitous and pervasive computing environments, require frequent adaptation of applications. This has to be done in a timely fashion, and the adaptation process must be as fast as possible and mastered. Moreover the adaptation process has to ensure a consistent result when finished whereas adaptations to be implemented cannot be anticipated at design time. In this paper we present our mechanism for self-adaptation based on the aspect oriented programming paradigm called Aspect of Assembly (AAs). Using AAs: (1) the adaptations process is fast and its duration is mastered; (2) adaptations' entities are independent of each other thanks to the weaver logical merging mechanism; and (3) the high variability of the software infrastructure can be managed using a mono or multi-cycle weaving approach.Comment: 14 pages, published in International Journal of Computer Science, Volume 8, issue 4, Jul 2011, ISSN 1694-081

    Reflective Designs — An Overview

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    AbstractWe render runtime system adaptations by design-level concepts such that running systems can be adapted and examined at a higher level of abstraction. The overall idea is to express design decisions as applications of design operators to be carried out at runtime. Design operators can implement design patterns for use at runtime. Applications of design operators are made explicit as design elements in the running system such that they can be traced, reconfigured, and made undone.Our approach enables Reflective Designs: on one side, design operators employ reflection to perform runtime adaptations; on the other side, design elements provide an additional reflection protocol to examine and configure performed adaptations. Our approach helps understanding the development and the maintenance of the class of software systems that cannot tolerate downtime or frequent shutdown-revise-startup cycles.We have accumulated a class library for programming with Reflective Designs in Squeak/Smalltalk. This library employs reflection and dynamic aspect-oriented programming. We have also implemented tool support for navigating in a system that is adapted continuously at runtime.Note: This extended abstract summarises our full paper [Hirschfeld, R. and R. LĂ€mmel, Reflective Designs, IEE Proceedings Software (2004), Special Issue on Reusable Software Libraries. To appear. Available at http://homepages.cwi.nl/~ralf/rd/]

    Two ways to Grid: the contribution of Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA) mechanisms to service-centric and resource-centric lifecycles

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    Service Oriented Architectures (SOAs) support service lifecycle tasks, including Development, Deployment, Discovery and Use. We observe that there are two disparate ways to use Grid SOAs such as the Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA) as exemplified in the Globus Toolkit (GT3/4). One is a traditional enterprise SOA use where end-user services are developed, deployed and resourced behind firewalls, for use by external consumers: a service-centric (or ‘first-order’) approach. The other supports end-user development, deployment, and resourcing of applications across organizations via the use of execution and resource management services: A Resource-centric (or ‘second-order’) approach. We analyze and compare the two approaches using a combination of empirical experiments and an architectural evaluation methodology (scenario, mechanism, and quality attributes) to reveal common and distinct strengths and weaknesses. The impact of potential improvements (which are likely to be manifested by GT4) is estimated, and opportunities for alternative architectures and technologies explored. We conclude by investigating if the two approaches can be converged or combined, and if they are compatible on shared resources

    Combining Ontology Alignment with Model Driven Engineering Techniques for Home Devices Interoperability

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    International audienceUbiquitous Systems are expected in the near future to have much more impact on our daily tasks thanks to advances in embedded systems, "Plug-n-Play" protocols and software architectures. Such protocols target home devices and enables automatic discovery and interaction among them. Consequently, smart applications are shaping the home into a smart one by orchestrating devices in an elegant manner. Currently, several protocols coexist in smart homes but interactions between devices cannot be put into action unless devices are supporting the same protocol. Furthermore, smart applications must know in advance names of services and devices to interact with them. However, such names are semantically equivalent but syntactically different needing translation mechanisms. In order to reduce human efforts for achieving interoperability, we introduce an approach combining ontology alignment techniques with those of Model Driven Engineering domain to reach a dynamic service adaptation

    A Conceptual Framework for Adapation

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    This paper presents a white-box conceptual framework for adaptation that promotes a neat separation of the adaptation logic from the application logic through a clear identification of control data and their role in the adaptation logic. The framework provides an original perspective from which we survey archetypal approaches to (self-)adaptation ranging from programming languages and paradigms, to computational models, to engineering solutions

    A Conceptual Framework for Adapation

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    We present a white-box conceptual framework for adaptation. We called it CODA, for COntrol Data Adaptation, since it is based on the notion of control data. CODA promotes a neat separation between application and adaptation logic through a clear identification of the set of data that is relevant for the latter. The framework provides an original perspective from which we survey a representative set of approaches to adaptation ranging from programming languages and paradigms, to computational models and architectural solutions

    Evaluating performance of web services in cloud computing environment with high availability

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    This paper presents an methodology for attaining high availability to the demands of the web clients. In order to improve in response time of web services during peak hours dynamic allocation of host nodes will be used in this research work. As web users are very demanding: they expect web services to be quickly accessible from the world 24*7. Fast response time leads to high availability of web services, while slow response time degrades the performance of web services. With the increasing trend of internet, it becomes a part of life. People use internet to help in their studies, business, shopping and many more things. To achieve this objective LAMP platform is used which are Linux, Apache, My SQL, and PHP. LAMP is used to increase the quality of product by using open source software. The proposed strategy will work as middle layer and provide highly availability to the web clients

    A Conceptual Framework for Adapation

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    This paper presents a white-box conceptual framework for adaptation that promotes a neat separation of the adaptation logic from the application logic through a clear identification of control data and their role in the adaptation logic. The framework provides an original perspective from which we survey archetypal approaches to (self-)adaptation ranging from programming languages and paradigms, to computational models, to engineering solutions
